deputied-blog · 9 years
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            ❛ sounds like a GREAT idea. hm .. does three hundred strike your fancy ? i could go higher if anything. ❜
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              ❛  three hundred ?  i dunno, y’know i might just have BETTER offers. you                  you might need to go higher. say, five hundred ? she comes with a leash,                  too. added bonus.  ❜
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deputied-blog · 9 years
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        ella was just about to enter the hotel when she heard his voice.         she hadn’t even known she lost it; the shock almost comes as         sharp as the relief when he presents her father’s old leather case         to her. but the fear of what could have happened doesn’t stop the         immediate gratitude that spills on instinct as she takes it back,         fingers closing tightly over the worn material. 
                           ❝ thank you , i don’t know what i would’ve done                                without it , it means – are you all right ?  ❞
                       she interrupts herself, seeing                        the state of him. 
                   ❝ do you need some water ? ❞
            Andy plants his feet in the concrete,    hands grasping knees and             chest HEAVING.    He shouldn’t be this out of shape. No, he’d             just assume it was the lead she’d had on him when they started.             What was this girl, a cheetah ? Jeez.
                         ❛  Who, me ? Yeah, yeah I’m good. Just ... out of                                            breath. Wow, is it hot out here or ... ?  ❜
           His hand waves dismissively & points to the hotel doors behind her.
                                                ❛  This your place ?  ❜
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deputied-blog · 9 years
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            ❛ yeah, WELL, my brothers were no walk in the park either. they happened to be quite the handful. can’t say i’m n o t jealous, though ; i’ve always WANTED a little sister. ❜
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      ❛  Oh yeah ?         You can have her, free of charge.             In fact, I’ll pay you to take her. Name your price.  ❜
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deputied-blog · 9 years
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“how do i do it? i’m still confused.”
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        ❛  Just get the hacky sack up in the crook of your              ankle and kick up. Just try to keep it off the ground.   ❜
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deputied-blog · 9 years
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             ❛  ‘tch, yeah. maybe with that attitude. so… what, you’re just gonna let this guy walk all over you? – & when he’s not even here? c’mon, man.  ❜
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          ❛  Guess I’m just not a revenge kind of guy.  And he                  isn’t walking all over me. Alright, maybe he is but                  I don’t think stooping to     his level is a good idea.                  That’s all I’m saying.
                                                  Fine, fine. What are you gonna do ?  ❜
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deputied-blog · 9 years
unbelievably stubborn.
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       ❛ You won’t have to give me CPR - see, watch this. ❜
    The blonde attempted to get her legs up in the air but only     ended up falling forward, hitting her leg on the floor.
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      ❛  Whoa, jeez !  ❜
    He’s quick to lurch forward and kneel, hands hovering but     not touching.        His gaze is attentive.       Concerned.
                                       ❛  You okay ?  ❜
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deputied-blog · 9 years
Be of good heart.
Vincent van Gogh, “Letter to Theo Van Gogh” January 1873  (via posyhawthxrne)
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deputied-blog · 9 years
screw bad boys/good girls, gimme a plot about a typical all-american dude, who plays football and has a pretty girlfriend and is going to a good college because he’s such a good quarterback and drives around a Rover because it’s safe and doesn’t really like doing drugs and rarely ever drinks and then bam! here comes the bad girl, who wears black clothes and red lipstick and stroll around school like she owns it and has broken half of the school’s population’s hearts at least twice and for some reason he’s intrigued by her and she takes some kind of interest towards him and then when he realizes he’s in love with her and he switched his safe Range Rover for an old Mustang and is smoking in the parking lot with a bad girl on his lap and punching his judgey friends and being suspended and he’s loving every part of it, because he’s free and he has her.
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deputied-blog · 9 years
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     ❛  Wow, never heard that one before.                                      It’s really original.  ❜
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deputied-blog · 9 years
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          —- —- ❝ i’d hate to burst your BUBBLE, but if you go   &   find a job from the jase’s, they’ll pay you about twenty dollars an HOUR if you walk their dog. ❞
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      ❛  Well, how long are      you walkin’ those dogs for ?             It only takes like twenty minutes, tops.        Unless             you’re waling them all the way to France and back.  ❜
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deputied-blog · 9 years
poor judgement.
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        ❛ Come on! Where’s your confidence in me? I can           totally do a handstand! I’m like the handstand master.  ❜
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       ❛  I’d really just rather not have to give               you CPR  when     you hit your head.  ❜
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deputied-blog · 9 years
Okay that virus that’s going around, is seriously fucking scary. I got the same thing on my computer about a week ago and I got rid of it, but it took a lot. This type of virus can control your browser, it can control your webcam, it can control all your files, and track you.
If you’ve seen the post already, do not click on the user if someone like this follows you. 
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 If you do on accident, you will be taken to an FBI site, which tells you you’ve viewed pornography and stuff. Looks a little like this…
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It asks you to pay a fine. ITS NOT REAL. DO NOT PAY IT. You won’t be able to leave the page, or close your browser. Your computer is probably infected now, and you need to remove it.
Click ctrl-alt-delete at the same time and open task manager. Shut down your browser. Uninstall it completely. 
Reset your computer to the last known date when you didn’t have the virus.  
Install and Run malawarebytes. It’s a free service, that get’s rid of all bugs in your computer. The download link is here. Most antivirus softwares can’t detect things like this, so your best bet is to just download it. Run a full scan to ensure your computer is clean.
Restart your computer, and you should be fine. 
The main thing here is to not panic. I did, and it just makes the situation worse than it really is.  
If you have seen a post about it, you’ll see that icon, and a URL with random letters. Please don’t risk it, you’ll have to work really hard to get it off your computer. Be careful, and DO NOT PANIC. Here is another tutorial on how to get rid of it, 
Any more questions? Feel free to ask me. I got this off two of our computers, so it’s possible. BE SAFE
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deputied-blog · 9 years
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                     “I TOLD you it was a small town. I mean – I may have purposely left out just HOW small, but –” 
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       ❛  No, no ! Sorry. I mean, yeah it’s pretty ... small, I guess. But              this is cool, definitely.   I’m just used to, uh ... SUBURBIA.               Y’know, picket fences, soccer moms and minivans. ❜
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deputied-blog · 9 years
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           writer. is it too soon to want a speed dating               au bc i want a speed dating au.
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deputied-blog · 9 years
mystery girl.
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         “—-Two—three? Three. I’m… fine. But I          haven’t eaten, so I should probably do that.”
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        ❛  Yeah, right.    Nice try, but I’m not buyin’ it. Come               on, let me get you a          sandwich or something.               You like bagels ? Kind of all I know how to make. 
                                                     What’s your name ?  ❜ 
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deputied-blog · 9 years
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“are y’sure? looks pretty difficult…”
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         ❛  Definitely. Piece of cake. Just give it a shot !  ❜
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deputied-blog · 9 years
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      ❝ I have to do it alone, okay? This is dangerous. ❞
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         ❛  That’s exactly why I should go with you. Come on,                 you’re not seriously going to  make me sit in the                 car, are you ?    I’m not a little kid.   I want to help.  ❜
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