depressofiasco · 1 year
Peng x Mortal! Reader Headcanons
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They/Them pronouns for Peng and reader.
Fluff! But Peng is also a lil toxic lol. I love this bird and I need more content for them so I'll probably be fixated on them for a bit.
Catching the romantic interest of this bird is basically a death wish. They don't even realize they like you at first because "romance isn't something they'd waste their time with."
Trying to have a regular conversation with Peng almost always leads to them becoming distracted by you in some way. Whether it be your smile or the way you hang onto their every word, it drives them crazy.
Of course, this is taken out on you via taunting, putting you down, pretty much convincing you you're meaningless because they can't distinguish butterflies from annoyance.
They'll vent to Yellowtusk about it because he's the only one they feel will listen to them without giving them a headache.
"I get so annoyed when they're around, yet I don’t want them leaving my sight... Like they'll run off and die if I'm not babysitting them. I don't get it..."
"It sounds like you enjoy someone's presence for once, brother."
"...Maybe you're not as wise as I thought."
Yellowtusk doesn't take offense because he knows Peng will be back to "complain" about you again. It both worries and amuses him.
If by some miracle you see through their prickly exterior and show interest in them, Peng will only get worse before they get better. However, they'll be more egotistical, (If that's possible) boasting instead of putting you down- as much.
Peng will flaunt to the point they're performing for you as they train, always making you attend the training sessions and claiming it was so you'll learn a thing or two. Wukong definitely helps with this, only because he wants an excuse to scrap with Peng, but he also heavily ships you two on the down low.
If you confess first, Peng will be shocked into silence for the first time in their life. You expect them to yell at you, say something like "I know," or even hit you.
You don't expect Peng to swiftly turn around and fly off without a word.
Sending you through a brick wall would have been less painful because they proceeded to ghost you for the next few days as they assessed their feelings for you.
They return days later after avoiding you. The closest thing to an apology you get is Peng gifting you your favorite snack.
"I have thought it over, and I've decided to humor," They gesture between the two of you, clearly out of their element. "... This."
Peng confessing first under normal circumstances is unlikely. Wukong would probably have to step in and start getting too close to you for Peng's liking. They don't even know why they care until your attention is consumed by the Monkey King.
Peng has to come to terms with the fact that not only do they want your attention, but they want you. Peng realizes just how easily you could slip from their grasp if you reject them or get swooned by another.
What do they do? Well, if demanding you be their spouse doesn't work, they'll try human courting methods like gifts or dates. Of course, they see that as a waste of time as well and contemplate just kidnapping you(which Yellowtusk advises against).
When you two officially get together, Peng hides the relationship from Azure, Macaque, and Wukong. Any public display of affection is strictly prohibited. Not because they were afraid of you being taken away, no, but because they felt weak for falling for a mortal.
This causes issues between you two, but it was to be expected. Peng isn't too affectionate in private either, at least not in a regular sense.
When Peng sees how much this hurts you, they do make an effort to show signs of love. Maybe they'll give you a backhanded compliment or run their talons over your scalp gently.
The longer you two are together, the more they open up to the idea of showing you they care for you instead of assuming you know. Eventually, they declare your relationship to the rest of the group(proudly).
Wukong is ECSTATIC - to Peng's dismay. Yellowtusk, Azure, and DBK are happy for you two. Macaque keeps his opinion to himself, even if it was obvious he was concerned for your well-being. It was Peng, after all.
Things do get better after that. You two have your disagreements, but Peng gets better at listening to you.
Most birds stick with their mate for life, that's not much different for Peng. Even if they aren't affectionate in the ways you crave sometimes, they protect you with their life.
Only they can belittle you and get away with it.
When they're tired, they'll fluff up next to you and take a power nap. No, you're not allowed to leave. You'll hear low chattering from their beak as they bask in your warmth. Mention it, and you'll be sent into the stratosphere.(And they'll whine while denying they do it.)
Will fly you places and pretend you're being a burden. In reality, they enjoy seeing you so easily impressed by their wings. Peng definitely shows off their wings every chance they get after that, whether it's to shield you from the weather or pull you closer.
Will eventually let you kiss their beak. The reaction is priceless as their feathers fluff up, and their pupils dilate ever so slightly.
Peng definitely purrs if you manage to get them that comfortable.
Doesn't directly say I love you. They don't want to admit someone made them soft enough to express it verbally. That, and they're not entirely sure how to be genuine sometimes. They learn a lot from you. If you give them words of affirmation, they'll return them—if not a little aggressively.
They'll rub against you affectionately to cover you in their scent and then carry you around.
You'll never go hungry with Peng as a partner. They bring you food before you realize you're hungry and somehow know what you're craving.
Still belittles you, but it's somehow in an endearing way.
No one can make them feel bad about being with you now. They present you at their side as their amazing partner. Anyone who has anything to say can meet an early death.
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