depressedthespiannerd · 24 hours
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depressedthespiannerd · 24 hours
yeah the social commentary and underlying themes were great but what really made me love NOPE was the chaotic lesbian, her quietly hilarious brother, the scrunkly little customer service worker they adopted, and the eldritch horror that followed them home like a stray cat
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depressedthespiannerd · 24 hours
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depressedthespiannerd · 24 hours
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OJ treating Angel like a horse.
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reading through the Nope (2022) trivia on imdb and this one got me good
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“Lucky …is he?“
NOPE (2022)
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nope textposts because i can't stop thinking about this movie
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"So, you ask me the name I’m known by, Cyclops? I will tell you. But you must give me a guest-gift as you’ve promised. Nobody–that’s my name."
— The Odyssey, Book 9, Homer
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leo’s 7k celebration!
NOPE (2022) dir. jordan peele ↳ requested by @bawnjourno​
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i was thinking about how a lot of horror stories set in one location get the “why don’t they just leave” criticism, but in real life it isn’t usually that simple. even really mild reasons characters might have for not leaving or for going back to the scary place can make total sense sometimes. and i thought about OJ’s “i got mouths to feed” thing, about taking care of the horses.
but then i was like “well OJ didn’t JUST care about the horses, it was also about not wanting Jean Jacket to win. but yeah he cares a lot about the horses, it makes sense. and he’s not the type to make big heroic speeches anyway, he’s not showy like that.”
and then i realized something cool about OJ as a character. OJ not being showy, not caring about spectacle, is what sets him apart from everybody else in the movie. others see the spectacle, he sees the people and animals caught up in it. in his first scene the others want to hurry and film, but he sees the horse is stressed; if they’d listened to him and backed off, it wouldn’t have kicked. he tried to save the motorcyclist who was just yelling at him to get the camera before being eaten. he’s the kind of person who wasn’t around on the Gordy set, who knew when to stop pushing and listen before something bad happened.
He was the only one who realized not to look in Jean Jacket’s eye. He didn’t give in and look up at the spectacle in the sky. He kept his eyes low, and because of that he saw the ones on the ground who were suffering and wanted to help. He SAW the horses, he cared for them and he risked his life to save Lucky. He SAW his sister when their dad broke a promise to her for fame and money.
Emerald was the one who got the “money shot” of Jean Jacket and defeated it. i think that was important and good for her to do. Defeating this thing that had caused her so much pain, that had killed her father, her friends and maybe her brother. And in doing so she captured proof of what she and her friends went through, made sure that suffering wasn’t all for nothing. OJ helped it happen, he was behind the scenes staring down Jean Jacket while she escaped. But Emerald was in the spotlight at the end. She won.
But with all this in mind, I think it’s really beautiful that the final shot of the movie, the REAL money shot, wasn’t Jean Jacket. It wasn’t anything all that weird or spectacular. On the contrary, it was deeply familiar.
It was OJ, on a horse.
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NOPE (2022) dir.Jordan Peele
Pops never looked up at me…but you did
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Nope (2022) directed by Jordan Peele
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NOPE (Jordan Peele) / Regarding the Pain of Others (Susan Sontag)
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what’s a bad miracle?
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Not really religious, but here's my favorite representation of Jesus in media:
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This is from the movie 'O Auto da Compadecida', 2000, based off a few books by Brazilian author Ariano Suassuna, including one by the same name of the movie.
It's a very Brazillian story, and I think the name of it in English is 'A Dog's Will'? I don't really know.
Either way, very worth the watch, as well as the book is worth the read. One of the very rare occasions that I agree with the online reviews.
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*This* is who I choose to imagine as Jesus. He just feels right. Real. Human, as much as he can be. And I know it can be just a preference (or not, I don't keep up with the religious discourse over Jesus's image) but to me, this is the best representation of who he is.
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Also, look at the absolute icon that was the Devil in that movie. Absolutely marvelous.
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