Graceful Twists
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Indie OC RP Blog for AHS: Freak Show. Mun & muse are 21+ (will only rp with partners 18+). Tracking deocrumtorquent.
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deocrumtorquent · 2 years ago
She loves lazy afternoons like this one, where they had nothing to do and could just be with one another. The way the hammock rocked back and forth, it had lulled her to sleep before she even knew it. A comfortable slumber that she now had often thanks to having him with her. She felt like her life really became something wonderful after the two came together again and admitted all of their true feelings. Now they were living in their own house in the London countryside, a home that he had made feel like the one she had in France. And they were going to be together forever.
A soft noise leaves the sleeping blonde, Amelia feeling a gentle touch even in her deep sleep. Her face contorts at the sensation of slight stimulation between her legs and soon enough her hazel eyes flutter open. It takes her a moment to truly realize what was going on and she sees her Godric right there beside her, his hands on her body. “Mmm Finian,” she breathes out, a soft smile on her face.
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@deocrumtorquent​ asked: one muse has been napping in a hammock and the other wakes them by beginning to finger them.  (For Godric and Amelia)
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❈ — He sat beside Amelia’s sleeping frame in the hammock, slowly rocking due to the light autumn breeze, and glanced her over. She looked so peaceful, so beautiful. Godric’s heart swelled with pride knowing she was all his after so many years of yearning for her. But as his eyes trailed her sleeping form, they landed on her parted legs with her skirt ridden up her thighs just slightly. Fingertips gently smoothed along her creamy skin, up the inside of her thigh and back down again, tempted to travel further but didn’t want to wake her. Not yet, at least…
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deocrumtorquent · 2 years ago
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“You phrase it as if we’re ancient,” Amelia muses with a slight laugh. “But yes, I remember.”
@deocrumtorquent liked for a starter
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"Do you remember we used to do that in school?" Trevor asks, a hint of a smile on his face.
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deocrumtorquent · 2 years ago
— “Even the most graceful swan has its moments, darling.” Godric reassured Amelia as he placed delicate kisses to her shoulder soothingly. Seeing her in this much physical distress terrified him and he had to think fast on how to aide her.
“Let me see, I’ve got murtlap essence for your cuts. That will help heal them, but what seems to be the issue with your back?” A large hand rested gently where her own was and lightly rubbed it. “Is this where most of the trauma is? How bad is it? Should I be calling for medical assistance? and don’t you dare lie to me, Amy. I will not stand for it.”
Amelia gives a slight nod, knowing that was true. His kisses helped calm her for a moment, like always, and she tried to focus on that. “Luckily people were around and a man came and helped me up.. he was very nice,” she murmurs softly.
“My back is... just my back,” she mutters with a sigh. “You know how it gets sometimes. The fall made it start to act up again.” It was something that she had learned to live with at this point. She tries not to wince when he rubs at it and she leans in to rest her forehead against his arm for a brief moment. A shaky breath is taken. “Perhaps it would be smart to call for the doctor.” She could see that he wasn’t going to believe her if she attempted to deny that nothing was really wrong. 
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deocrumtorquent · 2 years ago
— “Amy, what happened to you?” He rushed over to Amelia with concern riddling his features. A large hand when to her face and lifted it just slightly to take a look at the cut and slight bruising forming. He feared someone attacked her after her performance, and after the stalker she had not too long ago, Godric’s concern for her safety grew.
“I think we should get you into bed. Let me help you.” Very gingerly, he picked her up and slowly walked with her to their bedroom where he sat her on the mattress and began undressing her carefully. That’s when he noticed the scrapes on her side and his heart dropped. “Oh, my dove…”
She doesn’t try to pull away when he comes to her and looks over her face. She knew that it all looked pretty bad, but she didn’t want him to worry. “Somebody nudged into me when I was signing autographs and I feel down some stairs... It was an accident.” At least, that was what she chose to believe. She didn’t want to think about the man that had been stalking her. Things had settled down and she figured he just gave up at this point.
There is no protest as he picks her up and once she’s set on the bed, she still stays partially hunched over, her back killing her. Her eyes close, feeling him begin to undress her. “It was more humiliating than anything, mon cher,” she tries to reassure him, hating when he worried about her. She always felt guilty and like she was making a fuss. Her gaze falls to the floor for a moment. “I’m supposed to be graceful and I couldn’t even get my footing... Comment est-ce drôle?” The attempt at a laugh catches in her throat and she reaches behind her to hold onto her back.
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deocrumtorquent · 2 years ago
Amelia had gotten through her evening’s performance without any issues, the crowd was lovely and she got called back for an encore. The problem arose when she was leaving and some fans got a little too rowdy, somebody tripping her. Which, she could have normally caught herself, if she hadn’t of been walking down some stairs. So now she was bent over, trying to get the back spasms to go away, with the left side of her body scraped up.
“Oh... hello, Finian,” she greets softly, managing a small smile, though she winced form the cut on her lip. 
— “Dove?” Godric had entered their home after his evening run and noticed his fiancé was finally back after a gig. But she hadn’t replied, and curiously the wizard went through the house calling for her. It wasn’t until he found her in the bathroom that he stopped short and froze.
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deocrumtorquent · 3 years ago
Orion felt a small smile curving his lips as he approached her. He gently cradled the hand clasping her cross in his before she could pull away. His gaze was so tender as he regarded her. 
“I have no doubt that I can fix this. It is very dainty and beautiful, but I promise to treat it with care and tenderness.” He murmured, giving her hand a gentle squeeze before he took the necklace and pulled back. He ached to hold her and kiss her. “Is there a timeframe you would like this done? Perhaps the day your husband leaves for his small trip to the neighbouring colony?” 
Amelia did her best to steady her heartbeat when he came to her. But it was no use once his hand was around her own, his touch igniting that familiar flame once again. 
“I have faith in you. I know that it is in good hands,” she agrees with a smile. She missed his touch as soon as he took it away and she wondered how it was possible that he had gotten under her skin so suddenly. She just wanted him, to feel his touch and love. Listening to him, it’s easy to understand what he was saying and she gives a slight nod. “That would be much appreciated. That evening would be wonderful.” 
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deocrumtorquent · 3 years ago
“I thought you liked it when we nibbled, a little at least.” Ubbe couldn’t resist teasing. “Ahh, shall you assign us all colours. To help you distinguish us from one another. And here I thought we each looked unique enough.” He enjoyed when she laughed, pleased that she found not just their lives bound together as satisfying but also full of joy.
“Then a few spools you shall have.” He acknowledged with a nod. Her warning had him chuckling and he, in a fit of good manners, lifted his hand slightly so it rested more respectably at her waist. “If you insist,” he whispered, “But you know well enough to know that I dream of misbehaving, hmmm?” 
Looking around, he spotted another stand, selling merry buttons and fripperies of assorted colours. “Shall we go there next and determine how many other ways we might indulge any whims you may have?”
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The teasing remark causes her pale cheeks to flush ever so slightly under the sunlight and she looks at him for a brief moment. “A nibble or two is fine,” she murmurs, her cheeks feeling warm at his bold teasing. He never seemed to shy away from affection or hiding his desire for her. None of her husbands did, which had been a bit overwhelming at first, but now she had grown cute accustomed. “You all are very unique. I could tell you apart even with my eyes closed.” She was sure of that.
Leaning up on her tip toes, she presses a kiss to his cheek. “But if you behave now, then you can misbehave even more once we are back home,” she whispers with a grin. Her eyes follow where his gaze had landed and she quickly nods. “Yes please,” she giggles. 
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deocrumtorquent · 3 years ago
Orion was working, of course, as he always did. He didn’t notice her until he set down his hammer and raised his gaze. When he saw her, his expression immediately brightened.
He had been dreaming of her, she had constantly been on his mind. But in case anyone was nearby or would come in, he put on a professional act.
“Hello, ma'am. What can I do for you?” He straightened as he walked over to her.
The moment Amelia’s eyes land on Orion she feels a sense of calm, a peace that she hadn’t experienced in so long. She tries to contain her smile, knowing that they had to be careful. Prying eyes and perked ears were always around just waiting for the latest scandal that could be hared amongst everyone.
“Hell, monsieur Orion,” she greets before going into her basket. “I was putting on my cross this morning and the clasp broke,” she explains, taking out the dainty necklace to show him. “I was wondering if you could fix it.” Perhaps she had done it on purpose just so she would have a real excuse for why she would be at the blacksmith’s that afternoon, but she needed a reason.
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deocrumtorquent · 3 years ago
Amelia had the day off from rehearsals so she had decided to spend it putting together a special meal for Godric for when he came home. Surprises were some of her favorite things to do for him, always excited to see that glint in his brilliant blue eyes and that dazzling smile come across his face. The one that felt like it was only meant for her. She moves around the kitchen with an expert grace, blonde hair pulled up in a messy bun and her apron covered in flour. Her record player was playing one of her favorites and she hummed along, the music loud enough to drown out anything else outside of the kitchen.
His voice catches her off guard and she quickly turns, hand resting over her racing heart. "Mon dieu! You scared me.... I didn't hear you come in," she breathes out, laughing a bit at her skittishness. But then she sees his exhausted expression and not so put together appearance, and she's instantly worried. Wiping her hands on a dish rag, she makes her way to him. "Finian, what is it?" She gently questions, hands moving to cup his face. She trace's the apples of his cheeks with her thumbs, trying to comfort him. "Hard day?"
@deocrumtorquent​ hit the <3 for a starter!
❈ — “Dove? I’m home.” The Auror toes his shoes off and begins removing his tie as he walks through the house, looking for his fiancée. He sighs heavily as the weight of the long day has overtaken him; he needs to hold Amelia and feel the comfort of her touch to get him back to a better headspace. He misses her, needs her even. She is what grounds him whenever his job gets a bit too hard for him, or anything, for that matter.
Finding her finally, he’s rolled up his sleeves with his tie hanging undone around his neck. Curls a bit disheveled from how many times he’s run his fingers through them while going through files, and a tired gaze that lands on Amelia. “Little dove, let me hold you?” 
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deocrumtorquent · 3 years ago
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deocrumtorquent · 3 years ago
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deocrumtorquent · 3 years ago
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deocrumtorquent · 3 years ago
He nearly melted at the soft kiss she planted on his lips. He wanted to gather her close, to take her away. He didn’t care what he’d be labeled as, he just wanted her forever. He had fallen so desperately in love with her.
But he also respected her. So after they parted, he gave her a gentle hug and a kiss on the forehead.
“I must be going. Please, do not hesitate to come to my shop. Or to request I come here.” He murmured softly to her, before finally pulling away.
It was after Amelia returned inside that Joseph appeared. He praised Orion for his work, paid him, and sent the man on his way. Completely unaware of what happened between the blacksmith and his own wife.
She wondered what it would be like if she could run off with him, start a new and better life. Somewhere that nobody would know who they were and where they could just be together. 
It hurt to part ways with him, but she knew that they couldn’t risk bein caught. They both would suffer from that. She heads back inside and has to act as if nothing had happened when Joseph returns and they go about their day as normal.
The next day, Amelia is walking through town, doing her best not to seem suspicious as she ran her usual errands. She made her way to Orion’s shop after stopping at a few others, hoping nobody spotted her. She slips inside and looks around.
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deocrumtorquent · 3 years ago
“You are an angel, a beautiful being who should be cherished and worshipped.” Orion took her hand and gently kissed her fingers. She had such small, soft hands, it made him furious to think of them touching that pastor. But he hid his anger well. He leaned close so that they were nose to nose.
“I am a blacksmith. You can order things, things may be broken around this old home of yours. I can build things as well as forge.” He murmured, smiling. He had been known to have built a few houses in the village. He was a popular man with the townsfolk.
Amelia felt on the verge of tears by his sweet description of her, words that she had never heard uttered by her husband, and she realizes that this was what it was supposed to be like. To have somebody so enamored with her and willing to show her the love that she desperately craved. this man that she had none for so little time cared for her, more than Joseph ever had. 
Staring into his eyes, she smiles ever so softly, just taking in his presence for as long as she can in that moment because she knew it would be coming to an end for the time being. She nods in understanding at what he was telling her and she was already thinking of reasons why she could stop by his shop. “I will miss you until then,” she murmurs, pressing a kiss to his lips and lingering there. “I must get back inside before he returns.”
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deocrumtorquent · 3 years ago
“Clever girl.” Ubbe teased. “Although now he will growl at you.” He teased lightly. He followed her gaze to the bright fabric. “It would look beautiful on you. I look forward to seeing how it would look on you.” He glanced at the merchant. “Give her the lengths she requires for a gown.” He instructed. 
“Now some for your men perhaps? The blue might look fine enough?” He gestured toward a handsome dark navy bolt of fabric. “Do you need any other supplies? Thread perhaps?” He offered, quietly, savouring this time where it was just the two of them. Sharing came easier to him than his brothers but he still enjoyed it when her focus was on him entirely. 
He trailed his hand down her slender back before coming to a stop above the curve of her ass, managing to refrain from any behaviour that might be inappropriate. 
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“I can handle a growl.. it is the bite I am more concerned with,” she jokes with a slight smile. She thanks the merchant as he goes to cut the fabric for her that she would need. Her husbands were very kind in that regard, making sure she had everything she could ever need or want. Her eyes look over the fabric he suggested and she nods in approval. “It would look very nice on all three of you. Though I do question if you would like to all stand out amongst one another,” she laughs before asking the merchant to cut that as well. 
Ubbe was the more calm amongst his brothers and she always enjoyed her private time with him. Just like she enjoyed having private time with each of her husbands. They were all different, but she felt their love fully. “A few spools would be nice.” His hand smoothing down her back causes her to tear her gaze from the cart and glance up at him. “Behave yourself,” she playfully warns, leaning into his side a bit and staying close. 
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deocrumtorquent · 3 years ago
— Godric knew something wasn’t right. He knew Amelia better than she thought, knew when she was telling the truth or lying…which was practically never. But this time, Godric could see she was outright lying. He didn’t push the subject at the moment, though. Instead, he the wizard went straight to work going to the sink in the bathroom and dampening a cloth to clean out her wounds. He was gentle, worried he’d hurt her more despite her little white lie stating it didn’t hurt at all. Godric kept quiet as thoughts ran rampant in his brain, wondering what really happened to his little dove.
Once it was cleaned up enough to his liking, he took out ointment from the first aid kit nearby and lightly covered the wounds with it. After a few moments, blue orbs glanced up at Amelia as he sighed. “You do realize I know you’re lying…right? Have you forgotten that not only have I known you since we were children, but I am an Auror. I do investigative work for a living. I literally can read you like an open book.” Ointment applied, Godric placed his hand on her cheek and lightly stroked her soft skin. “Please, my love…be honest with me and tell me what really happened…?”
Amelia prided herself in never keeping secrets from Godric. The biggest lie had been her feelings for him, but that wasn’t something that could be seen as a betrayal. That was more her just not wanting to ruin what they had by admitting things. She stays still and patient as he cleans it for her, keeping her gaze directed at the floor while she thinks over things. She’s only brought out of it when he speaks up, stating the obvious. Of course he would know. “That sharp intelligence of yours strikes again,” she murmurs with a sigh, finally looking at him once more. She didn’t want to tell him because she knew he would worry and she would hate to be the cause of that. She didn’t like him having to worry about her if she could help it.
His gentle touch coaxed a soft hum of acknowledgment that she knew she had no other choice but to tell him. “I got a little spooked leaving the theater today. I felt like someone was watching me. I really did fall though, but it was because I was trying to hurry up and leave. I was scared,” she starts to tell him. “I’ve been getting random notes and flowers, little gifts, sent to my dressing room and I thought they were just innocent gestures from a fan... but they’ve started to become concerning.” Hazel orbs glance up at him and she places her hand over the one he had on her cheek. “I didn’t want to worry you. My manager said he would have it handled.”
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deocrumtorquent · 3 years ago
“It was easy. I think you had my heart from the very moment we spoke,” she softly confesses, feeling relaxed as he held her in his strong arms. “I never noticed how flustered you got because I was worried about making a fool of myself in front of you.” It still was ridiculous how the two of them hadn’t realized how the other felt for over a decade. Just completely blind to the fact that they were madly in love with each other, despite the fact that everybody else could see it clear as day. “All I could think about that night was how I couldn’t imagine my life without you in it in someway.” She always felt the safest when she was with him and there was never any other place she’d rather be.
The kisses cause her to hum, a happy smile on her face. “I wouldn’t have it any other way either.” Eyes open and she giggles a little. “This isn’t you trying to break some horrible news, is it?” What comes next is something she was expecting. She’s in complete shock when she sees the ring presented to her and words can’t even be formed at first. “Finian,” she breathes out, happy tears glistening in her hazel orbs. She turns herself in his arms and takes a gentle hold of his face, the blonde grinning even as she starts to cry from sheer joy. “Yes.. yes, of course!”
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@deocrumtorquent​ | continued
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❈ — A chuckle rumbles through his chest at the memory. “If I remember correctly, I was a bumbling idiot that couldn’t form coherent sentences around you for the life of me. So how you fell in love with me even more after that, I haven’t the slightest clue as to how.” It was true, he could distinctly remember blushing 95% of the trip and barely able to speak properly when she was near him. “And then sharing the bed together? How my heart didn’t beat out of my chest from being so nervous, I’ll never understand it.” 
Arms held her tighter as he pressed lazy kisses to her skin. He inhaled deeply, her scent always so comforting to him and reminding him of home. “But look where it all led us. To this moment, and I would never want it any other way. Well, almost. There is something I’d like to change…” Reaching behind him, he took out a blue velvet box and brought it in front of them, still keeping his arms around her. Opening it, Godric revealed a beautiful, dainty diamond ring inside. “Your last name, for starters…” 
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