demxndean Ā· 3 years
Hereā€™s Whatā€™s Happening In Cuba
This is a basic summary of yesterdayā€™s events. It is important that word of whatā€™s going on gets out and spreads because the Cuban government is tying to silence and isolate Cuba from the rest of the world. I am begging you to read and reblog this.
Yesterday, Cubans took to the streets and started to protest against the government, the Castro regime, and the current president, Miguel Diaz-Canel. Do not be fooled by the word president, Canel was notĀ elected by the people, he was placed into power by people who were already in power. Cuba isnā€™t a democracy, itā€™s a dictatorship.
The protests started in San Antonio, and they spread to every province in Cuba. People, all kinds of people, were out there in the streets protesting against the dictatorship all day. They faced off against police officers and the military, these protestors were unarmed. These unarmed protestors were beaten and arrested right there in the street, and shots are heard to have been fired. There are videos of Cuban protestors being shot at by the police, and these are the kind of videos that the government doesnā€™t want you to see. A child was killed. As of right now, I know of a 13 year old child who was out there protesting, and the police murdered him right there. They donā€™t care who they have to hurt, they just want Cuba to be silenced. Younger children have probably also died at the hands of the police yesterday, and I wouldnā€™t know about it. They say that thereā€™s a massacre happening over there right now, but I donā€™t know the exact number of people whoā€™ve died.
Protestors have thrown rocks at the police, theyā€™ve overturned police cars and dumped garbage cans on top of them. Protestors are out there, filming everything to try and get the word out, outsiders need to see whatā€™s happening. These same people are having their phones ripped out of their hands, these same people are being dragged away by the police and being beaten and arrested right there.
Any Cuban person with any sort of influence, mainly Cuban singers, who have been seen supporting the protests have been arrested in an attempt to have the protests die out.
5 people that I know of where killed by the police in Santiago de Cuba.
Later into the night, the government shut down electricity everywhere in Cuba and most access has been cut off in an attempt to silence them from speaking out about this. As far as I know, the people continued to protest late into the night anyways.
These protests are important because Cubans have spent 62 years without nothing. Thereā€™s barely any food on the table, not enough to feed one person, much less a family. The people have been starving for 62 years. There arenā€™t any clothes, not nice clothes anyways, most people have been using the same clothes over and over for the last however many years because they simply can not afford to buy new clothes. Thereā€™s barely any electricity or internet access everywhere, and those who do have those privileges are now being silenced by the government. There isnā€™t even any medicine! So many Cubans have died because ofĀ Ā medical incompetency, they died because thereā€™s no medicine. My auntā€™s mother died this year because there was no medicine, because Cuban doctors didnā€™t have the proper tools to actually help her. Covid has been mismanaged terribly in Cuba, 6,000 cases daily, and those are the numbers that we know of, who knows how many it actually is. My aunt died in the hospital because of this. And nobody in Cuba knows much of the outside world because Cubans donā€™t have access to the outside world. The government controls everything in Cuba, from the press to the internet service. The only things that you can see there are the things that government wants you to see. You have no freedom of speech there. If you so much as dare to say anything bad about that government, you willĀ be thrown in jail. They torture you in that jail. You have no freedom in Cuba. These protests are important because Cubans deserve justice. These protests are important because Cubans deserve freedom.
The world needs to see whatā€™s happening in Cuba, do not turn a blind eye. You want to help us? This is how. Stay informed and spread information, the government wants to silence Cuba, the government doesnā€™t want the world to see this, so we will make the world see this. Please, stay informed.
There are the hashtags #soscuba and #cubapalacalle that you can use to spread information and stay informed. On my blog, you can use the hashtags #patria y vida and #cuba protests to see more of my posts on this. Please, spread the word in whatever way you can and do not let Cuba be silenced.
Mutals, SB this please. Iā€™m begging you.
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