demonsanddoors · 4 years
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The official english translation will launch in december or at the beginning of next year!!!😄😄😄💃🎉🎊 really hope that it will launch on lezhin or tapas since I'm already signed up there😬
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demonsanddoors · 4 years
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Remember when Cain said he wasn't an angel but would take Gyeong Joon to heaven?
Well here is a chibi Cain edit with angels😂😂👼☁️☁️
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demonsanddoors · 4 years
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Character synopsis: Aaron
35 000 years old
Have lived on earth for 500 years since his last door died
A demon doctor👨‍⚕️🏥
Tricks demons who wants to kill him with clones👥
Has no social life, mostly talks to his clones
Can only be found if he wants to be found
Have survived on earth by absorbing tiny amounts of "mana"
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demonsanddoors · 4 years
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Character synopsis: Cain
50 000 years old
Ruler of the western lands in hell👑
Scary when he wants to be😈
Hates Satan bcuz he put a bullet in his heart
Watches p*rn when Gyeong Joon isn't around😎
Has a soft, sweet and nurturing side
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demonsanddoors · 4 years
Chibi Sid is so cuuutee💕💕
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demonsanddoors · 4 years
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demonsanddoors · 4 years
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demonsanddoors · 4 years
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Why are her hands so big when she is so tiny?? Her hands are bigger than Cains😂😂
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demonsanddoors · 4 years
💕💗Do demons fall in love??💗💕
Throughout the chapters it's clear that Cain slowly falls in love with Gyeong Joon, and Sid seems to have grown fond of Jin Yeong too....but why does both Cain and Sid have difficulty understanding their own emotions?
Sid seems to be in denial about his feelings and Cain thinks falling in love is a evil spell Gyeong Joon put on him to mess with him. This suggests that neither Cain or Sid have ever had a crush, loved another demon romantically or been in a relationship...even though both of them probably are about 50 000 years old😮
They both probably have had s*x before, but feelings? Probably a nope. This means that although demons can fall in love- they rarely do and culturally- relationships and romance is not seen as something common and normal in the demon world. Cain doesnt even seem to be aware of the words boyfriend or lover, he just call Gyeong Joon his door😂😂
Could it be because of the nature of demons? Demons seem to have no problem building friendships, Cain trusts Sid and considers him a friend, same thing with Mochi- Cain is nurturing and kind towards him/her (I'm not gonna assume Mochi's gender😂). Aaron and Gale also seems to trust each other and be friends.
But then...why is romance and intimate relationships so rare in the demon world?
Cain is quick to threaten Sid with murder when he suspects betrayal and Sid even despises Cain for not ripping of his head at that moment. This shows that demons expect violence and backstabbing from each, and would rather kill/beat each other to solve problems than solve problems by talking or by putting bad demons in jail/punish.
....But if you observe how demons treat each other outside of friendships, their behaviour is quite hostile and threatening.
Demons also seem to view each other as expendable, they consume demons with the same amount of power without a second thought, this might make very close relationships between two demons difficult since romantic relationships require trust- if you are afraid of being eaten you are not going to let your guards down around a demon with the same amount of power as you. Might explain why Cain threatens Sid with murder but not Mochi😂😂
Cain also have no problem killing of random demons when he is angry, merely because he is in the mood and want to let out some steam. This shows that he lacks consideration for other demons and doesnt care about their lives. And the same type of behaviour is seen with Sid, Gale and Aaron- they threaten Gyeong Joon when they meet him, instead of just saying that they are demons and mean no harm😒😒
(Ch 21)
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(Ch 17)
(Ch 17)
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In conclusion: demons are savage animals and backstabbing ho*s😂😂
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demonsanddoors · 4 years
Gyeong Joon's glowing eyes:
In chapter 27 Gyeong Joons eyes start to glow and looks much bluer than in previous chapter. It's almost like his eyes gets glowier the more time he spends with Cain, now- why would his eyes glow if he was just a regular door/human??
If you compare Gyeong Joon to his friend Jin Yeong- his eyes dont glow even if he just like Gyeong Joon have s*x with his demon (Sid). And why is that? What makes them different from each other even though both are humans?
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When Gyeong Joon first met Cain he didnt have glowing blue eyes, he had grey eyes:
(Ch. 4)
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When Cain later flies away with Gyeong Joon, he briefly thinks to himself that his eyes glow just like Cains. This means that although he normally have grey eyes- his eyes glows blue occasionally and did so before he met Cain.
(Ch. 6)
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But why does his eyes glow?
In ch. 4 Cain is amazed by the fact that Gyeong Joon doesnt die after being used as a door. Cain is probably as powerful as Satan, and he is impressed that transporting him to hell doesnt drain Gyeong Joon's soul so much that he dies after being used one time.
(Ch. 4)
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Same thing happens when Gyeong Joon meets Gale (red head demon) in ch. 30. He is amazed by the strength of Gyeong Joon's soul.
(Ch. 30)
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When Cain and Gyeong Joon have s*x in ch. 27 Cains left eye turns blue and a blue light spreads from his heart:
(Ch. 27)
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Could this mean that Gyeong Joon's soul is so strong that it makes his eyes glow blue? Maybe Cains heart glows blue because Gyeong Joon's soul power is healing it or giving it power? If that is the case then Gyeong Joon is so much more than a door, he is basically a source of power for Cain- without the power from Gyeong Joon he might not be able defeat Satan! 😮
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demonsanddoors · 4 years
Analysis: Sid and his "creatures"
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Sid is a demon who according to Cain was saved by him and then given the responsibility to guard over Cain's territory, which I assume means his kingdom since he is a prince. But what exactly was Sid saved from?
(Ch 29)
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In the latest chapter (29) Sid seems to be going through some internal struggles when he is with Jin Yeong (his door). First, he seems to be hearing something because he is holding his hands against his ears. Next, when Jin Yeong asks him if he has feelings for him, the red "creatures" that are attached to him tells him that he doesnt need emotions and that his emotions are confusing.
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Now, what are these red eye creatures that are attached to Sid? They havent been explained in any of the chapters🤔 The red eye creatures seem to be attached to Sid's face which could mean that they are connected to his brain (do demons have brains??😂🤔). The creatures being connected to his brain could be why he hears them, they are like voices in his head that he cant escape.
The question now is, why and how did these creatures get attached to Sid. Has the creatures been attached to Sid since birth or did he get them later??
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If he was born with the creatures then it basically is like a mental illness that he always had and probably cant get rid of.
If he got the creatures attached to him later on then maybe there is a way for him to get rid of them, maybe the demon doctor Cain is searching for would be able to help?
Now if you go back to ch. 3 where Cain mentions that he saved Sid, could it be that he meant "saved him from the creatures". Maybe Sid convinced him that he doesnt hear the creatures anymore (because of Cain's healing power) and therefore isnt evil because he isnt influenced by the creatures. This way, Sid gained Cain's trust and was able to help Cain's enemies. Maybe Satan attached the creatures to Sid since Sid's true allegiance seems to be for Satan.
But other than making Sid's life hell (pun intended😂😂) how does the creatures benefit Sid?
-the creatures dont like emotions, emotions confuse the creatures and they think emotions make Sid crazy. This seems very manipulative, by convincing Sid that emotions are confusing and makes him crazy the creatures keep him "evil". The creatures opinions about emotions prevents Sid from understanding his own emotions and connecting to other people (for example Cain and Jin Yeong). Without the creatures telling him that emotions are wrong, he would probably be able to connect with both Cain and Jin Yeong in a positive way.
- the creatures give him his powers. Sid has the power to alter and transform his body just like Cain, but unlike Cain he seems to be able to burn flesh, use a red "web" to restrain someone or forge/melt things together. Anytime Sid uses his powers the powers "have" a red colour or Sid has red smoke around him, could it mean that the creautures him the powers since they are coloured red?
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