demonofwater-blog · 11 years
((Sorry I've yet to do my replies man, I've just been a bit busier than usual. I hope I can sort some things out and get more time 'cause classes are giving me research papers all over right now. Anyway I'll get to the replies as soon as I can. Thanks for waiting guys.))
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demonofwater-blog · 11 years
The light-haired male was taken aback to hear the girl's comment, not fully expecting anyone here to comment on his chakra. In fact, he hadn't been keen on paying attention to anyone else's but his own in case he became dehydrated. 
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"I'm wha---oh, yeah... Got a problem?" he accusingly asked the woman, his eyes narrowed as he felt her unusually different energy for the first time. "What the fuck are you supposed to be?" She felt different from any kunoichi he'd ever been around, yet something told Suigetsu that the woman was prone to fighting.
demonofwater started following you
Cirucci only scoffed at that answer. Honestly, this place was just filled with overly sensitive twerps. Couldn’t they just give a straight answer without getting into a huff over everything?
“I’m not talking about that,” she said dismissively.
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“I’m talking about that weird energy you have.”
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“Are you another one of those shinobi?”
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demonofwater-blog · 11 years
More of you? [Follower Post]
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The "demon" paced back and forth, his mind thinking about several things at once. It wasn't difficult to become accustomed to the school-life and certainly not the perks of being there, yet actually conversing with people and doing his usual activities in a strange, new environment would be hard to get used to. Suigetsu dropped his head and let out a sigh, his energy depleting without enough water. It became clear, though, that he had been in the path of another person and before he knew it, the teenager crashed into them.
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"H-Hey!" he yelled in defense of his pride. "Watch where you're going!!"
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demonofwater-blog · 11 years
It wasn't hard to tell who Itachi was. Suigetsu had heard of the dark-haired male in the past, going so far as to witnessing his clone fight Sasuke before his leader avenged his clan. And though it was one way of knowing what the man looked like, the pale-haired teen still hadn't met Itachi before. By the time he began to speak, Suigetsu's eyes opened wider and he turned to the older male, his face showing the hint of surprise he couldn't contain.
Easing the tension in his shoulder muscles, the teen reassured himself that no matter what he said, the worst that could happen is a fight. And it wasn't as if they could use their techniques in school.... right?
So he decided to speak with what was on his mind. Whether that been a juvenile choice or just freedom of speech, he didn't care. "...you really are his brother." he mumbled, eyes averting the gaze of the darker-haired male.
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"I dunno, I guess you can." Suigetsu replied, one hand reaching up to scratch his head. "You know where the restrooms are, yeah?"
At the comment that had been made by the academy’s latest arrival, Itachi Uchiha gave to pause, attention shifting onto its source, his current endeavour temporarily put on hold. Now, this was someone he had yet to meet. … Hn. No doubt that the other had already made a few notable observations regarding his new environment.
“… That perception holds true to some, certainly not to all of us,” he said, tone inflected with none other than his usual calm. 
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“Is there something I can assist you with?”
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demonofwater-blog · 11 years
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What makes you so special? To me you look like the real weirdo here.
demonofwater started following you
… Another one of you weirdoes?
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Just how many of you are out there?
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demonofwater-blog · 11 years
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Suigetsu noticed the people coming one by one, surrounding him in a close proximity. It was odd if not intimidating to be caught between a mix of familiar and strange, new faces. But he wouldn't let that side of him be seen, no. Instead the young man grinned with his sharp white teeth poking out. "Man... you guys always go this crazy over new arrivals?" the teen asked, referring to his entrance into the Academy. He figured it was best to ignore the people he knew, especially Sasuke's brother, in hopes that they would leave him alone as well.
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