demilokvato4vr · 4 years
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Dabes kicked it back in his twin sized bed, back leaning on the wall, with his feet on top of his cardboard box that he uses as a coffee table. He took his brand new Acer laptop and plopped it onto his lap. He bent over a little bit further to grab his external Logitech mouse as his trackpad had stopped working the day before due to his intense clicking on the latest 3D Girl interactive Hentai game. After jamming it in and out of the USB port a few times, it began to work. Dabes let out a huge sigh of a relief, tapped the right temple of his head with his index and middle finger, then smirked.
He swiveled his mouse using his dried up cum towel as a mousepad, and opened up Google Chrome. For a while, he was contemplating on what to do. A few minutes later, he finally came to a conclusion. “I know, I’ll hit up my ex. It’s been a few months since we’ve talked. Surely she’d want to talk to me, right? I mean I bought her a set up that costed me around $3,500 USD. I even had to use some of my SwagBucks to afford it all.” As he smashed the enter button, his heart began to beat faster.
A few hours passed by, and he thought it was futile. “I won’t give up.. She’ll have to notice me sooner or later,” he thought to himself. A few hours turned into a few days. A few days turned into a week. He checked his iPhone 7 Plus that had no cracks, zero missed calls, zero text messages, only one notification from Snapchat team, with an OtterBox to complete it. He finally received a notification that his ex accepted him on Discord. “Ok ok ok.. I have to act like I don’t care, so I won’t appear online right now.”
EX 5:59 PM: “what do you want lmao”
EX 9:37 PM: “umm.. ok. lol.”
“Heh, she wants me so bad.. I guess now I’ll appear online.”
EX 9:41 PM: “really? listening to savage by megan thee stallion? bye, kenny. i thought you’ve changed.”
HIM 9:41 PM: wait what i did..
“Your message could not be delivered because you don't share a server with the recipient or you disabled direct messages on your shared server, recipient is only accepting direct messages from friends, or you were blocked by the recipient.”
The End.
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demilokvato4vr · 4 years
Dear Diary
Entry #6
Dear Diary,
           I went to the grocery store last night, and I really wanted to indulge in some honeydew.. The hint of sweetness that you get when you take your first bite into the honeydew cube is like no other. There are no words that could possibly explain it. The vibrancy of the green radiates ethereal vitality. However, as I was going to the cut fruit section, all of them were pale. Disappointment slapped my face, and I was left defeated.
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demilokvato4vr · 4 years
Dear Diary..
Entry #5
Dear Diary,
           Pain is forever. I hate it here. I’m so lonely. I’m staring at my Spotify playlists with my brightness at 3/16 on my MacBook Pro. I’m sitting criss cross applesauce with my ruffled lace white socks under my blanket... the fan is blasting into my face while the AC air is enveloping me. I don’t know how much longer I can take this.
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demilokvato4vr · 4 years
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If You Put Your Mind To It , You WILL Succeed . Stay Humble , And Most Importantly .. Stay Woke . I Used To Wake Up At 6:47 PM Every Day On The Dot And Would Crawl In My Beaten Up Mattress That I Found From Spring Cleaning Around 7 AM , Then Cry Myself To Sleep . If I Can Turn Around My Life , Then So Can You . Now I Am The CEO Of A Church . I Drive A Bugatti , And You Will Continue To Drive A No Ferrari . Psalms 10:19  #FaithISLove #LoveISFaith #BeTrue #BeYou #BelieveInYourself #GodWillLeadTheWay #FuckTheSwapMeet #FoodBanksWillNoLongerBeSupported 
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demilokvato4vr · 4 years
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god FUCK u Selena Gomez‼️‼️‼️ if wizards of waverly place didnt exist u would have done nothing worthwhile to contribute to society. when u were the rival character in Hannah Montana I fucking hated u how could u say hannah had no fan-nahs!!!!!! literally fuck u selena gomez‼️🤷‍♂️ also, u left the weeknd n got wit justin bieber the same day. u also let ur fans harass hailey bieber when u have a platform big enough to tell them to stop 🚫⚰️ bullying her.. and u only date ppl while they're at their peak to continue staying relevant.. 🦠😀👎🔪 also why would u continue drinking after receiving a new kidney? talk about ungrateful ‼️‼️ and how DARE u make a beauty brand when you barely know anything about makeup..? also you worked with a well known rapist, and didn't even say anything about it... ur such a bitch for being u 💯‼️🤷‍♂️ well thoughts? tap in 📲📲🙏🙂 
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demilokvato4vr · 4 years
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can’t believe he told me he never loses then asked me if i was gonna believe him or them lying ass op.gg stats
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demilokvato4vr · 4 years
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why tf dude on the left hairline built like a nintendo 64 cartridge
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demilokvato4vr · 4 years
A Short Story..
NULL : but princess ur suppose to do that with a prince...
NULL : but princess ur suppose to do that with a prince... not a dog :$
NULL : but princess ur suppose to do that with a prince... not a dog :4 r u sure
Chrome : ya go.
Chrome : yah go. am w8ing
NULL : princess do u want mi
NULL : princess do u want mi on my hands and nkees?
Chrome : yes
NULL : s:
NULL : s: ok princess
NULL : s: ok princess i'll get on my hands and knees for u
NULL : s: ok princess
NULL : s: ok princess i'll get on my hands and knees for u what would u like
NULL : s: ok princess i'll get on my hands and knees for u what would u like for mi to do
Chrome : say how naughty u r
NULL : princess
NULL : princess ur peasent is a vry
NULL : princess ur peasent is a vry naughty dog
Chrome : and?
NULL : princess ur peasent is a vry naughty dog and
NULL : princess ur peasent is a vry naughty dog and she's drooling for u
Chrome : and?
NULL : princess ur peasent is a vry naughty dog and she's drooling for u and she
NULL : princess ur peasent is a vry naughty dog and she's drooling for u and she wants u to command her
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demilokvato4vr · 4 years
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demilokvato4vr · 4 years
Dear Diary..
Entry #3
Dear Diary,
            Last week I woke up in cold sweat. It was in the middle of the night. I was barely going back to sleep, then I remembered there was a girl who would constantly use filters on her baby. Gurl.. if ur baby is that ugly without the filters quit posting him damn !! who tf asked for these photos..? whoever told u ur baby is cute is a liar. if ur baby is serving, then we’re fasting. jus kno that i’m voting guilty on town of salem when ur up for trial. in fax, i’ll be smashing that guilty button. how u gonna tell me blessings on blessings when god ain’t give u none of tat when u had that unfortunate developing inside of u? leave me tf alone. 
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demilokvato4vr · 4 years
Dear Diary..
Entry #2
Dear Diary,
            Two days ago, an individual asked me if I could even see. That was their first racist remark towards me. I haven’t been able to sleep good since. I dread the days and nights. They later then deleted me an hour later. The audacity.. Can’t believe they really kicked it back in their $350 chair from Walmart with their HyperX headset glued onto their ears, dragged their $70 lightweight mouse, right clicked my name on Discord, and clicked the “Remove Friend” button. Life hasn’t been the same ever since. Some things just aren’t right in the world. One of them being that, and the other being the “Jesus Is King” album. Don’t wanna speak anymore. I hate it here. Can’t believe I’m crying to Love No Thotties. 
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demilokvato4vr · 4 years
Dear Diary..
Entry #1
Dear Diary,
            Today something bizarre happened to me.. What happened? Well don’t worry. I’ll explain. 
can’t believe this wegian mf is trying to call me ugly. count ur days. mans is dripping in sweat from 2 days ago. dude goes to sleep every night in his twin size bed fetal position. man wakes up everyday and inhales a chunk of musty, humid air that resides in his 10x10 room. he whips out his iPhone XR no cracked screen, 0 unread msgs, 0 missed calls, otterbox phone case, that hasn’t been charged for 3 days. battery percentage? 62%. he smashes his steam button and logs onto his 9th account out of 23, and cries knowing no girls messaged him. age of the girl doesn’t even matter, mans will still go for a 13 y.o who hasn’t gotten her period or started to physically develop. not to mention dude has 3 TB of pee videos saved on a separate flash drive. and how you gonna have foot fetish? you’re doing the wrong sole searching. have fun working at your reverse 9-5 job. Yessirski<3 
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demilokvato4vr · 4 years
five evidences of evolution
comparative anatomy - study of similarities and differences in the anatomy of different species || confirms that evolution is a remodeling process 
fossil record - fossils are preserved remnants left by organisms from the past. at least 10,000 years old. include: skeletons, shells, seeds, insects, etc. || fossils are form in the absence of oxygen || sedimentary rock appears in rock layers
rivers bring sediment to ocean, sedimentary rocks containing fossils form on the ocean floor 
overtime, fossils from each time period can leave residue 
sea levels change and seafloor are parched upward, sedimentary rocks ARE exposed. 
developmental biology - study of the process by which animals and plants (organisms) grow and develop || consists of: regeneration, asexual reproduction, growth of cells, etc 
biogeography - study of the geographic distribution of living things (plants and animals) || supports evolutionary theory
genetics - the study of heredity and the variation of inherited characteristics
homologous structures - organs or skeletal elements of animals that have a connection to a common ancestor. does not need to look similar OR function the same. || I.E. tails —> monkeys, cats, rats and other mammals have tails. they have functions for it whereas humans don’t. we don’t have a fully-formed tail, but we have a tailbone. there’s a common ancestor between mammals and humans
artificial selection - intentional breeding of plants or animals (selective breeding). selects traits that are already present in species. I.E. dogs, pigeons, cattle (ANIMALS!!) 
Charles Darwin is the father of natural selection, The Voyage of the Beagle changed life. Role: Naturalist, Book is On the Origin of Species —> was about a struggle for existence
Three Basics of Natural Selection:
variation - individuals in a population vary
inheritance - inherited traits, accumulate traits that will allow you to compete better || I.E. offspring resembles parents
competition - capacity of organisms exceeds the food supply, creating competition for resources (SOTF)
Three Outcomes of Natural Selection: 
directional selection - shifts overall makeup (phenotype) of the population by favoring variants at one extreme
disruptive selection - favors variants at opposite extremes over intermediate individuals
stabilizing selection - picks out extreme variants from the population
niche - specific area where organisms inhabit, the organism has a role and position in that environment.
habitat - place where an organism or a community of organisms lives
microevolution - evolutionary change within a species or small group of organisms, especially over a short period || I.E. pesticide resistance
mutation creates a new DNA sequence for a particular gene. || increases organism’s chance for survival, has significant effect on a population over long periods of time. without it, we’d be physically disabled in terms of survival.
SPECIES GENETICS (Macro Evolution)
macroevolution - major evolutionary (taxonomic groups) change overtime
species - group of living organisms that’s capable of breeding with other organisms, latin word meaning “kind” or “appearance”  
Pre-Zygotic and Post-Zygotic
Pre-Zygotic - backup mechanisms that operate should interspecies mating actually occur and produce hybrid zygotes
temporal isolation - mating or flowering occurs at different seasons or times of day
habitat isolation - populations live in different habitats and do not meet
behavioral isolation - little or no sexual attraction between males and females
mechanical isolation - structural differences prevent fertilization
gametic isolation - female and male gametes fail to unite in fertilization
Post-Zygotic - happens if interspecies mating occurs and results in hybrid zygotes
hybrid inviability - hybrid zygotes fail to develop or fail to reach sexual maturity
hybrid sterility - hybrids fail to produce functional gametes
I.E. Horse + Mule (Hybrid) —> = Donkey || not really functional gametes
2 Mechanisms of Speciations
allopatric - geological processes
population is separated geographically, and cannot mate with each other. population evolves separately.
can contribute to allopatric speciation
I.E. Darwin’s Finches: about 15 different species of finches on Galapagos. all came from the same common ancestor. genes have mutated and were designed to be more successful in their respective environments
sympatric - two groups of same species live in the same location, but evolve differently
occurs only with evolution of reproductive barriers between the isolated population and its parent population
I.E. bacteria can transfer genes to each other as well as transfer genes to offspring when they divide
Two Modes of Evolution 
convergent evolution - independent development of similar features in separate lineages of organisms (same features in organisms in different places) 
I.E. rhea, emu, ostrich || rhea comes from south america, emu comes from australia, ostrich comes from africa. different continents, yet similar habitats and pressures of natural selection
divergent evolution - separation of one species of organism into two (or more) species
millions of species have evolved
species often split when a new palace to live becomes available (called adaptive radiation)
Adaptive Radiation - take one species, put them in different environments, and they become modified on different ends
depending on the environment they’re in, organisms change overall to survive better in that environment 
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