mY nEw EmPiRe
1K posts
26yo aspec/agender (any pro-n.)Left Twix supremacy. Mostly rb’s batfam fandom stuff and also other random things I guess.@overheardschoolbus is also me.
Last active 60 minutes ago
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demetriusyeet · 47 minutes ago
Bruce: Jason, meet my other son. Your . . . brother. Dick: *grinning* hey, kiddo! you can call me Dick jason: *frowning* why the fuck would i do that? i ain't lookin' t' be unadopted in a day dick: bruce: alfred: language, master jason
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demetriusyeet · 49 minutes ago
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crying real tears at this burn…there’s no way to come back from Batman calling you on your bullshit like that
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demetriusyeet · 50 minutes ago
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demetriusyeet · 53 minutes ago
fuck I was going to appreciate the one half-clear nostril until you reminded me of my headache
STOP. moment of gratitude for those precious times of breathing from your nostrils when you don't have a stuffy nose
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demetriusyeet · 55 minutes ago
I ask because apparently I'm saying it wrong but dash-hound is how I've heard it for forever 😭
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demetriusyeet · 57 minutes ago
reblog game where you #cancel the previous person for something completely arbitrary
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demetriusyeet · 1 hour ago
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9-1-1 is returning in 1 week!!!!
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demetriusyeet · 1 hour ago
Actually an improvement
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demetriusyeet · 1 hour ago
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demetriusyeet · 1 day ago
omg he does act like my dad, he offered me his extra raincoat bc I never wear one, he always talks to me when we pass, he makes silly faces and teases me, he wants me to take over his legacy at the annual competition DO I HAVE A WORK-DAD?? LMAO
somehow it’s going around my workplace that Coworker Duane is my dad. he’s not. idk if Coworker Duane knows about this. how do i quit my job without quitting my job
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demetriusyeet · 2 days ago
Hey then we are similar in that 🙃 see you in the feed my friend 🙌
Hi I never talk to anyone on tumblr but you’re a cool mutual it’s special to me alright bye
Eyyyy you're also a cool mutual, and all I do is reblog memes and political stuff and like goth witchy stuff, but I like your vibes too 😎😎👌👌
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demetriusyeet · 2 days ago
and what if I told you nine was less afraid of love than ten. what then.
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demetriusyeet · 2 days ago
I spent a lot of time handcuffed and in a cage in high school, for a charity bit the grocery store I worked at would do
the bit was that I was "put in jail for having too big a heart" and customers could donate to my bail to get me out (and the money would go to a children's hospital or something)
now. I was very clearly a teenaged employee handcuffed inside a large cage. and I would honestly tell people that I had been in there for hours. and people would say, that's terrible! that's awful! and I would show them my wrists red from the tight handcuffs, and say but I'm sooooooo close to making bail.
and then they would dump some cash in the basket, I'd thank them, and they'd walk away.
and every so often, one of the managers would come by and collect some of the cash, so I could keep being soooooo close to making bail.
I was very good with this bit. Parents with small kids would pay $5-10 if I told their children I had been placed in jail for not cleaning my room/doing my homework, etc. For people in their 20s, I'd threaten that I was very bad at playing the harmonica, but I WOULD play it and we'd all suffer unless they paid me. and for the most amount of money, older men in suits would almost always pay $20s if I avoided eye contact and stammered a lot.
eventually, the managers started to feel bad because I was in the cage so fucking long and often, that I'd need someone to brace me when I got out because I'd have no feeling in my legs. wobbling like a newborn giraffe.
but I would also rake in at LEAST $100 an hour in charity.
so they were like, hey champ. can we, uh, give you a pillow to sit on. in the cage. would you like a pillow so you're not just sitting on a cold metal slab. can we give you a pillow.
and I had to explain to them that if they gave me a pillow, people would think I was more comfortable, so they wouldn't feel as bad, so I'd bring in less money.
the compromise was that they'd bring me a nice coffee every couple hours, which I would have to try to block with my body from the customers.
all this money went to charity. that's what the money was for. it's what was on the sign. but how much they were willing to pay was very contingent on how comfortable I looked, never mind the fact that I was still a teenaged employee handcuffed inside a cage.
and out of the dozens of shifts I did this on, not ONCE did ANYONE say, hey kid I'm going to go talk to your manager because what the fuck is going on here. they would just drop money in the basket, and I'd thank them and sip from my secret drink.
I actually had people get MAD at me that I told them I was far away from bail, they donated like $15, and then 20 minutes I got let out because my shift ended.
again. the money was for charity. it was on the sign that was very clearly placed on the upper half of my cage.
so yeah. even when people think they mean well. people can be really, really fucking stupid.
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demetriusyeet · 2 days ago
when in doubt about whether or not to make a thing, do it for your 3 hardcore fans.
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demetriusyeet · 2 days ago
whys combat and military gear always got to look so fucking cool when the people wearing them just objectively arent. thats unfair
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demetriusyeet · 2 days ago
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elijah wood as bacchus at 2004 mardi gras. if you care
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demetriusyeet · 2 days ago
A lot of leftist accounts are suspiciously quiet on the section 504 lawsuit, proposed medicaid cuts, and the "make America healthy again" executive order.
I know other leftists are not the enemy but if we don't have able bodied allies and general population support, there's no hope of pushing back against these ableist policies. These big accounts ignoring a massive minority at risk is scary. The current admin is the problem but there's no hope of a solution without allyship.
We need visibility. We need allies.
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