deludedxorbs-blog · 9 years
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by  筆銀
※Permission to upload this was given by the artist.
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deludedxorbs-blog · 9 years
The snake frowned slightly. “I don’t know. I just dislike him. He’s... Uneventful and boring in a way. I rather have some fun then let him bore me to death.”
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“What’d he even do?” Hell asked, interested in this vengeful human.
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deludedxorbs-blog · 9 years
my dash is practically dead..pretty pls..
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deludedxorbs-blog · 9 years
“But those humans... They care a lot about him. It sickens me. I hate him so much... But then again... It’s thanks to me he’s even here.”
“Oh? Then, I don’t see why not.” Hell states, sitting beside the boy.
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deludedxorbs-blog · 9 years
“Actually I loath him. I really hate him. I just want him to suffer--”
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“Aah… Is it bad that I wish to destroy everything that he cares about…?”
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deludedxorbs-blog · 9 years
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“Aah... Is it bad that I wish to destroy everything that he cares about...?”
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deludedxorbs-blog · 9 years
“Aah, but I thought you wanted me to leave him alone~? My, my, my... Make up your mind Kido-chan~” The snake returned to smiling. “Though is that a request? To leave him be without him dying~?”
“He didn’t deserve you so I got rid of them for you.” ((IMAGINE SNAKEY BEING DUMB AND WANTING KIDO. THAT IS ALL))
“Wha–?! What have you done? Where’s Kano?!”
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deludedxorbs-blog · 9 years
Sometimes I wish the world would just end...
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Because I’m tired of everything...
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deludedxorbs-blog · 9 years
“Aah. Oh yes I should thank you I suppose? Thank you for keeping me alive. Nee, right?” The snake said sarcastically. He wasn’t happy with this. “As much as I’d love to watch the world burn it’s better to just let it go on, right? After all it’d be boring all the same--”
deludedxorbs has encountered the former prince of Nemisis
“I do not care. There are people here that I want to keep safe, and if you are not a threat to them, then I have no reason to deal with you.” Demando replies. “Be glad you aren’t ash on the ground, snake.”
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deludedxorbs-blog · 9 years
The snake has decided to watch Seto, or at least for now until he sees his moment to strike. And with Seto’s back turn now it the time-- The snake just jumps on the other, completely ignore any sense of boundaries. “Kousuke-kun~”
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deludedxorbs-blog · 9 years
“Nee, this was boring. Just like you. I really am happy to be away. I really dislike talking to people such as yourself. I have more important things to do then answer silly questions! You remind me of someone I know-- How dreadful--”
deludedxorbs has encountered the former prince of Nemisis
Demando frowns slightly, but doesn’t ask any further questions, deactivating his hypnotic eye and turning around to leave. “… I have no need to further question you, you are free to go.”
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deludedxorbs-blog · 9 years
“Nee, but you guys interact soooo much. It’s not fair. After all isn’t it thanks to me~? You know you say you want me to leave him alone and I suppose I could, just leave him all alone and not let him use his ability~” This was going to be fun, well at least Snakey hoped. “Nee. Why does it really matter if he’s alive or dead. He’s not good enough for you!”
“He didn’t deserve you so I got rid of them for you.” ((IMAGINE SNAKEY BEING DUMB AND WANTING KIDO. THAT IS ALL))
“Wha–?! What have you done? Where’s Kano?!”
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deludedxorbs-blog · 9 years
“Azami.... Isn’t a monster. People may call her that but she’s not... She only wanted to be happy. And bow she’s stuck in the Neverending World... I do not wish to be a threat to anyone, nor did she...”
deludedxorbs has encountered the former prince of Nemisis
Demando nods. “… are you, or Azami, a threat to earth?”
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deludedxorbs-blog · 9 years
“Azami is... Someone who...” He wasn’t sure what to say. “She held special powers. All she wanted was to live with her family in peace... And it never happened....”
deludedxorbs has encountered the former prince of Nemisis
“I’m one of Azami’s snakes~ I’m what’s keeping Kano-kun alive~ I’m his… Life force in a sense~” Now Snakey was smiling while he spoke the whole time.
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deludedxorbs-blog · 9 years
((asdfghjkl; I’m sorry. But seriously if you’d like a starter or whatever send me an ask or like like this post or idk augdvghf))
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deludedxorbs-blog · 9 years
“I’m one of Azami’s snakes~ I’m what’s keeping Kano-kun alive~ I’m his... Life force in a sense~” Now Snakey was smiling while he spoke the whole time.
deludedxorbs has encountered the former prince of Nemisis
He activates his hypnotic eye, the energy from it linking up to the person in front of him. “Now, tell me, what are you, and were you telling the truth when you said that boy would die without you.”
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deludedxorbs-blog · 9 years
“Oh rude. Enough. I suggest you leave. This is starting to bore me and I have things to do. Have fun with your boring things!”
deludedxorbs has crossed the void
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