A 20 something trying to figure out what to do with their life. I plan on writing more, if you would like to be tagged on my writing sent a message and I’ll add you
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Day Four - 8,237/50k
The first thing Harry noticed as he went downstairs for breakfast was the letters on the table. There were two, each with their names written in looping script in green ink. There was no address on them so he had no idea how they could have found them, especially with all the wards. Harry reached out then stopped himself, remembering Draco’s comment on tracking spells the last time they got letters. He wasn’t too concerned about more dangerous spells, the letter was clearly from Hogwarts, but better safe than sorry. As he turned to fetch Draco he came down the stairs, hair still damp from a shower and yawning widely. He gestured to the letters on the table, suddenly unable to speak. Draco frowned and began checking them over the same way he had the miscellaneous trinkets around the house. This routine was so familiar he knew before Draco said it that the letters were clean.
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Day Three - 6,064/50k
Draco disappeared up the stairs after washing his own plate for once and returned a few minutes later holding the mysterious plastic bag from a few days ago. Harry thought he had done quite well ignoring the mini mystery but still couldn’t help the excitement at the chance to finally solve it. Draco refused to meet his eye as he handed over the bag and Harry looked inside. No matter how long he had wondered about its contents he would never have guessed it correctly.
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Day Two - 4,292/50k
Draco was waiting for him by the front door, paper bags stored in his book bag which Harry had forgotten he owned. After one last check that they had everything Harry cautiously opened the door a part of him expecting to see the order crowded around the entrance that they could see but not enter. There was no one there. A few muggles could be seen walking past on the sidewalk, but no one looked up or acted like them standing in the doorway was in any way unusual. The door locked automatically as Draco pulled it shut behind him and the pair headed off down the road.
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Day One; 2505/50k
With a bit of finagling he managed to remove the thing and was hit with a sudden cold. All of a sudden he couldn’t move as the trunk opened and a fog filled the room and ice started to cover the metal hinges. Almost in slow motion the familiar shape of a Dementor rose out of the trunk and Harry could hear distant screaming. On instinct he raised his wand and shouted the Patronus charm. The glowing white stag erupted from the tip of his wand and pushed the Dementor back into the trunk as Draco slammed the lid down and shoved the padlock back into place. Harry dropped to the floor and buried his face in his knees as he struggled to get enough air in his lungs. Part of him knew it was just an after affect and would fade soon but the rest of him felt like he was dying as his breath caught in his throat time and time again. Eventually he caught his breath and looked up to find Draco, pale and shaking, looking down at him in concern. He waved him off and forced himself to his feet.
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My November Projects
“I DON’T CARE! I’VE HAD ENOUGH, I’VE SEEN ENOUGH, I WANT OUT, I WANT IT TO END, I DON’T CARE ANY MORE” - OotP The war is coming but Harry doesn't care. He meant want he said, he wanted out. When Dumbledore decides to send Malfoy, who is trying to avoid being marked, with him to the Dursleys he decides enough is enough, and drags Malfoy along in his attempt to disappear into the Muggle World; at least for the summer.
Current Stats: 10/? Chapters 37,557 Words
Aim to finish during November
The Air Temples burnt taking the young avatar with it. Eighty-Three years later the Avatar Cycle returns to the Fire Nation just in time for the birth of its Prince. Zuko knows he is different and the danger that poses to him as he tries to navigate the politics and expectations of his position. He knows he can’t hide his bending forever, but he will try for as long as he can.
Current Stats: 2/? Chapters 8,583 Words
Unlikely to finish this year, will be main focus once HMT is complete
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the nanowrimo company is a mess that i do not endorse in any shape or form but i love the community i have found through the challenge and will be attempting it again this year might even post snippets on here as i go
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distressing things to say to your friends
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the writeblr garden's tangled word crawl (january camp nano)
announcing the writeblr garden's fourth event: tangled word crawl! participating gardeners will be separated into teams to compete to finish their word goals and end the event with with most points!
this event will be hosted entirely on our discord server where we will be collecting words and points, hosting writing sprints and other events, and stealing points from each other! for this event, you're welcome to have any word count you'd like as the points are the most important part!
the winning team will get a permanent role in our server, sunlight plant, along with a team shoutout where each team member will get to spotlight their blog. participants who drop out of the event or do not have any points by the end will not be counted as a winner!
grow a plant will be running the entirety of january. to participate in our event, join our discord server here! join as early as possible to ensure you get on the team you want. we're looking forward to growing with you 🌱
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the writeblr garden's advent calendar 🎁
welcome to the writeblr garden's advent calendar event! this is the garden's third event, which is all about worldbuilding and characters, along with some other fun prompts in between. 🎊
this event will last twelve days from december 12th to 23rd, and each day is dedicated to a different prompt. you do not need to do every prompt. all you need to do is answer each day's prompt in any way you would like to- graphics optional (unless it's a graphic based prompt 😉). you can list things, share excerpts, show some art- whatever works for you! you can also make multiple posts for each prompt if you have multiple wips you'd like to share!
when creating your post, include the writeblr garden's advent calendar event in your title (or somewhere in your post.) tag your posts with #writeblrgarden and #twgcalendar. if your post is pretty long and text heavy, put a bit of it under a read more to not clog people's dashboards. join our discord server to guarantee your posts are seen and meet other writers! we're looking forward to growing with you 🌱 prompt list below - cut for length <3
the prompt list
dec 12. holidays.
dec 13. winter moodboard. - make a moodboard with vibes about winter in your wip, or post an excerpt in winter instead.
dec 14. found family.
dec 15. excerpt.
dec 16. traditions.
dec 17. wip playlist. - a short playlist with songs about your wip, seasonal vibes optional.
dec 18. excerpt.
dec. 19. religions.
dec 20. relationships.
dec. 21. cover graphics. - make a graphic about what you'd like your cover to look like! or make a moodboard for the inspiration you'd use for it!
dec 22. magic system.
dec 23. wildcard. - anything you'd like to do! another excerpt, some art, a graphic, another topic you'd like to cover, etc. go wild! ✨
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how sweet the sun, how wild the wind
ao3 refuses to share the title properly so i'll do it myself
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Iroh & Zuko (Avatar), Azula & Zuko (Avatar), Ty Lee & Zuko (Avatar), Mai & Zuko (Avatar), Azula & Mai & Ty Lee (Avatar) Characters: Zuko (Avatar), Iroh (Avatar), Azula (Avatar), Ty Lee (Avatar), Mai (Avatar), Ozai (Avatar), Original Characters, so many original characters - Character Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Avatar Zuko (Avatar), Zuko-centric (Avatar), Politics, Worldbuilding, Friendship, Family Dynamics, War, Angst, Spirits, Not sure if the warning is necessary but better safe than sorry Summary:
The Air Temples burnt taking the young avatar with it. Eighty-Three years later the Avatar Cycle returns to the Fire Nation just in time for the birth of its Prince. Zuko knows he is different and the danger that poses to him as he tries to navigate the politics and expectations of his position. He knows he can’t hide his bending forever, but he will try for as long as he can.
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Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Iroh & Zuko (Avatar), Azula & Zuko (Avatar), Ty Lee & Zuko (Avatar), Mai & Zuko (Avatar), Azula & Mai & Ty Lee (Avatar) Characters: Zuko (Avatar), Iroh (Avatar), Azula (Avatar), Ty Lee (Avatar), Mai (Avatar), Ozai (Avatar), Original Characters, so many original characters - Character Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Avatar Zuko (Avatar), Zuko-centric (Avatar), Politics, Worldbuilding, Friendship, Family Dynamics, War, Angst, Spirits, Not sure if the warning is necessary but better safe than sorry Summary:
The Air Temples burnt taking the young avatar with it. Eighty-Three years later the Avatar Cycle returns to the Fire Nation just in time for the birth of its Prince. Zuko knows he is different and the danger that poses to him as he tries to navigate the politics and expectations of his position. He knows he can’t hide his bending forever, but he will try for as long as he can.
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Behind the Scenes Writing Ask Game
So behind the scenes won the poll, but I thought I'd do an ask game with it!
✍️ "when did you get started writing?"
✏️"what are your current WIPs about?"
���"how did you get started on your WIPs?"
📝"what stages are you currently in your WIPs?"
🖊️"how does your magic system work?"
🖋️"what inspired you to write your WIPs?"
📖"what has surprised you about your WIPs?"
💻"what perspectives do you write in?"
🖥️"what types of writing do you do?"
❤️"what are your favorite scenes from your WIPs?"
😭"what are the biggest challenges writing your WIPs?"
❗"how many WIPs do you have?"
‼️"what has stayed consistent across all drafts?"
⁉️"what do you do when stuck on a scene?"
❓ask anything you want!
If anyone wants to reblog this to play with too that's totally fine with me!
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With nano coming up in a few short days i figured i should share what i will be working on. Time and Time Again has not been plotted out enough so i will be bouncing between various fanfiction wips.
Hold My Tongue - HP
book 6 au, harry and draco disappear into the muggle world during the holidays post 5th year, slowly get to know each other and figure out their place in the coming war while both sides frantically look for them
how sweet the sun, how wild the wind - ATLA
Aang does not survive the genocide and the cycle continues until Prince Zuko is born as the new Fire Avatar. A more spiritual and political exploration of the ATLA world.
The Son of Odin - Thor
Odin is killed at the end of Thor (2011) and Hela is freed 6 years early sending the Asgardians fleeing to Earth. Loki centric but not Loki (TV) compliant in the least.
Untitled - Star Wars
OC Jedi struggle to survive post order 66. No grand destiny, no chosen ones, just messy survival in a broken universe.
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the writeblr garden's grow a plant (nanowrimo 2023)
announcing the writeblr garden's second event and first nanowrimo event: grow a plant! participating gardeners will be separated into teams to compete to finish their word goals with the highest amount of words. 🍃
this event will be hosted entirely on our discord server where we will be collecting words, hosting writing sprints, and giving you a weekly update on your plant. each gardener is welcome to set their own word goal but is highly encouraged to write more to boost their team.
each team's word goal is the total amount of words each gardener is aiming to write combined, so if someone drops out of the competition their goal will be removed from your total. but remember, you're competing against other teams to get the best plant, so write as much as you can!
the winning team members will get their own tag on the blog, along with a weekly shoutout and interview about each gardener's main wip. participants who drop out of the competition but were on this team will not be counted. anyone on these teams with less than 10k written will not be counted, either.
grow a plant will be running the entirety of november. to participate in our first nano event, join our discord server here! join as early as possible to ensure you get on the team you want. we're looking forward to growing with you 🌱
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"We keep giving you children these names," the goddess said softly, tucking a loose strand of hair behind his ear, "and yet we are continually surprised when the story plays out the same way each time."
Genre: sci-fi, myth retelling Audience: NA Content Warnings: death, violence, religious trauma/themes
Achilles has always been the greatest of the Godsborn, the pride of the Warriors Division. But when jealous gods steal away Patroclus, the other half of his soul and fellow pilot, nothing can stop Achilles. from tearing his way across the stars to rescue him. Odysseus was always a reluctant leader, better suited to practical jokes and mischief than leading warriors in battle. Someone has to try to keep Achilles from killing himself in a suicide mission, and lending a hand just so happens to be the perfect escape from a destiny Odysseus never wanted. But as their group of rebellious godlings get closer to their goal, they discover secrets that risk everything their society is built on.
Taglist ;; ask to be added/removed!
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OC Questions Tag
thanks @writinglyra (and the wtw discord) for tagging me!
I'm answering this about the MC of my NaNo WIP, Ophelia.
Five words to physically describe your OC Young, Small, Tanned, Toned, Friendly
Who inspired your OC? Clara Oswald from Doctor Who. She was one of my favourite companions and it was one of her episodes that inspired this whole WIP. As I expanded Ophelia further she gained a lot from The Doctor, mostly I'd say 9 and 10.
Give me a song to define your OC You set sail alone, there is no crew No one on the deck who can help you This is all your own battle to win This is your ship and you are the captain - Ship in a Bottle, fin
If I met your OC on the street how would they greet me? Probably by asking a seemingly insane question as she tries to find something to do while on earth or solve an alien related problem.
Can your OC be your best friend? Why? She does not hang around people long enough for anyone to be her best friend. The mere thought terrifies her.
One adjective and one noun to describe your OC Traumatized Wanderer
i'm not active enough on here to have anyone to tag so if i come up on your dash take this as an open invitation
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OC Questions Tag
Thank you to @redbloodprose for tagging me in this. Sorry it's taken me this long; I've had a busy month. I'll answer these for Ekela from Monsters and Majesty.
Five words to physically describe your OC
Freckled, shaggy, lithe, young, and tired
Who inspired your OC?
Ekela is pulled from a lot of places. Aesthetically there's sort of an Orpheus quality to him, but it's subverted with his character arc in the end. And I think some of the philosophy I approached the love story with comes from Obi-Wan Kenobi in The Clone Wars.
Give me a song to define your OC
"I tell my love to wreck it all Cut out all the ropes and let me fall My my my, my my my, my my Right in this moment, this order's tall" - Skinny Love, Bon Iver
If I met your OC on the street how would they greet me?
Ekela is obsessed with making a good first impression. He would be extremely nice and probably offer to help with something even if you didn't need any obvious help.
Can your OC be your best friend? Why?
I think me and Ekela would get along. A few years after the story ends, and he's closer to my age, I think he'd be a bit more mature. He's a pretty quiet guy and I tend to like quiet people, and we agree on a lot--especially when it comes to sacrifice.
One adjective and one noun to describe your OC
Desperate outsider
I'll tag @sugar-phoenix, @delphicoraclecatss, @veneritia, @worldsfromhoney, and @sourrcandy
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