deliriousfangirl61 · 2 months
Hey guys I wanted to share this will y’all. Don’t feel pressured to donate but every little bit helps. It’s been incredibly hard for her and I know her personally.
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deliriousfangirl61 · 7 months
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deliriousfangirl61 · 11 months
Okay I love all the votes and truth be told I have a few ideas for a mafia AU
Okay guys I have a serious question. Which AUs are you guys down for in the top gun universe.
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deliriousfangirl61 · 11 months
Okay guys I have a serious question. Which AUs are you guys down for in the top gun universe.
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deliriousfangirl61 · 1 year
Calla Lillies [Jake "Hangman" Seresin] Chapter II
Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Hailey Dugan
Masterlist [~~~~]
Series Warnings: Mentions of child abuse, smut (later on in the series), age gap? (like 6 years because I feel like Jake is around like 32/33, lemme me know if you disagree), cursing. MINORS PLEASE DO NOT INTERACT 18+ content in later chapters.
Jake "Hangman" Seresin was finally settling into his new posting in North Carolina. He is back up in the air after his last mission and back to raising hell like always. Yet he can't help but miss The Dagger Squad and after watching Liv and Rooster tie the knot he is feeling just a tad bit lonely and longing for something more. Not that he would ever admit it though. However when he gets some new neighbors in the form of a stunning 26 year old plant-shop owner and a 7 year-old boy, Jake just might feel that tiny little whole in his chest filling. His new neighbor is kind yet fierce, and as she struggles to navigate the new realm of guardianship over her younger brother her next door neighbor is more help then she could have every imagined.
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-2 Months Later-
The loft is incredibly quiet, I sit at my kitchen counter sipping on coffee as I flip through the latest inventory report. Lucas has yet to stir, but he doesn't need to be up for another 30 minutes. My phone dings but I know who it is. Matthew has been trying and failing to come up with a half-decent excuse to see me. I ended things two days after I brought Lucas home and Matthew quite loudly told me I was ruining my life.
Lucas also decided then and there that he hated Matthew and had 'accidentally' sent his little rocket toy straight into his groin. I had laughed so hard I nearly cried and I had yet to see Matthew for more than a few minutes at a time. Once when he came to get his things and I returned the engagement ring and another when he cornered me in the shop. I had threatened to hit him with a shovel until he left. I had no want to see him then and I have no want now.
"Can you make pancakes for breakfast?" Lucas' voice is soft and groggy and I turn to the curly mop of hair that is truly a sight to behold after he first wakes up.
"Sure bub."
Lucas grins and climbs onto the high barstool of our kitchen island and rubs the sleep from his eyes. His cast is still a bulky annoyance on his wrist but he gets it off in a week and I'm sure he can't wait.
I had packed most of the kitchen things away for the move but I pulled the things out that I needed and started to make the pancakes. Lucas and I found the perfect house for both of us and since I've saved up a lot I was able to snatch it up pretty quick.
The savings was supposed to be for a wedding but fuck that
So I was able to put the down payment and pay most of it off. I've spent the last week decorating Lucas' room. He said he has always wanted a baseball-themed room so with the help of Maura we did a baseball-themed bedroom. It's not too kiddish so when he grows he isn't too embarrassed.
If you win custody and he can even grow up in that room.
I push that thought away and busy myself with the pancakes.
"Can we get a cat?"
I glance over at Lucas who is staring at me. He is resting his chin on his non-broken hand.
"That seems a bit random. What makes you want a cat?"
"It's not random," Lucas says in a serious tone I rarely hear from him. "I love cats and so do you. They are very easy and I saw a book at Dr. Kelter's office about how some animals can help with stress and anxiety. Plus! We are moving into a whole house so plenty of room." I want to laugh at the amount of thought he put into this but his comment about stress and anxiety snags my attention.
"Are you feeling a bit anxious again bub? That's okay but I want to know so I can help."
"Not really. Dr. Kelter helps a lot and I feel really safe with you."
My heart melts and I lean over kissing his forehead.
"I always want you to feel safe Lucas."
"I really like staying with you." He says softly.
"I really love you staying with me bub." I take a deep breath. "You know there's always a chance I can try to make it permanent."
Lucas peers through his curls.
"Really? Like I wouldn't go back to Arizona?"
"Yeah, but that also means you would stay with me, and you might not get to see Mom as much as you'd like." I want to be honest with him despite my feelings towards our mom.
Lucas is quiet for a moment. "I don't feel safe with mom though I feel safe with you. Do you think she'd be mad if she knew I wanna stay here with you instead of with her? I don't know if I wanna make her mad"
"I don't know honey. But I also wanna make sure you don't feel confused. So why don't I ask Dr. Kelter if you guys can talk about it in your next session?"
Lucas nods. I finish the pancakes and cut them up for him.
"Alright, here you go bubs."
His eyes light up as I push the plate in front of him, temporarily forgetting our previous conversation.
"Thanks, Hails," Lucas mutters.
"No problem bub, I'm gonna go get dressed and get your things together for school. Whenever you're finished get ready please."
"Mkay." He mumbles through a mouthful of pancakes.
I ruffle his hair and place a kiss on the top of his head before heading to get ready. I take a deep breath when I'm out of his view.
Holy crap
I wasn't expecting that conversation today. I have been trying to figure out how to bring it up. I followed Erica's advice and I got a lawyer as soon as I got back to North Carolina. I hadn't told Lucas, he was dealing with a lot of emotions and I didn't want to confuse him.
My phone starts blaring Taylor Swift in my pocket. Luckily that is not Matthew's ringtone but it is Maura's. It does snap me out of my little stupor though.
"What are you doing up so early it's not even past 8 yet." I joke as I answer and I can practically see her roll her eyes.
"What are you doing tonight?"
"Lucas and I were gonna watch a movie and eat popcorn in a fort with all the boxes."
She huffs. "Crap do you think it's too late to get a babysitter?"
I laugh softly. "Probably, but why would I need a babysitter?"
"There's a new bar opening and I'm pretty sure it's gonna be a Navy bar, so some of the guys from the base should be there and you know I am a sucker for that uniform."
I laugh.
"Not that I'm in love with that idea but I think Collin's mom mentioned a sleepover on her weekend with him and I think that's this week. I'll ask her at drop off today."
"You're the best! Oh, you should wear that blue dress that you ..."
"I gotta go Maura."
"Love you!"
I pull on some of my work clothes, which mainly consist of old T-shirts and jean shorts. Or the occasional overall or leggings. Owning a plant shop isn't exactly clean work.
"Alright, Lucas hurry up bud! We're running early for once let's not squander it." I call after him.
"But I like our mad dashes to the car." Lucas calls back."
I hear his sweet giggle and then I see his curly mop of head appear.
"I should probably fix your hair first."
Somehow Lucas and I managed to keep ahead of the time today. I pull into the school parking lot at the perfect time when all the other moms are actually there too. Normally I'm scrambling in with Lucas towed behind me and Mrs. Thunton is the only one left.
"Oh wow everyone is here," Lucas comments as I pull his bag out of the back seat.
"See this is what happens when we're on time. Isn't it cool?"
"Sure." Lucas sounds completely uninterested but I appreciate the effort.
I don't miss the surprised looks of some of the moms as we approach. Yes, I am that guardian who is constantly scrambling, but 90% of them have husbands who help or they've been doing this longer than 9 months.
They can suck it up and stop being so judgey.
"I see Collin!" Lucas exclaims as he yanks his backpack from my hands and bolts to the playground.
He completely ignores his principal Mrs. Thunton as she greets him. I wave to the woman and send her a smile. Now to find Collin's mom.
"Kelly!" I call and the woman glances up from her phone and a smile spreads on her face.
"I was going to wait for you but look at you being on time." She jokes.
"Don't get used to it. Are you still offering to have Lucas over for a sleepover? He and I talked about it and he doesn't seem too anxious about it, he's made a lot of progress and honestly, he absolutely loves playing with Collin."
"Oh my god yes! That's what I waiting for you for. Collin has also been struggling and I think their friendship is such an anchor."
I nod. " I completely agree he's been so amazing to Lucas."
"Oh great, do you want me to just pick him up from school today?"
"I need to get his things together but I will meet you here and see if Lucas wants to ride with you or with me. Driving still makes him a bit nervous I think."
"Completely understand."
I grin. "Thank you so much, Kelly. I will see you at 4:00."
"See you at 4:00!"
Once I'm back in the safety of my car I call Maura. She picks up on the second ring.
"I am free tonight."
"Yes! It's party time bitch!"
What a freaking dork
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Alrighty folks! Yes I know I finally updated but listen I have been one stressed spaghetti with school so I am sorry but give me a break lol.
Just comment below if you wanna be on the tag list.
I hope you guys enjoyed it.
[~~~~] Next Chapter- Coming Soon
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deliriousfangirl61 · 1 year
Grounded [Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw] Chapter IV
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Liv "Queenie" Fairdon
Masterlist [~~~~]
Series Warnings: Death, Violence, Cursing, Smut (later chapters). MINORS DO NOT INTERACT 18+
Description: It's been two years since the accident that turned Liv "Queenie" Fairdon's life upside down, and she's fine... supposedly. She seems to have come to terms with being Grounded permanently and the ache in her chest after losing her brother lessening day after day. She has come to love her job at the base and her home that she fixed up. Liv thought being Grounded was going to do her in for good but she seems absolutely fine. However, when a high-priority mission arises forcing the best of the best back to North Island old feelings begin to stir forcing Liv to deal with feelings she has buried. Not only that, but Bradley (Rooster) Bradshaw is gonna force new feelings causing Liv to question the walls she had perfectly put in place.
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The metal travel mug clangs against my kitchen counter loudly as it slips through my fingers and some of the scolding hot coffee hits my skin. I bite down on my cheek to keep from cursing some more.
I freeze in my position holding both the travel mug and coffee pot still as I listen for the not-so-soft snores that are filling my living room. Bob's deafening sounds reach my ears and I sigh in relief. Bob doesn't snore often, only when he is either truly exhausted or feels completely comfortable and safe. Which I guess I can take as a compliment not that Bob has ever stopped his snoring in my presence before. The only time I've ever heard him not snore is when he was glued to that uncomfortable chair in the corner of my hospital room while I was recovering.
Bob's snores continue to float through my home as I get ready for work. I had tried to wake him last night in order to convince him to move to the spare bedroom but sadly most of the time Bob is a dead weight when sleeping and nearly impossible to wake.
I grab my bag and the few files I had taken home to look over (I never got to them) into my arms. I tiptoe past Bob's sleeping figure his mouth wide open and head tilted slightly to the side. I write him a note that I'm only working a half day and to make himself at home until I get back and we will spend the rest of the day together.
I also swipe the keys to his Jeep. Since he blocked me in and I don't want to move it just to have to get my car out of the garage. Besides, I know Bob won't mind so I blast his radio and roll down the windows and let the top down.
The drive to the base is easy and short and before I know it I am pulling into my parking spot and gathering my things. Sundays are slow days for us most of the time people-wise. However, the work always seems to still be the same.
As soon as I enter the building I am flagged by two other civilian analysts, both of which have cases for me to cover since they are out of their security clearance. I am then immediately pulled into the briefing. Warlock settles next to me shooting me a look I know all too well as more admirals and other personnel fill the room. I send him a small smile and pull out my journal to take notes.
The briefing is filled with admirals all of whom want to share their two cents and make subtle bets on who they think will be a part of the team. Warlock and I send each other looks throughout the meeting, both of us have never been a fan of the other showboating Admirals in our circle but we both have to deal with them.
Most of the admirals in here like me enough to not completely ignore me when I offer my own knowledge on the topic. Some even kiss up to me at times, they think if they are nice to me their analytics on missions get done faster (that's partially true).
Warlock stays silent next to me throughout the whole meeting. The only time he makes a sound is to snort in amusement when admirals rush towards me at the end to ask me for my rush on their advisory reports which they need to get their missions started. By the end of their shoving and half-assed compliments, I have a quite large stack. Warlock offers his help but he is summoned to deal with something else. I assure him I'm fine and make my exit. As much as I truly love my job I hate briefings with a passion, especially the ones with admirals and all their demands.
I balance the files in my arms trying to take a few sips of my coffee in hopes it will start working a bit faster. Normally I don't mind taking over cases but on top of my special assignment, it will just be a nightmare trying to manage it all in the next few weeks. The admirals will also no doubt be pestering me the whole time. That thought alone makes me want to bang my head against the wall. Maybe I can just pass them off to some other specialists, ones who don't have any special assignments.
"That stack looks like it weighs more than you." My head snaps up in his direction.
Bradley stands in a hallway I often avoid most days. His grey shirt is stuck to him with sweat and some of the longer pieces of his hair stick to his forehead a little bit. He stands at the far end of the hall headphones hanging around his neck and looking like a photocopy of the man in the portrait behind him.
My eyes catch on Andy's portrait and a familiar tug yanks on my heart and I focus on Bradley. He walks a bit closer so he doesn't have to yell.
"I'm a lot stronger than I look, Bradshaw."
"Back on last names now."
"We're at work have to keep it professional," I say readjusting the files in my arms.
"Fair enough."
Bradley steps forward scooping the files out of my arms which I have to admit is a welcome occurrence my arms were starting to ache.
"Thank you. It's a bit early do you normally take your morning runs at 7:00 am."
Bradley shrugs his shoulders. "Couldn't sleep."
I hum. I know that feeling all too well.
"What are you doing here so early Fairdon?" My last name rolls off his tongue in a way that makes me smile. I don't fully know why it sounds so nice coming from his lips but I can't say I mind it.
"I had a briefing about the upcoming mission."
Bradley perks up at that.
"Any information you can pass along."
I smirk up at him as we come to a stop in front of my office door.
"You will find out with everyone else Leautinant Bradshaw."
I push open the door and the cool air of my office hits my skin. Goodness, that feels nice. Bradley must enjoy it too because I hear the faintest of sighs leave his lips.
"Where would you like these?" Bradley gestures to the stack in his hands.
"Oh here." I take the massive stack back from him. "Thank you for that, the admirals in the meeting jumped at the chance to submit their mission portfolios in person.
I dump the large stack on one of the tables and go to sit down at my desk. Bradley has made his way to my windowsill and his eyes are roaming over all of my knickknacks. He looks oddly at home in my office, the morning sun cascading over him and once again I am reminded that this man is freaking gorgeous.
I snap my gaze away focusing on the stack of folders. I am not about to be found gawking at this man in my own office. My little coffee pot beeps telling me that it is finished brewing. It's great timing really I have it on perfect timing. This one finishes just about when I get to work and I have already drank the one I made for myself at home. Sure enough, as I lift my travel mug it is nearly empty and I smile. Bob insists I am a coffeeholic, he is probably right.
"Would you like some coffee?" I ask Bradley as I stand.
His attention slowly turns away from the knickknacks back to me and a charming smile spreads over his face.
"I would love some."
I pour the Leautinant a cup and pass it over to him. He slides down into one of the chairs situated in from of my desk. His eyes go back to my windowsill.
"Where did you get all these?" He asks as he brings the mug to his lips.
"All over really, some from thrift stores, some were given to me, a few came from Admiral Simpson's daughters."
Bradley nods before turning his attention back to me. I focus on sorting through the stack of files that need to be analyzed. Out of the corner of my eye, I see him lean back a bit and relax. A roar of a jet engine tears my attention away and I glance out my window. A Tomcat is speeding off for take-off.
"Do you miss flying?"
I turn back towards Bradley, he's watching me with a pensive expression. I've seen it to some degree on Bob's face. I consider lying, telling him I don't miss flying whatsoever, that some part of me, despite everything, still craves that adrenaline.
I shrug instead.
"I really love my job now so there's not too much to miss."
We don't say anything, we just stare at each other without wavering. I can't tell if he is trying to figure me out or wondering how the legendary Queenie is seemingly content with sitting behind a desk for the rest of her life.
Bradley and I sit in silence until he says goodbye. I expected the silence to be awkward or tense after his question. Strangely enough, it was comfortable. He switched between watching me go through files and watching the jets take off. He sipped his coffee and seemed entirely content in that chair while I worked. I almost missed his presence when he left... almost. Until I realized I did work a bit faster when those hazel eyes weren't watching me.
Warlock comes in a bit after Bradley leaves to tell me that I am not allowed to take all the cases given to me this morning. Which I laugh at. When I told him I was already in the process of splitting them up for the rest of my team he left pleased but not before making sure I was feeling okay once again about this mission.
When I pull back into my driveway around noon Bob has my garage open and he has pulled out the surfboards.
"Figured we could enjoy a beach day, the surf looks great," Bob says as he meets me at the door of the Jeep.
"That sounds great."
An hour later Bob and I are at one of our favorite surf spots, It's a bit farther from the tourist location but neither of us minds the drive. Bob and I sit in the sand waxing our boards.
"How was the briefing this morning?" Bob breaks the serene silence of the beach and its waves.
"It went like any other briefing, admirals talking over one another and Warlock and I trying not to laugh at the ego war."
Bob chuckles before his eyebrows scrunch as a thought passes through his mind.
"Yeah, but how are you feeling about it I mean this mission is scarily similar..."
"It's not the same in the most important ways. I'll be okay Bobby, because this mission is gonna go smoothly, everyone is gonna be fine and you and I are gonna celebrate when you get home by going on my last flight." I say it with such a finality that Bob blinks at me.
"Okay, Liv." A small smile spreads onto his lips.
I don't know if he fully believes what I just said but he doesn't question it. Instead, I notice him peeking out at me every once in a while from the corner of my eye. I have to be right though, because if I'm not and Bob doesn't come back I don't think I could handle that. I can't handle losing another brother.
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I'm so sorry it took me so long to update I had some serious health problems this summer that left me a bit out of sorts. But I'm back now and hopefully, I can continue my stories.
[~~~~] Next Chapter- Coming Soon!
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deliriousfangirl61 · 1 year
Should I start writing drabbles and blurbs for the Top Gun fam, I have a few for both Jake and Bob in my drafts that I could spruce up. I just don’t know if people are interested
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deliriousfangirl61 · 1 year
Grounded [Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw] Masterlist
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Liv "Queenie" Fairdon
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It's been two years since the accident that turned Liv "Queenie" Fairdon's life upside down, and she's fine... supposedly. She seems to have come to terms with being Grounded permanently and the ache in her chest after losing her brother lessening day after day. She has come to love her job at the base and her home that she fixed up. Liv thought being Grounded was going to do her in for good but she seems absolutely fine. However, when a high-priority mission arises forcing the best of the best back to North Island old feelings begin to stir forcing Liv to deal with feelings she has buried. Not only that, but Bradley (Rooster) Bradshaw is gonna force new feelings causing Liv to question the walls she had perfectly put in place.
Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Calla Lillies [Jake "Hangman" Seresin]
Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Hailey Dugan
Masterlist [~~~~]
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Jake "Hangman" Seresin was finally settling into his new posting in North Carolina. He is back up in the air after his last mission and back to raising hell like always. Yet he can't help but miss The Dagger Squad and after watching Liv and Rooster tie the knot he is feeling just a tad bit lonely and longing for something more. Not that he would ever admit it though. However when he gets some new neighbors in the form of a stunning 26 year old plant-shop owner and a 7 year-old boy, Jake just might feel that tiny little whole in his chest filling. His new neighbor is kind yet fierce, and as she struggles to navigate the new realm of guardianship over her younger brother her next door neighbor is more help then she could have every imagined.
Chapter I
Chapter II
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deliriousfangirl61 · 1 year
Grounded [Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw] Chapter III
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Liv "Queenie" Fairdon
Masterlist [~~~~]
Series Warnings: Death, Violence, Cursing, Smut (later chapters). MINORS DO NOT INTERACT 18+
Description: It's been two years since the accident that turned Liv "Queenie" Fairdon's life upside down, and she's fine... supposedly. She seems to have come to terms with being Grounded permanently and the ache in her chest after losing her brother lessening day after day. She has come to love her job at the base and her home that she fixed up. Liv thought being Grounded was going to do her in for good but she seems absolutely fine. However, when a high-priority mission arises forcing the best of the best back to North Island old feelings begin to stir forcing Liv to deal with feelings she has buried. Not only that, but Bradley (Rooster) Bradshaw is gonna force new feelings causing Liv to question the walls she had perfectly put in place.
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I'm running late. I know I am because Bob has texted me, worried that I had ditched him like I'd ever do that. I haven't seen my best friend in three months. I wouldn't just ditch the chance to meet up with him. Which Bob knows. He just gets nervous after a bit.
I wasn't expecting Warlock to interrupt me on my way out the door with some more information on how I'm to report tomorrow morning for my debrief on the upcoming mission.
It's one thing to skim over the details in the packet that Cyclone gave me, but it will be a whole other thing to hear it in full tomorrow. I can only imagine the mountain of worry that is going to encompass me tomorrow.
Warlock had been gentle and kind when he spoke to me just like he always is. He is a lot less subtle than Cyclone when it comes to his affection and slight favoritism toward me. So as he talked about my debrief and other responsibilities that Cyclone didn't mention, Warlock checks in on me. Asking me if I'm okay. If it's too much.
Is it?
I don't really know yet. None of the previous missions I have been working on have ever had this close of a resemblance to my last. I don't know how I'm gonna handle it. Not really anyway.
What I do know is that it is going to be extremely dangerous and unpredictable, and I really need someone to come home from this one if he's picked.
The thought of kidnapping Bob appears back in my brain again. I could lock him away for a few weeks, maybe drive him down to Tess' place. We would hang out with baby Thea and all would be well.
No, I can't do that.
I also agreed to this mission.
I don't need Cyclone to worry about more than he already does, which he would if I suddenly backed out now. No I could do this, I can do this. I'm just gonna be writing analytical reports on the aviators performance. That's it.
I can defintley do that.
After Warlock had finished giving me some last minute details I had rushed home changing into the first pair of pants and tee I saw. My hair is down from it's bun and it's now blowing around rapidly from the wind of my open window. My AC doesn't really work but I haven't had time to take it in yet.
I pull a little hazardously into a parking spot next to a cyan colored bronco. I wish I had time to admire it but instead I rush out of my car.
The Hard Deck is bustling like it normally is on a Friday. I spot Penny first, she's wearing a devilish grin as the talks to the man in front of her. Her eyes trail behind him briefly and spot me. I make a beeline towards her and she is beaming by the time I reach the bar.
"Hey Liv! Bob says your late." She slides away from the man in front of her and I get a good look at him.
"Yeah I know I am." I roll my eyes before I turn towards the man Penny was talking with to get a better look, he offers me a kind smile and a nod of his head.
Holy crap.
It dawns on me why I recognize him.
Well I guess I'm getting a head start.
"Captian Mitchell." I nod my head and he looks confused.
"I don't think we've met."
"You havent." Penny butts in and slides my usual in front of me. "Bob's by the pool tables." She gestures her head in his direction.
I thank her before pushing off of the bar sipping on my drink as I do so. Robert Floyd is one of the many aviators around the pool tables. He's glancing down at his watch, no doubt checking the time for me again. I smile, he is the same old Bobby as in high school. A flashback of seeing Bob waiting on the front steps of our school checking his watch anxiously as he waits for me and Andy to arrive flashes through my mind. It brings a warm smile to my lips.
"Floyd!" I call as I grow closer.
His head snaps up and a large dopey grin spreads onto the man's cheeks. He straightens up moving past the two men who are standing next to him, who are now also looking at me now with cocked eyebrows.
"Dang Liv, you are losing your touch. I mean 20 minutes late… tut tut tut." He shakes his head at me all while keeping that grin on his face.
Staring at him now I almost forget why I was so scared to see him. Why there's a perpetual knot that's been growing in my stomach since I read over the mission.
I can't dwell on that now. Instead I mirror his grin.
"As if Bobby, you can blame Warlock and the old lady in front of me on my drive over for the delay."
Bob and I meat in the middle.
"Blaming old ladies Liv? Now that's just cruel." He feigns a look of dissapointment at me and I laugh as I l grab one of his shoulder and move to hug him tighly. I'm careful to not spill my drink over his head
"So Warlock is an old lady now? I'll make sure to tell him that tomorrow morning."
Bob's laugh reveberates through me as his chest shakes. I breathe him in, he smells like he always does, he smells like mint. I know it's because of the pack he always keeps in his pocket but it reminds me of home. It reminds me that things will be okay.
I pull back after a moment but Bob stays close his eyes roaming over my face. Searching for any hints that I may not be okay. He finds none.
"I am sorry I'm late though. I tried my best to speed but I couldn't bring myself to pass by the poor old lady." I say and Bob shakes his head at me.
"It's a miracle how that old junk box you call a car is able to go above 40 at all, let alone speed."
I gasp holding a hand above my heart.
"Robert Benjamin Floyd, do not talk about my baby like that. Don't forget she got you to your senior prom and graduation mister so be grateful for her."
Bob rolls his eyes at me but there's still that endearing smile on his face. "It furthers my point about how that thing is nearing it's end Liv."
I shake my head at him narrowing my eyes playfully.
"Hate to break up this little reunion. But you gonna introduce us to your friend, Bobby?" A voice pipes up from behind Bob's frame.
Bob's jaw twitches of the use of the nickname not coming from me. He doesn't comment on it though as he steps back revealing me to the group of aviators who are reguarding the two of us with curious glances.
Bob wraps an arm around my shoulders.
I feel warm with all the eyes that are now staring at me.
Which seems a bit crazy to me because I use to revel in the attention. Even before I became a pilot and that naval aviator confidence was injected into my veins I didn't mind the attention. Since the incident though I find myself hating it more and more. I never know if they're staring at my face or the awful scars that poke out from behind my shoulders and peak out around the base of my neck.
"Everyone this is Leutienant Liv Fairdon, callsign: Queenie. We went to highschool and the academy together so we are old friends." Bob introduces.
All at once I see a ripple of recognition flow through the group. I should have expected this, but nonetheless, I feel my throat tighten and my palms begin to sweat. I force the smile on my lips to stay.
"The legendary Queenie, the one with..." The blonde man who piped up is cut off by a woman who claps him on the back with a loud laugh that leaves her lips.
"With three confirmed air to air kills. Looks like I was mistaken Bagman you are not the only one." She exclaims looking a little too pleased to rub it into the mans face. She turns to me. "I didn't realize you were still flying. Everyone said you left after your last mission." The last part is spoken gently but I still feel Bob go rigid beside me.
The blonde man is glaring slightly at the back at the girl's head, who doesn't seem to notice or care.
"I'm not flying actually. I'm an advisory analyst now, probably why you didn't hear about my return." I say it casually like it doesn't pain my heart a little at the reminder that I am stuck on the ground.
Sure it was hard to fly after Andy but I felt so close to him back up in the sky after the incident and that wasn't an option anymore. Clara's words ring in my head. "You have maybe one or two flights left Liv, but after that, it's too much. Your body can't handle the pressure and stress, not anymore."
I had one flight after the incident and now I have one left. A gift from Admiral Simpson after he discovered that I could never fly permanently again.
"Well that's a shame Queenie, I would have enjoyed having some actual competition. I guess you being decommisioned though does give me a chance to beat your record." The blonde grins at me, a cocky smirk on his face.
"What a cowboy." I hear Andy's voice say in the back of my head. He would've already been talking circles around Hangman, getting into an ego war about missions if he was here. He always did that when a pilot got too cocky around me, his brotherly protectiveness showing through.
"It wouldn't have been much of a competition, but now you may have a chance." I retort.
Bob stiffles a small laugh but the man just seems fueled by my comment. His eyes ignite with a fire and I can already tell he will be causing me problems on this mission.
"Let's introduce you to everyone. That is Hangman." Bob points to the blonde man who is still staring at me intensely. "Over there is Payback, Fanboy and Coyote. There's Rooster and then Pheonix, she's going to be my pilot."
I follow Bob's finger, I'll have to committ their faces and callsigns to memory because by Monday it will be my job to analyze and critique their performance.
I sip at my drink, hoping that the alchohol with ease the tightness in my throat and the nerves knotting in my stomach. Only now do I realize that somehow I have nearly emptied my glass. I must have ben sipping on it nervously throughout this conversation.
Bob's arm has fallen from it's place around my shoulders, and he has relaxed slightly falling into a conversation with Fanboy who had moved around the pool table closer to us.
"Nice to finally put a face to all those stories I've heard about the famous Queenie." A deep voice draws my attention and I am met with a gaudy Hawaiian shirt that reminds me of those dads in cheesy vacation movies. It's Rooster, I'm almost sure of his callsign.
"I wouldn't believe half of them. Drunk navy men tend to exagerate." I turn to him fully.
The Hawaiian shirt is over a tightly stretched white shirt and I try not to stare. Instead, I move my eyes up to lock with his hazel ones. Rooster is attractive, I will give him that, despite the 80's stache he gots going on.
"Oh, I doubt that, you ruled the skies even in flight school, it's how you got your call sign, right?"
I chuckle softly.
"Those cocky boys made it far too enjoyable to kick their asses. It's the only reason why I did so well, that and I had an amazing WSO."
Rooster nods and I see a flash of something in his eyes, sympathy maybe. I never know much people do know about Andy, or Casper as he was better known in the Navy. I know that people know he died, along with three other aviators around the same time, but they don't know the specifics. They really don't know the horrors of that mission.
"Well then Queenie, you will have to tell me the real stories one day," Rooster says, slightly grinning.
"Call me Liv, please. I don't really go by Queenie anymore."
Rooster nods.
"Alright, I'll call you Liv on one condition."
I raise an eyebrow at him.
"You let me buy you a drink."
I laugh. "Alright, seems easy enough."
Rooster grins. I tell him my standard drink order and he starts toward the bar disappearing into the crowd.
I turn back to Bob who is already staring at me, a teasing look on his face.
"Were you flirting?" He muses softly.
I roll my eyes. "No Bobby I wasn't." I turn towards the door as an I hear loud whistles. "Looks like the others are arriving." I direct my attention to the wave of aviators now entering the bar.
I can see Bob give me a look out of the corner of my eyes. One that says "I will bug you about it later."
"That's Harvard, Yale, Omaha, shit that's Fritz." Payback mutters surveying them as they enter.
"Holy crap, how serious is this mission?"Fanboy pipes up and despite having more knowledge on the subject I don't answer them.
Bob glances at me but I just send him a wink. I will explain to him later in the comfort of my home just how serious and dangerous this mission is. Explain that he needs to be the best he has ever been. I will also need to figure out how to handle this mission. I guess I could shut down, look at it from just an analytical point of you, be hyper-rational, and don't think of this mission any other way. However, as I glance around the aviators, I have a feeling that won't work for me.
"That's what I'm beginning to wonder too." Rooster appears so suddenly back beside me, my drink in his hand.
"That was fast."
Rooster shrugs his shoulders at me throwing a smile my way as he sips from his beer.
"You guys are missing the bigger picture," Pheonix calls out turning from her spot at the pool table.
"Then enlighten us Nix," Rooster replies.
"Everyone here is the best of the best, right?"
They nod.
"Who in the hell are they gonna get to teach us."
I lift my drink to my lips, hiding the small smile that appeared on my lips. However as if realizing that I am still here and what I do, heads turn in my direction. They arch eyebrows at me willing me to spill the information that I know. When I don't immediately say anything Fanboy takes a step toward me.
"Do you know?" Fanboy asks.
"Of course, I know, but where would the fun be if I told ya?" I grin.
They groan at me. "Easy lady and gents, you will all find out on Monday morning."
I can see Rooster shaking his head at me. I turn mine in his direction just as he sends a wink toward me and disappears into the crowd once again.
"You gonna tell us anything about the mission," Pheonix asks a teasing grin on her own lips. I have a feeling she already knows the answer.
Bob shakes his head at me an amused grin on his lips before falling back into his conversation with Fanboy. He hasn't strayed too far from me tonight probably feeling obligated as my friend to stick close by. Pheonix gives a shake of her own head before turning back to her pool game.
I stay in my place watching the aviators interact with each other. They will all be pushed to their limits soon, and will all be fighting for their spots on this mission.
The music cuts off with a chorus of groans and noises of annoyance coursing through the bar. Somewhere through it, I hear chords from a piano.
I watch as Pheonix drags Bob and the others in the direction of the piano where Rooster had disappeared too. Hangman however stands confused by the pool table obviously not liking the interruption of his song.
Somewhere behind me, the bell is rung. I bow my head as a soft laugh leaves my lips. Oh Penny, did that poor man really deserve it? I know of their history, just like I know of Admiral Kazansky's fondness for the man, no doubt the reason he is here. I only hope Penny does okay with him being back. Sure the woman acts like a mother to me and definitely doesn't need my protection but she still has it.
Hangman and Coyote smirk as they take off to the bar. I should stop them, and tell them that they are about to throw out their commanding officer. I don't though. I can only smile to myself as I watch as they along with Payback toss the captain out onto the sand.
I down the rest of my drink in two big gulps before pushing off from my spot exiting the bar from a side door. Hangman closes the door loudly behind him not noticing me as I watch Captain Mitchell scramble up from the sand.
He doesn't notice me as he stumbles and tries to shake the sand off himself.
I take a deep breath.
"Are you alright Captain?"
His hand snaps up to meet mine, halting his pursuit to dust the sand off his jeans.
"I'm fine, although I would appreciate an introduction if I'm being honest"
"Lieutenant Liv Fairdon, I will be your advisory analyst on this mission, and in the concept of complete transparency, I've been also tasked with keeping an eye on you," I say and he seems a bit taken aback by my honesty.
"Is that so?"
"Yes, Admiral Simpson asked me himself this evening."
He scoffs softly to himself. "Well, then he's probably already told you everything you need to know about me then?" Captain Mitchell shoves his hand in his back pocket as he stares at me, a look a mixture of annoyance and perplexment.
"No he didn't tell me anything, but I've heard a lot about you, Captain, from Admiral Kazansky."
His eyes widen only for a second before he looks down. "Oh."
"I've spent a lot of time with him the past year, helping him get his naval affairs in order. Though he spent a lot of time in between talking about you, and how great of a pilot you are. Not better than him but still." I pause taking a step toward the man. "Both Admiral Kazansky and Admiral Simpson have done and mean a lot to me. I know one dislikes you greatly and one cares for you immensely but I don't really care about either of their opinions."
I remember those long hours locked away in Admiral Kazansky's study as we poured over old flight reports and studies. As I patiently sat on the stool as he typed out stories when he got tired of staring at the pages in front of him. A lot was of his old WSO, Slider, who joined us once or twice but an even amount was of Captain Mitchell who stares back at me now with skepticism in his eyes and his mouth slightly agape as he looks me over.
"All I care about from you is that you make sure that the person I love comes home... That all of them come home. I don't care about your past or your stubbornness or anything else that lead Admiral Simpson to dislike you so, all I care about is them coming home. Do we have an understanding?"
He doesn't say anything, just stares at me. After a moment he nods.
"We have an understanding."
I nod curtly allowing my body to go rigid. "Good... Captain Mitchell." I salute before turning quickly to my feet and heading back into the bar.
Bob spots me after a moment and waves me over. I am quickly tucked under his arm as he singly loudly and off-key as Rooster pounds on the piano keys to "Great Balls of Fire."
My heart is still pounding loudly in my ears from my confrontation with Maverick, but I manage to fall into Bob's side as I join in the song. I catch Rooster's eye's behind his sunglasses and there's a gleam in there as he loudly sings the chorus, the veins in his neck pop and strain turning red as he practically yells it.
I can barely hear my own voice as I yell along with him.
Everyone is bumping along, swinging randomly to the song. Even Hangman has joined in, standing beside Coyote as he nods his head along.
I really hope Maverick understands me, because, while I want Bob to come home so badly that it physically hurts me to think otherwise, as I watch the group singly awfully to the song I know that I really need all of them to come home. I don't want to see their faces hung beside Andy and the others in the long hallway near my office.
I really need Maverick to succeed.
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I know it took me forever. I just didn't think any of my drafts were good enough!
But anyway here it is!
[~~~~] Next Chapter- Coming Soon!
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deliriousfangirl61 · 1 year
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This is me after I've rewritten grounded ch. III for the millionth time because I just can't get it how I want it.
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deliriousfangirl61 · 2 years
Calla Lillies [Jake "Hangman" Seresin] Chapter I
Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Hailey Dugan
Masterlist [~~~~]
Series Warnings: Mentions of child abuse, smut (later on in the series), age gap? (like 6 years because I feel like Jake is around like 32/33, lemme me know if you disagree), cursing. MINORS PLEASE DO NOT INTERACT 18+ content in later chapters.
Jake "Hangman" Seresin was finally settling into his new posting in North Carolina. He is back up in the air after his last mission and back to raising hell like always. Yet he can't help but miss The Dagger Squad and after watching Liv and Rooster tie the knot he is feeling just a tad bit lonely and longing for something more. Not that he would ever admit it though. However when he gets some new neighbors in the form of a stunning 26 year old plant-shop owner and a 7 year-old boy, Jake just might feel that tiny little whole in his chest filling. His new neighbor is kind yet fierce, and as she struggles to navigate the new realm of guardianship over her younger brother her next door neighbor is more help then she could have every imagined.
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***Important!!! This chapter contains scenes of abandonment, alludes to child abuse and just is kind sad so be warned, and take care of yourselves!
My head is spinning, the handful of Advil I took earlier has done nothing to ease the pain. The plane once again jolts as it hits a batch of turbulence. I sigh softly.
God I hate flying.
I clutch my bag that is sitting in my lap harder. Thirty more minutes and then this god awful plane ride will be over.
Yeah just thirty minutes, easy peasy Hailey. You got this.
I'm going to have to do this again, maybe in a few days or maybe in a few weeks. The only difference is the next time I board a flight back home to North Carolina there will probably be a 7 year-old with me.
Holy fucking shit.
I have no doubts about this being the right thing to do. I never had anyone to step up and take care of me when my mom went off the rails. That is not something I want for my little brother, despite the facet that I didn't even know he existed until four days ago. No even despite that I know it's the right thing to do. However the gravity of the fact that I, may soon, be in charge of the care of a child is terrifying. Absolutely terrifying.
Holy Crap.
I have a little brother. His name is Lucas, he's 7. He probably has no idea I exist, the same as I him before last week.
I really hope I am not making a mistake. What if he wants nothing to do with me. I wouldn't blame him.
I don't know how I would react if a stranger showed up when I was seven to take me to a different state. He's probably not old enough to realize how awful our mother is yet.
Remember Hailey, don't talk bad about her in front of him.
The pilot's voice cracks over the intercom and he gives the final warning that we will be starting our descent soon.
I glance out the window. The morning sun is just now starting to peak out over the horizon and it is illuminating and the vast bleak and dead Arizona greats me.
I never thought I would be back here. In fact when I left over a decade ago I swore I would never step foot in this state again, simply because it's the same state that my mother existed in. I never wanted to see her again after I left. Still don't.
Now I'm back.
And I'm back to take guardianship of a kid.
That I have never met, or knew existed.
Who would've thought.
Not me.
I sigh softly and turn away from the window. I focus on making sure my seatbelt is tight and secure. Something I've probably done twenty times now.
I really hate flying.
I'm thankful for this mostly empty flight. At least the only people who have really noticed my anxiousness are the flight attendants. They gave me reassuring smiles as they offered me beverages and gave me looks of pity when I downed my Advil.
They must think I'm a mess.
The plane touches down on the tarmac with two big hops that make my heart sink into my stomach. My knuckles turn white as I grip my bag.
God I don't want to be on this plane anymore.
When the plane pulls up to the gate I unclip my seatbelt and stand, slinging my purse over my shoulder and reach for my small duffel. I didn't bring all that much. The cps social worker had assured me that I probably wouldn't be here for more than a week. If so I'll find a laundry mat.
The air is hot and sticky, despite it being just past 7:00 am. I feel the heat wash over me as I step off the plane and into the gate.
Hello Arizona, I have really not missed you.
My phone is off airplane mode now and I send a message to Matthew. Telling him that I landed. He won't respond, but at least I'm trying. I shouldn't be, but I am. That stubbornness my own mother use to complain about is still deep inside me, even if I should probably just let it go.
I can't think about Matthew right now. No, I need to focus on getting to the courthouse. Erica Adler, the attorney who took Lucas's case said if I want to petition the court for guardianship I need to be at the courthouse by 8:30. It's 7:45, and I still need to hail a cab and change.
Thankfully, hailing a cab is easy.
He turns up the AC as I slide into the backseat. Thank goodness. If it's one thing I didn't miss about Arizona is the blistering heat that is already raging on despite the early morning.
I glance at the driver one time before slipping my court clothes out of my bag.
I wish I could say this is my first time getting dressed in the back seat of a car. I slip the skirt over the leggings before shedding those and shoving them into my bag. I pull the jacket on over my tank top, and pull my hair up into a clip.
The cab pulls in front of the court house at 8:17.
"Thank you."
I stumble slightly as I step out of the cab. Goodness I haven't worn heels in a while.
The sweltering heat seems overwhelming as I climb the stairs to the courthouse. I can't even tell if the sweating is from nerves or from the heat. Probably a mixture of both, if I'm being honest with myself.
A cop is leaving as I'm entering and he holds open the door for me. I don't miss the look he sends me. I probably look frazzled.
Breathe Hailey.
Your about to try to convince a judge that you are capable and mature enough to take guardianship over a child you have never met.
The blast of AC of the courthouse is a welcome feeling. The security guard gives me an odd look before asking for my bags.
"My name is Hailey Dugan, and I'm here for the Lucas Saunders case."
"Ms. Dugan!"
My head snaps to the side, past the metal detectors a pretty but tired looking women stands. She waves to me offering me a small smile.
"She's with me Dawson, we got court in 10 minutes please hurry her through."
Dawson the security guard nods, his demeanor changes and he offers me a kind smile as he motions me to step through the metal detector. Another security guard studies the screen for a few moments before giving me a nod and a thumbs up.
Eric smiles at me as I grab my bags. "It's a pleasure to meet you Ms. Dugan." She extends her hand.
I shift my bags in my hand. "It's nice to mee you too" I say softly, I feel like if I talk any louder I'll stutter.
"We can hand those off to my while you go before the judge. You have a very good case, you have a very stable source of income, you have no criminal record, or any report of drug or alcohol abuse. Your own pass with Denise allows the judge to see that you understand the situation that Lucas is in. Honestly, your a blood relative, it is very unlikely that they will deny you to take over guardianship of Lucas. There's also the fact that you hopped on a plan at 3 am this morning to make this court hearing, which shows your dedication." Erica is rambling which I appreciate because the nerves are bubbling in my stomach.
"Ms. Dugan?"
My eyes snap up to meet hers. "Yes."
There's a soft smile on her lips. "I know this is a lot. Are you absolutely sure you want to do this."
"Yes." I don't hesitate and she nods.
She glances at her watch. "The previous court hearing seems to be dragging on a little longer than expected. Would you like to see him?"
I glance back at the security officer as if he'll get mad that she fibbed a little to usher me along. He is helping someone else now not concerned with me.
Erica is staring at me again, that soft pitiful smile.
"Am I allowed too?"
She nods. "Yes you are, you're his family too Ms. Dugan."
"Yes I would very much like too."
Erica nods, and she leads me down one of the many corridors in the courthouse. Her assistant grabs my bags from me, allowing me to slip out the folder of all the things Erica said might help my case. My heels clack loudly on the floors.
I should have worn flats.
Erica stops in front a large oak door.
Break Room.
She looks back at me once before pushing the door open. A man greets us first, gives us one nod before stepping out of the way.
A cartoon is playing on the old box TV. Except I couldn't care less about the loud TV. Sitting at the large table with a bag of chips and a soda is a dirty blonde curly haired boy. Big blue eyes are trained on the TV as he absentmindedly shoves a few chips into his mouth. My eyes fall to the dark blue cast on his right hand. A small cut that is scabbed over fall beneath the mop of curls on his forehead. My heart drops, and a lump forms in my throat.
God Denise look at what you've done.
The boys head turns slowly his eyes turn from Erica to me.
"This is Hailey, do you remember us telling you about her?"
He nods softly, those big blue eyes are taking me in.
"Hi Lucas, it's really nice to meet you. Do you mind if I sit."
He shakes his head before turning his head to look down at the table.
I pull out the chair that is next to him and slowly lower myself down. He's nervous. Lucas fiddles with a string that is caught on his cast.
I sigh softly.
"Have they explained why I am here Lucas?"
Lucas nods his head.
"I know this must be really hard for you Lucas, I know you probably don't want to leave mom..."
"She's gonna be real mad if I leave." Lucas cuts me off and my heart aches at his statement.
He's too young to be like this. Too little.
"Do you want to leave Lucas, it's okay if you do, you know. I left too, a long time ago. It doesn't mean you don't love her." I say softly.
Lucas looks up at me, those big blue eyes look so sad and it's breaking my heart.
"I don't really wanna stay, mom's gonna be angry though. She always tells me it's just her and me and that she's all I got." Lucas mutters almost so softly I don't hear him.
"You don't need to worry about mom, I will take care of that." I promise, and it's true he won't need to worry about that anymore.
I just met him, but I have no doubt that I want to protect him from everything now. Even our own mom.
"I always wanted a sister." Lucas admits breaking the silence that fell over us.
I think I already love this kid.
"Oh yeah?" I grin softly.
He nods.
"Well I've always wanted a brother."
Lucas smiles at that. "So I'm gonna go live with you?"
I glance at Erica, unsure of how I'm supposed to approach the question.
"That's the hope Lucas, we have to go talk to the judge first."
Lucas nods.
"Is that okay with you?" I ask.
Lucas thinks for a moment. "Can you cook?"
I laugh softly at the random question. "Yes I can."
Lucas turns away and back towards the television. Whether he was saying it was okay that he may have to live with me or acknowledging my statement, I have no clue.
"We should go." Erica says tapping me on the shoulder.
"Alright." I nod before turning back to Lucas, he is already staring at me. "I'll be back."
"Promise?" Lucas sticks out his right hand, poking out his pinky.
My heart squeezes. "Promise." I whisper entertwining our fingers.
Erica leads me out of the room, and I can't help but clutch the folder in my hands tired
8 minutes.
That is all it took for me to become attached to that little boy. This morning I was questioning if I was insane for thinking if I could take care of a kid, and now, I don't know if I can leave Arizona without him.
Erica has kept it brief when we first talked about what had happened. I just know the basics. Denise was drunk and she was supposed to be taking Lucas to the pool. She blew through a stop light.
Some things never change.
"Are you ready? If you'd like we can go over what you're going to say to the judge." Erica asks me.
I shake my head. "I'm alright, I'm ready."
Erica nods and I see something flash in her eyes as she looks at me.
Admiration? Pity?
Who knows.
She leads me to a large court room, and she tells me to take a seat at the front row before going through to the large desk directly in front of me. When the time comes she will announce to the judge that a blood relative has been found who is willing to take guardianship over Lucas. At that moment I will be able to address the court.
Just breathe Hailey.
I smooth down the wrinkles in my skirt.
Just breathe.
Another lawyer walks in and he gives Erica a curt nod before looking at me. Goosebumps form on the back of my neck. Erica tenses slightly, but she still tries to send an encouraging smile my way. After a moment she leans over the railing to speak to me.
"It's Denise's lawyer, he might be petitioning for Lucas to return to your mothers care but that is highly unlikely. I knew this might happen just stay calm." She tells me quietly.
I nod leaning back in my seat.
Stay calm. Breathe.
"All rise for the honorable Judge Samuel Wilkins." A bailiff booms and I scramble to my feet.
Here we go.
After a moment we are allowed to sit and I sink back into the bench. My stomach is in knots.
"First on the docket, placement of Lucas Saunders. If no one steps forward the child will be put into the system permanently."
No, no, no that can't happen.
"Good morning judge, I am Erica Adler attorney appointed by the state and with working with CPS and family services we have found a blood relative that is willing to take responsibility for the care of the child." Erica's voice is even confident.
"Is the relative here?"
"Yes judge."
Erica turns and gestures for me to stand, as I push myself my feet Denise's lawyers speaks up.
"Judge, my name is Henry Faltin and I am representing Denise Saunders. She is petitioning the court for her son to return to her care."
She has to be kidding. She get's drunk off her ass and blows through her stop sign injuring her kid and has the nerve to just ask for him back like nothing happened?
Anger bubbles in my chest.
Just breathe.
"With all do respect Counselor, it has only been five days since Ms. Saunders incident that put Lucas in the care of the state. It is premature to ask that he be put back into her care." Erica rebuts and I can hear the annoyance in her voice.
Judge Wilkins peers over his glasses at us. "I am inclined at this moment to agree with Mrs. Adler counselor. Ms. Saunders needs help, and at this time we are unaware of the standing of the DUI charges brought against her. At this time I will not be allowing arguments for the child to be returned to his mother out of concern for the child." His tone is firm, unarguable.
Attorney Faltin nods but I can see his Adams apple bob. He is angry, or annoyed. He glances back at me, his eyes narrowing just slightly. I stare back, I won't waver.
She doesn't deserve to have him back so easily... or at all.
"Mrs. Adler please continue."
Erica nods and turns back to me.
"Permission to have Ms. Dugan approach my bench Judge?"
A court officer opens the gate for me and I walk to stand next to Erica who gives me an encouraging nod.
"I present Mrs. Hailey Dugan Judge, the child's half sister."
"Ms. Saunders is also your biological mother?" Judge Wilkins glances up from the file in his hands.
"Yes Judge."
He nods glancing back down at his file.
"I see one other child listed under Denise Saunders, the name is not Hailey Dugan though."
"Yes Judge, I changed my name when I was 18, it's..."
"I see it, I can understand the want to change it Ms. Dugan." There's a ghost of a smile on his lips.
My lips twitch upward.
"So you are willing to expect guardianship over Lucas Saunders, is that correct?" He allows the fills in his hands to fall closed and his hands move to clasp together in front of him.
"Yes Judge."
"What makes you suited to take guardianship over a child Ms. Dugan?"
His tone is calm and soft, despite the derogatory words I know he doesn't mean them like that. He wants me to prove I am responsible.
I take a deep breathe.
"I know this case seems odd judge. Before today I have never met my little brother, but I understand him in ways a lot of people couldn't. I ran away from my biological mother Denise Saunders when I was 15. Before that I was removed temporarily twice. After I ran away I ended up in the foster system in multiple states. Without meaning any disrespect Judge, the foster system is not something I want for Lucas. I have the means to care for him financially, I own my own business that provides a very steady source of income. I am in the market of a house already instead of a rental property so soon I will have the space a growing child needs. I have also compiled my financial and other documents here for you." I hold up the folder in my head and the Judge order the court officer to bring it to him.
He begins to rifle through it. "Judge I boarded a plane at 3 am this morning after Ms. Adler informed me of the pushes up court date. I have no doubts about my dedication to give Lucas what he needs. I understand exactly what he is going through. Mrs. Adler has also advised that if I do take guardianship over him that counseling is recommended. I've research child therapist in my area, you'll find their profiles in the folder as well."
My heart is pounding in my chest.
"This guardianship could turn permanent, or Mrs. Saunders could petition the court to regain custody. Are those things you are prepared for Ms. Dugan."
I swallow the lump in my throat.
"Yes judge."
He looks back down at the folder I gave him.
"You've compiled quite the documentation Ms. Dugan. I see the dedication."
My heart is going to pound out of my chest. I'm afraid if I look down I will find it actually pounded out of my chest and onto the table.
Breathe Hailey.
"Ms. Dugan, it is very rare that family members in cases like this take the amount of care and preparation for these circumstances. I am finding a deep admiration for what you have done and said today. You have also provided plenty of evidence that you will be able to support Lucas not just emotionally but materially and financially. With that being said I will allow Ms. Hailey Dugan to take custody and guardianship of Lucas Saunders."
His gavel pounds down. Erica is patting me on the back. Attorney Faltin is standing again, scrambling to get a word in.
"Judge! Ms. Dugan lives in North Carolina, surely the court cannot allow the child to be relocated so far from his mother."
"I saw Ms. Dugan's address of living Mr. Faltin. At this point in time I believe this ruling is in the best interest of the child. Should Ms. Saunders be found of no ill-doing involving the incident, the custody of the child can be revisited. For now he will be relocating with Ms. Dugan in North Carolina."
Judge Wilkins turns his attention to me. "Good luck Ms. Dugan." He gavels once more. "Next docket."
Erica is turning me in the direction of the side exit. I nearly freeze as I glance out into the gallery. Erica is still guiding me, but through the faces of strangers, in the back corner of the court room, glaring at me, is no other than Denise. My mom. Her icy eyes follow me and I am unable to look away.
11 years, that's how long it's been. That icy stare use to make me want to run and hide under my bed. Now I just feel angry.
You don't get to hurt him anymore.
I want to scream it at her.
But I can't.
instead I turn my head staring at the exit. She doesn't get a reaction. Not anymore.
Erica is staring at me a happy smile on her face.
"What now?" I ask a little breathless.
"There's some documents we will need to sign and get notarized. Luckily we are in a courthouse." She grins.
"What about Denise?"
Erica's smile drops. "I expect their will be petitions for phone calls and visitation, but until her DUI get's resolved there's nothing much they can do."
"She was drunk driving can they really dispute that."
Erica sighs. "Sadly yes, there are lawyers who excel in DUI argumentation and debate. Sadly Faltin is one of them. However her having a minor in the car is going to complicate it. Truly we won't know what's gonna happen. But for now you and I are gonna get the legal documents sorted and we are gonna prepare for you to take Lucas home."
I nod.
We begin walking down the corridor.
"Judge Wilkins said it could be temporary."
"He's right."
"What if I don't want it to be temporary?"
"I suggest when you get home to North Carolina you get yourself a lawyer. If Denise is found guilty adopting Lucas will be easy. If not well..." Erica trails off.
I understand.
Erica continues down the corridor and I let the silence fall over us.
15 minutes.
That's about how long we were actually in that courtroom.
15 minutes.
That's all it took to change my life forever.
It's worth it, I knew it was worth it from the second I laid eyes on that blue-eyed boy. Lucas is worth it. He doesn't deserve the hurt, pain and anger Denise leaves in her wake. He doesn't deserve those beautiful blue eyes to be drowning in waves of sadness.
I don't care if Matthew leaves me, or if I just changed my life forever. Lucas deserves to be a happy and carefree kid. It's not right that it was taken away from him already with the crash and our mother's inability to just do what's right for her kids.
It makes me angry that Lucas is going through this. He doesn't deserve it. I didn't deserve it.
Breathe Hailey.
Alright you did it Hailey. You now are the guardian of a seven year old, what's your plan?
Oh boy, there's no plan is there?
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[~~] I KNOW GUYS AND IM SORRY!! I guess it's just gonna be a trend that the first chapters of my fics are a bit sad. So sorry about that!
BUT! On the Brightside! Calla Lilies Chapter I is up!
Are you guys excited.
I'm excited.
A few notes: As you may have noticed Hailey has a lot of internal dialogue. I will use that a lot in this fic, so I hope you guys like it.
Also I will be making a taglist so just comment below on my fics and I will put you guys on it!
I hope you guys enjoyed it.
[~~~~] Next Chapter- Coming Soon
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deliriousfangirl61 · 2 years
Grounded [Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw] Chapter II
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Liv "Queenie" Fairdon
Masterlist [~~~~]
Series Warnings: Death, Violence, Cursing, Smut (later chapters). MINORS DO NOT INTERACT 18+
Description: It's been two years since the accident that turned Liv "Queenie" Fairdon's life upside down, and she's fine... supposedly. She seems to have come to terms with being Grounded permanently and the ache in her chest after losing her brother lessening day after day. She has come to love her job at the base and her home that she fixed up. Liv thought being Grounded was going to do her in for good but she seems absolutely fine. However, when a high-priority mission arises forcing the best of the best back to North Island old feelings begin to stir forcing Liv to deal with feelings she has buried. Not only that, but Bradley (Rooster) Bradshaw is gonna force new feelings causing Liv to question the walls she had perfectly put in place.
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It's hot.
Like insanely blistering hot in my office. I debate calling the maintenance guy for the fifth time today to ask in my most polite voice when he will be up here to look at the AC unit.
We can afford multi-million dollar aircrafts but central AC is a no go.
I lean back fanning myself with a folder as I try to angle the cheep hot pink desk fan closer to my face.
The San Diego heat has been unrelenting these past few days, and it seems my poor AC unit is not capable of keeping up.
I sigh softly once again pulling my top from its place stuck to my chest. I really need to finish these report and this heat is not helping keep my train of thought focused.
Knock Knock Knock
The three study raps on my door frame make my head shoot up, I was hoping it was the maintenance man but instead I am met with the stoic gaze of Admiral Simpson.
I shoot up.
"Admiral." My voice is loud but bold and calm. My hand shoots up in a solute and Admiral Simpson watches me calmly. With the same stare that makes so many Top Gun students and aviators shift in place.
Truth be told I am not really scared of Admiral Simpson, we have spent far too much time together outside of work for that fear he encompasses with everyone else to be instilled in me. While I would never want to go head to head with him in a fight, I know below that hard exterior is a great and kind man. Something I have had the honor of witnessing on multiple occasions. However, despite the lack of fear I will never address him without the respect and admiration he deserves. Above all Admiral Simpson has my respect
He steps a foot into my office.
"At ease Lieutenant." He says. "May I come in."
"Of course. I apologize on behalf of the heat, my AC unit appears to have stopped working." I reach forward to turn the small desk fan in his direction. I know how hot and sticky his service khakis can get and since I now am an Advisory Specialist and Research I have the luxury of not always having to be in my service khakis.
Admiral Simpson gives me a nod of acknowledgement at my statement but I notice his eyes follow my movements as I move the fan. His lips tug upwards slightly, almost unrecognizable in a tiny smile. I notice though, I always notice when he's fighting off a smile. I am one of the few that can get that reaction out of him.
"Please take a seat Lieutenant."
He sits down in the chair across from me as I do the same. I let my hands fall clasped in front of me. He sits so stiff, and I wonder if I look as stiff as him when I sit.
Probably not. I've lost that rigidness.
"What do I owe the pleasure to Admiral?" I ask my tone a bit more casual then before.
The lines next to his eyes relax slightly as I ask, my warm tone making him relax albeit just slightly.
How did I miss how stressed he looked when he first came in?
It's nearing the end of the workday, Admiral Simpson has been in meetings all day, I know because his office was empty when I walked past on my way to lunch, and again when I went to use the copier. Yes, he's stressed, more stressed then normal. It makes the corner of my lips angle downward in a slight frown as I study the man in front of me.
The part of me that holds him as a friend wants to offer him a beer and let him relax his stiff back in one of my patio chairs as music flows through the speakers. However, right now Admiral Simpson is not just my friend he is my boss and if he sought me out, in my own office instead of calling me to his I know its important. I also know that he's worried how I will react. It's why he came all the way to my office, because I feel comfortable here in the place that I decorated and brought warmth into. He knows how much I love my office, yes he knows, because he watched me do it.
I feel my stomach tighten as I wait. My grips on my hands tighten, and I try not to bare my shoulders, because the second I do the watchful eyes of Admiral Simpson will notice and he will feel even more conflicted about his request then he probably already does.
"I would like to firstly commend you on your work and research. You're advise and research on prior missions has been advantageous in the gaining of success. It is greatly appreciated and noticed."
I nod softly. "The pleasure is all mine Admiral, I am very greatful for this job and position."
Admiral Simpson's eyes bore into mine. They are unsaid words being passed. He knows just how much this job means to me and I know just how much he is greatful that I am here. That I didn't quit after recent events and retreated into that bad place he pulled me out of a year and a half ago. Despite the closeness that has grown between us they are still things that go unsaid, probably always will. But I think we both know the gravity and sincerity of our words. What it means that I'm here.
He nods after a moment and he tears his eyes away from me and to the large window that overlooks the hangar. His eyes roam over the potted plants and the little knick-knacks I have accumulated. Some of which his own children have made me. The frog that Ellie gave me just last week, after I joined them for dinner is the newest to my collection. His eyes stop over it for a bit longer than the others before turning back to me. The stress lines are back.
The AC sputters once sending a hot wave of air over me. I want to recoil and fan my face but I remain stoic, waiting for Admiral Simpson to tell me why he made the journey down to my office.
"A high-priority mission has came up, it is set to take place three weeks from now and training for it starts Monday." I nod softly showing him I'm listening. "Had you been given you're medical release it was mentioned that you be recalled amongst the others to tryout for the mission."
There it is. That twist in my gut at the reminder that my temporary grounding has become permanent. All the physical therapy, all the doctor's appointments and MRI's have amounted to nothing. I can never return to full duty as a naval aviator. I am stuck. I am grounded permanently. There is nothing, absolutely nothing I can do about it.
"I am honored to even have been considered given my prolonged absence from the sky, sir."
"I am very sorry that is not the case Lieutenant." Admiral Simpson let's his voice drop into that softer more caring tone that he reserves for his family, and well me on occasion.
He clears his throat. "However you're experience in prior missions shows a high similarity to the upcoming mission. You're work has proven useful and has improved prior flight missions, so it was agreed that you would be best utilized to record and analyze this mission. Not only will you be helping in recording the details for the official naval record you will be advising and guiding the pilots to achieve the highest level of success."
There's a lump in my throat just slightly.
High similarity to past missions.
I know exactly what missions he is referring to. A set of four missions ran over the set of a month. The last and the most dangerous in which I was the only one to come back from.
I understand why he was nervous. He is worried that this mission is going to bring up bad memories. That it will cause me to slip back into the bad place. He's worried it'll break me.
He is quiet. He is silently telling me that I can refuse if I think it's too much.
"I am honored to be given this opportunity Admiral, I hope my work continues to be fruitful and helps in the success of this mission."
He nods curtly. I accepted.
"I have no doubt. Now that you have accepted, there is one more aspect I want to ask of you. Being frank however, this one is more for my sanity."
My lips tug upwards.
"What can I do for you Admiral."
"Captain Pete Mitchell has been chosen to lead this mission despite protest from me. He is here by the request of Admiral Kazansky. He was not my first choice, and given this I would greatly appreciate it if you would also keep your eyes on him."
This time I smile fully, before speaking again.
"Of course."
Admiral Simpson stands. "Thank you Lieutenant. Here is everything you need to know about the mission including the files on the 12 graduates we recalled. In fact a few are probably already arriving." This time Admiral Simpson actually gives me a small smile and I stand taking the large collection of files from him. On top of the vastly large stack is a name I recognize all to well.
Robert "Bob" Floyd
I grin softly. Of course they invited Bob back they'd be idiots not too.
"Thank you Admiral."
"Lieutenant." He nods curtly, but there is that hint of a smile threatening to peek through. His soft spot for me is showing for me more than normal today.
"Have a good night Admiral."
"You too Lieutenant."
Admiral Simpson leaves and I through the abundance of files. 12 names stare back at me, most that I recognize, I mean they are the best after all, I am bound to have heard of their exploits. I flip past the personnel files until I reach the debrief portion. My eyes scan over the information... uranium, surface-to-air missiles, steep climb out, dangerous, and eerily similar.
A heavy pit opens up in my stomach. Admiral Simpson is right, it is similar too similar, and one of the last people on earth I consider family is flying it. It's his job, I know, this is Bob's job and I know he is so proud that he got recalled for the mission. But it's too similar.
No, it not similar. We were fed wrong intel on the last run, every other mission before was ran flawlessly. Not that last run wasn't on us... it wasn't on me.
It's too similar. Too much.
I want to call Bob, tell him to come over to my place for pizza and a movie to celebrate his return, and lock then him in my house until this mission is over. Until he is safe, because there is that selfish monster in my head not wanting to be alone and Bob is all I got left really.
But I cant.
Bob is a WSO, his job is dangerous. We all know the risk before going up in the sky.
No, I can't stop him. I can only do what I can from the ground to make sure if he is picked for this mission he will come home.
Oh who am I kidding, of course he is gonna get picked.
My phone rings causing me to jump and flinch in my seat. Bob's name flashes across my screen. I smile. Perfect timing.
"Bobby!" I say excitedly trying to push away the ever-growing pit in my stomach.
I hear his soft chuckle. "Hey Liv."
"It's about time you called, I was beginning to think you replaced me or something" I tease.
I close the mission folder, and slot it into the locked desk drawer before closing it.
"Oh like I could ever replace you." I can practically see him grinning "Want to join me for a beer?"
I am grinning now too. "So you already got in?"
"Yes ma'am."
"Hard Deck?"
"Alrighty give me thirty minutes."
"I'm timing you."
"I'd expect nothing less from you Bobby."
His sweet melodic laugh floats over the phone.
It'll be okay. He's gonna be just fine. Everything is gonna be just fine.
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Alright guys Chapter II is done!!!
I am gonna make a taglist so for know just ask in the comments to be on it.
[~~~~] Next Chapter
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deliriousfangirl61 · 2 years
Grounded [Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw] Chapter I
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Liv "Queenie" Fairdon
Masterlist [~~~~]
Series Warnings: Death, Violence, Cursing, Smut (later chapters). MINORS DO NOT INTERACT 18+
if I missed any lemme know
Description: It's been two years since the accident that turned Liv "Queenie" Fairdon's life upside down, and she's fine... supposedly. She seems to have come to terms with being Grounded permanently and the ache in her chest after losing her brother lessening day after day. She has come to love her job at the base and her home that she fixed up. Liv thought being Grounded was going to do her in for good but she seems absolutely fine. However, when a high-priority mission arises forcing the best of the best back to North Island old feelings begin to stir forcing Liv to deal with feelings she has buried. Not only that, but Bradley (Rooster) Bradshaw is gonna force new feelings causing Liv to question the walls she had perfectly put in place.
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***IMPORTANT: This chapter contains graphic depictions of death. Please skip if that makes you uncomfortable or is a trigger ***
My leg is broken.
It was my first thought as I came back into consciousness as I laid in the snowy bank of some place I didn't quite know. I had only lost consciousness for a minute, but it was enough time for the snow around me to turn crimson. The largest of the pools being beneath my head. The snow and blood stuck to me, caking onto my flight suit, but I didn't care, because after that initial thought of how I could feel my bone sticking out of my shin, I remembered Andy.
I sat up right ignoring the screaming excruciating pain that pulsated through me. My parachute was tangled in the mass of trees above me blocking the view of the sky. The tree trunk that was pushing into my ribs is now my leverage to climb to my feet.
I needed to find Andy
I had watched us both descend into the air. Our jet burning below us and I watched as Hyde's jet blew in the sky above me. Their was no punching out from her, no parachute descending into the air. As I descended helplessly the bitterness sat on my tongue. Hyde was dead. She wasn't descending into the vast like we were... no it was just her jet burning and falling rapidly... right above us. Andy was above me and to the side. I remember looking up and seeing him already staring down at me. He had punched out first, like he was supposed to. But that also meant we was a lot closer to Hyde's burning jet. A piece of the wing clipped his parachute, causing the wind to thrash him roughly.
I screamed, as he suddenly dropped in the air. His parachute tried to catch and when it did he was thrown widely.
Andy was below me then. He disappeared for a moment from my sights below his torn parachute.
I kicked my legs, as if that would help me descend faster so I could get to him. A piece of Hyde's jet shot past me and the air knocked me away, farther from Andy.
His parachute was failing more now, the air making the tear wider. I could see his emerald green helmet through the rips.
Andy was falling too fast and we both knew it.
I screamed once more, this time his name. "Andy!" I thought I saw him look up, trying to find me through the rips before he crashed through the trees below him.
My eyes didn't leave the spot or direction in which he disappeared, not even when the branches and leaves broke my descent. I had released too early, my head slammed down on a branch and I lost consciousness.
My leg screamed in pain as I used the tree as a crutch. I didn't move to turn the dial on my ESAT, no not yet I had told myself.
Find Andy first.
The snow was thick and with every step I was reminded that I should not be walking on it. I trudge through the white fluffy ground, a trail of thick crimson followed me as I moved. My head felt heavy and when the wind blew I could feel the coldness of the blood seeping out below my helmet.
I didn't care though. I just needed to find Andy.
I would be told later that I aggravated my injuries to the extreme. My actions would have consequences, but I didn't care.
I don't know how long it takes, but it feels like an eternity before I am standing on the slight slope and I am staring at Andy's body.
I don't try to make it down gracefully, I fling myself down the hill and roll until I am a few feet away from him. I crawled, as my leg began to throb more and my head felt more heavy.
Andy's eyes were open and he was breathing. His lips were stained with blood, his eyes were wide and dark. His right arm was splayed out next to him and his legs... oh god his legs. His right was bent under him, and his left seemed longer then normal, as if it was separated at the knee below his flight suit. The puddle of crimson around him was larger then the one I had left behind.
His eyes found mine.
"There you are Livy," He whispered so softly and it was then that I felt the tears streaming down my cheeks.
"I'm here, I'm here bubs." I cradled his cheeks in my hands.
He closed his eyes briefly at my touch before he opened them again. I recognized that familiar glint of purpose and determination in his hazel orbs.
"Tess is pregnant, you gotta take care of them for me Livy." I wanted to shush him tell him that he was gonna be fine but he kept going. "She thinks it's a girl but I know in my heart it's a boy." He chuckled softly making blood spew out of his mouth in a cough. "You gotta take care of yourself too, okay?" He voice was growing quieter.
"It's gonna be okay." I managed to choke out as I moved to turn the dial. "They're gonna be here soon."
Andy's eyes just bore into mine. His lips turned upward slightly, he was trying to comfort me. Andy was dying, which we both were aware of but he was still comforting me. In his typical big brother fashion he was trying to comfort me.
"Are you in pain?" I coughed holding onto his hand that was so still, not even a flinch or a shiver as I clutched it so hard in mine.
He couldn't move. His spine was broken.
I don't know why I asked him that, but Andy answered me immediately.
It's how I knew we only had moments because I could feel every breath, ever cell in my body alight with the fiery pain. I shouldn't have been conscious.
"Promise me you'll watch over them and you." It was so quiet so choked.
"I promise Andy, I promise." I was sobbing and the more my sobs wracked my body the more the painful fire took over. I couldn't stop.
Andy's eyes moved from mine to the sky and I watched as his hazel orbs searched the vast blueness that stretched out above us.
"I love you. I love Tess, and I love..." He suddenly choked again and blood painted his lips. His eyes closed and tears slipped out as the blood bubbled into a pool in his mouth.
"We love you bubs. It's okay now, I got you bubs." I cried as I rocked back and forth his hand now clutched to my chest as I did so.
Andy didn't open his eyes again, nor did he say another word, but I knew what he was saying. I love my baby. I knew it was true, he loved them from the second Tess told him she was pregnant. He loved them so overwhelmingly so he cried and held his head to Tess's belly.
I lied down beside him his hand still clutched to my chest as I waited.
I waited for awhile.
A whole 8 hours.
I waited till the hostiles cleared the area enough for search and rescue to come.
I drifted in between consciousness and conscious as the blood clotted in the back of my head slowing the bleeding. As the bone sticking out of my leg made my shin turn blue. As the gash on my hand dried up. As the snow fell and tried to bury me and Andy, who was lifeless next to me. I just lied there.
I don't remember the search and rescue team calling my name. I don't remember them tearing my grip away from Andy.
No I don't remember any of that, nor do I ever want too.
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[~~] I am sorry for this very sad and depressing chapter, but I think it's incredibly important to the story plot.
Next one is a lot happier, we will get to see Bobby boy, Rooster and the rest of the gang.
[~~~~] Next Chapter
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deliriousfangirl61 · 2 years
New Fics Coming Soon
Howdy Guys!
This post may be pointless because I'm not sure if what I have planned will take off as I am hoping it will.
You might not know who I am but I love writing, but I never have posted any of my works. But I want to try. Like many others, I too am obsessed with Top Gun: Maverick (to be fair I was obsessed with Top Gun first). But the Top Gun: Maverick family has me in a chokehold. So I will be publishing to fic that I have been working on for a while.
First One is:
Grounded [Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw]
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Liv "Queenie" Fairdon
Masterlist [~~~~]
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It's been two years since the accident that turned Liv "Queenie" Fairdon's life upside down, and she's fine... supposedly. She seems to have come to terms with being Grounded permanently and the ache in her chest after losing her brother lessening day after day. She has come to love her job at the base and her home that she fixed up. Liv thought being Grounded was going to do her in for good but she seems absolutely fine. However, when a high-priority mission arises forcing the best of the best back to North Island old feelings begin to stir forcing Liv to deal with feelings she has buried. Not only that, but Bradley (Rooster) Bradshaw is gonna force new feelings causing Liv to question the walls she had perfectly put in place.
Calla Lilies [Jake "Hangman" Seresin]
Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Hailey Dugan
Masterlist [~~~~]
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Jake "Hangman" Seresin was finally settling into his new posting in North Carolina. He is back up in the air after his last mission and back to raising hell like always. Yet he can't help but miss The Dagger Squad and after watching Liv and Rooster tie the knot he is feeling just a tad bit lonely and longing for something more. Not that he would ever admit it though. However when he gets some new neighbors in the form of a stunning 26 year old plant-shop owner and a 7 year-old boy, Jake just might feel that tiny little whole in his chest filling. His new neighbor is kind yet fierce, and as she struggles to navigate the new realm of guardianship over her younger brother her next door neighbor is more help then she could have every imagined.
GUYS!!! I'm so exited. Should I make a taglist for updates? Lemme know.
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