deliciouswriter · 2 years
The special lesson ' at the back' and why I have made friends with all my'back moments'
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deliciouswriter · 2 years
The power in letting go by letting in by Akadi
Happy new year 2023 and Merry Christmas
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deliciouswriter · 2 years
Happy Holidays & Gratitude
Happy Holidays & Gratitude
I always write as if am talking to a client over a mentorship session. But today I am writing to myself. It’s been a beautiful year, a prosperous one. We have had ups and downs, yes! and so have we had those priceless days and people that have made smiles in our 2022 journey. No matter how the year has been to you, regardless of the defeating moments, the weakness you unveiled within yourself…
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deliciouswriter · 2 years
Renewal : Shedding off the past strongholds to win a positive future
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deliciouswriter · 2 years
Die Empty, no regrets
Akadi Mentor & Life Coachredefinedbyakadi.com People do mention death all the time. Why? Because living a life to the fullest is way important to them .  We’re all gonna die someday with a big long list of things we didn’t do.  That’s OK.  That’s life.  And you, living your life, on your own terms and important to me too.  Heck, that’s the whole reason I am writing this article today!  I’m not…
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deliciouswriter · 2 years
Reflections on Madaraka by Akadi
Happy Madaraka Kenyan Fam! Hope you been a fighter for your own independence and freedom. We celebrate Madaraka Day in Kenya every 1st June. This day reminds me the feeling of uuph! that comes when we finally win ourselves from Unhealthy & negative systems and control that deform of self development. I know sometimes we are caught up and we give in or give up but, somehow our freedom fighters…
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deliciouswriter · 3 years
When it's time to honor the Doing
When it’s time to honor the Doing
Ability is what you’re capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it. Francis of Assisi once said, Do it! Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible. I have often relied on motivation. It’s not a bad thing but lately am learning that the good quotes are not enough to achieve your goals in…
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deliciouswriter · 3 years
Dealing with External pressures
Pressure is all around us. It comes from work, parents, children, spouses. Their internal and external pressures. External pressure occurs when you feel coerced by external forces. Don’t let external pressure in – Akadi group© The ability to differentiate what kind of pressure you are dealing with will help you cope with pressure outside of your control. If there is someone putting pressure on…
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deliciouswriter · 3 years
Akadi Group Launch 2021: Starting with a strong Why
The book written by Simon Sinek about Starting with a why inspired me today as I was launching Akadi group. What the book teaches is that there must be a why for every decision, choice and intention. I am yet to complete the chapters but already I am nurtured positively with the wisdom of the book. Why is what inspires, what creates personal conviction & what brings a community…
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deliciouswriter · 3 years
Why it's important to know what you want for your Life soon rather than later
Why it’s important to know what you want for your Life soon rather than later
Alot of people live life not knowing what they want for themselves. My mum often tells me,’ “Jua kile unataka Kwa Manisha yako”, it’s Swahili ( A Kenyan dialect) for , know what you want for your life. Knowing what you want is a journey through yourself Moving forward, hope you still with me.. someone once said if you don’t stand up for something you will fall for anything, and I couldn’t agree…
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deliciouswriter · 3 years
Healthy steps to dealing with disappointments
Lately I don’t judge people, I am just keen to understand them. Dealing with disappointments as we celebrate mental health 2021 I’ve come to understand that people are stories shaped by experiences. However they are people we allow into our lives who cause us painful experiences. I am learning that the actions, words of any person is pegged to how they view the world, their upbringing,…
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deliciouswriter · 3 years
Adulting is teaching me to Face life Bravely
Adulting is for us to Fly 🕊️🕊️🕊️ I wasn’t feeling well, so I decided to check in with Aga Khan hospital. The feeling of being responsible for my life even when am weak and vulnerable crippled me. I remember how much over giving my parents have been with their time and resources for my welfare. My dad has especially has remained supportive. However there comes a time when you have to throw the…
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deliciouswriter · 3 years
A better Person starts like...
A better Person starts like…
Re write your life as many times, always stay redefined and becoming a better person When you look at your life, are you becoming better? Is every day a day to challenge your patterns, norms, mindset, culture? As I am adulting I am reshaping. I am learning I don’t have to be the same person I was a second ago. I am allowing myself to change better. I’ve been reflecting about my life. I am…
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deliciouswriter · 3 years
When No one 'fills' your Gaps, There is a Greater sufficient God Above!
When No one ‘fills’ your Gaps, There is a Greater sufficient God Above!
Families are supposed to be there for us. However sometimes you cannot bank on your family members let alone the people around us who we call,’ friends.’ Life has become very busy, tasks and challenges are beyond our control. People around us are becoming self centered unconstitutionally, ‘ Minding and managing my own business.” Many times we want people to be there for us. To hold our hands…
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deliciouswriter · 3 years
There's so much about life but knowing the right people for you is wisdom. The trap that comes with wrong friendships and ties have deep consequences than we can ever know. First, the people who aren't right for you, sway you away from your purpose and path in life. They take away your vision, goals and clarity slowly until you have no mission in life. You begin living in confusion and making wrong decisions while in their misery. The wrong tribe affects your peace, you become irritable all of a sudden. You seem anxious and you begin distrusting your intuition. The belief in yourself become thinly sliced to nothing. Lastly, the wrong people are silent enemies, they are often closer than we think. They see us, hear us and find ways silently to jeopardize our growth in life. They use manipulation, gaslighting and abuse to break us from the hopes we held hoping to realize our dreams someday. I pray you break free with the wrong people. May you stay strong on your divine path and trust God for He is the ultimate direction. Stay redefined! For special coaching, Mentorship and consultancy here's my email [email protected]
There’s so much about life but knowing the right people for you is wisdom. The trap that comes with wrong friendships and ties have deep consequences than we can ever know. First, the people who aren’t right for you, sway you away from your purpose and path in life. They take away your vision, goals and clarity slowly until you have no mission in life. You begin living in confusion and making wrong decisions while in their misery. The wrong tribe affects your peace, you become irritable all of a sudden. You seem anxious and you begin distrusting your intuition. The belief in yourself become thinly sliced to nothing. Lastly, the wrong people are silent enemies, they are often closer than we think. They see us, hear us and find ways silently to jeopardize our growth in life. They use manipulation, gaslighting and abuse to break us from the hopes we held hoping to realize our dreams someday. I pray you break free with the wrong people. May you stay strong on your divine path and trust God for He is the ultimate direction. Stay redefined! For special coaching, Mentorship and consultancy here’s my email [email protected]
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deliciouswriter · 3 years
Mother, I now see you!
My mother, Sometimes unpleasantly tired. This look has always carried heavy burdens, many questions without answers, In Swahili they say ,’Maisha kitendawili’. In those moments, I felt her, I saw her, I loved my mother. My mind dates back to my childhood. I recall the times I’d come from school and find her sick. She’s a silent fighter, a strong woman. Every step of the way, I have seen her…
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deliciouswriter · 3 years
Life on chance I am not proud of how life started for me. I once read a hospital brochure that mission's in the mantra, ' Baby by choice, not chance'. This got me thinking whether my folks actually planned for me, or my conception happened, like they say, it was what it was? As an adult today I see the effects. The problem of chance is that it gets you unprepared, you don't plan and worse like Myles Munroe said, you lack the wisdom of handling the situations conceived by chance. Myles extends to say, abuse in inevitable for the people and things we take for granted, ' by chance and not choice.' Whether be work, friendships, careers, Education, it is wise to move intentionally in life with everything it brings forth. I understand we can't plan it all, sometimes things happen, life happens. But even so, may that be the minority in your life. I strongly believe, if we started living by choice and taking less chances we shall become invincible, shaped to clarity for self actualisation. I believe you can start today, to reconcile like me with the times when the choices in your life happened by chance, and start living intentionally.
Life on chance I am not proud of how life started for me. I once read a hospital brochure that mission’s in the mantra, ‘ Baby by choice, not chance’. This got me thinking whether my folks actually planned for me, or my conception happened, like they say, it was what it was? As an adult today I see the effects. The problem of chance is that it gets you unprepared, you don’t plan and worse like Myles Munroe said, you lack the wisdom of handling the situations conceived by chance. Myles extends to say, abuse in inevitable for the people and things we take for granted, ‘ by chance and not choice.’ Whether be work, friendships, careers, Education, it is wise to move intentionally in life with everything it brings forth. I understand we can’t plan it all, sometimes things happen, life happens. But even so, may that be the minority in your life. I strongly believe, if we started living by choice and taking less chances we shall become invincible, shaped to clarity for self actualisation. I believe you can start today, to reconcile like me with the times when the choices in your life happened by chance, and start living intentionally.
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