A couple weeks into highschool
September 16,2023,5:50 pm
It’s been about a week since I broke up with my gf and I’ve already started seeing a person. I always thought I was lesbian but he makes me question my sexuality. Yesterday at school during gaming club he took me to an area in the library and made me sit on his lap while he started to finger me..I was like ‘OMG!! Is this really happening!?’. He makes me so fucking wet..today while my mom and sister went out we went on a call and masturbated together..it was so fucking hot..we planned to meet up in the unisex bathrooms at anime club and we would do more..he said he would eat me out and finger me again..and then he wanted me to give him a bj..I am so excited and so nervous. I spend most of my time reading BL mangas, and fan-fictions so I’ve picked up on some techniques..so I hope I am able to please him!! This is my first time ever doing this with someone,  let alone a man. The closest I’ve done to sexual stuff is grinding and that was with another girl..I’m only 13,I have no idea how I’m supposed to think straight!? Everything he does just turns me on so much..but I’m so insecure about my body idk if I will be able to do it..I don’t even know if I will be able to make him feel good!! I just want Wednesday to happen so we can finally do it together. I know it’s wrong to do these things at such young ages but..he’s just too irresistible..I used to be so disgusted when thinking about having sex with a man but..he might be changing my mind..
September 17,2023,5:30 pm
Hey I didn’t have the energy to talk here in the morning but I have some news. Today I woke up and instantly started talking to my new boyfriend,Gabe and I made our picture my wallpaper!! But a couple days ago I accidentally sent a horny text abt how I was wet to my groupchat and now I’m being blackmailed..I was able to bribe him with money but idk how much money I will get when my mom pays me. Maybe I can talk to someone like a teacher or guard but yeah. This morning my mom also called me for wedding try on’s and I literally THREW UP!! But the whole story is that I started getting light headed and she didn’t believe me when I told her,then I told her that I was about to throw up and she grabbed me by my neck and forced me to sit down. 2 seconds later she made me get up,I was still light headed and about to throw up but she finally started taking it off. Once it was taken off I couldn’t hold it in any longer and I ran to the bathroom and vomited. Most of it got into the toilet but some got on the seat and walls and my mom had to clean it up. My boyfriend had some sort of memorial thingy going on so he had to go away and I still haven’t heard back from him..I made some ✨spicy✨ videos for him so maybe I can show it to him when he gets back. On a good note I actually got accepted into the musical “zombie prom” and I play the mother,secretary,and someone named Ramona. I really hope I can play these parts well and I’m already a sort of mother figure to some. I have ALSO managed to create my own harem. Almost EVERY boy in my school has some sort of crush on me. This is sorta my first time being the popular girl and not the try hard so this is a new territory for me.
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