look like the innocent flower...
72 posts
her name is cordélia jane nott. she is 19 years-old, former slytherin and currently works at international magical office of law
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delianott · 2 years ago
If it’s worth anything, they worry that much about such things because they don’t have anything better to do.
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You and me, we have other things going on in our lives, like interesting jobs.
Or they worry that much because I am a woman... you know how people can be sexist in terms of women and... relationships.
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But yes. We do have other things going on in our lives. Anyway, I will leave the papers on your desk as soon as possible.
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delianott · 2 years ago
Hm, yes… I believe I could go, separately, so we’re out in the clear.
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I’m sorry to put you under such scrutiny, Cordelia, really.
Thank you, I really appreciate this.
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No bother, Dearborn. It won't be the first time this happened to me... I mean, I already know what this script is like.
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delianott · 2 years ago
I’m alright, thank you. And I do need them, yes. Could you please get them sent to my desk later?
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Oh, I’m sorry you had to be asked about that. I apprectiate you covering for me, though.
Of course, I can do it.
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No problems. But... would you mind coming to the next dinner? I mean, I am not inviting you to come with me... but just so people know we are not... close anymore. Don't get me wrong, but I do not want to verbalize this for them...  they can see and get their own conclusions, you know?
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delianott · 2 years ago
Good morning, mr. Dearborn. I am doing fine, yourself?
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Sure, do you need them? People asked me why you didn't go to the Travers' dinner last weekend, by the way. And I said that you've been busy, sorry to speak for you... but I didn't mean to be impolite to them.
Excuse me, Miss Nott?
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How do you do? I was wondering if you got the French papers back.
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delianott · 3 years ago
I’m not monitoring anything, Delia. Caralho, I’m just saying, I thought you could handle a different opinion, but I guess I have to just nod my head and agree with whatever you said about people. I though we had some freedom with each other, but maybe I was wrong.
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What were you expectations, exactly? Because I have thing in mind Delia,I’m not sure if someone in a committed relationship would like to partake. I‘m all in for all these pleasing talk, with you, of course, not that asshole.
Sorry if you are not monitoring my relationship, it looked like you were. But, c’mon, can’t you stop bringing Caradoc to the agenda? I like him, you do not. I will not change my mind and neither will you. We do not have to agree with everything, and that’s okay.
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First of all, I did not expect to spend so much time here, we could be in a more private place ‘cuz, apparently, I am in a committed relationship and I do not intent to be your next mysterious groupie. At least not on the papers... but if we had more privacy, I wouldn’t mind at all.
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delianott · 3 years ago
I am one of the few.
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I have a hard time believing someone as dull as Dearborn can be that interesting to you. But hey, the heart wants what it wants, I guess. I’m not jealous, Delia. I just know you better than that, I know that you want more than a boring guy. Yeah that fella is okay looking, but is that all you want? All you need? I’m just looking out for you, that’s all.
You don't have to do so, Finnegan. I can make my own decisions, please, can you stop monitoring my relationship with Caradoc?
Geez, Finnegan. My expectations when I came here were very different from what is happening. Can’t we have a quality time together? It’s seems you’re more interested in Dearborn than in me. And he knows how to please someone, if you’re really interested in him, but I can assure you I can please you more than he ever could.
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delianott · 3 years ago
What can I say? They do love me. But come on, can you blame them? 
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Does he has any? The guy is so dull, Delia. I just don’t understand, you two make no sense together. Is he like super rich? Has a huge dick? Really, I’m very intrigue. 
Sure. Because you’re indeed adorable.
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Both, and he treats me even better than I deserve, I am afraid. But, c’mon, If I didn’t know you, I would say you are jealous, Finnegan. Can’t we talk without Caradoc being the agenda? You’re kind of obsessed with him, to be honest.
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delianott · 3 years ago
Are you stalking me, Cordelia? Willing to join my fan club? We can use a sharp mind like yours.
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If I knew you like these parties I would Have invited you, maybe next time? Oh wait,what about that fellow you were seeing? Trouble in paradise?
I would not say I am stalking you... but it's kind of hard not to see you on the newspaper.. I mean, you're always in the spotlight.
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I'm not one to turn down parties full of attractive people. Dearborn? We're fine...but he doesn't have the same taste for social events as I do.
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delianott · 3 years ago
'ello, Finnegan. Congratulations for yesterday’s match. You were great. I saw the photos of the after party, by the way. And you look even better. Lucky the mysterious blondie who left the party with you, I guess.
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delianott · 4 years ago
Watch it, Delia. Or people might have the wrong impression. But now the opportunities are legal… so I would not be opposite for other ways of having fun.
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You were always the ambitious type, weren’t you? Always keeping an eye, watching, taking notes. One day you’re going to rule this world, Delia. But if you care to be nice and explain where should I look, I would appreciate.
Wouldn’t you? Funny, because sometimes it feels like you’re afraid of me.
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Hope you’re right, Finnegan. I would love to rule this world... and all other, if it's possible. But, by now, I am just a dreamy girl looking for a material husband. With this being said, I am afraid I cannot help you with more details. Especially because you could steal my plan and rule this world without me.
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delianott · 4 years ago
So this old friend better not miss the opportunity.
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More of what, Delia? You will have to be a bit more specific. Sure, I could go for a better career in the future, some important position, maybe. But what else? A beautiful wife? A lovely house? Am I not young for that kind of commitment? 
First a drink and then we see about this debt, you can start by being pretty by my side. 
This old friend have already missed lots of opportunities to have fun with me.
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Oh, please, Finnegan. Now you sound like a dreamy girl and the one who needs to play this role is me, not you. Maybe you don’t read anything other than the sports section in the newspapers, but there are interesting things going on, and they are not that far from us.
I think I manage this.
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delianott · 4 years ago
And what image you wan to give it now? I’m interested to hear about it. 
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What would you do? Which advantages are you talking about? I’m all hears. Well, that is for me to decide, no? I’ll cash out my favour when the right momento arrives.
I'm a multi-faceted woman, but by now I am just drinking with an old friend. 
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Come on, Finn. You are a man, you are good-looking, you came from a good family. You could get more out of it all. Unfortunately men rule the world, and I would give anything to call the shots as well.
I can't wait to pay this debt so.
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delianott · 4 years ago
The thing is that you did talked a lot about getting married, If I recall. Maybe that image of you stuck in people’s mind. Of course you were young and naive back then, but being engaged at your age is the status quo around here. And you can have all fun that you want, sure, but maybe not if someone like Black. Trust me, stay away off that lad. Dearborn is another story, but hey, I won’t be here badmouthing your future husband.
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Of course I like the spotlight but that doesn’t mean that I like or want woman around me all the time. Give me money, hell, give me glory, any day, any time. And I will be satisfied. 
Not now, not today. Can I save the favour for a raining day? Is always good to have some leverage. 
I just gave people the image they wanted of me. And he is not my future husband, lets not to put the cart before the horse.
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If I was a guy.. if I was you I would take way more advantages of your position to be honest. But, your life, your choices. Who am I to judge you, huh?
Sure. But I am afraid I don't have much to give you in return. I'm afraid you're doing a bad deal, Finnegan.
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delianott · 4 years ago
Does you father usually put so much effort on your matches? But hey, if you’re happy is all that matters, right? Happy bride, happy life. Well, Black has a shitload of issues, not only him, but the whole family. You definitely dodge a bullet there.
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This is how you see me? Like someone who always have a chick on the side? I’m not a kid anymore, Delia. I don’t have time for this kind of things, it gets old, believe me. Well, I guess you found the perfect gentlemen then, I’ll buy a drink and won’t expect anything else from you. Great deal, don’t you think?
Actually he usually doesn't care about it at all. That's why I got so surprised by his sudden interest. Should I be afraid? Maybe... Anyway, I'm just having fun with a guy, I'm not creating expectations, although everyone seems to be creating for me. Isn't funny that single ladies cannot show up with a guy to immediately become target of gossip?
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Isn’t exactly how you are? It’s me, Finnegan, Cordélia Nott, remember? You can be yourself, there is no need to make a good impression on me. I would not judge you for liking the spotlights and taking advantage of it. I would do the same in your place, to be honest.
Won’t you expect nothing in return? Don't spoil me, Abbott, or I might end up taking advantage of you.
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delianott · 4 years ago
It is not a matter of what I want. If things were to be my way, they would be a lot different. But this isn’t the world we live in, is it? We’ve got to play with the cards we’re dealt, and that’s it.
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Nonetheless, I have a feeling you might be able to work out whatever comes your way. You strike me as the kind of person that knows quite well how to get her way.
Honestly, Augustus. I must like you very much, because our relationship is of no use.
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And I have a feeling I will have to find a way to get what I want to. You are so stubborn...
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delianott · 4 years ago
It isn’t, indeed. Take my sister, Regina, for instance. She was a lot like you, but our parents left her no choice but to marry someone in the end. She’ll tell you she’s happily married, though.
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It doesn’t hurt, indeed, but I don’t think there is much use in trying to change certain things. 
And is this the end you want for your favorite cousin? Marrying someone with no chance of choice? Tragic... don’t you think?
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When I am stuck in an abusive marriage, you will remember that you denied help me, huh? Just kidding... 
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delianott · 4 years ago
I will always pay for you, Delia. You know that. Of course, you’re like a little sister to me, well, not entirely, but you get the picture.
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Picky is a good adjective to elitist, don’t you think? But again, maybe is what matters in the inner circles, a good surname, some wealthy and a proper posh behaviour. 
Well, I’m not alone, am I? I’m here with you now… and as I said, I’m just back to the city so I’m just enjoying the evening, some good booze, nice place and great company. What about you?
You know how things work. And he is a very promising young boy as my father said. Anyway, I had a lot of fun with the brouhaha. I mean, the last gossip with me, it was when Black became a blood traitor for real. People really thought I was suffering from a love disillusionment. 
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Oh please, Finnegan. Tell me the truth, did your date blow you out? I thought groupies would never miss a chance to go out with the famous Finnegan Abbott. Me? I was looking for someone with a good heart to buy me a drink. Thank you, by the way.
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