dekiruhero-blog · 6 years
    That's her, isn't it? It has to. It has to be her. Considering the setting, he doesn’t want it to be true, but something else swells in him wanting it to be true, and then -
     It is. It has to be. He took up ‘Deku’ as a hero name a few weeks ago, and it’s stood strong even to another universe. Want turns to worry, spins into some bittersweet mix of relief and woe; his arms, no longer frozen, wrap around her, loose enough for her to move, regardless of how probable it is. ( It isn’t, and he knows that. )
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    “Eri -- ” The city’s newfound light doesn’t cast any injuries on her, but he hopes that it isn’t playing tricks now. “You’re... you haven’t been injured here, have you? I..”
    “..You’re safe, I promise.”
( @dekiruhero… ! )
          She’s never run so fast in her life.
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          Undoubtedly, this was Mister Deku. From their build, to their smell, to the way he reacted to her sudden hug… Yes, this was him. Already she feels the tears welling up in her eyes, as she grips at the cloth of his shirt mercilessly. The boy’s not going to get rid of her anytime soon, and shakily, she finds herself speaking:
          “ … De… ku. “
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dekiruhero-blog · 7 years
( @vectorcontrol, that was an accident, I swear. )
      “ The city’s... gotten pretty light now that the festival is in full swing, huh? ” That’s meant to be a bit of an observation to himself, but the person who seems to have turned well in his direction - maybe it was said a lot more externally than he’d thought. His entire being flusters up, nervously thinking of what to stutter out to a colder expression.
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      “ Well, uh - that was just a general statement !! Sorry, that was probably distracting and this might be even more distracting now considering the events -- b-but, you definitely don’t have to respond at all ! It’s just, you know-- a lot brighter compared to before the festival started. S..sorry about that. ”
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dekiruhero-blog · 7 years
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          “ Hey hey, what’s up? “
          Gosh, the guy was still willing to talk to him, after her terrible blunder in the library? Well, it didn’t go as horribly as it could have gone, she thinks. The girl is beaming at the sight of the other, practically glowing– er, because she is, quite literally, glowing. Her the fronts of her hands are practically drenched in glow-in-the-dark paint, intricate designs on her face, though, it could be a lot better if she could, like, see her face. “ Oh, could you?! That’d be really helpful. “ She tried to dress for the occasion and everything, but… “ I… can’t pull up my sleeves like this, hahaha. “ She doesn’t trust how machine washable this art medium is. “ Forgot to, silly me. Can ya start with that? Then we can work on being Real Artists™. “
      “ Yep ! Er... not much, actually. I’ve kind of just been watching everyone else enjoy the festival. I’ve participated, just... not enough to be as dedicated as everyone else. ” He’d ask what she was doing, but he’s pretty sure that’s obvious - from the paint shining all over the place to the fact that it’s being advertised through the city just as well as any other festive face painting booth, what she’s doing is obvious.
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      He nods, a smile beginning to form. It’s simple, non-saving people and non-risking your life situations like this that would feel more heroic, even though he doesn’t consider helping anything like that. “ Yeah, definitely. ” As he continues, he does start helping, one sleeve  rolled at a time. “You’re really into the festival, clothes and everything, honestly - I could never really manage to do that. Considering the time, I’d probably look even more like a plant head. ” He goes to the next sleeve, rolling it up before nodding again. “Got it! I think we’re pretty ready. ”
      ...Did she just say ™ out loud?
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dekiruhero-blog · 7 years
          “ A city that does not prioritize it’s citizens above all else will just ruin themselves in the end. “ Toshinori says this with a tone of finality, allowing himself to ball one of his hands into a fist. He likes to think of himself as someone who can sense malice easily, given his past career, and, so far, aside from his general discomfort from the unfamiliarity of the area, he hasn’t felt any of it from the people that had attended to him. Hm.
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          “ I don’t know what happened. No one noted your disappearance to me at U.A.” He frowns at this, scowling into the flame as he contemplated over the reasoning behind this. Young Bakugou had been gone for less than a week and the entirety of the city was in chaos. For Izuku to say that he had been gone for a whole month… It just didn’t seem possible, all things considering. Had Young Midoriya been gone at all? He says so, but… “ There’s no use worrying over it. I’m here now. “ Even if it is against his will and everything. 
          With the next thing the boy says, Yagi’s brows can only furrow all the more. “ They don’t know? So this is a new phenomenon? “ Well, that’s just dandy, isn’t it? Shit. “ … I see. “ He looks like he wants to say something more, but holds back in favor of readjusting the candle before him.
        One nod is all it really needs to end the conversation - at least, that’s how it may seem. Well, in truth, it is— he just dwells on the thought a minute further before moving on.
        “ If my letters didn’t even get through, then it slightly makes sense nobody saw me disappear.. maybe. We both have different times for when we last saw each other, too.. Maybe there’s a time discrepancy in Septaneus? Err— sorry. I’ll try to stop thinking about it. ” ...Try being the key word. The difference is a mystery he knows nothing of that makes him curious to learn about, even though it’d be fairly hard to dent. “ I’m kind of repeating myself, but.. despite everything, it’s nice to even talk to you again. Of all the people to see from back home, you.. might be one of the most relieving.  ” Omit the ‘and worrying’ part.
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        “ Well, the blackout is, anyways. I don’t think the city’s festivals have been going as awry as they are now - otherwise, I’m sure they would’ve been calmer in the broadcast. ” And perhaps less smug. Two emergency broadcasts, and in only half a year’s time; an outsider would think it to be badly governed. Of.. course, though, that wasn’t truly the case. …Probably not, anyways. His eyes look back to the other, brain maybe— no, definitely searching for something to say but not really finding anything. “ They did manage to fix the.. last incident after a week or two, but I really hope this doesn’t take as long to solve. ”
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dekiruhero-blog · 7 years
          Oh? That’s all the other had to say? Obviously not, considering the expression on the boy’s face, but… Well, if it truly was important, Midoriya would bring it up. That was the sort of relationship that they had formed over all of this time together, wasn’t it? He likes to think so, in the very least. “ I came upon this place when it had already started. They told me to come here. “ And so he did, and, thinking on it now, he’s more relieved than anything to have done so, seeing how this child was here before him, flesh and blood. “ Likewise. I am glad that you’re alright, Young Midoriya. “
          And then he delivers a swift chop right on the top of the boy’s head.
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          “ But you’re still as much of nonsense speaker as ever. “
          With that, he quickly ushers Izuku into the living room. The apartment is quiet, empty sounding almost– perhaps his supposed roommate wasn’t here? Regardless, while generally perturbed, he doesn’t feel anything in particular to be worried about when it comes to the space. They said the streets were unsafe, so… hopefully the council’s insistence on staying inside had some merit to it. The little light that the candle provided shows all the standard amenities of the average apartment, albeit it being a bit more… spaced out. Well, people had always said that Japanese apartments were smaller than most. Ah, where’s a matchbox, a matchbox… There.
          Not taking the chance to waste any time, Toshinori locates several candles strewn about the room with the help of the light provided (whether they were provided by the city or bought by his roommate, he doesn’t know, but it shouldn’t matter right now), and he sets them aflame. After putting them around in enough safe spaces so that they would not fall over, he finally sits down on the couch, and motions for Izuku to seat himself on the chair across from him. “ Well. “
          “ You said that you’ve been here for a month, but I remember seeing you before that. “  Yagi says, tenting his hands as he looks into the fire. “ It’s been two, at most three weeks for me. And in that time, I had not been contacted by you once. “ He looks at the other. “ So either your letter was late, or it was never intended to reach me. “ Hm. “ This place… You’ve felt it in the air, right? “
          “ This is a completely different world than the one we’ve been in, Izuku Midoriya. “ 
        “ That’s.. surprising. Last I remembered, they seemed too busy dealing with it, but I guess that isn’t the point-- at least you were able to get here. ” Though he nods, he doesn’t expect the next hit coming ( he’s unsure of if it was due to the conversation at hand or just because he was rusty, and he definitely can’t tell the difference ), and his free hand slowly rubs his head in- well, a lack of- physical pain. It just hits his heart instead.
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        “ ..I know. Sorry. ” 
        His eyes drift to wherever the candlelight shines - there’s really not much (of course,) just the same basics as his apartment has, without anything extremely personal; but in the short time it takes his mentor to light up each candle, he looks around anyways. After, he takes the motioned seat, candlestick still thinning away in his hands. He listens well - as well as he can to understand All Might’s words, to think briefly about the past. When he ever speaks up, he still looks at the burning fire: it’s as flickering as his confidence and shines as bright as his continued surprise. “ ...Only that short? But... ” He momentarily stops; considering the lack of a reply, he’d assumed that anyways. It only really needed confirmation - but is a difference in time really that? “ I guess the services here really don’t allow mail outside of the city. I checked to see if it’d been mailed and everything, too... ”
        “ ... Yeah. The citizens here kept mentioning that when I got here. ” It’s just that even with the events and the explanations, he’d just rather not have believed it. “ It’s completely different, and.. I don’t think even the city fully knows what’s going on, too. ”
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dekiruhero-blog · 7 years
          First, the child almost sets his hair on fire, and now he’s shaking like a leaf? Wow, that’s… 
          … entirely what Izuku Midoriya would act like. 
          He can’t be too hard on the boy, now: thinking it over, with the unfamiliarity of the place, the seemingly recent lightless predicament, and the sudden appearance of a familiar person– it’s like everything had gone right, except they had been transported into an entirely different location. Or perhaps… they were what had gone wrong? 
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          “ I had spaced out for but a moment, but, when I came to, I had ended up in this city’s center. “ Nothing can top the sigh that leaves Yagi’s lungs, trying to come up with a reasonable response to Izuku’s rambles. Thinking about it now, it has been a bit since he had seen the boy last. What the other says is true for the both of them– he doesn’t know how this is happening, but he certainly is comforted by the sight of the other before him now, after having had a few moments to look him over. Undoubtedly, this was his successor. No one else can cry that quickly. “ You… have you been here long? “
          “ – It might be better to find someplace else to talk. “ Already, his legs immediately brace against the floor, and he puts his hand on the wall once more: so this is what they meant by the city shifting, huh? How… unusual. “ The apartment they gave to me is right here. Come. “ Lowering his arm, his hand catches on a knob, which immediately responds and gives way to a simple twist. It’d be better if they were sitting down if these quakes were to continue.
        Did he expect a different result from his own, or something just a smudge different from his own first experiences? Er... in the end, it wouldn’t really matter - all that exactly was on Izuku’s mind now was the conversation at hand, eyes towards the illuminated parts of the wall. “ ..Oh. Did you manage to get here before the blackout, though? I don’t know how they’ve been able to handle people entering the city in the midst of everything, considering the blackout was already bad enough when it started, but... either way, I’m really glad to see you’re okay. ” With what whispers spread through the city, one would think to be scared - and the same case applied here. ( After all, he certainly wasn’t ready to see the future go south. Not yet, and perhaps not ever. ) 
        His thoughts’re too distracting for him to provide a coherent answer at the same time, though, and he shakes them away, eyes focusing down towards his candle. “ ..A month, at least. ” Half of the time, he’d been stuck having to work and cram, but it seemed that he didn’t have to by the time Siebalia unknowingly rolled around. Now that he was counting it out, though, the time he had spent had amounted to a lot more than he’d really hoped to spend without any slightly memorable interaction. “ I don’t.. think the post office here manages to deliver letters outside of the city, but.. I tried. I don’t know if anyone received it, though. ”
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         In his shock, he almost blows out the candle, one hand desperately attempting to keep it from falling while the other presses on the wall. Maybe this wasn’t a safe idea, but.. he really hadn’t realized that until now. It manages to survive the shift, though he looks back to his mentor only to be filled with even more worry. “ A-are you okay? ” Er-- yeah, you’re right. I gue-- ..wait, isn’t this.. ” the same floor his own apartment is on, if not close to it? At first he nods, looking back in the direction of his own apartment-- and then he looks towards the opened door and follows through, catching a glimpse of the number. 
        ...2B. ... So he was right. He doesn’t make a point of it now, though, shining the light to whatever may lay in the apartment. “ Er... what exactly do we talk about now, though? It’s-- better, of course, to be able to sit here for both the shifts and secrecy, if that even applies here, but... ”
        Well, he’s sure there’s something they have to talk about. He’d just rather not think about the worst topics.
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dekiruhero-blog · 7 years
           Even in another world, One for All still shakes in his legs, his heart, even the unscarred hands holding a candlestick in front of him. It’s a fire of Olympian might and life, crackling with an aura to last for generations- and yet, even in an event such as this, it dims under Septaneus’ darkened sky. It’s odd to think that the city’s been under a hidden turmoil for over a day, now, odder to think the rumors have spread without a hint of confirmation or denial. Dark as it is, though, he has to try - of course, he can’t go off trying to fix the problem, but he has other health problems to handle for however long this blackout lasts.
        Miraculously, even in the dark of the night ( though he’s not sure what time it really is ) , something else appears. A figure, but not at all monstrous-- just one in the shadows of the apartment hall. Though he knows better than to just blindly near someone he can’t see well, he also knows he’s in an apartment; if his quirk doesn’t help him, making a ruckus or knowing how to escape will. Eyesight won’t hamper One for All too badly, anyways.
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          And then, the true miracle seems to echo in front of him, and what he hears is certainly a voice he hasn’t heard in a while. He lifts up the candle, reaches up high enough on his toes for the light to flicker and travel and that’s--
          “ A-- All Might ! ” His hand shakes and the light speeds back down, both hands now gripping it in spite of his own shaking. Maybe it’s a farce, maybe this isn’t All Might and someone is posing as him or something. If they are, it’s going to work for a while - Izuku’s own reaction, filled too far with shock and surprise ( and there might be -- no, there’s certainly tears about to well up, too ) is enough to show that. “ It-- it is me, but- how did you get here? I - I don’t understand at all, and I’m kind of relieved to see you but I don’t know how this happened especially now-- but I promise, it’s- actually me. ”
          Izuku Midoriya, ninth successor of a quirk to last generations, previously enrolled to become a professional hero - ... that’s him.
( @dekiruhero​, this isn’t… japan, is it? )
          Perhaps drinking these days is bad, considering his condition. 
          It had one been a glass, though! And if this was a drunken state of unconsciousness, it’s realism certainly doesn’t leave a lot to be desired. The wall he’s placed his hand on definitely feels real, as are the clothes on his back and the breeze passing through the window. He’s in as good of a shape as he can be– in fact, he feels perfectly sober. They had just given him a room like this? Without any previous arrangements made? How… strange.  
          You know what else is strange? 
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          “ … Young Midoriya? “
          He had only decided to follow the requests of whoever was pulling the strings behind this because of the blinding darkness, but to see his very successor before him, lit in the dim light of the candlestick held in his hand… Just what had happened? “ Is that you? “
          God, of course it isn’t. Don’t kid yourself, Yagi.
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dekiruhero-blog · 7 years
@messiahsrebirth​, I hope you’re doing.. well in this situation?
You know, Izuku’s sure he’s never caught a glimpse of the man he rooms with. Not awake, anyways, and it makes sense — he doesn’t ever come back in the afternoon, at least not long enough for someone else to enter and have a conversation with him.
Of course, that makes whoever his roommate is a stranger by name, and whoever is entering right now-- now, in the middle of a blackout with a rumor of deadly monsters- just as unknown as him. He doesn’t even know just how he got to his apartment, as in the haste of things he’d ended up leaving the city center to find some way out of this, just that he can recognize the vague stairs and decor of his own room. He’s too far away to see anything or anyone else in the blackout, though, and that doesn’t sit well.
Truth be told, he’s not afraid of the dark at all; he’s just afraid of how long it’ll last, and how long these thoughts of monsters will stay in his head.
 “Hey, that’s... er, is this your room?” Well, he only asks because this is only two persons’ room (one being him,) and he can’t recognize anything except the creaking of the door and someone’s subsequent footsteps. It’s probably not as kindly said as he hoped it’d be, though. “Sorry-- I’m not one to believe in a lot of superstition or rumors, I’m just... kind of trying to stay cautious.”
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Though it can’t really be seen now, his mouth quirks into a smile. “..It’d kinda be better if there was anything here to use to see, though.” Not even his phone works, who knows if his quirk can create any light, and he’s not sure if he’s got any safe ways to start a fire in his apartment. Maybe there’s one downstairs, or something?
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dekiruhero-blog · 7 years
          {♠} —; Up high—down low—and this person’s mind was way too slow! Ouma genuinely didn’t expect a lot of people would fall for this trick, and yet here it was—a victim. Jot that one down town elders. Ouma didn’t let any obvious signs of amusement show on his face, and instead he went to show some concern to the other teenager.
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          {♠} —; “That fall sure was a doozy wasn’t it?” he started, examining the hazard on the ground. “I can’t believe that someone would do something like this it’s just downright awful isn’t it?! I can’t believe you weren’t watching where you were going either, the lights are really flickering a lot you didn’t notice?”
          {♠} —; He clicks his tongue, as if to show disappointment. Towards the other, yes, but also towards whoever set this up. They clearly had no value for other people’s feelings. If only people were more aware of their actions and their consequences.
          {♠} —; “Maybe it was hung up higher and some rowdy kids knocked it down or something? You have to think of all the angles here! What if someone set it up like that—to flicker, to send out morse code or something? What if there’s some dubious, villainous plan that we’re all ignorant to because of all the cheer? No something like that can’t possibly be real right? Villains and heroes are all just childish ideas aren’t they?”
“ Y-Yeah… I don’t think it’s awful, though— just somewhat… unusual? There’s… probably better or harmless pranks out there, even if a fall in a location like this isn’t much. ” How oblivious he is to the lie of sorts in his face — it is just some concern; though the stranger’s words seem off, they don’t really seem like a problem. 
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“ Oh! You’re right. It could be rowdy kids, but from how it was placed it just… doesn’t seem like that. ” As creative as they are, that second theory’s likely incorrect, and— ….Yeah, that’s not correct. He almost wonders how insensible the other can be, considering the chaos that broke out just two months ago; but then, like the other would say, to ‘think of all the angles here:’ maybe he just wasn’t there or didn’t see, and maybe in their world ( is that how Septaneus kept referring to the idea? ) they didn’t have them in real life. “ Oh, uh, er— in my world, they aren’t. ” He’s really trying here. “ Even if they’re childish to you, I’ve always admired.. actual heroes in reality, and back home neither group is anything close to naive or childlike. ”
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dekiruhero-blog · 7 years
@yasashiuso, that’s a dangerous thing to do!
“ Hey-- ! Who put these here? ” 
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...Truth be told, he really should’ve watched where he was going, and just paying attention to the city’s festive displays would never fare well for his safety ( as known an entire semester before, ) but he couldn’t help it: studying was a bit ( a big ) pain, and it’d kept him with too much work in the past two months to gaze up at the towers of the city at all.
On the other hand, though, it’s not like he’d have expected someone to hang lights so low to the ground to make people trip- and with the lights barely on too !
“ This is.. way too dangerous. ” 'Course it is-- he literally just tripped over the line a few seconds ago, too, and anyone could’ve seen his stumble. Most anyone probably could’ve seen the flickering lights too. A glance around- nobody seems to be explicitly laughing nearby, so he can’t really assume who lined it there. “ Could, uh... actually, please don’t tell me someone put this here. ”
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dekiruhero-blog · 7 years
@waningscarlet, that paint’s brighter than the moon !
“ Oh, it’s.. ! ” That’s the girl who he met at the library that one time, isn’t it? Um... her name’s.. hm... well, it’d likely be better to kind of point out the obvious problem instead of just pausing in the middle of the sidewalk and standing there, right? “ Um... hey, Ruby, do you need any help with that? ” Yeah, her name was Ruby, right? ...He’s really hoping he’s not remembering wrong. If he is, he can.. probably apologize- last time around, she didn’t seem like the kind of person that’d get annoyed. They haven’t passed each other for a while now anyways.
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“ I mean, I’m not a glow artist or anything, or, er, whatever it’s called, but it... could be better in the long run than just using your hands to paint stuff and hoping for the best? You probably know what you’re doing, though. ”
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dekiruhero-blog · 7 years
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muse: on fire ballet: over me: screaming i impulsively kickflip back into sept. no regrets
but hey hey hey hey it’s juni ( previously naya ) back w izuku because i actually got back into the series somehow and since i just had my last dance performance today it’s time for me to get back into rpin !! i’m gonna make this an event ad, seeing as i just joined in. the middle of it yknow? like this for a starter and i’ll cap at 3 because i’m not setting myself up to die already. if it fills up def im or hmu here or at my hecka twit and i’ll totally plot stuff !! anyways, thanks for having me here again, it’s really nice to be here. (OH also ken is def coming back soon too, likely in a week or less if i’m lucky)
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dekiruhero-blog · 7 years
ignore that last reserve if it actually sent, bc here's izuku midoriya again from bnha !! (/app)
We didn’t get the reserve, but we sure did get your application! Welcome back to Septaneus Izuku, you’re going to be staying in Asphodel Apartments 2A. Try to stay out of trouble, not that I think you’ll really be able to get into any here. 
✸ Mod Asphodel
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dekiruhero-blog · 7 years
                    jill doesn’t expect to get as much traction as she does;   but apparently being the only bar   —   aside from some exclusive one in another district,   which she totally thinks is up to some suspicious shit due to past experiences   —   gives you quite the reputation for alcohol   &.   hanging out.   maybe less the latter,   but with how many teenagers seem to be popping at her doorstep,   it sure feels that way.   ❛   it’s surprisingly popular with teenagers;   i might have to expand my menu to other things.   ❜   she says that,   but really,   she’s probably going to be too lazy to actually think about it unless it’s completely spur of the moment.   
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                    ❛   no way,   you’re a natural.   couldn’t even tell this was your first time.   ❜   she stifles a laugh,   almost feeling bad about how awkward   &.   clumsy he is about just ordering.   at least he’s honest about his age   —   he doesn’t seem like a great liar.   she slides him a menu,   opening up the page   &.   pointing at certain drinks   —   even upside down,   it’s pretty easy to distinguish them.   ❛   depends on what you’re in the mood for.   if you want something sweet,   there’s the blue fairy or fluffy dream.   frothy water is bubbly.   we also have tea if that’s your thing.   ❜ 
“ Ah, really? I mean, considering it’s oriented as a bar, I’m sure you wouldn’t really need to. There’s still a lot of adults around, anyways, so... ” Izuku’s hands interlace in his lap, squeezed tight together as his nerves tie into knots; but along with a short, nervous laugh, they cease with the latter when she speaks. “ I really wouldn’t say I am. I’m sure Kacchan or any other classmate i have would be better at it. ” He’ll probably never see them at a bar in action, but they’ve had so much more confidence in social situations than he has that it’s really safe to say that they would.
His hands stop fiddling when she shows him the bar’s menu, proceeding to rest on his legs as he leans a bit forward to read it. They’re all really, really unique ― even if he rarely orders out alone, he’s surprised at how much the drinks pop out on the page. One pause of indecisiveness and he finally responds- if he hadn’t taken that pause he’d likely have gone the bland route and chosen the frothy water. But the name catches his eye, and so does the color; and even though it’s likely a ruse of a description, he’d be grateful for once to have one pleasant night. “ Alright! Um.. could I order a Fluffy Dream, then? ”
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dekiruhero-blog · 7 years
This was not what Izuku expected to be doing, especially on a school day. ( One would think too that such a young-looking kid in a hoodie should not be outside in the midst of chaos ⸺ with the lack of (read: none observed at all) skirmishes around town whenever he walked, he had no expectation to use One for All, whether or not they would’ve ever allowed it here.
And, of course, if he could use it here and now, especially to defend himself better, then it was a no-brainer: he had to activate it for most of the time that he wasn’t in a safe zone.
Everything happened almost immediately: he’d been so close to the apartments, and then nearly fallen back against the wall from the brief earthquake, and- well, he was still in the same area now, still fighting. ---- ..Ow. Remind him never to impulsively throw out his fist again at a zombie without his hero costume. Ever. Sure, ignoring that sore hand was nice and all, but now-
Well, actually, now someone else stood near the former horde, bodies near both him and her that likely wouldn’t get up again for the time being. One for All dissipated, veiny red streaks gone from view temporarily as he caught his breath.
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Though.. “Fun? I mean- I’m not sure fighting aggressive zombies counts as that, but- sure.” The other girl seems to be having a blast, compared to him, but there is slight joy in not wasting One for All for the time being.
Bumblebee’s engine revved loudly the chaotic the streets, one hand steered the motorcycle as the other held a beaten up and bloody baseball bat. Taking a closer look it’s clear that’s a nail bat. Sure, she could just use ember celica and her bionic arm, but what’s the fun in that? Live it up!
Turns out Yang is very proficient in driving and smashing some skulls at the same time! A true multitasker when needed. Eyes laid on this boy, who was fighting off a group of zombies with his very fists, and Yang parked Bumblebee to lend a hand even if he clearly didn’t need it.
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“Comin’ through!” one hand brought the nail bat down. BAM! It fell. A punch triggered a bullet from ember celica. BANG!!  Another nasty body to pile up. She turned around, nail bat resting over her shoulders before giving him her best smile. It’s been so long since she’s felt so alive. “You looked like you were having fun, hope I didn’t ruin it for you.”
are you ready for an adventure @shutosutairu​ ?
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dekiruhero-blog · 7 years
“ I’m not sure that’s on the shelf… This one doesn’t appear to be there either… ” And then a few clicks later, “ and none of them appear on the catalog record either. They must not have the books here. Sorry about that.. ”
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Or so the conversation would end— if the mentioning and description of the tale didn’t pique his interests. “ But your world’s stories sound interesting. I mean, from what you’ve mentioned of the, uh- ‘The Four Maidens,’ right?- the characters you’ve mentioned so far all sound really kind. I-I’m probably not one to know that, though, since I don’t know the full story. Can I ask how the rest of it goes, after the third maiden appears ? ”
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dekiruhero-blog · 7 years
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