Xiaojun’s Wife 🤞🏾
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dejalix · 1 year ago
Mingi helping his S/o take her hair down
this is definitely long awaited! inspired by this ask by @frgogh here on tumblr!
It was about 5 in the afternoon and you were sitting on the couch literal seconds away from tears. You had a head full of braids to take down and you were probably only a quarter of the way done. The rat tail comb long forgotten as you mindlessly unraveled braid after braid.
You had not a clue in the world how long you've been sitting here in the couch but you knew it had been a long time. "Are you okay" you relax at the sound of the voice you loved the most. Your boyfriend. You look up at him, frustration clear on your face. "I'm not okay" you sigh. He sits down on the couch next to you pulling you close. "Is it okay if I help?" He asks. Your body instantly perked up at the idea. "You really want to help!?" You smile. He blinks at you a few times not understanding your instant burst of excitement. He nods his head before responding. "If it has you this stressed i'll gladly help" He places a gently kiss to your forehead. It took everything in you not to attack him right then and there.
You both find a more comfortable hair-taking-down position and get to work. You first started off by showing him how to unravel the hai, after a few braids he finally got the concept down. His hands were so gentle on your scalp as if he were scared to hurt you. It was rare that you let him just touch your hair and he knew to respect your boundaries, but you letting him help you with such a tedious task made him smile. He's glad he can help you and ease the stress that taking down this style has brought you.
Now that you had help the process didn't take nearly as long and you got to have an intimate moment with your lover. "Thank you so much baby" you couldn't stop smiling. You ended up placing about a million kisses all over his face as a thank you. He didn't mind helping one bit though. He even offered to help you wash your hair and prep for your next style which you gladly agreed too. He was so eager to learn about your hair and how to care for it and he was glad you were eager to teach him!
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dejalix · 1 year ago
Ateez's reaction to your kid going away with their dad for a few days!
this is your kid from a previous relationship of course 💕
see past posts here: ⭐️
This is so long over due and i apologize truly 😭🙏🏾 but i hope this is what you imagine i'll be back to my old writing habits soon! @pinkeagle
They literally are almost as worried as you (to an extent). That's his baby too and he doesn't know how to cope even if the child is only gone for 2 days. If you're child is younger he's definitely worried more! But if your child is older maybe grade school age he wouldn't worry as much. If you're the really anxious type he'd be very comforting even though he himself is losing it.
Woo young, San, Mingi
The sane one. If you're worried he's gonna do everything in his power to reassure you that it will all be okay. He'll make sure he keeps you from going insane from being so worried. After a while he manages to convince you it will all be okay. He's definitely the type to distract you, but still allows you to check up on your child just for your sake.
Yeosang, Jongho, Yunho
He'll try to make the best of the time you have away from the child. Now not in a bad way! He'll convince you to use this time to do some self care, relax a little since this is your first time away from your child for so long. His main job in his words is to take care of you so that's what he's going to do. He of course is still gonna make sure you check up on your child but he's also gonna make sure you worry abt yourself!
Seongwha, Hongjoong
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dejalix · 1 year ago
i do not pity israel. never have, and never will.
each night that gaza experiences is deadlier than the last, as idf soldiers record propaganda tiktoks, make rave parties and grwms and fit checks, gloat over having food and water, and film themselves deriving sadistic pleasure from torturing their hostages and victims and desecrating the dead.
Palestinians have to display their martyred before the camera for you to believe the atrocities that the zionist entity has subjected them to. they cannot even mourn in private. the apartheid entity murders them in cold blood, and you deliver the killing blow by doubting them.
babies whose families have been killed will never get to know their own name.
i can't reshare a tenth of the videos and photos that cross my timeline. i have seen more dead children in the past month than i have known death my entire life.
israeli settlers burn olive trees, bomb bakeries and fishing boats, shower white phosphorus and earthquake bombs on the captive civilians of gaza. you already know about the disastrous effects of white phosphorus, but earthquake bombs were last used during ww2 to wipe out entire cities.
how holy is the land that seeks to be built over the mass graves of thousands of children? is it holier than the miracle of a child being born in this hypocritical world?
all 11 universities in gaza have been bombed. academics should be agitating right now, especially those who call themselves "decolonial thinkers." destruction of universities is a sinisterly deliberate act to sabotage the Palestinians who will survive this great catastrophe.
the act of cleansing your hands before prayer is extremely important to muslims. no part of us can remotely comprehend the grief of the mother who refused to wash her hands from the blood of her children after losing them in a zionist airstrike over gaza. "I swear I won't wash them, I won't wash my hands, how else am I supposed to sleep near my kids."
it is only both moral and right when one side defends itself. the other side are the price of war, no better than insects and cattle and sheep left to die within the four walls of the slaughterhouse.
this situation should not be up for debate, but let me finish with one final thing : do your research about Palestine. HOWEVER. you do not need a degree in middle east studies to object to an ongoing genocide. if someone outwits you in a debate about historical details and every nuance of a subject, you were and will remain entirely correct in objecting to a genocide.
may those martyred rest in peace and be reunited again with their loved ones in heaven's eternal vastness.
glory to Palestinian resistance. from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.
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dejalix · 1 year ago
Ice Brady | New Year New Us
Ice Brady x Female! Reader
it's been a long time coming 😩 i been waiting for this one hope yall enjoy reading it as much as i enjoyed writing it
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Usually you spent New Years with family, but considering you were now in college and nowhere near home you couldn't spend the holiday with them this year. Thus leading you to opt for the next best option spending New Years in your bestfriends dorm.
Overtime you and Ice became friends after learning you both shared the same major. You also were a big fan of hers before you transferred to Uconn the previous spring. Ice would be lying if she said she wasn't a fan of yours herself. Overtime the two of you just grew closer and closer.
You were currently sitting on the floor in the living area of their dorm sandwiched between Ice and Aaliyah. Everyone knew you had a little crush on Ice which is why you weren't surprised when suddenly Kk got cold and made you trade spots with her so she could sit on the couch leaving you next to Ice. You would have protested the swap if Ice didn't practically latch herself onto you and beg you to sit next to her. She was impossible to say no to.
You and the rest of the girls had been so excited to watch the countdown in time square all day leading to all of you cooped up in front of the tv sharing blankets and snacks as you stared intently at the tv. Sitting next to Ice left your stomach in a knot. You were burning up from the inside out and the girl wasn't even doing anything. At some point her head ended up on your shoulder, your breath caught in your throat at the action. You just hoped she didn't notice.
After a while you calmed down and started breathing again. "Hey i'm kinda thirsty" Paige says getting up from the couch. She digs around in the fridge for a second before closing it. "And there's nothing to drink" Ice raises her head from your shoulder. "I could've sworn we just went shopping" she says garnering a kick in the side from Azzi. "I think Y/n and Ice should walk across the street and get us something to drink" Kk suggests. You turn around giving her the meanest mug ever. "Yeah that's a good idea" Aaliyah says agreeing. You look around the room as if these people were mad. "You must be out of your rabid ass-" before you could finish your sentence Ice interrupted you. "We'll go" she says getting up.
You look at her like she's crazy before finally agreeing. "Only because i'm thirsty too" you grumble getting up. The two of you grab your coats, you reluctantly putting your shoes on. It was like 5 minutes until the countdown and you knew the two of you wouldn't make it back in time. "You guys owe us big time" you say before walking out the dorm.
"Wondering why they sent the two of us instead of going themselves" Ice says breaking the silence. "Maybe they hate me or something" you laugh shaking your head. "I doubt that, but if it makes you feel better, i like you more than them" Ice says making you laugh a little more. You both continued to crack jokes until you looked at your phone and realized it was 1 minute until the ball dropped. "I hate that we're missing it" she says looking at the expression on your face. "It's okay, i'm still with my favorite person so i don't mind" you say making her smile.
You both look at the clock on your phone watching as the seconds counted down to the new year. "Happy New Year" you both cheer. Before you had a chance to think she leans in placing a kiss against your lips. You didn't have time to comprehend what was happening but you knew you wanted to kiss her back, so you did. You wrap your arms around her neck pulling her closer as her arms found there way around your waist.
You pull away looking at her. "Whoa" was all you could manage to get out. "I've literally waited so long to do that" she says. "You kissed me" you nearly screamed. "And you kissed me back" she responds laughing. You look up at her not knowing what to say. She still had her arms around you, how close the two of you were was causing that feeling in your stomach to return.
You couldn't explain why you were freaking out. Maybe because this was your bestfriend, the first friend you made when you got to Uconn and yes though you had a crush on her you never expected her to return your feelings. "I've literally wanted to kiss you for the longest" she admits. "If i knew you liked me i would've let you kiss me sooner" you mumbled in disbelief. This felt like a fever dream. "Can we kiss again so i know it's real" you ask making her laugh. She places a quick kiss on your lips. "You're so pretty you know that" she must be trying to kill you. You look up at her fighting the urge to take a bite out of her right then and there. "I literally am gonna explode" you say aloud.
She let's go of your waist opting to hold your hand now. You were screaming internally the whole walk back to the dorm. How could you not have noticed she liked you? You realized this whole time you probably were just in denial.
When you made it back to the dorm the girls were not happy to see that you returned empty handed. They chose to ignore the giant smile adorning your face. "You guys make me sick" Azzi says causing the dorm to erupt in laughter. They all assumed what had occurred, it's not like they didn't plan it. They'd been plotting all day to find a way to get this to happpen. "Now i can stop listening to the two of you talk about how much you like the other" Kk rolls her eyes. You look at ice who had yet to let go of your hand. You probably seen her smile more today than in the whole time you've known her.
The rest of the night you and Ice were stuck like glue. When it was time to go to sleep the girls thought they were going to have to surgically remove you from each other. Let's just say this was the best New Year's you'd ever had.
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Reblogs and notes greatly appreciated 🩷
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dejalix · 1 year ago
Crack fluff
You find a pack of uno cards and challenge Jungwon to a game while he helps you babysit your younger brother.
Idk how y'all play uno since everyone got they own rules but they playing stacks (you can place multiple of the same cards on top of each other)
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"Stop cheating" Jungwon whined. "I'm not cheating that's how you play" you smile putting down your 3rd draw 4. He rolls his eyes as he grabs 4 more cards. "It's just a game" you laugh. "It's just a game" he mocked you. "It was just a game until you made me draw 12 cards before I could even put down my first one" he says highly upset.
"Your turn once again" he says. You finally place down another card other than draw 4. "Finally" he says sarcastically. He places down a whole stack of number 1 cards. "Oh okay-" you say.
"I'm hungry" your little brother Kai walks into the room. "Okay one second I gotta beat jungwon" you say trying to decide what card to pick next. Jungwon rolls his eyes. "But I'm hungry now" your brother says starting to annoy you. "Okay I'm coming" you say sitting your cards downs and getting up. "No cheating" you say pointing at jungwon. "How can I cheat if I'm coming with you I'm hungry too" he says also putting his cards down.
The three of you walk into the kitchen to find something to eat. You dig through the fridge while your brother opens and closes the cabinets like some food will magically appear. "There's nothing in here" you groan. "How about we order something" jungwon suggests. "Great idea" you smile. Little did jungwon know y'all were spending his money not yours. You take his phone and pull up the door dash app.
“What do you guys want to eat?” You ask. “Tteokbokki” your brother yells. “Curry it is” you say completely ignoring him. He started whining. “I said tteokbokki not curry” he says. “I say we get both” jungwon says. “Jungwon your leader side is showing” you say teasing him. He rolls his eyes. It’s not your money so hey not your problem. “Okay it’s on its way” you say handing jungwon his phone back. “What card did you use?” He asks raising an eyebrow. “The first one” you say.
His eyes widen before smirking. “That’s Jay-Hyungs card” he says. You look at him. “Your lying” you say not believing him. He shakes his head no. As if on que your phone started ringing and of course it was jay. “Oh snap it’s him” you say passing jungwon the phone. “What am I gonna do with it” he says handing it back. “You’re his leader” you say shoving it back at him. “You spent his money” jungwon says handing it back. “You didn’t stop me” you say handing jungwon the phone. He huffed before finally answering.
While jungwon was on the phone you tip toed away. He kept motioning for you to get the phone but you just ignored him. He had to deal with jay scolding him on how he could’ve just asked for the money. Jungwon tried to explain but his hyung wasn’t having it. You and Kai just giggle. By the time jay finally left Jungwon alone the food had arrived.
Jungwon rolls his eyes as he looks to see you and Kai munching away.
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dejalix · 1 year ago
Campus Heartthrob
Keeho x BlackFem!Reader
"How does it feel to have the prettiest girlfriend on campus?"
sigh i've been gone for months 😕💔 i'm sorry
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Saying everyone wanted Y/n was an understatement. She was what every girl dreamed of being and who every guy dreamed of being with. She was the "it" girl on campus. She could've picked from the multitude of people ready to fall at her feet, but instead she went for the guy who didn't pay her any attention. Yoon Keeho.
He was a heartthrob in his own, but he never seemed to pay Y/n any mind. Well thats what it looked like. Though it wasn't the case, she had that boy hooked. He watched her every move and he knew she was in love with him but chose to ignore her.
A game of cat and mouse that would switch on occasion. A game which came to an end when Y/n finally put her pride to the side and asked him out.
And thats where the relationship started. The new power couple on campus. Always together, never apart. Ignoring the masses of people who waited in line for the two to break up.
They all waited on the day for the two to call it quits, but lucky for them and unlucky for everyone else. They never did. It was a match made i heaven for anyone who would believe it.
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dejalix · 2 years ago
The way I quite literally just randomly stopped posting... Guys I'm alive I just am out of ideas 💔
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dejalix · 2 years ago
Kpop Soft Thougts with Ateez Hyung Line
From a black female writer -
I think my bias is very evident in my writing 😭 I'm ot8 I promise (I'm confused that's what I am)
This was very self indulgent, anyway Maknae version should be out by the end of the week. (Friday)
Maknae Version
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ATEEZ members who spoil the literal hell out of you and treat you like a princess in their own individual ways.
Hongjoong! will take you to the studio with him and let you sit in his lap, knowing it's distracting for him but he doesn't care because he loves you and wants you to be happy. He'd rather be couped up in the studio with you than anywhere else and honestly you don't mind.
Hongjoong! Who randomly shows up to you apartment with food at random hours because in his words he had an incling you were hungry, he in fact was always right and you never understood how. (I am a strong believer that seonghwa and wooyoung are the exact same way)
Seonghwa! Who begs you to let him try to style you hair whether it be natural or in braids or even if your a wig wearer. He will find cute hair styles on Pinterest and learn to do them to make you smile. (This resonated with yeosang also)
Seonghwa! Who calls you randomly to make sure your okay mentally and will show up at your apartment at the first sign that you're not. He will treat you like an Angel, coddling you until you feel better regardless of what he had to do that day.
Yunho! Treats you like a doll, buys you whatever you want and refuses to tell you no. You don't even have to beg (he might make you just because he loves the sight of you begging) You want to go out for lunch? He'll find time. You want to get your hair done? He's getting it done. He doesn't care!
Yunho! Sleeps holding you in his arms because he loves the way you feel under him. Will quite literally cage you in and not let you go, not even on purpose he just can't bear to sleep without you. You're his peace and he needs you to sleep through the night ♡ (MINGI, MINGI, MINGI like best friend like best friend I literally think he'd be the exact same way)
Yeosang! You're his pretty little princess and because of that he likes to leave very expensive gifts around your apartment randomly for you to find. You tell him to cut it out but he just can't stop. You found a pair of Chanel earrings in your dish washer and almost strangled him. He means well though so just accept the gifts and don't speak about where you found them.
Yeosang! Who has movie nights with you where the two of you build a fort in your living room. The floor covered in snacks as you both cuddle under each other and watch the princess and the frog for the 2,000th time since you've been dating. He'll never admit it but he secretly refers to you as his Evangeline when talking about you to others. They'd never understand it but he does and that's all that matters.
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dejalix · 2 years ago
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dejalix · 2 years ago
Cs why am I crying 💀
𝙌𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝘼𝙣𝙨𝙬𝙚𝙧𝙨
I was listen to Green Eyes by Erykah Badu and I just got this idea so here we are
Eren x Black!reader
Your eyes are green, and not because you eat a lot of vegetables. They're green and it has everything to do with his new friend. You’re insecure, but you can’t help it. You see the way he looks at her when she’s not looking. Everybody does. The way he laughs too hard when she says something that’s not even fucking funny. It’s so obvious, but everytime you bring it up to him, he brushes you off like a bug. You’re done with him at this point, and your mind agrees, saying that it’s time to move on; but your heart? It lags behind, hoping that he’ll change.
“The fuck you mean you breaking up with me?” He asks, anger written across his face. 
“I just told you Eren, I can’t keep doin’ this shit with you. I’m not gonna watch you fall in love with somebody else! I’m not gonna just sit here and act like it’s not happening!”
 It hurts you to say it. Loving him was not supposed to hurt like this. You feel silly honestly, thinking that he would actually get his shit together.
“Say it Eren! Say that you’re in love with her! I want to tell you that you fell out of love with me and in love with her!” You’re crying now, tears pushing past your eyes and onto your burning cheeks. You see his face freeze up, mind silently searching for a lie that can settle your mind. “I-I am in love with her. But I still love you y/n; I swear that I do.” He says, almost pleading for forgiveness.
“You’ve gotta be kiddin’ me. I loved you Eren! Do you even know what that means, to love someone? To really love them, to be in love with them? It means to cherish and appreciate them in a way that you don’t do with anyone else, but you couldn’t even do that, could you?” All he can find in your eyes is sadness. 
No disgust, no anger, just pure anguish. 
He stops, seeing how much he’s affected you. You really did love him, and he fucked it up without a second thought. 
“So you don’t love me anymore?” He already knows the answer by the way you look at him. You’ve given up on loving him, and he’s just now noticed.
“You really want an answer?” You ask. He doesn’t, he really doesn’t. But he needs to hear it before you walk out of his life for good. “Please y/n… I know the answer, but I need to hear you say it.”
“I don’t love you anymore”
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dejalix · 2 years ago
sudden urge to burst into tears. im not a toddler i just agree with their beliefs
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dejalix · 2 years ago
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dejalix · 2 years ago
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dejalix · 2 years ago
“You become what you surround yourself with. Energies are contagious. Choose carefully. Your environment will become you.”
— Unknown
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dejalix · 2 years ago
I love that yall love my stories but please don't spam like 😭🧸
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dejalix · 2 years ago
Hey yawl, I wanna write for anime characters again so like go follow my second blog @gojosblkgf 👩🏾‍💻 I literally have been writing for anime characters since 2020 but I haven’t moved any of it to tumblr from Wattpad so I will soon. Also you can go follow me on Wattpad @dejalix same as here 😜
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dejalix · 2 years ago
In my flop era 😕
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