i will rule the world!
184 posts
plot: president of silph co.indie giovannianime/game-verse
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deicapi · 11 years ago
❝Every act of creation is first an act of destruction.❞
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deicapi · 11 years ago
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deicapi · 11 years ago
                    the hint of a smirk toyed at aging                            features which seemed to darken at                            the mention of the mewtwo project.                            the mewtwo project had been immen-                            sely successful--for a time. when he                            thought back to it, it always brought                            memories of failure.
                    "it's silph co.'s--and team rocket's--job                            to do only the best," he replied, tapping                            his chin with his finger. persian yawned                            in the corner of the room, stretching out                            before padding over to her owner's side.
                    he reached out to lightly pet the feline's                            head, rubbing behind her ears yet keeping                            his gaze right on archer. it was piercing,                            stony, full of so much emotion yet none at                            all. a grin curled at his lips, creasing his                            features.
                    "-- imagine the money we'll make."
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             a hand is brought to his chin, callused              finger finding a niche on the pad of his              lip as its curvature shifts. its a movement              of absent mind: concealing the pleased              simper that took his mouth.              the glory of team rocket and the reverence              of its ideologies had since quelled. beneath              the hands of a boy with eyes that had the              color and capacity of rust and his garish              successor, white jacks had to be strewn.              the pace at which success was moving was,              damn him if he were to admit it, foreign.              it had been far too long, and he, with his              whole heart & mind, believed that he was to              blame. however, now was not the time for              apologies.              ' fantastic. the investments have been quite                modest as well, leaving our budget more                than sufficient to move on to the larger                projects we had planned. we haven’t seen                this amount of potential since the mewtwo                project begun. ‘ he had begun thinking aloud.                a nasty habit, he dully noted. ' that is, if i may                say so, sir. ‘
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deicapi · 11 years ago
hello i am here
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deicapi · 11 years ago
You think…
                 You think,
                                  You have POWER over me?
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deicapi · 11 years ago
                    " -- i'm afraid not. something came up                            on his end," giovanni replied, taking a sip of                            his own wine and fluttering his eyelids shut                            for just a brief moment. there was a sort of                            tenseness in the atmosphere around them,                            it made a frown tug at his lips. but it immedi-                            ately turned back upward as she asked her                            second question.
                    a low chuckle rumbled through him. "i was                            thinking," giovanni murmured, "of expanding                            our areas of power. kanto alone isn't enough;                            however, i believe we can easily take control                            of the other regions. starting with johto." from                            beneath his desk, he pulled out a map of the                            world. it was flattened out across the surface                            of his desk and pinned down with a paperweight.
                    "i'm going to need your help--along with archer's.                            we need to take a much more subtle approach.                            we can't have any... children meddling in our plans,"                            his fist clenched up so tightly that his knuckles                            turned a bright shade of white. you could easily                            see the tightness in his jaw. but he relaxed quickly.                            "and being my executive, i need your opinions."
Ariana stepped into the office and closed the door behind her before she met Giovanni’s eyes. She bowed her head in acknowledgement to his greeting.
"Good to see you too, Boss."
Her eyes darted around the room as she approached her seat. Something was missing: Archer. While Ariana did her best to be on time, her partner Executive was always more punctual than she was. The fact that she got here before him meant that he wasn’t coming at all. 
"Archer isn’t joining us?" She asked, even though she knew the answer. 
After sitting down, Ariana reached over to pick up one of the glasses of wine. She gently swirled the wine within the glass before she brought it up to her lips for her first drink of it. There would be no confusing who’s glass was who’s, since hers was now marked by her lipstick. Ariana was glad for the drink.
She had expected Archer to be here. Surely it was only coincidence that he wasn’t here, some unseen occurrence that kept him from attending. Still, finding oneself suddenly alone with the Boss was enough to make anyone at least a little nervous, herself included. Ariana was skilled in staying composed in most situations, so she did her best to hide any hints of nervousness she may have had. 
"What do you have in mind? Should I be taking notes?" 
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deicapi · 11 years ago
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Excuse me while I just vomit rainbows for a bit, yeah? I seriously can’t believe there are so many of you lovely folks following me… Astonished is probably the best way to describe how I feel, or perhaps sjkhdfgsdjhf. Both—both are good. I never expected anyone to actually enjoy my portray of Supreme Douche Erik, nor did I expect to make so many amazing friends. I wish I could put into words how much this means to me, but I really can’t. I made this blog when I was in a bad place, and every single one of you has played a part in making my world a little brighter. Writing on here is sincerely a joy, and that’s all due to you. The love and support I receive on here is just overwhelming… I wish I could hug all of you! I can’t thank you enough, but I’ll try from the bottom of my heart! It’s only been two months, but here’s to many, many more. *smooches*
I apologize in advance for not being able to put everyone on here; I follow an outrageous amount of people and I don’t regret it for a second. If you aren’t on here, it’s only because I haven’t had the pleasure of experiencing your awesomeness yet. 
( the leaders. )
These are the three people I’ve grown closest to, and whose muses have particularly clicked with Erik. I bother them incessantly on tumblr and skype, and have a billion heart-wrenching threads with each of them… They make me laugh, cry, pick me up when I’m down, suffer my ramblings… I can’t express how much I love and appreciate them! I’m proud to call the three of you friends.
Madi (metamxrphosis; weavinghope), Charlie (cxrebral; fxnnyman), Lizzy (heartofrevolutions; orchestratiions; teachiings; scientiist…holy frick, Lizzy.)
( the brotherhood. )
The following people are those I’ve either talked to a fair bit ooc, and feel that I can call my friends (hopefully they agree!), as well as those I thread with.  You’re all fantastic, and I hope to get to know all of you better! I’m lucky to have each and every one of you as partners and friends. Thank you!
autisticism, beanshidh, bestiasx, calisvol, callmeselina, hxbernal, melancholxa, mutationisnotadisease, mxgnetokinesis, ofabyss/nadadith, pietroed, savageclaws,  singlasses, svikinnar, telepathic-labrat
( the mutants. )
This is where you’ll find all of the awesome folks I haven’t yet had the pleasure of interacting with, but I adore them all the same! Those in italics are ones I stalk from afar and am too shy to approach. A number of the others may have talked to me ooc a bit or had a short thread with me for a while. All of you are people I would love to get to know, so please feel free to contact me anytime, ooc or ic!
a-groovymutation, abrideoffire, acrownofflameforaking, actualproperclara, agaetliga, agxntskye, angrygreen, apaidprice, arcxreactor, asceticvalor, aspecificskillset, beggarking, biochemisted, boogeyxman, callmebanshee, centricism, coiriuil, concussum, cxnnors, dedxctions, deicapi, dualcorruption, edhelernil, egoxistic, empressium, faux-timore, felisx, felix—fides, ferociter, fxdora, geislun, gunsandscales, hardertotame, havokism, heartoftorchwood, hedonistique, heirofwonderland, hiemxl, howlingbarnes, hxwlett, iknewhxm, imnotafanofbeingpoked, incredible-zim, indestructigirl, invisiblebadass, itsnotflirting, kovotojas, krovidym, learnedskill, leoxfitz, leucogaster, littlewinterdove, lookprettierlikethis, magnetisedcatharsis, maimedlion, malifiicus, malfoah, mercuriial, motherofasgard, mutantism, mxhill, nineliveshardy, nogoodx, normaltothemax, nxthanyoung, nxwtongeiszler, nxymria, ofcursedblood, offireandrebellion, ofpureheart, oftheatom, perdxro, polxris, pottspepperpotts, probablyscarlet, puristmalfoy, queenxcersei, queenxregina, rxgeandserenity, redwinterfall, rosewaterknight, sapphirescales, soeuratous, solemquis, standwithpryde, sxlvadore, stillcas, thegoldengirlsavior, thesoutherntouch, theweaselette, titaniumallxy, tokillabarton, tordenvaer, triggerbond, viewtokill, weakx, wingheadcap, xcarney, xdillon, xkinetic, xknivesandlint, xornalista, xpraeliator, youcantroofyme, yourboswell …
                   thank you, whether you’re on here or not. much love, such tears!
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deicapi · 11 years ago
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ah yes
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deicapi · 11 years ago
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                    "i'm not upset nor offended, just curious.                            you should be less vague next time."
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"It seems I cannot even tell a childhood story to someone without having them get upset and offended."
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deicapi · 11 years ago
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                    "... and i presume you're calling me a liar?"
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"Won’t be wasting my bread, on liars he said."
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deicapi · 11 years ago
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                    "you use your heart as a weapon."
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deicapi · 11 years ago
      you can either  fight  at my side
                  —  or
        get  crushed  under my heel
                  —  but 
        you will not  stand  in my way
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deicapi · 11 years ago
                    persian napped in the soft bedding set in                            the corner of the room, while giovanni donned                            his best suit and pulled a bottle of wine from                            one of the drawers from his desk. it was saved                            only for the most important occasions, and per-                            haps this was one of those occasions.
                    archer and ariana were his only executives left                            to meet with--petrel and proton were still gone,                            missing, who knows where they'd left to? yet he                            could always count on the two he had left. they                            were loyal 'til the very end. and they were to meet                            him this afternoon.
                    yet at last minute, archer called in, claiming he                           couldn't make it. excusing the executive for the                           day, it would only be him and ariana. it had been                           a long time since they'd been together, alone.                           tension beneath he and his ex-lover still arose                           every now and then. it would be a risky meeting,                           but they had things to talk about.
                    already he was pouring two glasses of wine when                            the door creaked open. brown eyes flickered upwards                            to meet the gaze of the redheaded woman. he smiled,                            lips tugging upwards tightly. "it's nice to see you," gio-                            vanni said, taking a seat. "come, sit down. you know                            there are things to discuss."
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deicapi · 11 years ago
send me a “☁” and i will put my itunes on shuffle, pick my favorite line from the first song that comes up and use it for a starter.
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deicapi · 11 years ago
                    "i've been training." he answered easily,                            tipping his head back as he gulped down the                            rest of his own drink. he wouldn't have another--                            now wasn't the time to get drunk. he wanted to                            be clear-headed when he spoke with his son.                            yes, his son. it'd been so long since he considered                            silver anything like family.
                    a smirk crawled across his lips. "but," he mur-                            mured, "i've made a good living." he drags his                            finger across the rim of the empty glass, his                            brown eyes glinting. he continued peering at                            silver out the corner of his eye, lips still curled                            upwards almost mischievously.
                    "i don't suppose you've been keeping up with news                            in kanto, but--" he paused, waving the waitress over                            to take their empty glasses away. instead of a refill                            on his whiskey, he ordered a glass of water to clean                            his palate and chase away the effects of the alcohol.                            "--but silph co. has a new president. i wonder who that                            could be?"
                    and with the tone of his voice, it was very obvious who                            it was. giovanni would let silver put one and one together.                            he hummed, content with himself. then, in a low tone, he                            said, "team rocket is together once more, this time, we will                            not fail. not even if you attempt to stop us." just in time, the                            waitress came back with a glass of water and he thanked                            her kindly, before washing down the alcohol with fresh water.
here & now
              But of course. This was Giovanni, a man who didn’t               limit himself.                “— Drop it.”               He wasn’t interested in hearing about it. Frankly, he didn’t               give a damn about his father’s personal life. A shock he’d               managed to move on, though. Not even Silver could get               over his mother walking out on them.               “Don’t… don’t ever call me that.”               He went years without being called by his first name—               there was no reason for his father to start now. Although,               he couldn’t lie about the pain and familiarity he felt ‘pon               hearing it for the first time in years.                “I won’t ever be in your position— I won’t ever be you.”               Harsh, biting words and yet they held some truth. He’d               never be as great as his father, nor as talented.               He smirks at the inquiry, throwing back the remainder of his                drink. Glass clattered noisily against wooden surface after               wards, head falling into hands as he realizes there wasn’t               a legit reason for him to be doing the things he was currently.               It’s not like he could change the past, right? He could just                start over and begin anew as a trainer once more, but it               wouldn’t be simple to shed the skin he was born with, the               inevitable fate he was to see through.               “Not anymore, no. I gave that up long ago to fix the mess                 you’d gotten yourself into. I see now that I’m not needed                anymore, you’re doing just swell on your own.”                Perhaps at this point it was the alcohol speaking, tone                torn between mischief and bitterness.                 “There’s nothing to say about it. I thought I was doing the                right thing, but I was only wasting my time chasing after                something that could not be achieved— restoration of our                name. But I see now that there is no need for that, you’re                doing fine on your own.”                Bones are tossed ontop of a napkin he set down moments                before, pulling out a wet-one wipe to clean off the excess                sauce clinging to his fingertips. He had nowhere to be, and                thus he didn’t pay any mind to the clock a few feet away.                ”What about you, father? What have you made of                 yourself since the disbanding?” 
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deicapi · 11 years ago
ok so i need to reply to rxbricate and make a starter for proti-kyria remind me to do that later.
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deicapi · 11 years ago
"Happy father's day." A gift is firmly sandwiched between the older's hands, wrapping crinkling from the rough handling. "Why don't we go watch a game, like we used to?"
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                    understandably surprised, giovanni peers                           down at the gift shoved between his hands. a smile                           threatens to make its way onto his face, but he holds                           it back. maybe this once he should have let his son                           see it. maybe...
                    "yes, let's."
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