"By the Grace of God..."
13 posts
"...King." Independent | Private | Selective Roleplay blog for Dei, a Tarnished-turned-Elden Lord. Guidelines, About, and Verses
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dei-gratias · 2 years ago
I ❤️ self-loathing characters, characters who struggle with monstrosity (either fearing or embracing it), characters who are so lonely, who have a gaping hole in their chest, who bottle up & repress their feelings, who claw their way up & have ambitions, who fall down & lose everything, who search for identity & purpose yet can’t see themselves outside of what others want from or expect of them, who are hurt & hurt others, who long & grieve, who lie & pretend. characters who are messy & flawed & human
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dei-gratias · 2 years ago
Apologies again for any inactivity! Dealing with some medical stuff at the moment, unfortunately.
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dei-gratias · 2 years ago
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"Nay, I would certainly hope not!" Dei blinked in surprise, "Lest thou'rt to spring a surprise assailment upon mineself, but I verily doubt that," the Tarnished chuckled ever-so-softly.
"I still hold respect for thine's family, 'twas not an easy feat to fell thine's siblings," Dei admitted in a quieter tone.
"I beheld their trifles firsthand and lent myself to end them of their ways of torment, all while they aided mine own journey of gathering the many Great Runes I can—"
"Alas, I seek not all of them. I am nary one for greed, merely grasping at ones placed within mine reach," another soft chuckle escaped his lips.
The Tarnished spoke slight deceit regarding his views on avarice, his draconic-turned eyes telling another story. He, himself, had dove unto the cravings of holding power as well, whether he'd admit to such a thing or not.
Yet, his specific speakings of greed regarding Great Runes was not a dishonesty—he truly did not seek to obtain every single one. He allowed the newly-spinning wheel of fate guide him to where he belonged on his journey, to which Runes he would obtain.
"Indeed I did away with thine's mighty illusion, 'twas a grand thing to behold, if not a difficult clash in tandem," Dei spoke, gazing off as he thought about the battle, "Art thou to cast another, keeping further interlopers deterred?"
Then came the most intriguing part to Dei—Ranni's state was no curse, but self-inflicted.
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"Death? As in, the very thing outcast from these lands an epoch ago by Queen Marika herself?" Dei uttered in disbelief, gaze returning to the Lunar Witch, "Why such measures to separate thineself from body, if I may inquire further?"
He listened intently to each of the Witch's chilling, yet ever-calm, words. It was still peculiar to Dei that she would choose to adopt this new visage, by such drastic means no less, but Dei held that view not out of disapproval but, rather, his ever-fervent curiosity.
He had not heeded her corpse, nor the decayed state of once which held a fiery mane of hair of which Dei was most familiar. The Tarnished could only imagine where such a thing might lay, grasped by a once-banished shard of Destined Death.
He saw how many "sweetings" clambered to Rennala in order to be "rebirthed" anew, and thus perhaps such a sentiment of wishing to embody something new, separate from one's past self, was not uncommon.
Dei had turned down the Queen's offer.
Had his musings of wishing to be "perfect" while still training within the Academy stuck with Rennala somehow? Or was it simply something she offered everyone in her now ever-dreary state?
Dei hummed at the doll's final question.
"Ah...Mine journey, mine ambitions," the Tarnished trailed off, "They art endless; I wouldst do anything I must to claim the Elden Throne. I know throngs-worth of competing Tarnished have resigned, fallen, once more losing their sight of Grace..."
"But I shant allow such a fate to befall mineself," Dei grinned proudly, "To the ends of this world shall I reach, if I must, to obtain the future I seek. I pursue stability, happiness reborn anew," he mused, "I feel I must mend these fractured lands I once happily called 'home.'"
"And though I follow such a fickle God's order, I also, above all, fear it," he glanced away momentarily, "Dost thou understandeth...?"
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The Tarnished was still taken aback by the Witch's disclosure of her trifles with Death. Yet, he remained calm at the mention of the aspect he grew to fear on his journey—Destined Death, enveloped in the cool chill of the moonlight and fog.
Dei knew much time had passed since his first, of now many, death. He knew he should let go of the past. Yet, he also sought, more than anything, to mend the Lands Between back to the era of peace he once existed within. His past was his fuel to carry onward.
He gazed upon Ranni with a hint of remorse, knowing well that she was no more the Carian Princess of a bygone era. But like all else on his journey, he would learn to accept it—wholly acknowledging her newfound identity of Ranni the Witch.
With so much change, there was no denying a new age was on the rise, fast approaching. Dei could only hope he would be the one to welcome it.
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    " An honor to meet - but doth thou intend to slaughter this witch in combat ? Like kin thou hath struck down ? " She spoke in soft tone, no malice - no anger, only a faint air of curiosity. Even in the confines of the doll's body - the witch had heard whispers of the fall of her brothers.
    The eldest of the trio, Radahn, was plagued by rotting madness. He ate like an animal and killed like one - if she had a heart once more, it would have shattered at the sight of him and his steed. The middle child, Rykard, had fallen to a different madness - one brought about by the pursuit of power. For him, Ranni did not care for she had done nothing to stand in his way.
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    " I assume thee hath slain my illusion, to which now thou stand before me. " She mused softly. " I know very well the state of my mother, her madness brought about by heartbreak... Father left her with that bastard egg - which brought about her demise. "
    The pale witch listened to his woes - her mind swirling with thoughts. He had most likely seen the mane of scarlet hair, a time when she was alive, in his past life - before the life of a Tarnished. Curious it was, that someone still remembered her most regal form.
    However, that was not who the Lunar Princess was anymore-- her own journey brought about the death of her mortal body.
    " No curse it is. " She reassured the Tarnished, lifting a hand to gesture for him to stop him. " When I stole the piece of Death long ago, my body was ripped from soul. " She could not guess if he had been to her former tower - where her rotting body lay. How long had it been since the witch dared to look at such a sight?
    Years - many years.
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    Lifting her head, her lone, pale hue unwavering as she peered into the face of the Tarnished, Ranni hummed softly. " I walk the dark path, for this Land is plagued by the folly of a god. Tell me, Tarnished, thou hath been set on a path with this journey. What more will thou do for this sense of duty ? "
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dei-gratias · 2 years ago
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Elden Ring
  ⤷ scenery [38/?]
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dei-gratias · 2 years ago
Sorry for the lack of content at the moment! I'm currently sick and busy Wednesday to Sundays. Should be back Monday, even if I'm still sick, though!
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dei-gratias · 2 years ago
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Thus far, outside of the Roundtable Hold, Dei's journey was only comprised of fighting and seldom helping the few Tarnished going about the Lands Between. He didn't oft allow himself time away from trailing his goals, and for that he paid by feeling stressed at every given moment.
Here, however, in such a serene place cradled within the moonlight, Dei felt calm. Had he not realized how much he missed gazing upon the moon each and every night? Or being able to feel the chilling mists abound Liurnia?
As the Witch spoke, Dei felt himself smile, and he bowed his head respectfully.
In hearing Ranni's words, he only further realized just how much had changed after his original death. Even after thriving anew in the lands beyond the fog, the Tarnished still couldn't find a way to accept the nigh unrecognizable metamorphosis the Lands Between underwent during his "slumber."
He had witnessed the state of Radahn, and ended the Demigod's madness alongside other warriors 'cross the realm. Even more recently, Dei made his way through the wretched Volcano Manor, fighting against Rykard, whom was also first indistinguishable.
And now, here sat Ranni, final of the Carian children.
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Everything had become so fractured, so unsteady from The Shattering. Dei couldn't fathom how he was still to deem these lands as "home." They were nothing like before. They felt nothing like home.
Yet, that was the very reason he even began his journey: in hopes of one day being able to call the Lands Between home again.
"An honor to meet thee anew, Ranni," the Tarnished nodded to the doll.
"I do apologize for triggering that spell—'twas not my intent. I strode into the library not once anticipating to be besieged, if I must be fair," Dei trailed off for a moment with a heavy sigh, "Alas, since thou set that very illusion, I suppose thou knoweth well the state of Queen Rennala."
"After I was exiled from the rogue-turned Academy, I met a graceless death rather swiftly as a Tarnished. I had not a clue as to how things within this realm had aged. In honesty, I never expected to ever awaken," Dei trailed his gaze skyward.
"I couldn't believe mine eyes upon beholding Rennala's state. Yet, I knoweth there's naught a thing I could do to aid her in this given time."
"'Twas only after everything some faint hint of recognition did come to her. O, Ranni, I give unto thee my gravest condolences for your mother, your family..."
"But seeing thou'rt thriving, even within this new form unfamiliar to mineself, is gratifying."
"Of which...How didst thou even end up as such? No foul man nor beast would lay upon thee a curse to turn thee into a doll—right?" The Tarnished looked back to the Lunar Witch, a concerned look upon his face.
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    It was amusing to the witch with the rapid pace in which he spoke - the use of his words. Surrounded, she was, by silence in the void of a fragile doll. Her right-hand blade never took to chattering about her as well.
    The small doll sat quietly, bathed in the soft glow of moonlight that trickled from above, soaking in the words of the tarnished. It was hard to discern the thoughts of the witch, the porcelain doll's visage as emotionless as she had once been in her previous life.
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    One could not tell if it was the trick of shadows cast by her wide-brimmed hat, but it look to be the doll faintly smiling in intrigue.
     " Thou finds it to be true - I had approached thee on thy journey to give aid and nothing more. " Came the whisper musings of the white-clad witch, settling both pairs of hands upon her lap with fingers laced. His observation on the protection of her mother - she had often wondered who had triggered her spell, casting the image of her mother at her prime.
    " So here is where I shall greet thee once more with unaltered identity. I am Ranni the Witch, Lunar Princess, and Daughter of the High Moon Queen Renna. "
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dei-gratias · 2 years ago
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As Dei approached the tower, air rich with mist swirling about and glintstone crystals piercing skyward from the ground, he was caught in pure bemusement.
Curious in nature, Dei was immediately drawn to such a structure peering above all in the mysterious, and new, place he found himself traversing.
Despite living within the Raya Lucaria Academy before The Shattering and being well-acquainted with the region, he had never even heard of this portion of Liurnia. Beyond the times he was cordially invited by Queen Rennala herself, Dei knew very well the Manor was none of his business. Thus, the Three Sisters remained a complete mystery to him.
Nonetheless, he would quickly come to realize why it was now so well-protected, other than as defense against the foul Cuckoos during their revolt against Rennala:
Before him sat a figure he hadn't foreseen meeting again on his journey.
"A welcome, indeed—I did not expect to catch one such as thee in this dwelling. Though I suppose it would make much sense. Where else might an enigmatic being alike thee be secluded?" Dei's draconic-turned eyes glimmered with surprise.
"Tucked within the Caria Manor, guarded by the image of a noble knight and glintstone-encrusted dragon," the Tarnished hummed thoughtfully while scanning his surroundings further, "Not a bad place to harbor thyself."
"Verily, I have no higher business held here—I was merely sightseeing the very Manor I was warned of approaching."
Dei turned his gaze back unto the Witch after a brief pause.
"But since fate hath allowed this meeting, quite the thing I feel neither of us expected, I must pry over something I've been left to contemplate since our first meeting…"
"I believe thou gaveth to me the name 'Renna' to address thee as when we were acquainted?" He arched an eyebrow with a questioning tone and small smirk sitting upon his lips.
"Well, that name was but a deceit, I have come to discern!"
"Thou'rt verily Ranni the Witch! The name uttered within the Raya Lucaria library of whom bravely protected Queen Rennala." The Tarnished let out a small titter as he gestured towards the blue doll, as if proud of himself for unraveling "the truth."
"And such a name is familiar within the Carian lineage, but not alongside thou's title of 'Witch'…Wouldst thou be inclined to agree?"
Dei clasped his hands together politely, patiently awaiting the blue doll's response to such a sudden, and intrusive, inquiry. His expression read as nonchalant, but his tone was brimmed with intrigue. Was he right to hold such high suspicions of the Witch's identity? Or were his memories of the past he once lived in a bygone era clouding his judgement of such an enigmatic figure?
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      @dei-gratias has traversed the Lands Between
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    " I welcome thee, Tarnished... " Sat atop the crumbling stone column by the tower's entrance was the witch herself, lone azure hue peering down at the approaching figure. " To what do I owe this...unarranged visitation? "
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dei-gratias · 2 years ago
Finally uploaded Dei's big ass ref sheet to the carrd - I kept forgetting to...
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dei-gratias · 2 years ago
bold any fears which apply to your muse // italicize which makes them uncomfortable.
dark // fire // open water // deep water // being alone // crowded spaces // confined spaces // open spaces // change // failure // war // loss of control // powerlessness // prison // blood // drowning // suffocation // public speaking // the supernatural // heights // death // intimacy // rejection // abandonment // loss // the unknown // the future // not being good enough // scary stories // speaking to new people // poverty // loud noises // lack of noise // being touched ( without permission ) // forgetting // insects // disease // falling // being forgotten
(Anyone who would also like to do this, feel free!)
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dei-gratias · 2 years ago
&. 𝐦𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐯𝐚𝐥 / 𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐲 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬.
(  various  dialogue  prompts  for  all  your  medieval  /  fantasy  /  d&d  inspired  threads  and  aus!  feel  free  to  change  how  you  seem  fit.  )
❛ i hope this raven finds you well… ❜
❛ you carry a sword, yet you are not a knight. ❜
❛ the gods must be angry. i sense a storm brewing. ❜ 
❛ there’s no place i’d rather be than by your side. ❜ 
❛ nobility is defined by what you do, not who you are. ❜
❛ i know how to keep my life and my crown. and i will. ❜ 
❛ well, i’m not a knight. not yet. ❜
❛ at least we’ll die with honor. ❜
❛ i’ve never seen a dragon before, what are they like? ❜
❛ this knife is laced with venom, any sudden movements and you’re dead. ❜ 
❛ of all the idiots in the realm, i’m trapped with you. ❜ 
❛ shed no tears for me. i will be back before you know it. ❜ 
❛ i’m sorry, but i’m to be married to someone else. ❜ 
❛ here’s a copper for your thoughts. and a silver not to tell them. ❜ 
❛ you humans are most amusing. ❜ 
❛ may i have this dance? ❜ 
❛ you were made to be ruled. ❜ 
❛ i will protect you. it is my duty, knight or not. ❜
❛ my kingdom is in danger. i’ve come to ask for your aid. ❜ 
❛ i’ve got a date with destiny, and it won’t end in a kiss. unfortunately. ❜ 
❛ keep your sword up and your back straight. ❜
❛ you’re asking me to commit treason. ❜
❛ you will make a fine ruler one day. ❜ 
❛ no curse of mine shall befall you from my dying breath. ❜
❛ you should see me in a crown. ❜ 
❛ bury me shallow, i will be back. ❜
❛ bard! play something a little more upbeat. ❜ 
❛ i warn you, i’ve been trained to kill since birth. ❜
❛ my magic is useless against them. i’ve never felt so powerless. ❜ 
❛ how can it be my destiny to protect someone who hates me? ❜ 
❛ i am at your mercy, your grace. ❜ 
❛ do not be afraid, little one. i will not hurt you. ❜ 
❛ any man who must say ‘i am the king’ is no true king. ❜
❛ knights must prevail with steel and sinew alone. ❜
❛ impudent of you to assume i will meet a mortal end. ❜
❛ spare me the ‘i’ve come to slay you’ speech and let’s get on with it. ❜ 
❛ it is my duty to protect the last of the dragons. ❜
❛ do i look like the kind of person who dies? ❜
❛ we are king and queen, chained together like prisoners in a dungeon. ❜ 
❛ for every great ruler, there is an equally great assassin poised to kill. ❜
❛ my bloodline was wiped out before my eyes. i’m the last heir. ❜ 
❛ you look better in your wanted posters. ❜ 
❛ you don’t need a king. a knight can make another knight. ❜
❛ violence for violence is the rule for beasts. ❜
❛ fear cuts deeper than swords. ❜
❛ pick a god and pray to it. ❜
❛ i’d rather die than marry you. ❜ 
❛ my duty is to my people. ❜ 
❛ glad to see you haven’t become food for the vultures. ❜ 
❛ i will paint the throne red with your blood. ❜ 
❛ what’s a life threatening quest without a bit of music? ❜ 
❛ some of us may not survive, but the ones that do will get the ultimate reward… paid. ❜
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dei-gratias · 2 years ago
Apologies for the silence so far! Been trying to find a good chunk of people still active in the Elden Ring roleplay community (fingers crossed that DLC on the horizon can start drawing them back because ohhh MAN there's so many interesting, yet currently inactive, blogs out there).
Otherwise, trying to figure out the best way to drop/plan rp starters as well! I haven't planned roleplays in so long it's taking me a moment to get going again hah!
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dei-gratias · 2 years ago
Elden Ring RP masterlist
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Reblog this post and add in the tags
your URL
if you’re a single muse or a multimuse
if they’re canon or an OC
your muse’s name, and from where they come from
EXAMPLE: scrunklyrpblog, single muse, canon, Scrunkly the Mighty ( pokemon mystery dungeon )
to be added in the list!
NOTE: if you have a multimuse blog, feel free to write as many muses as you have; if you have a fandomless OC, specificy that you just have a specific verse or their “title” – and remember to reblog the fandomless masterlist too!
feel free to specify if your muse is canon divergent too!
Character list in alphabetical order can be found HERE!
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dei-gratias · 2 years ago
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Independent | Selective | Private
Roleplay blog for Dei, a Tarnished once of no renown whom eventually claims the title of Elden Lord. Written by Dio.
Guidelines, About, and Verses
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