Defining Bill Cipher
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definingbillcipher · 4 years ago
Wow oh wow!! Thank you so much for answering my question and sharing it. I can perfectly imagen that plot and all the shenanigans. I feel like a ball of emotions after reading that ending. Its far more beautiful and fulfilling than what I could have imagined. Its like saying good bye to an old friend, but in a happy complete way. I don't think words can describe my gratitude. Thank you so much for everything. I genuinely wish you the best<3
I’m so glad you feel that way, and thank you again for gracing my ask box! 💖💖💖
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definingbillcipher · 4 years ago
Hello, I hope you are doing well. I know you have moved on to other Fandoms and more than likely will not update dbc (which is perfectly fine). Would it be possible that you spoil what you had planned for the last 9chs? I've been a fan of dbc since 2016, and it is honestly one of the best works I've read. Even though I've moved on in my life from Fanfiction, this is the one work I cant seem to let go (1)
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Wow, thank you so much for sending me this message, it means so much to me. I’ve been wanting to make a post about DBC for ages, but it’s hard admitting you’re giving up on something to the people who’ve been supporting you for so long, even if you know they’d be understanding. As hard as that is, though, it isn’t right of me to ghost you guys, and I’m sorry for putting this off for so long. You guys deserve better. I’d be happy to share the outline of the remaining chapters with you, and I thank you for giving me this opportunity
So! The remainder of the story was going to focus on Dipper and Bill and their burgeoning romantic relationship. Dipper realized when he was at the convention that he was missing Bill in a “more than best friends” kind of way, and that all comes to a head. One of the chapters was going to be them going on a treasure hunt using the map Bill gave to Dipper for his birthday, and that was going to be their first date. The conflict would be Bill trying to rush the sexual aspect of their relationship, eager to experiment, but Dipper would set down some boundaries and they’d have a good talk about all that. Fun fact; this was the second “prophecy” from the possessed psychic in chapter 7, “You will go seeking in the woods, but will not be sought.” Calling out Bill's relationship troubles half a year in advance, ouch.
Eventually, Mabel would sit the boys down and say she wants to go back to California and go to school for an art degree. We tried to sprinkle this through the fic, but for the most part, Mabel’s felt she’s been missing out on a sociable school experience and networking opportunities, as the only reason she went with Dipper to the Mystery Shack was because she was afraid of them being separated. We had a good few chapters dedicated to this big “haunted museum Halloween arc” bit with Mabel and Bill while Dipper was still at the convention, and it picked at a lot of her insecurities (namely those flared by Mirror Mabel), and she decides she wants to give her career a proper shot.
Bill is reeling, as Mabel leaving would be the biggest, permanent change he’d experienced since getting his body. There’s a bit here where he has an amiable chat with the Mirror Bill through the mirror in the woods, and finds out the Mirror Twins are back with Mirror Stan and seem to have turned a new leaf. Call backs!
As Bill’s working through everything, with Dipper’s help, he has a dream. At first, it’s about anxieties of what the future holds. But then it changes. Bill’s been found by Her. She gives him a warning, that it’s only a matter of time before she finds his body. Bill wakes up, and he’s distraught. He’s been caught.
Her; or more properly, the Collection, is an eldritch horror who’s obsessed with gathering unique baubles from across dimensions. The more unique, the better. Back when Bill was still in his own dimension, he approached the Collection and said he’d work for her, gathering her objects of interest, in exchange for power. What objects of interest, exactly? Souls! “Great” souls, to be more specific. Bill had a great knack for finding them, and would hop from dimension to dimension and take the souls of people that would someday enact great change, but only before they did so. These were the Collection’s favorite trophies, and Bill was very good about delivering them. Until, one time, he tried to break out on his own. If he could get his pet project off the ground, Weirdmaggedon, then he’d be beyond the Collection’s influence. However, the Collection found him out, and put a stop to it. This is why in DBC, there’s the canon divergence of Bill never appearing again after Sock Opera.
The Collection was furious, and Bill felt it was only a matter of time before she punished him properly, thus he sought out the Pine twins for refuge. But there’s a catch as to why he sought out the twins. One of them was a great soul, and he was hoping if worse came to worst, he could offer one of them up to the Collection as a bargain in the event that she found him.
Present day, however, Bill pretty much accepts that he’s done for. The Collection is going to pluck him up eventually and that’ll be the end of it, soe tries to enjoy the unknown amount of time he has left. One chapter was going to be the Thanksgiving party with everyone coming by; Stan, Ford, Pacifica, Wendy, Dipper and Mabel’s parents, and all the interactions around that. Pacifica and Bill bicker affectionately (these two were really my favorite part of writing DBC) and Ford would discover that Dipper and Bill would be dating, and we’d deal with the drama of all that. Warm and funny and wholesome all around, though the calm before the storm.
So it’s properly winter now, and Bill and Mabel are chopping fire wood. Bill’s showing off how much better he’s gotten at it when the spectral form of the Collection appears. She takes Mabel, who’s revealed to be the great soul, and leaves. She could have taken Bill, but she chose not to probably due to sheer lack of interest, which must mean that Bill is off the hook. Bill is horrified.
He tells Dipper what happened and his whole history with the Collection. Dipper is furious that Bill had been lying to them this whole time and that he had always intended on throwing them into danger. Bill has no excuse, but says he’s still going to try and rescue Mabel. He doesn’t know how, but he needs to try something. They perform a ritual and enter the Collection’s domain together.
Bill offers up his journals and himself. The idea is, is that the Collection prizes unique things, and Bill argues that the journals are an account of an eldritch horror forgetting themselves and finding humanity, and that there’s nothing else like that anywhere. The Collection accepts his offer and takes his journals (his last remaining memory of his past self) and the last piece of his old soul, taking with it the last of his power. This is signified by his now having two eyes. Bill is now entirely human. (The third of the possessed psychic’s prophecy: “You will see the end of your troubles, but you will not make it out in one piece.)
There would be an epilogue a few months later and they’d be celebrating Bill’s first birthday. Bill’s memory of his past self had almost been completely erased; he just knows that it happened vaguely as a fact. He’s still working to repair his relationship with the twins and living with Dipper at the Shack. He looks forward to the remainder of his life.
The end!
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definingbillcipher · 6 years ago
Hey in case tumblr does down the drain is there any other platform where people could go to reinforce their belief in dbc getting an update?
Sorry it took me so long to get to this. Since I don’t post too often these days to the tumblr, I don’t think crafting an entirely new page is necessary. If things pick up now that I’m starting things up again, maybe I’ll go to Twitter, but for now the tumblr page will continue to be the main source for DBC related news.
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definingbillcipher · 6 years ago
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alright bitches we’re doing this elementary school style
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definingbillcipher · 6 years ago
Ha, it’s been like 3 1/2 years since I’ve read this fic... I’ve currently committed myself to re-reading it allllll in like the next 2 days P.s. also redrawing fanart is going to be a thing now :P
Oh god it's been like three years, hasn't it?
I could probably do with a reread of the damn thing myself, honestly, who knows what plot threads I left lying around to pick up that I've forgotten about lmao
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definingbillcipher · 6 years ago
Hi! I just read all the available chapters 😁 But I noticed it's been a while since you've updated. Do you still plan on continuing with this story? I hope so 🤞🤞
the spirit is willing but the flesh is spongy and bruised
I don't really have an excuse for the delays, but just know that I do want to finish DBC someday. You deserve it, I deserve it, we all deserve it. It's just a matter of me telling myself to get back to writing and actually sticking to it which is ... incredibly difficult. But thankfully not impossible.
I'm glad you enjoyed it, however! No matter what happens, I'm always going to be proud of what we've accomplished thus far.
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definingbillcipher · 6 years ago
what song would you say best fits DBC? like if you had to watch a vid of DBC in like montage format where it had art from each chapter with like a song playing over it, what would it be? tooootallynohiddenagendahereimjustacuriousfan
oh gosh, that’s a hard one, there’s so much that happens in dbc you can approach from any angle. maybe Infinitesimal by Mother Mother, since the basic foundation of the story is Bill becoming mortal and coping with that.
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definingbillcipher · 6 years ago
I just binged dbc & boi that was one great fic!! you should absolutely be on the first page for most hits (from memory i think you were the first result on pg 2). but anyway super good fic i loved every moment of it especially the bill & pacifia eventual kinda-friendship and also bill at the mall!! is my life force!!
oh man, i miss writing bill and pacifica snarking each other, one of my favorite things ive ever written
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definingbillcipher · 6 years ago
by the way, ive resumed work on the 19th chapter to DBC. i did that thing again where i thought if i ignored it hard enough it would write itself haha. it’s gonna be a real short one though and im about halfway through
it’s so strange that when i was first writing DBC 2019 seemed like such a far off and futuristic year, and now it’s only in a few months! can’t believe it’s been three and a half years already ...
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definingbillcipher · 6 years ago
toby fox dropped a surprise sequel to Undertale!!!
it’s free and im not sure if it’s a demo or not, im about two hours in but it’s very good! it’s got the same charm from the original game but with a completely new cast of characters (only a handful of original characters have appeared thus far) and a new battle system. i have no idea what to expect (what can you expect in a sequel to a game like undertale?) but im eager to find out!
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definingbillcipher · 6 years ago
assassin's creed odyssey: you can be a sexy buff lesbian!
me: oh fuck yes-
assassin's creed odyssey: micro transactions :)
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definingbillcipher · 6 years ago
I understand it came from a place of legitimate frustration towards Hollywood's white washing, but tumblr celebrating that the full metal alchemist movie was going to be all Japanese like 2 years ago was, uh ... pretty stupid
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definingbillcipher · 7 years ago
me@me: dont ... rewatch ... hunter x hunter ... dont do it ... it’s so long ... there’s so many other shows to watch out there ...
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definingbillcipher · 7 years ago
the last ask you answered is making me want to reread dbc for like the 4th time
My friend, I shall be the last to stop you lmao
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definingbillcipher · 7 years ago
the greatest mystery is how atlus is able to make a battle theme that’s badass and catchy but also bland enough you can listen to it for about 100 hours without getting sick of it
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definingbillcipher · 7 years ago
how tf is attack on titan season 3 already out, I barely even realized s2 had come out smh how did THE MOST popular thing in 2013whatever fall so completely out of the public eye like a rock strapped to another rock thrown in a lake
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definingbillcipher · 7 years ago
just wanted to tell you i just read all of dbc in about two days or so and i can’t wait for the next update, but no pressure, love
Wow, I love the specifics, thank you so much! That’s such an interesting observation about the contrast, I didn’t really pick up on that myself. It was a lot of fun writing the mirror twins, though, those evil bastards lol
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