defense-witches · 10 months
What was Defense Witches 2?
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Announced during the fifth anniversary, Defense Witches 2 was the sequel only released in Japan (despite plans to release overseas) This game was only released for a short while, not even reaching it's first-year anniversary before the game shut down.
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While not much was known about the story (and I think only 3 or 4 areas were released before the game shut down) from the official Twitter page (err x), it seemed like the game was originally going to go with three main protagonists Mint (girl in pink) Felt (girl with the hat) (also take these two names with a grain of salt I'm not positive I'm going based off google translate) and Cornet (who needs no introduction)
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The main girls from the first game were also brought over now a year older :D
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There seems to be a new villain whos this girl (idk her name)
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Now what was new in Defense Witches 2?
A GACHA system for gaining access to new characters, leveling up characters, gaining equipment/pets, and more.
A class system for character organization (year 1, year 2, year 3, other)
An equipment system (yes for each individual character)
A world map where stages were posted (credit to one of the dw2 artists)
new place management system for the witches where they disappear if not on a purple square after cooldown is done (year 1 & 2)
Adding onto the top point there's a new character what adds more purple spaces
Witches (3rd years and Others) usually only allow for placement of one of them on the map
Events offering rewards for characters, equipment, or pets (seasonal offered limited-time characters)
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What Didn't Make It Into The Game? (But Was Revealed)
Given Felt and her sister were revealed as explosion types, Tiana might of played a bigger role (she is also one of the few original special witches to get a character redesign)
Chiara and a lot of the older witches were released after the initial release via updates however Lyra never made it into the game
They teased special moves that never made it in-game
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I'll be posting more about the character that did make it into the game and some of the in-game manga at a later date
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defense-witches · 10 months
Huh. Funny you mention the fan book...
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Share By The Development Team 1
Anyone else remember when the development team would share stuff like this?
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Yeah... This is the fan book. I remember longingly wanting this along with some of the other things the NEWGATE development team share... For example
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These Phone Cases! Also obscurely while never a skater myself I found this kinda cool :D
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The little figurine though ;-; But yeah the development team would share little stuff like this all the time. I'm gonna have to split this into two posts to share more of what they would show off
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defense-witches · 10 months
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}Oh don’t mind me I’m just sitting here getting way too emotional over my girls.{
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defense-witches · 2 years
Y'know, we set out to make this the definitive archive blog for the game...
...but to our surprise, it looks like someone's got us completely and utterly beat in that regard.
We're not mad, though. If anything, we're ecstatic that we're not alone.
...But now we don't know what to do with this blog.
...Maybe it'll just be a HC/RP blog from now on. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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defense-witches · 2 years
May 1st 2012 marks the day Defense Witches was first released on ios devices... Ten years? Damn I feel old...
Anybody remember the anniversary polls? Those were always fun :D Because stuff like this can happen...
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Yeah.... This was a result of the 1st anniversary popularity poll :3 Now that I'm thinking about it damn imagine not being voted most popular in your own game the first year it's out lmao
2nd anniversary Cornet was voted most favorite in the popularity poll and while Cornet didn't have a main screen take over like Nicola (still can't get over that btw xD) she was featured as the app icon and the profile for the official accounts for at the rest of the year!
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Third anniversary they had another popularity vote held on the website this time Daisy came out on top third time's charm right? And only by two votes x.x
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I don't really remember anything special happening for daisy.... App profile altered through 3 at least 3 different characters during that year but she was featured as the app icon during the celebration of the 3rd anniversary.
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Radio silence after Yung was released and silence as the forth anniversary of the game passed...
5th Anniversary came around and when we expected nothing something was happening on the japanese side of things
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Fifth anniversary announced the development of Defense Witches 2. After it released in Japan news came to those of us overseas along with the shutdown of the first app :/ this left many of us psyched for the next game however we all know how that went
So yeah 10 years... While for a little under half of those years were not being able to play these games anymore (unless you have an older phone with the data download or know how to Root your device and change some app folders) has many reminiscing this game...
Wither it be those very confused app reviews on why they can't play past world 1 or those who are aware of what happened and rely on old YouTube videos and screenshots to reminisce this game obviously meant a lot to people
Personally for me I started playing when I started middle school... (my first access to technology) Now that I'm almost finished my first year of college this game kinda feels like an old friend I haven't seen in years but still think about. So as homage to that old friend...
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defense-witches · 2 years
...Oh, wait.
We have a job to do here, don't we?
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defense-witches · 3 years
5 icons of Daisy from Defense Witches for Anon!! I’m not sure if they’re from the manga or game guide, but I tried!! I hope you don’t mind!
Keep reading
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defense-witches · 3 years
Still here! Life is just... hard, sometimes!
But this blog and this game will never be forgotten.
...Still gotta do Nicola and Chiara's posts...
Just so everyone knows, this blog hasn't been forgotten!
We're just juggling several other projects and time management is not our strong suit.
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defense-witches · 3 years
Just so everyone knows, this blog hasn't been forgotten!
We're just juggling several other projects and time management is not our strong suit.
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defense-witches · 3 years
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"Nobody can stop me. Don't stand in my way."
This is Cornet, the Demon King Queen. Ain't she cute? The outfit's a little much, but she didn't exactly have any others to change into after being bapified, so give her a break.
This is the girl who shows up at every halfway point and end stage of each world, dealing heavy damage to the "Sealstone" that holds her power if she makes it across. She's conniving, egotistical, and overall about what you'd expect from a little girl with demon powers, but deep down, all she really wants is a group of friends who won't look down on her for what she is. ...Which is trans. She couldn't care less about what people think of her position as a demon overlord or whatever.
As the big bad of the game, she has total immunity to most effects of everyone's magic, so you can't expect to be able to burn, stun, or slow her down. Daisy's vaguely holy light-infused earth magic is really the best bet against her, which is kind of funny from a story perspective.
There are countless other aspects of this girl's character that we could go over here, but we'll save them for once we finish covering DW1's "story". For now, just know that the big cyclopic blob of dark matter stuff that Cornet rides around on used to be able to fly, and apparently sometimes it's capable of sprouting arms. (His name is Louis. Rhymes with "gooey".)
Oh boy, is it next witch time?
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defense-witches · 3 years
Oh boy, is it next witch time?
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defense-witches · 3 years
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"I'll take you... all out at once."
COST: 240
This is Chloe! She's the cool one. Her particular magic involves sending out a lightning shockwave in all directions, briefly stunning whoever she hits. Her range and damage aren't great, but her rate of fire (despite the in-game given number) at least allows her to briefly stun-lock enemies for a short while. ...Wait, we're supposed to cover personality here. Well, she's the type who doesn't talk much, but whenever she does it's usually a callout post or some form of snark. She's platonically kuudere.
Daisy calls her over later on in the first world, causing her to appear rather dramatically by... falling from the sky and landing on Daisy. She also agrees to help, but also supposes that she'll need some kind of fee in exchange. Daisy's lunch money is never safe.
In-game, Chloe's ability is practically built for corners, u-turns, and loops; anywhere that gets the most out of her full 360 radius. She pairs well with Daisy (like everyone else) due to her ability to quickly put the hurt on anyone who stays in range, as well as any slow rate of fire, big damage girls who have trouble keeping up with some of the speedier enemies. The fact that her stun also deals a bit of damage also means that whoever makes it out of her circle alive is still not going to be in the best shape, so even if she's the most expensive witch so far, her ability is well worth it (240 isn't a lot anyway, or at least it won't be for long).
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defense-witches · 3 years
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"I'll burn... everything!!"
SPEED: ***
RANGE: *****
COST: 200
This is Becky! She's the sniper of the group, and the resident pyromaniac totally controlled and not-at-all hotheaded fire mage! As the cousin of the princess, many would expect her to be somewhat prim and proper, but let's be real, the only thing stopping her from punctuating every other sentence with some form of obscenity is probably Daisy's general aura of Making Good Choices™️. Despite this, she still has a strong sense of justice, and can be surprisingly knowledgeable about the way magic works at times. ...Also she's actually catgirl.
In the story, Daisy calls for her aid early on in the first world, realizing that her own range is lacking and it isn't safe to get up close in certain stages. Becky slogs on over from nowhere in particular (much to Daisy's disappointment; she was expecting a much more witchy entrance) and agrees to help—"for the usual fee, that is". Note: it's assumed that Becky is referring to the MP cost mechanic, but it's also absolutely plausible that Daisy is getting swindled out of her lunch money, here. Either way, the aforementioned "fee" has little bearing on gameplay.
In-game, Becky has ridiculous range. At full power, she practically has the whole stage covered. She doesn't hit anywhere near as quickly as Daisy, but offers comparable damage per shot, and because she specializes in fire magic, all of her shots come with a burning damage over time effect that lasts for a few moments. Her exceptional range means there are very few wrong answers regarding where to position her, though she doesn't particularly synergize with many other witches; mostly people like Daisy who can efficiently pick off whoever survives a few fireballs, or hard-hitters like a couple of the premium witches who can no doubt finish the job the moment an enemy walks into range.
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defense-witches · 3 years
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"I'll do my best!"
SPEED: *****
COST: 160
This is Daisy! She specializes in rapid-fire casting of earth/light magic. It might not be super powerful, but it’ll bypass any resistances or immunities to regular magic that any Demon Kings happen to have!
She’s a hard-working down-to-earth girl who believes in the best in everyone. She’s also stubborn as a mule, and would rather suffer a humiliating defeat than give up on anything, which, despite being the fastest shot in the kingdom, happens surprisingly often.
In the story of Defense Witches, she’s the witch you start with, technically making her the protagonist. She enlists the help of many of her friends as the story progresses, but she’s the first to stand against Cornet’s onslaught.
In-game, Daisy had the highest rate of fire out of everyone. Her magic had no particular special effect, but she excelled against bosses due to their resistances against certain types of magic, especially since her low cost made it relatively easy to summon a bunch of copies and focus on one target. She also paired well with witches that had speed-related effects, such as Chloe's stun or Nicola's freeze.
Unlike the other witches, Daisy also had access to a particular special ability known only as "Superordinance", but we'll go over that in another post. For now, just know that it was really spooky.
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defense-witches · 3 years
Also, man, personal issues really got in the way of celebrating the game's ninth anniversary.
Feels bad, man.
Full transparency: We actually don't know what all should be covered on the character posts.
We keep looking at the first one we've worked on and thinking, "Is this enough? At least for now?"
We're putting so much thought and love and care into this blog, it's a little worrying.
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defense-witches · 3 years
Full transparency: We actually don't know what all should be covered on the character posts.
We keep looking at the first one we've worked on and thinking, "Is this enough? At least for now?"
We're putting so much thought and love and care into this blog, it's a little worrying.
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defense-witches · 3 years
Character posts are up next, because we can’t really explain the story without them!
...By which we mean that, as a small indie game that developed alongside its fanbase, there wasn’t much of a base story to begin with, so we’re basically moving on to the cast and might come back to touch on some finer details later.
Also, our inbox is open! Forgot to take care of that at first, whoops.
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