deetwithinthra-a · 4 years
I made the decision that Deet’s muse is growing too strong to be on the side!
I’ve moved her over here so she can be free as the wind!
I appreciate your patience through all this!
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deetwithinthra-a · 4 years
Deet Icons Finally Done!
Below the cut are a few icons for Deet! 28 count, if I’m not mistaken!
Please be aware that these are currently for my own personal use!
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deetwithinthra-a · 4 years
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deetwithinthra-a · 4 years
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…We must travel….
                              ….by the light of the North Star…
Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance Deet Ask/RP Blog
Indie - Semi-Selective - AU/Crossover Friendly - OC Friendly
About - Rules - Verses
                                                                                      …To Ha’Rar!
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deetwithinthra-a · 5 years
Terribly sorry to keep this blog in a free fall for so long! I’m afraid I fell into a horrible mood and it really killed my desire to write much of anything.)(
I appreciate your patience so much, I hope that I can finally play and let Deet wander about now that I’m feeling better!!!)(
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deetwithinthra-a · 5 years
☼☼☼ attention Dark Crystal RP community
now that the dark crystal fandom is rising, and more roleplay blogs are cropping up, i’m making a registry so that it’s easier for us to find one another.
please reblog this post to be added!
all blogs are eligible as long as you at least have a Dark Crystal verse. reply to this post or message me with details please!
the directory can be found here
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deetwithinthra-a · 5 years
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...We must travel....
                              ....by the light of the North Star...
Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance Deet Ask/RP Blog
Indie - Semi-Selective - AU/Crossover Friendly - OC Friendly
About - Rules - Verses
                                                                                      ...To Ha’Rar!
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deetwithinthra-a · 5 years
Tag dump
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