Ignorance is Bliss, Right?
“Yeah, Currently I’m Feeling Down For Some Ignorance” 
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- Wake up @ 1:00pm - Math problems being solved at the table - 30ml of DayQuil - 1 cup of water - English Muffin - Shower - 
- Drive up to main house @ 2:00 - Mom stays to cook the prime rib - 20 big hugs 30 little ones - Who is this gentleman you brought home : He's a friend. From Nigeria. 16yrs. Met at dinning hall. He’s just a friend. Name, Aanu. I wanted him to experience Thanksgiving. - Why are you single : Not a priority : you should get a boyfriend. : I’m good. - How’s college - How’s your roommate - Did you know that I went to art school - little cousins kidnap to show dance moves - look at my moped, Santa brought it - 2 of Regan’s cookies - 1 of Katherine’s cookies - I heard you had health issues - Wheres grandma - Hold my whisky - 2 cups of water - Did you read that book I gave you - Have you learned all the names yet - You have a wonderful family - 
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- Food is put out @ 3:15 - Called in to gather round, circle style - All hold Hands - Count off, - The blessing is said - Newcomers welcomed - Amen - The feast begins - Sit down - immediate family fallows - annoyance when dad sits - treats friend as a token child - mom smiles reassuringly - focus on food - 
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- Start with the Mac - Turkey - Yams - I save my moms food for last - Prime rib reminds me - The Past - She smiles as I eat her potatoes - Conversations go around - Pipe in - Jello salad - College is Okay - a glass of water - conversation progresses - brother and I argue per typical - eventually I excuse myself - dinner is over - It ends the same way as Christmas and my birthday 
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3rd Seed Sowed 
The Sun rises beside the concrete river that our rectangular submarines push through. 
This is the promise of a new day. 
A recurring event. 
Day in and day out we look to the Sun to guide us. We center our entire lives around it. 
If the Sun never rose again we would, eventually, cease to exist. 
One day the Sun will set only to never rise again. 
That is the End. 
This is the true gravity of a Sunrise. 
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A Lasting Impression 
Impressions serve as the opening line to how others begin to define who we are to them and to the world. When you make a first impression or any Impression for that matter it leaves a little bit of information behind as to who you are. They do not solely define you, but they steer the direction that others will define you. 
Clay is no different. 
An Impression mold is the same as any other impression. It defines the form in which the material cast into it will take on. 
Glass and People are the same in this sense. 
So, think before you make an Impression. 
Leave a lasting Impression. 
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Life Sized Drawings.
Drawings from a place of questions that reach a place without answers.  
Non-Answers that explore questions of individual choice and family structure within the internal decay of a home environment.
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                                  Home. What is Home? Home is. I Is. Am Is? Is am I. I Home. At Home. Two side. Which side? Yes, Side. Who's? Two’s. 
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“I love you but, Fuck OFF.”
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“Your Art Reminds Me Of This One Guy But I Can’t Remember Who” 
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“How Did You Two Meet?”
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“Wow, I Can Only Draw Stick Figures.”
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“Planting Trees Is A Euphemism.”
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“So, Whats Your Backup Plan ?”
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“Creamer ? I Barely Know Her.”
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“Can’t Hear The Bitches With Your Nose To The Grindstone”
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“How’s Your Roommate ?”
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“I’m Not Christmas I’m Analogous”
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3rd Step 
Because of the group critique, constant thought, and minimal time, our groups challenged the meaning of our initial iteration. The lack of clarity of the audience interpretation was the first fault that we corrected. Our meaning seemed to still be muddled within the installation. When the instruction to reduce the scale by 2/3rd was given, our group discussed and focused on a clear and precise meaning. Even though the conversation was fruitful and everybody contributed, the warm presences of our less active group members was lost and their absences mourned.
When the space was confined, we started to figure out ways to present our meaning of family values. The meaning evolved into a more condensed scene, and so the meaning escalated in tone.  With the twisted messages came darker and more unsettling truths.  The sheer amount of toxic substances like cigar wrappers and alcohol bottles shows the reality of many family values that have been perverted.  The chandelier, which is usually used to illuminate a family meal, becomes a sad illumination of what members of the family have come to value, while the television has become the true life force (if any life force can be attributed to this imaginary family) of the family dynamic. Such lost values are both more exact and more absurd in our final iteration and, thus, the decrease in scale forced our group to make harder choices and narrow our idea.
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