Decaying Phoenix
38 posts
Welcome to the death of the Phoenix, this is a new horror writer coming to the genre, keep an eye out for my work. Logo and art work done by @TrinaWolfy on Twitter
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decayingphoenix · 5 years ago
My skulls it has finally happened, one of my stories has been narrated, I wish to thank the gorgeous and talented Mandie Mortem for narrating my story, please check out her YouTube channel through the link provided. And follow her on Twitter @MMortemm.
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decayingphoenix · 5 years ago
From the Desk of Decaying Phoenix: The Devil of P. W.
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Welcome back my little chicks for another horror filled story. Tonight as the covid-19 outbreak continues, I thought I would do something a little more simple. A friend of mine works at a haunted warehouse and this is the story he has chosen to share with me, I will tell his story in a manner only I can. Tonight I bring you From the Desk of Decaying Phoenix: The Devil of P. W.
“Hey have you noticed all of the strange occurrences going on at work?” Juan asked as he cut some plastic on a giant roll. 
“What do you mean?” Eduardo asked as he helped tug on the roll of plastic.
“Well, Machuca almost lost his fingers when he was pulling plastic to get a line up.”
“Oh, that, it’s just an accident, one accident is just that, an accident.” 
“Yeah, well what about the three other guys, the one who lost his thumb and tendon when the rope got tied around it, or the guy who broke his fingers when he was cutting plastic or the one who almost broke his fingers on the same line?”
“Okay one was just careless for not doublechecking to make sure he was safe, the other two just had bad luck when cutting. However it doesn’t help that the machines run so fast.”
“Okay, but what about the guy whose face was burned by plastic when he was starting his line?”
“That’s just a bad day, he should’ve been wearing his face shield.”
“Okay, let’s say all of these things can be explained, what about all the sightings of this little girl dressed in white?” Juan asked as he put the giant roll of plastic on a pallet.
“Most of the sightings come from nightshift, those guys are all tired, and the ones that have seen her always say they do so on the fourth floor where it’s hotter than hell.”
“Come on, are you telling me you don’t believe something is making things act up? There has to be a reason for it.”
“I mean, accidents happen, I don’t think it’s the cause of some specter.”
The two employees ran off to help with a line that had fallen. Little did Eduardo know he was about to have his first experience with the entity that was causing havoc at his job as of late. 
“I hate when these lines fall.” Eduardo grunted to himself. “What was that?”
Something had caught his attention out of the corner of his eye, it was there just long enough to get his attention, distract him from what he was doing, the first thing he felt was the warm blood flowing down his arm, the cut hadn’t been deep, but it had been quick and smooth, those scrap knives were unforgiving when they decided to take a bite out of you. His neurons fired trying to tell his brain he had cut himself, the knife was dropped to the ground as he grabbed his hand.
“Hey are you okay?” Sergio asked.
Eduardo came out from under the elevator holding his hand as blood fell from his wound like water.
“No, stupid knife cut me.” He said as he stood up grabbing a rag to cover the cut.
“How did you cut yourself?” Omar asked
“I don’t know, I thought I saw something out of the corner of my eye, and I turned to look and when I looked back I saw that I had cut myself.”
The knife lay on the ground untouched and unseen by anyone that it remained free of blood, the knife had never betrayed its owner, it had never cut him, the knife was blamed, but never checked for blood. Eduardo was taken to the office to get bandaged up; he would be unable to do his normal job for a few weeks has he healed. A few weeks later as another operator was getting ready to start up a line he slipped and fell from the stand and cracked his head, the area was blocked up and the line stopped until an investigation was finished, nothing had been found to cause the employee to fall, his shoes were examined and they were found to be more than suitable for the job.
“Hey Juan,” Eduardo said as he was passing by, “I think I see what you’re talking about, do you remember when I cut my hand?”
“Yeah, what about it?”
“I saw something before I cut my hand.”
“What do you mean?”
“There was this dark shadow and then after that is when I cut my hand, or I think, it cut my hand.”
“What do you mean?”
Eduardo looked over behind Juan’s shoulder and saw the figure again. “Look there it is.” he said pointing it out.
“What are you looking at?”
“You don’t see it?” He asked looking right at it.
“No, I don’t see anything.”
The creature took notice that it had been seen, and the longer Eduardo took a look at it the cleare it became, soon Eduardo was noticing all of the problems created by the creature. The next accident would be one of the worst ones so far.
“Hey can you give me a hand with this?”
“Yeah, I’ll be right there.”
The employees went to work on fixing a bag machine, as the two employees looked inside from opposite sides they were sucked inside the machine and the doors were closed behind them. The scene inside was far too horrid to describe, the factory was shut down until the investigation was complete, as of today the investigation is still ongoing investigators have not finished nor have they been seen again. 
Well my little chicks it does appear that the dangers of work aren’t always the work of humans now doesn’t it? For those of you that work in a factory type job always remember how dangerous those jobs can be, keep your eyes and ears open.
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decayingphoenix · 5 years ago
From the Desk of Decaying Phoenix: The Ripper of Sin City P. 3
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         Welcome back my little chicks for another horror filled story. Tonight as we celebrate Valentine's day, I feel it's time to continue our little Ripper of Sin City tales. For tonight's I must warn there will be some more than triggering content, blood, gore, drugs.     "Ah yes, Valentine's day, a day where everyone is off buying flowers and candy and expensive dinners, but some are busy with other pleasures."     A voice echoed through the empty hotel room; the smell of tobacco filling the place like cheap cologne.     "Soon, I'll be on the hunt, perhaps, yes, why not tonight? I can find a willing participant for my game."     A grin grew on the person's face as the ashes fell off the cigarette like leaves in the fall. They got up from the chair and walked over to the closet, hangers shifted noisily in the crypt like room.     "Ah, yes, this one will do for tonight."     The person walked to the shower, the water came to life and roared like a lion. They washed themselves attempting to hide the smell of blood and mask their intentions. They hummed as the water fell on them, each drop slapping against their bare flesh like hands on drums.     “Ah all clean.” the person said as they dressed in the nicest clothes they owned, a spray or two of something to smell nice. Having found a new victim they sat down for dinner and talked. She has just a lovely future ahead of her, that is to say she had. She didn’t know her future was about to be snuffed out like a candle. “My dear you have such a lovely neckline. I don’t suppose you’d allow me a better look at it?” He asked softly yet seductively. She blushed and lowered her dress a little more. “Like this?”    
 “Yes my dear, I love it. So tell  me more about yourself, I love the sound of your voice.” He said as he watched her talk thinking what he was going to do to her in a matter of time.     
 “Oh, well I am about to become a doctor, I just started medical school.” She said beaming lazily running her fingers up and down her cleavage.
    Dinner had been uneventful, they had decided to go to a room he had, she was light headed from the wine at dinner, and easy to lead, like a lamb. He opened the door to a magnificent room with a large bed, chandelier, fireplace, large couch, and white carpet. Her eyes grew wide at the sight of the room, she stumbled in and onto the bed, and sprawled out getting comfortable. The drugs he had slipped into her drink had started to kick in, she was slowly losing feeling in her limbs.     
 “Hey, what’s happening?” She said weakly, I can’t move my arms, or legs.”      “Oh, yes, that’s because I need you to be very still for what I plan on doing next, you’ll become my finest piece of work.” He said smiling as he pulled a bag out of the closet.   
   “Oh, are you one of those kink guys, I would’ve co-operated if you had asked.” She said pleadingly.      
“No that’s not what it is.” He said putting a gag in her mouth. “Perhaps I should introduce myself. Some people call me Jack the Ripper.” He continued as we drew medical tools from his bag. The terror grew on her face as she saw the tools taken out. He licked the blade before lightly running it across her neck. She shivered as the cold steel made contact with her flesh. Her pleading eyes fell upon his cold gaze and he smiled, he licked his lips and pressed a little harder watching as the crimson fluid started to leave her body.     “Try not to die before I finish.” He said, his voice having lost its softness only to be replaced by a low gravelly tone. “I do enjoy my work, and it’s been so long, so I will take my time with you.”     He left a thin line across her neck from the blade. Using the same tool he cut off what little clothing she had left, setting to work. He took his time removing her clitt, watching her body squirm and flail about as she tried to escape to no avail, the tiny sensitive piece of flesh fell off with a light pull after having had a knife passed through it multiple times, the fresh wound squirted blood like a dying fountain. Her eyes started to flutter as she started to go into shock, but he would have none of that, no, instead, he administered a shot of adrenaline to keep her awake. She was going to be in for quite a night, but sadly, she would not live to see daylight. With the freshly removed clittoris he set it in a small preserving jar, he loved to keep his prizes, next he moved onto her outer lips, and with the patience and precision of a skilled surgeon, he set to slowly remove them, that which she had used to make men do what she wanted, that which she used to make a living she would lose and in the most grotesque way. As the knife cut slowly into her flesh her muffled screams and pleas of help fell upon dead ears, there was no help coming for her, soon her lips were gone as more blood left her body, her body quivered as she commenced to cry to herself damming her life choices. The knife stopped and she had hopped it all over, soon she would find out she had only gone through the easiest part of the night. The knife fell onto a small tray making no noise, only to be replaced, by an older more rusty blade. He loved his work, he loved watching the sense of relief on their faces fall away at the sight of his next blade. This girl had seen a lot of bloodshed over ker time and soon it would be adding more to it. He set to work carving out the rest of her vagina, if it would be that. He took his time one slow cut at a time, it was painstaking work, but soon he’d cut around it and was now cutting deeper into her body to remove the more than dead organ. He could almost see it, her uterus, that which made what she was, a woman, a giver of life, it would soon be his. He could hear her breathing slow, knowing she was close to death, just a little longer he thought, just stay alive a little longer. Another shot of adrenaline woke her once more the amount of pain she was in was insurmountable, never had she felt such pain, never would she again feel anything. Her vision blurred just as he reached what he was looking for, the uterus, once in his hand he gave it a squeeze and started to take it out. Once out of her body he smiled, and tucked it away in another jar. Dizzy from blood loss and delirious from pain, she was left a mangled living corps. He dipped a gloved finger into the pool of blood and scrawled out a message.     “My dear, you have been more than a willing participant in my evening's event, alas, it must come to an end, I do want you to know how much I appreciate your contribution to my work.” He said as he kissed her sweat drenched forehead, “but now it’s time for us to go our separate ways.” He said as he slit her throat with the rusty blade.     She gasped for what little air she could get, her life ending in such a way, was cruel, even for a streetwalker. As she bled out he put away all of his tools, cleaned up after himself, and made it as though he had never been there. The only proof anyone else had been in the room, was the message left in blood.     “Jack the Ripper”     The headlines were all the same everywhere you looked, ‘Jack the Ripper, back from the grave?’     The Ripper smoked in his hotel room satisfied with his work, everyone knew he was back, the next thing he had to do was find a patsy to take the fall.     Well my little chicks, I suppose we will be expecting more from our friend Jack, I hope after tonight’s story you’ll all be able to sleep. I know I’ll have some trouble, but remember, this notorious murderer was never caught, and no one ever knew what he looked like, that is to say no one but his victims, perhaps you will be careful next time you wish to meet a stranger for a night out. 
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decayingphoenix · 5 years ago
Good evening my little chicks, do to some familial issues there will be no story this month. I will be back on Valentine's day with a new one, sorry for the inconvenience. 
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decayingphoenix · 5 years ago
From the Desk of Decaying Phoenix: The Ripper of Sin City P. 2
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Welcome back my little chicks for another horror filled story. Tonight as we welcome the New Year we continue the story of The Ripper of Sin City in part 2. As a small recap in our last story The Ripper had made an appearance, but all of the police were baffled, let’s see if we can’t figure out who this mysterious murderer is.
“Hey Dad, can I see some of your recent crime photos please?” A young man asked.
“Why would you want to look at those?” The Detective asked. 
“It’s for school Dad. You always say to use whatever resources I have available and I have you.”
“Fine, but keep in mind those are some graphic photos.” 
“Okay, I will.” The young man said following the detective to his home office.
“So, what is this new case you guys are working on?”
“You know I can’t comment on ongoing investigations.”
“I know, but come on, I want to have some kind of a hint as to what I’m looking at, it’s for my Forensics class.”
“Look, I’m not supposed to even be letting you look at these as it is, so I’ll let you figure it out okay.”
“Fine.” The young man said as he opened the manila folder. “Oh my God, what sort of person does something like this?”
“That’s what we’re trying to figure out.”
“Wait. These look familiar. Dad, what do you guys know about Jack the Ripper?”
“Jack the Ripper, well we know he was never caught and the rest is a mystery.”
“Dad, these look like they were the work of Jack the Ripper, but that can’t be possible, he was active in 1888.”
“Jack the Ripper, Son you’re a genius, I have to go to the office you may have given us the biggest lead in the case.” The detective said grabbing his coat and leaving.
The detective made it down to his car and drove to the station.
“Breaking news.” The radio said. “A body has been discovered in a Strip casino, police, and paramedics are on scene. We will continue to bring you information as we receive it.”
“Damn, that bastard’s struck again.”
The detective drove towards the Strip after a call to show up. Thoughts and visions of yet another mutilated corpse were all he could think about. 
“Okay, how bad is it, and is it the same person?” The detective asked as he walked into the room. 
“It appears so, Detective.” One analyst replied. 
“Damn, I’d love to catch the son of a bitch doing this.” A random police officer cursed.
“Do we have any leads on who this might be?” Another detective asked.
“Well, I don’t know how much stake we can put in this, but, has anyone heard of Jack the Ripper?” The lead analyst asked.
“Um, I think my son mentioned something about it today, why?”
“Well, it appears as though we may have a copycat.” The lead analyst replied.
“What do you mean a copycat?” The detective asked.
“Well, I’m no expert, but I’d wager that if we were to compare these wounds to those of the Ripper, we’d find an almost exact match.”  The coroner spoke up for the first time as he left the body.
Smoke arose lazily from a lit cigarette on the nightstand. The television was showing the latest news regarding the new found body. The person was unshaken knowing they would never link them to the murders. Ice clinked as it melted in a glass cup, the drink long since gone. A knife could be heard being sharpened. 
“Soon my pet, soon we will go out again.” The person whispered lovingly to the knife.
On a table in the room was a picture of a redheaded woman. She had a slender frame with shoulder length hair. A heart drawn around her in red. She would be what lead to a big “case breaking” clue that would lead authorities to the murderer. Years of research and planning would soon be fruitful.
“Breaking news, Ripper strikes again.” 
“Oh? Ripper? Who came up with that name?” A voice said letting smoke out as it spoke. 
“Copycat ‘Jack the Ripper’ murderer strikes again! No clues as to who is committing these crimes, all that we do know at this time is that the killer appears to be copying the notorious and uncaught murderer ‘Jack the Ripper.’” The television said. “Authorities are not currently answering questions or releasing statements on whether the rumor is true. A reliable source phoned in and said that the recent crimes are an identical match to those committed by the Ripper himself back in 1888. For those of you who are unaware of the story. Back in 1888 a murderer by the name of Jack the Ripper terrorized the Whitechapel district of London, England. The Ripper was active from August to September and during this time murdered and mutilated at least five prostitutes. The Ripper was never caught, and taunted Scotland Yard with letters sent in to the press. We have yet to see any letters from the Ripper copycat, but will keep the public informed of any new developments. 
My my my, a little closer to solving the mystery are we my little chicks? Well, we’ll have to see if this copycat as they are being called strikes again. Perhaps detectives will finally get to catch the Ripper this time. Well have a good night my little chicks, and sweet screams.
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decayingphoenix · 5 years ago
From the Desk of Decaying Phoenix: The Cry of La Llorona
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“Mama, mama, mira, look what I found.” Miguel said bringing an old book with him as he ran excitedly to his mom. 
“Que mijo, what do you have there?” His mom asked looking up from the dishes. 
“It’s an old book mama, mira, it has a story about La Llorona.” He said excitedly. 
“Que? What did you say?” His mom said as the color drained from her face. 
“La Llorona, it’s this ghost that cries as she looks for the souls of her dead children, and she takes any she finds out of their house after dark. Mama do you think she’s real?” He asked as his face was buried in the book. 
“No mijo, it’s just a story, now go wash your hands, dinner is ready.” She replied as she tried to keep her son from seeing her shake.
“Awe, mama, please five more minutes.” He said pleading.
“No, now, or do I need to get the chancla?” She said lifting her foot and reaching down for her sandal. 
“Okay mama, I’m going.” 
Miguel went upstairs and washed his hands, all the while thinking about the story he had read. Soon after it was all he could think about. He looked around all over and found the origin of the story. As he looked up the names of the people involved in the tragedy, he found a picture of La Llorona in life, he couldn’t help it he had fallen in love with her picture. He had to know where she was buried, he needed to find a way to have her. Suddenly, a thought had occurred. What if the story was true? What if she really came after children? There had to be a way to bring her back without the curse. He had to try and find a way.
A few months went by and thanks to the dark web and a few occult shops he had most of what he needed, all he was missing was her body and a victim to sacrifice. It was Mexico after all, he was sure he could find a “willing” victim, even if he had to pay one. It took some time and a little more money than he had wanted to spend, but he finally found where she was buried. Soon he was flying down to find his beloved.
“Miguel, are you sure this is a school trip.” His mom asked.
“Si, mama, I told you it was coming up.” He replied half irritated. 
“Pero, why hasn’t the school sent out permission forms?”
“They did, you signed it, it was dos semanas mama, you asked me if I had the money to go.”
“Oh, si, I remember now, are you sure you still want to go mijo?”
“Si mama, I’ve been working hard for this trip. I really want to go.”
“Fine, mijo, go, have fun, don’t get in trouble.”
Having finally convinced his mom about the school trip Miguel was one step closer to reviving his beloved. The wait for the flight seemed as though it took forever, and the flight alone seemed as though it was endless. Miguel had finally landed and was soon on the hunt for his victim. The day dragged on as he sought out the perfect target. Soon he found her, an identical copy of her in life, he knew she was the perfect girl for him. He had convinced her to go with him to the graveyard his true beloved was at. When the time was right. He plunged the knife he had bought into her heart. She lay dying as he started the ritual to bring back his beloved. The magic had started to work and the corpse started to reanimate as it took the form of the dying girl.
Having brought his beloved back and filled her in the time that had passed and what she should expect. Miguel went back home and told his mother that he had met a girl on his trip and was married to her. 
“Como chingados que te casaste?” Miguel’s mom yells. 
“Mom I love this girl. I had to marry her before I lost her, she’s a once in a lifetime kind of girl.” Miguel replied defending himself as he’s getting hit by his mother with the chancla. 
“What the Hell do you even know about her?” She asked as she went for a frying pan. 
“I know all I need to know mama.” He said as he defended himself grabbing a knife on his way out of the kitchen. 
Miguel saw an opening and stabbed his mother with the knife, in a state of shock and rage, he proceeded to stab his mother multiple times, her toso, arms, and legs all had cuts. Having seen what he had done he laughed and thought about how to dispose of her corpse. He realized how much land they actually owned and started digging a grave for his mother’s corpse. Nightfell and he dragged the body out and dropped it, it landed at the bottom with a soft thud, he proceeded to spend the next couple of hours filling the hole up. After having taken a shower Miguel went to his beloved and held her. He finally had the woman he wanted, she was gorgeous. She had brown hair down to the middle of her back, light brown eyes, light skin that shone like the afternoon sun, and the thing he loved most about her, her curves, her hips were right for raising a family.
“Well my dear, now that my mother is out of the way we can be together.” Miguel said as his head lay in his lovers breasts. 
“Si, mi amor, but what will we do now?” She asked stroking his hair.
“Well I own the company now, so we don’t have to worry about money, we can stay home and just love each other.”
“That would be great mi amor.” She said walking to the bed. 
Having finally attained everything he ever wanted he was happy. The years went on and Miguel and his love were happy, happy, that is, until Miguel started to notice his beloved’s ageing, her hair wasn’t as vibrant as it had once been, her eyes had lost that twinkle to them, her face was starting to show wrinkles. Soon Miguel found himself looking at younger women while on his walks around town. His beloved started to notice this and soon grew depressed, was she to be abandoned a second time in a second life? She wouldn’t stand for it. She took matters into her own hands, if she couldn’t have her husband, then no one would. Standing on the roof of their now broken home she decided she would get him back the one way she could. She saw Miguel in the thralls of lust with a younger prettier woman, she jumped and yelled his name, cursing him as she kissed the ground, her neck snapped back killing her instantly. Miguel ran out to find the horrific scene that lay before him. His once beloved wife, dead. He thought this was great, no divorce, no alimony. He had won once again. Over the next few days he acted as a distraught husband should, her body was laid to rest in a very flashy ceremony.
A few weeks went by and children started to disappear at night. The rumors started, as they always did in small towns. After almost forty years she was back, but there was no truth to this rumor, no one had heard the cry as before, there hadn’t been a single sighting down any roads leading to water. Perhaps it was the drug lords forcefully recruiting children into their organization. Theories were passed around back and forth. Children were no longer allowed outside after dark.. However when the children were taken off the streets, the adults started to go missing. One person had survived the attack and went to the plaza. 
“You have to hear me. She’s back.” The man crazed with fear said. “La Llorona is back. She appeared to me as a gorgeous woman, but as she got closer, I started to see what she was, I ran to the nearest church and hid out the remainder of the night.”
“Yeah right.” One man from the crowd said. “You probably imagined it all in a drunken fit. We all know La Llorona isn’t real.”
The crowd laughed at the man and shooed him off of the plaza. 
“You’ll regret not believing me.” The man cursed as he left. 
Miguel had heard of what the man had said, wanting to make sure she hadn’t come back for him he had her body dug up. The casket was empty Miguel’s name had been carved into the inside. At this sight he hired a personal bodyguard not telling him exactly what he needed protecting from. 
Over the next weeks more people disappeared. Soon Miguel could hear her. 
“Miguel, you betrayed me. I will get you.” 
The crys got closer every day. Soon Miguel wasn’t sleeping, he was jumpy at the slightest thing. La Llorona was no longer just interested in children. Anyone she found outside after dark was hers. Eventually, she caught up to her former lover.
“Miguel, I’m home.” She cried as she entered her former home.
The house was quiet, the only sound was La Llorona walking looking for her former husband. 
“Miguel! Miguel! Miguel!” She cried over and over. “Come out, I’ve missed you.”
Miguel hid as quietly as he could a new gun in his hand, thinking that would stop her. Surely she had  to still be alive, maybe all of those people left the town. She had found the room he was in. He stayed as quiet and still as the grave. Soon she ripped the door of the closet open. Miguel started shooting emptying his clip into the thing before him. She felt nothing and grabbed him. 
“Miguel, you betrayed me, now, you must pay the price.” She said as she dragged her former husband to the balcony. “I died because I loved you. Now I’ll kill you, because I love you.”
She slowly lifted him over the rail and held him looking into his eyes.
“Miguel, mi amor. We promised until death do us part. Well, death, did do us part, now in death we will be together.” She said letting go of her former husband. 
The last thing Miguel saw was a black wedding gown, with a veil to match, the wind blew just enough for him to see the decayed face of his once beautiful bride. Miguel was found in the morning, dead, police had ruled it a suicide. Having gotten her revenge, and her curse partially broken, La Llorona now roams all over her cry can be heard for miles around warning all that she is near. 
“Ay mi marido, ay mis hijos.” She cries in both pain and joy. 
Those lucky to only hear her cry claim to feel a knife piercing chill thru their body, and the house shake. However, what has become of those that have had the misfortune to come across her? Well the rumors are that the children are drowned, and the adults well you know what they say. ‘Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned’, but these are only rumors after all, so next time you’re out after dark and if you hear her cry followed by a beautiful young woman, well, I’d run if I was you. 
Well my little chicks, how was that for reviving an old Mexican legend? Do be careful when out at night, and if you hear a pained cry in the distance. I do hope you’re near shelter to hide out. Sweet screams.
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decayingphoenix · 5 years ago
From the Desk of Decaying Phoenix: I Own Death’s Cloak
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Welcome back my little chicks for another horror filled story. Tonight, I bring you a story that is a millenia in the making, as we all know when faced with Death, in an untimely manner you have a chance to play it for a second chance, and if you win, you also get one request when brought back. Well, I have a very interesting story for you all tonight.
“Today, I got a very interesting gift; actually, you could say I got two gifts. Let me go back to the beginning and tell you the story.” I said as I took a swig from my mug.
“Well, what do you mean you got two gifts?” Susan asked looking at me from her dinner menu.
“Well, as I said, I need to go back to the beginning.” I replied taking another swig from my mug. “Do you remember when I was shot during that bank robbery and doctors said I wasn’t going to make it?”
“Yeah, they said it was a miracle that you survived. How did you do it?” She asked again, taking a sip of her drink.
“Are you aware of Death’s rule to challenge it to a game for a second chance?” I said finishing my drink.
“Well yes, but what does that have to do with what happened?”
“As I lay on that bed dying, time sort of stopped. I saw Death walk up to me and tell me it was time, I said I wasn’t ready and demanded a second chance! Death had to follow its rules. Then in this otherworldly voice it answered me. 'You demand? Who are you that demands of me?' It said. ‘I am one who needs to go back to the world of the living.’ ‘Needs? Everyone needs to, but what makes you so special?’ ‘I am a cop, I have lives to protect.’ ‘As though I haven’t heard that before, I will only play you because you interest me.’ ‘I need to go back.’” I said trying to stay in my body as long as I could. 
"Oh come on, that's a load of bull, and you know it." Susan said slamming her mug down. "Just admit it was a miracle and leave it at that."
"I'm telling you this is what happened. Let me continue and then, if you want, I'll prove it to you."
“Okay fine, I’ll humor you.” She said grabbing her next drink.
“Well, after having asked for a second chance, I challenged Death to a very simple fighting game I was very good at and experienced in. It foolishly accepted my offer and we were underway, little did I know that the fighters would be connected to us, as my character took a hit I felt it, but as my opponent was hit, they felt nothing, I was winning the game and before I was able to win, the game shut off, and I yelled and asked what the hell happened. ‘Sorry, I don’t know what happened, why don’t you name another game.’ It said. Well I proceeded to pick another game, a game of chance, Battleship, I said. ‘Done.’ It said. And our game was underway, we played, ship to ship, I was still in the lead and just before I sunk the last one, a gust of wind blew. ‘Hey what the hell?’ I yelled again. ‘Are you sure you’re playing fair?’ ‘You, dare accuse me of cheating?’ It replied. ‘Well, what would you call it, twice I have nearly won and twice the games have ended before I was able to win. What is going on?’ ‘I do not know, this world is not my own, this is your world. Perhaps you do not wish for the game to end.’ It said. 'Hey I want to go home.' I replied. 'Fine, one last game, how about whatever falls from the sky we play, should be fair.' 'As you wish.' It said. As I finished saying this a soccer ball fell from the sky. 'So, a soccer match it is.' I thought to myself. Two goals appeared, along with a scoreboard. A whistle blew and the game was on."
"Come on you can't be serious? This is ridiculous." Susan said laughing. "You're telling me you had the chance to win not once but twice, and you didn't take it."
“Look, I don’t know why I didn’t okay. Maybe I felt it wasn’t enough of a challenge, but let me continue okay, this is where it gets really good.”
“Fine, but next round is on you.”
“Yeah, sure, anyway. Here we were each with our respective teams the game was all tied up five minutes on the clock, neither team giving an inch, and then I saw my opening, I charged the goal as fast as I could, I had the ball, I was moving fast. I started doing hat tricks and other moves I had never imagined before, I faked the goalie and kicked the winning goal. I had finally done it. I had beaten Death in a game. We shook hands and Death made me an offer, one I could not pass up, it was too good of a deal. ‘You were a worthy adversary; how would you like my cloak, however in exchange you work for me.’ I was perplexed, what did  Death need someone working for it? ‘What does the job entail?’ I was curious, I had to know. ‘From time to time souls that fail to win a second chance run from me, and end up roaming purgatory escaping their fates. I need someone who can round them up.’ I mean that seemed crazy, I thought Death just reaped them and that was it right. Oh I was wrong. ‘How would I do this, and how much is it going to interfere with my second chance at life?’ I had to know more can you blame me? ‘No time will be taken from you, when I call time will stop as it has now and you will go where I point, you will not age, you will not hunger, so long as you wear my cloak you will be me.’ It said. ‘What about in the world of the living? Can I use it there?’ Oh the possibilities that ran through my mind.  ‘Yes, you can, you own it. You can use it wherever you see fit.’ I didn’t have to think about it. I had to take it, do you know what that would mean for my career as a cop?” I finished as the waitress brought over two more drinks.
“Yeah, come on, this is all a nice story, maybe you imagined it all as you were being operated on.” Susan said taking her fresh drink. “How am I supposed to believe that all of this really happened, did you say you’d prove it to me?”
“Yeah you’re right, but when I prove you wrong that it wasn’t a dream, dinner is on you, and I get to pick where we go, deal?” I said sticking my hand out.
“Fine, I’ll keep humoring you, what are you going to do? Disappear right before my eyes, come on don’t be silly, just admit it’s a load of bull and lets keep drinking.”
“No I’ll prove it to you, do you see that signed picture of The King on the wall over there?” I said pointing to a wall on my left.
“Yeah, what about it?”
“You always said you wanted it, so it’s yours.”
“Oh yeah, you’re sooo going to get it, without getting us kicked out of our favorite bar.”
“I am, watch.”
I proceeded to pull the cloak out of my back pocket, neat little trick I learned, handkerchief to everyone else, Death’s cloak to me. I wrapped it around my hand, and time froze. I took a nice stroll over to the wall and picked up the picture and strolled back, picking up a nice order of wings and chips on my way back, what’s victory without food right? I put the picture in Susan’s hands and set the chips and wings down on the table, I always loved this bar’s food.
“Well? What do you think? Am I still full of bull?” I said putting the cloak in my back pocket.
“Wait, how did you? Come on this is a fake right?” Susan said looking over at the wall seeing the missing picture, her jaw dropping seeing it wasn’t there. “Come on this is a prank right?”
“Yeah, and so are these wings and chips.” I said taking a bite from a wing.
“Dear God, who else knows about this?”
“Just you, and now it’s our little secret.”
“Fine, but how?”
“Secret, remember? Now what do I want for dinner?”
Well my little chicks this concludes our little tale. Are you brave enough to confront Death and ask for a second chance? Will you be the next owner of It’s cloak? Only one way to find out. For now, happy screams.
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decayingphoenix · 5 years ago
From the Desk of Decaying Phoenix: The Truth About the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
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Welcome back my little chicks for another horror filled story. In my travels over the world, I have been told many stories myself, but one I find truly inspiring is the truth behind The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
Let me grant you a bit of background on this tomb. On March 4, 1921, Congress approved the burial of an unidentified American soldier from World War I in the plaza of Arlington National Cemetery's new Memorial Amphitheater. The journey of the World War I Unknown to Arlington began in France in September 1921, when four American bodies were exhumed from unmarked battlefield graves. U.S. Army Sgt. Edward F. Younger (a World War I veteran who was wounded in combat and received the Distinguished Service Medal) selected the Unknown Soldier from among four identical caskets at city hall in Chalons-sur-Marne, France. The chosen casket was then transported to Washington, D.C. aboard the Navy cruiser USS Olympia. Those remaining in France were interred in the Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery, one of several dozen foreign cemeteries operated by the American Battle Monuments Commission.
The World War I Unknown arrived in Washington on November 9, 1921 and lay in state at the Capitol Rotunda for two days. Some 90,000 visitors lined up to pay their respects. On Armistice Day (November 11) 1921, body bearers from the Army, Navy and Marine Corps transported the casket to a caisson for the large ceremonial procession to Arlington National Cemetery. At the Memorial Amphitheater, President Warren G. Harding officiated at a ceremony attended by over 5,000 people. The U.S. Marine Corps band played the national anthem, followed by the Army Chief of Chaplains' invocation and two minutes of silence. President Harding then addressed the crowd and placed the Medal of Honor and Distinguished Service Cross on the casket. Foreign dignitaries added more medals. The ceremony then moved to the east front of the Amphitheater, where, as a battery cannon fired three salvos, the casket was lowered into the crypt. A bugler played Taps, followed by the battery firing a 21-gun salute. The Unknown Soldier was home.
In the following years, thousands of people flocked to Arlington National Cemetery to pay their respects at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, which soon came to symbolize the sacrifices of all American service members. While the Tomb drew many respectful mourners, it also became a tourist destination. Photographers stationed themselves by the Tomb and charged people to take their picture, and visitors left trash strewn around the site. In 1926, Congress established a military guard to protect the Tomb during daylight hours. Since midnight on July 2, 1937, the Army has maintained a 24-hour guard over the Tomb. Sentinels of the 3rd U.S. Infantry, "The Old Guard," assumed these duties on April 6, 1948, maintaining a constant vigil regardless of weather conditions.
There, now with that little bit out of the way, let’s tell you the real story. There is no Soldier buried in that crypt, here is the truth.
On March 4th, 1921 Congress approved the burial, or should I say incarceration of an immortal. Yes you read that correctly, there is an immortal buried at Arlington National Cemetery. I’m sure you’re all wondering what immortal is locked up. Well? The tomb was created for a soldier, just not a human soldier, hidden within the tomb is Raziel, one of the archangels. Not much is known about this immortal, all that we do know thus far is that it doesn’t require food or water. The tomb has had to be modified several times throughout the years to help study this creature underground. After various tests we still don’t know what is actually keeping it alive with no food or water. The Angel Raziel just kind of floats there in the middle with it’s arms crossed and it’s head bowed. What appears to be a sword can be seen hanging from it’s waist. We have tried numerous times to attempt to communicate with Him, all to no avail.
Today Raziel did something different. He looked straight up at the ceiling above him as though looking up at the sky, his eyes squinted a bit. What could be coming? The angel has been getting fidgety as of late. He looks tense, what does he know that we don’t. Raziel can be seen muttering something under his breath, but we can’t tell what it is. I’m looking at past reports to see if this has ever happened before, but it doesn’t appear as though it has. No, this can’t be, Raziel is moving, his arms are uncrossing and his wings are spreading...
Well my little chicks, this is where our story ends, this was all that was recovered from the remains of what was once known as D. C. sweet screams my little chicks.
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decayingphoenix · 5 years ago
From the Desk of Decaying Phoenix: The Truth About the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
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Welcome back my little chicks for another horror filled story. In my travels over the world, I have been told many stories myself, but one I find truly inspiring is the truth behind The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
Let me grant you a bit of background on this tomb. On March 4, 1921, Congress approved the burial of an unidentified American soldier from World War I in the plaza of Arlington National Cemetery's new Memorial Amphitheater. The journey of the World War I Unknown to Arlington began in France in September 1921, when four American bodies were exhumed from unmarked battlefield graves. U.S. Army Sgt. Edward F. Younger (a World War I veteran who was wounded in combat and received the Distinguished Service Medal) selected the Unknown Soldier from among four identical caskets at city hall in Chalons-sur-Marne, France. The chosen casket was then transported to Washington, D.C. aboard the Navy cruiser USS Olympia. Those remaining in France were interred in the Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery, one of several dozen foreign cemeteries operated by the American Battle Monuments Commission.
The World War I Unknown arrived in Washington on November 9, 1921 and lay in state at the Capitol Rotunda for two days. Some 90,000 visitors lined up to pay their respects. On Armistice Day (November 11) 1921, body bearers from the Army, Navy and Marine Corps transported the casket to a caisson for the large ceremonial procession to Arlington National Cemetery. At the Memorial Amphitheater, President Warren G. Harding officiated at a ceremony attended by over 5,000 people. The U.S. Marine Corps band played the national anthem, followed by the Army Chief of Chaplains' invocation and two minutes of silence. President Harding then addressed the crowd and placed the Medal of Honor and Distinguished Service Cross on the casket. Foreign dignitaries added more medals. The ceremony then moved to the east front of the Amphitheater, where, as a battery cannon fired three salvos, the casket was lowered into the crypt. A bugler played Taps, followed by the battery firing a 21-gun salute. The Unknown Soldier was home.
In the following years, thousands of people flocked to Arlington National Cemetery to pay their respects at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, which soon came to symbolize the sacrifices of all American service members. While the Tomb drew many respectful mourners, it also became a tourist destination. Photographers stationed themselves by the Tomb and charged people to take their picture, and visitors left trash strewn around the site. In 1926, Congress established a military guard to protect the Tomb during daylight hours. Since midnight on July 2, 1937, the Army has maintained a 24-hour guard over the Tomb. Sentinels of the 3rd U.S. Infantry, "The Old Guard," assumed these duties on April 6, 1948, maintaining a constant vigil regardless of weather conditions.
There, now with that little bit out of the way, let’s tell you the real story. There is no Soldier buried in that crypt, here is the truth.
On March 4th, 1921 Congress approved the burial, or should I say incarceration of an immortal. Yes you read that correctly, there is an immortal buried at Arlington National Cemetery. I’m sure you’re all wondering what immortal is locked up. Well? The tomb was created for a soldier, just not a human soldier, hidden within the tomb is Raziel, one of the archangels. Not much is known about this immortal, all that we do know thus far is that it doesn’t require food or water. The tomb has had to be modified several times throughout the years to help study this creature underground. After various tests we still don’t know what is actually keeping it alive with no food or water. The Angel Raziel just kind of floats there in the middle with it’s arms crossed and it’s head bowed. What appears to be a sword can be seen hanging from it’s waist. We have tried numerous times to attempt to communicate with Him, all to no avail.
Today Raziel did something different. He looked straight up at the ceiling above him as though looking up at the sky, his eyes squinted a bit. What could be coming? The angel has been getting fidgety as of late. He looks tense, what does he know that we don’t. Raziel can be seen muttering something under his breath, but we can’t tell what it is. I’m looking at past reports to see if this has ever happened before, but it doesn’t appear as though it has. No, this can’t be, Raziel is moving, his arms are uncrossing and his wings are spreading...
Well my little chicks, this is where our story ends, this was all that was recovered from the remains of what was once known as D. C. sweet screams my little chicks.
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decayingphoenix · 5 years ago
From The Desk of Decaying Phoenix: The Ripper of Sin City
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Welcome back my little chicks for another horror filled story. Tonight we are proud to debut a new logo. Decaying Phoenix 2.0 is now ready for a new year, and tonight’s story is a little different, we all know the notorious murderer Jack the Ripper. Well, I thought I would take a shot at reviving this once notorious murderer and add my rotted twist to it. I bring you ‘The Ripper of Sin City’.
“A body has been found inside a casino, no further information is available at this time, we will keep you posted as new developments arise.” The reporters voice came from the television.
“So, it looks like they found her,” the stranger said while stepping outside to smoke. “I guess a hotel like that was bound to find her sooner or later, especially after the change in policy from the mass shooting back in ‘17. I wonder when they’ll find the other body and connect them together.”
In the hotel room crime scene analysts were gathering evidence, and taking pictures of the gruesome murder.
“Man, I’ve seen some gruesome things before, but this looks like it was done by someone who really hated her.” One analyst said.
“You’re telling me, I mean, who does something like this?” said another.
“Alright guys what can you tell me?” a detective asked as he walked into the room.
“Well, not much until we get back to the lab, what we can tell you is that she was in her twenties. Other than that, we have no identification.” the lead analyst said.
“Great a murder in a strip casino and we have nothing. According to hotel staff no one was registered to this room.” the detective said. “I’m going to be bombarded with questions when I get outside and I have no answers for them.”
“Today the body of a young woman was found in a strip casino by hotel security, medical units and Metro were called, the victim was pronounced dead at the scene. As of right now we have no idea who she was. We are asking the public for help in solving this gruesome murder or at least with identifying the victim.” the detective addressed the news media. 
The next few days were abuzz with the news of a dead woman in a strip casino. No one knew the exact details except for the security guards, and law enforcement. The room had been sealed off while analysts continued their work. There had been no evidence left behind that there had ever been anyone else in the room besides the dead woman. Analysts and law enforcement worked endlessly to track down any leads, there had been no evidence of anyone talking to this woman. The murderer was a ghost, no one ever saw the person, bartenders who saw the woman said she wasn’t with anyone, cameras footage of the woman always seemed to be missing her companion. 
Over the next few weeks, another body was found at a different casino on the opposite side where the first body was found. Detectives and casino staff were all baffled it was the same M. O. as the first victim, the only thing linking these two gruesome murders were that the bodies had both been mutilated. The throat was slashed, and they had their reproductive organs removed.
Smoke rose from a lit cigarette on the counter, a pack of L&M cigarettes laid thrown carelessly about. The owner of both sat in bed watching the news with a twisted grin on their face.
“How soon until I need to quench this thirst?” The person asked themself. “It’s already been a week since the last one. I hope it stays quelled for a few more weeks. I know the first one was just a spur of the moment, but I didn’t know I had such a thirst for blood like this. I hope, if there is a next one, she puts up more of a fight.” 
Well, Well my little chicks. I wonder who this mysterious person terrorising the City of Sin. Perhaps there will be more into this mystery and perhaps we can help solve a mystery centuries in the making. This concludes our first Spooktacular please stay tuned for more to come, as always feel free to share and like.
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decayingphoenix · 5 years ago
From The Desk of Decaying Phoenix: Death, The Stalker
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Welcome back my little chicks for another horror filled story. Tonight we continue the Spooktacular. Tonight I bring you a story of a stalker, but not just any stalker, a very unique stalker.
I am death. No, I am not like death, and I don't feel like death. I am death itself. I am the Reaper that lurks in the shadows and watches, waiting for your time to end. I have touched your soul several times, but never took it. Do you remember when you were hit by that car? I do and I decided it was too early to take you. What about the time in the pool? I decided that watching you was more fun than taking you. 
No, the time I remember best is when you slit your wrist and you saw me as you laid there bleeding. You saw me for the first time, and I saw what I wanted...the fear in your eyes. You looked at me as though you never wanted to see me again. It has been two long years since then and I can't wait to see that look in your eyes again. I follow closely behind you and wonder if I should push you in front of a car, or if I should whisper in your ear and make you take that bottle of pills. No, it would all be too easy, I want you to take your time. I want you to feel comfortable and safe. 
I will wait for you, until the moment is right. I will follow you as long as it takes. You who have shown me fear, you who didn’t beg. I follow behind you every day and watch over you every night. 
Tonight, I saw your offspring be born, I saw you hold them in your arms and weep in joy, it’s not yet time to push you to the edge again. Your child grows and as they take each step, I see your face light with joy, and pride, it’s almost time to show you once again that I am still here.
I watch over you as your life continues, so long it is to you, but a small drop in an ocean to me.
Your second child is born, you look weary this time. It’s not time, you’d welcome me with open arms this time. Soon it will be time. 
Your child grows as your first and your pride with them. I think it’s time to remind you. I will push you. Yes, I will. I watch you as the car hits you, I look into your eyes, there is that fear again. It has taken almost thirty years since that first time, but now I see it again, that look of fear, now not because you wish to avoid me, but because you wish to stay with your family. You still don’t beg, but you don’t stand to oppose me. You lay with the look of fear in your eyes, but I have grown to love you though you won’t live much longer. I set you free and satisfy myself to watch you once again from the shadows, but now you know that I am there. You know I will be with you once more, but the next time we meet we will walk together and go into the next life. 
Well, who would ever believe that Death could be so cruel, or so caring. Stay tuned my chicks as we continue with the Spooktacular only one day left before the reveal of the big surprise. 
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decayingphoenix · 5 years ago
From The Desk of Decaying Phoenix: How it Begun
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Welcome back my little chicks for another horror filled story. Tonight we continue the Spooktacular, I have often been asked why I write and how did all of this come to be. So since we are so close to the end of the Spooktacular I have decided to answer this question. 
I always had a love for literature since a young age. I grew to love classic such as: The Odyssey, and The Iliad. Movies were always a great source of inspiration. I loved all things dark and macabre. Growing up in a small one road town in Mexico that’s full of lore, I’ve heard stories of La Llorona or The Weeping Woman. 
My first writing project was a class project where I took that and converted it from a short story to a book, alas that project has stagnated, and when it did my love of literature and writing went with it. It took years for that love to be rekindled, and I have some narrators to  thank for that. My first story “A Talk With a Reaper” was based as a way to come to terms with the passing of a loved one. After that it became a way to keep my darker ambitions under control. I have since used these stories I craft as a way to relax. A lot of these stories come to me from the depths of the dark pit where my demons dwell. 
What are some of my favorite writers, well that’s not hard we must bow to our masters: Edgar Alan Poe, Marry Schelly, Bram Stoker. Ah I wish I would've had a chance to truly learn from these masters. I do enjoy horror movies, shows, the paranormal. I have had many paranormal experiences, and perhaps, in time, I will reveal them all. There is a lot more to come, so stick around and watch what I write. Should there ever be anything you’d like to read about always feel free to request it, as a writer I am nothing without my fans and my followers. 
Stay tuned as we conclude this Spooktacular.
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decayingphoenix · 5 years ago
From the Desk of Decaying Phoenix: My Dad Has The Eyes of Death
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Welcome back my little chicks for another horror filled story as we continue the Spooktacular, I bring you a story told to me by a rather peculiar young lady.
My dad has a very strange gift, he can tell when people are going to die before it happens. I know what some of you are thinking, this sounds a lot like that old anime, Death Note. He really does have this ability, and this gift has helped him in his job as a paramedic. I think I first learned about his gift when I was with him for my birthday a few years ago.
Today is Saturday September 18th. Do you know what that means diary? Today is my birthday!! Dad even took the day off for my birthday to celebrate with me! I am being a bad girl and peeking into the backyard to look at all the decorations. Oh my god, look at all the balloons and the table matts! Dad is even in his good coat. Oh, this is going to be a great day! Sorry, I have to go get ready. I’ll fill you in as I go through my day Diary. 
I’m back again. Dad has been so great! He’s been so vague about what the day is going to bring, and he’s really going out of his way to make sure I can’t see what he had planned. Oh is that a D.J. stage? Gotta go take a peek! I’ll be back.
Um. I’m back, I think there is something wrong with my dad. His eyes just turned a strange color? I wonder if he’s okay or if his allergies are acting up? Something strange happened after his eyes changed color, a man started clutching his chest and fell to the ground. My dad started to help right away and called the paramedics to help him, I hope he’s going to be alright.
Oh my god, that was a great night! I had a D.J., large dance floor, several virgin bars, my 16th birthday was awesome! I don’t know how my dad is going to top this for my 18th or 21st! Dad's eyes started glowing again at one point, right before someone started choking. He did save the person, but his eyes... I really should ask him about it. I hope it's just a coincidence or an allergic reaction.
Saturday September 25th, Okay Diary, I decided to ask Dad about his eyes and I think he lied to me. He said that he can see when people are going to die. But, no one can actually see when they are going to die can they? I know they can’t. I hope he's not lying about being sick. I wish he'd tell me. Dad rented this expensive car and took us out on a trip out of town today, but on the way there, his eyes changed color again and he had to stop to help someone after they flipped their car. Maybe Dad’s just lucky? Maybe work sends him where there is going to be trouble? If he won't tell me the truth, I'll have to keep an eye on him.
Monday September 27th, I’m starting to panic. Dad’s eyes have been changing all day, and everytime they do, he saves someone. It's happened too many times for me to ignore what he said anymore. Today I saw a man have his arm ripped off by an escalator, but this time, right before it happened, Dad told me to go get a snack. When I came back the man had lost his arm and Dad was busy saving his life. There was so much blood. Later on, I saw Dad jump into a pool before anyone knew a kid was drowning, and then he saved an old lady who fell, all while his eyes keep changing. I’m going to push Dad more and see if he will tell me what's going on. 
Friday October 1st. I talked to Dad and he told me why his eyes change. He said when he was younger, he made a deal with the grim reaper, and that he was forced to go through a trial to earn the eyes. He said that since then, he knew he would only work in the medical field. I don’t know if I believe him or if I should be afraid? Right now I just want to sleep. I don't know what to think about dad right now. I need some time to figure things out.
Well my little chicks, this is all we have from little miss Aurora. Perhaps we will hear more from her again? Thanks again for sticking with us through our Spooktacular. We are going full steam ahead. Sweet screams.
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decayingphoenix · 5 years ago
From the Desk of Decaying Phoenix: I Work as a Soul Catcher P. 2
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Welcome my little chicks to our Spooktacular and another horror filled story. Tonight I have a rather frightening story for you my kids, as you can see our Soul Catcher friend is back. Let us see what our friend has been up to.
“Okay, how do I do this again?” I said moving the camera in place. “Um, right, Captain’s log. Do I really have to say that?”
“Yes,” a female voice answered, “you have to do it the right way.”
“Fine,” clears throat, “Captain’s log, Today is, what what is today? Forget it, it doesn’t matter. Today we have returned from our first mission, we captured a soul that had been spreading mad cow disease. The mission started shortly after I finished my training as an Easter captain.”
Graduation day came faster than I had anticipated, I had scars throughout my body from the training. I had not anticipated it would have been as tough, however I suppose if I am going to be catching the passed that stayed I would have to know how to deal with them. The names of those that had excelled were called to be captains, mine was amongst them. I felt my eyes sting with tears, having thought I had failed all of my training, let my rage get the better of me, there I stood amongst the other freshly selected captains. After the ceremony we were each introduced to our new squadrons. I had Sylvia as my Lieutenant, Alicia as my tactical advisor, and the twins Faith and Hope as my medical staff.
Once we had been introduced we had no time to rest, celebrate or properly get to know each other, our first assignment came down on us. A soul had been on the run for six months now and had been spreading mad cow disease in Britain, we packed what we needed, some weapons, blessed swords, daggers, and armour. As you can imagine regular weapons don’t work on the dead, so we had to have some special ones for them, the dead on the other hand can use anything they want. We arrived at the first known affected herd, after talking to locals we established a pattern, the dead was heading West.
We followed the trail of cows and devastated farms until we came face to face with the target.
“Hey, Sylvia, why can’t humans see this thing?” I asked.
“The late have a way of staying in the middle of the vails and only few people can see them.” She replied.
We slowly surrounded the target and started to get ready for what should have been a quick snag and bag. We were wrong.
The dead pulled out a shotgun and started to blast at us, we all ran for cover and were kept pinned down. I couldn’t get to Alicia to get tactical advice. I looked around, and saw the blind spot I was looking for. I ran for the blindspot and was grazed by a rouge shot.
“Damn!” I yelled.
Sylvia looked up and threw a few rocks at it to get it’s attention. Alicia was working on a plan as fast as she could. She found a way to send it to us without anyone getting hurt. A late person starts to affect the world around him after a few weeks if they don’t pass to the next realm immediately. After reading the note, I understood the plan. I flanked right just as Sylvia threw a rock to distract the dead and then took it’s firearm. We thought the plan was going to work, but it almost backfired and I ended up with the barrel facing me. I saw my life flash for a second and just as soon as it was almost over, I heard the firearm, and the dead fall to the ground. I saw a dagger sticking out of it’s back as it was falling, I reacted, drew my sword and removed it’s head in one slice. After the reaction. And when everything finally settled I started shaking, and fell to my knees. I had come so close to death that I didn’t know what to do. My Lieutenant came and put her hand on my shoulder. After I had settled down she had us picked up and we returned to base. So here we are up to date.
“Captain you need to log out of it.” Sylvia said.
“I am, just give me a second.” I replied.
Well, this is Captain Rondu logging out after my first mission. I hope to log more and learn more.
“Okay Sylvia I’ve logged out. Let’s go eat I’m hungry.
Well my little chicks let’s hope we can hear more from our Soul hunter friend. Stay tuned my chicks as we continue our Spooktacular. Sweet screams.
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decayingphoenix · 5 years ago
It would appear as though we gave the wrong dates for this spooktacular, it will commence the 27th and end on the 31st with a brand new unveiling.
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decayingphoenix · 5 years ago
From the desk of Decaying Phoenix: When a Psychopath snaps
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Welcome back my little chicks to another horror filled story. Tonight I have a rather frightening tale for you of a poor man who was pushed too far.
I'm a mass murderer, not in the way you would think; in my own head I have killed several people, I haven't talked to anyone about it, and it's been getting worse. I don't know how much longer I can keep from acting on these thoughts. Today I think I killed five people I work with, seeing their blood splattered all over the walls made me happy. Then I snapped back to reality and realized they were still alive. I can’t stand them, they all look so happy, and I look down on them as filth, so long as they don’t push too far, I should be able to keep myself in check.
Today is another day and I am still not in any better of a mood. Work is a pain in the ass and my co-workers are going on about their brats. I really need to get out of here. Oh look one of them cut themselves, wow that’s a lot of blood, I can’t help myself, I want to see more. I take a few steps closer and open the wound more. The sight of the crimson liquid brings a smile to my face, the smell of copper permeated the air. Oh god! I couldn’t help it. I had to lick it, the taste was a bit metallic, but I loved it.  I had to be subtle about it. The rest of my coworkers got the medical kit and patched up the injured employee.
I can’t help it I need more blood, but I don’t know how to get it. I kept going on about my day until, I kept being pushed further, my boss is a dick, he always asks for too much, and he’s never willing to pay. One day he’ll push too far. Damn these customers, why can’t they stop needing help for more than five minutes. Co-workers asked another personal question, I lied to them. I want to connect with them, but I just can’t stand them.
This woman is yelling at me. Why do I take it? I stand here just nodding my head and waiting for her lips to stop moving. She finally stopped and I walked away, oh great my boss is yelling at me too, I can’t help it, I yell and punch a wall, then as though something clicks I stop, and calm down, for the first time I see fear in this man’s face. I smile and walk away, calmly. I find a knife on my way to my car, I slashed the throat of the first person who asked me for help. I left them there bleeding, I licked the blood off my knife and kept walking, I stabbed the next person multiple times in the chest when they tried to stop me, all the while I kept a smile and a very calm demeanor on my face. So, how did I end up here? You ask. Well I went on a murder spree anyone and anything. I left a large body count and couldn’t be stopped until the law caught up to me following my bloody trail. Do I regret what I did? Not one bit, I think in a way I was always asking for help, but I was the quiet one, the one who stayed in the corner and watched people, everyone always ignored me and looked the other way. Could anything have stopped this? Maybe if someone had said anything even as small as a “Hello”.  At this point we’ll never know, but I should be seen as an example rather than looked upon with hated or worse pitied. Next time you see someone alone go say hello, maybe you’ll be able to save someone’s life long term.
Well my little chicks. This is where our story ends. Do you know anyone who’s a loaner, or is always outside of the circle of friends? May this story gives you an incentive to go say hello and maybe, just maybe turn someone’s day around. Hope this story wasn’t too much for you my little ones.
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decayingphoenix · 5 years ago
Welcome my little chicks, we will have a new story up in a few days, and it's special announcement time, we will be doing a Spookatacular this year starting on the 26th ending on the 31st. I will be releasing a story every night of the Spookatacular so stick around for that, more chills and thrills to come. Stay tuned and as always remember to share and invite your friends.
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