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Academiya Arabiya (Dark Academia but make it Arab)
Arabic Dark Academia is: 
Realizing that knowledge isn't restricted to one field. So you study literature, medicine, philosophy, mathematics, law, music and history. 
Sipping on Karak tea; tea cooked in condensed milk infused with spices like cardamom, ginger and saffron which warm the cockles of your heart.
Long, flowing thobes.
Stepping barefoot on lush, silk, carpets.
Studying the different herbs and their medicinal properties followed by a trip to your local apothecary. ينسون (Ainse) to help sleep, بابوج (Chamomile) to calm the nerves, مرمية (Sage) for stomachaches, عشرق (Circaea) for a cleanse. 
Feel a sense of melancholia after realizing how advanced Arabs were a 1000 years ago even by modern standards vs. how we are today. 
Refuse to learn European/Colonial languages and opt for Semitic languages instead. 
Laugh out loud at anecdotes from كتاب الأغاني, Book of Songs, by Abu Al-Faraj Al-Isfahani.  
Daydreaming of being a pupil in the House of Wisdom in Baghdad circa. 12th cent. 
Re-learning all the original Arabic terminology which were Latinized and used in English, French and Spanish. 
Instead of watching horse races in polo sweaters, you learn the different names of horses based on their traits in golden threaded bisht. 
Strumming on your oud, in halved and quartered notes which makes Arabic music much more sophisticated than its western counterpart.
Putting argan and sesame seed oil in your hair for your thick, dark, curls and lining your big brown eyes with a thick layer of kohl. 
Fantasizing about dancing in Al-Andalus gardens to Muwashahaat. 
Aristotle's Book of Animals was about animals, however, Al-Jahith's book (الجاحظ) not only added to the animals, but also talked about religion, philosophy, folklore, sociology, politics, and much more. This book could easily be all you need for the Abbasid Era.  
No other language can taste as sweet, quell one's rage, soothes one's soul, balms one's heart, satisfy one's fury as Arabic.
Picturing yourself as a noble in an Umayyad Court. 
Understanding that Arabs are like Al-Sadu. Each culture represents an individual thread, but when woven together, we make a single, beautiful pattern.  
No matter what region, religion, sect, gender, or identity, you are proud to be an Arab. سجل، أنا عربي.
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Random dark acadamia muslim things i do
• writing poetry in the middle of the night while dreaming about gazing at the stars because you can't see them in your polluted area
•dreaming of having my own islamic library
•introverted introverted introverted
•living really niche stuff like certain stories of the sahaba(companions of the prophet)
•Having a favourite surah that you memorised and dreaming of memorising the entire quraan
•Choosing to read quraan over studying despite wanting to come out first
•arabic poetry so beautiful that you cry
•sitting on your windowsill during a power outage and listening to Quranic recitations or rain noise stimulators
•having a favorite Nasheed( islamic song with voice alone) artist
•writing the meaning of Arabic poetry and Nasheed or naats in your books
•no seriously like check out the poem Kun Anta
• crying because Allah(god) is so merciful
• keeping money in a bag or pocket with you always for charity
•having a book filled with your own prose and poetry and dreaming of publishing it
• Coffee or tea doesn't matter , they both give off perfect vibes
•the way everything seems a little lighter, brighter and better after praying
• Racing to go pray
•Listening and responding to Athaan(call to prayer)
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If there is one thing that humans share through out history, it's our inability to let go when we should. We make up stories about ghosts and reincarnations and spirits when our beloved die so we would feel their gentle touch in the wind, their loving kiss in the sun. We hold on to flowers when their beauty fades and their petals fall because we can't bear the thought of giving them back to the earth. We go to ancient libraries and theatres and museums and wonder about our history and our memories and our ancestry. We recite poetry from ages about which not much is known and wish to have lived then. We search strangers for traces of our lovers. We keep rusty music boxes to listen to our lullabies, and long for the sweet dreamless sleep that used to follow; knowing full well the enchantment can no longer be sealed, but we cast the broken spell anyway. I, personally, almost got really fucking pissed to see that someone had misplaced my bookmark all the way back to the begining, after forgetting for an instant that I've eventually finished reading that particular book, and that this someone was none other than myself, then set out, if miserably, in search of another that I know would never be half as good. But I'll keep looking anyways. When you come to think of it, the things we hold on to are no longer the things they initially were, theyre no longer fragnant and soothing and lovely, but we relish in remembering the fragrance and the soothing and the love nonetheless. We hope that after all is over, we meet with them again, that our memory, as if by magic, turns into flesh and petal and note.
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The circus arrives without warning.
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Pauline’s book recs : a MASTERPOST (I)
Shit, it’s 2020 and I’ve updated this Behemoth again.There’s both old and new in here. If you’re having problems with links overlapping, it is most likely the app/dashboard glitching—try the permalink version, and everything should work out, even on mobile. And of course, HAVE FUN.
Also: I had to split this one in two otherwise the links just poof, disappear.  Part two is here.
Ressources : where to find books online?
CLASSICAL LITERATURE (ANTIQUITY+) Where should I start? The fundamental works Where should I start? The mythology-oriented works Where should I start? Mythology, but make it non-greek Where should I start? Slavic mythology especially Where should I start? The translation edition A very touristic overview of Ancient Greek literature Different texts for Antigone Different texts for Elektra Different texts and translations for The Odyssey
CLASSIC [? who cares] BOOKS (ALL ERAS) First things first : a few favourites And works in translation : a few more favourites That’s a bit personal, but my “mind-changing” books A very touristic overview of literature reading Where should I start? My first classics Modern classics Reading women : a few favourites ; wait, much more Reading men : a few favourites Children literature : a few favourites ; more Where should I start? English and US literature Where should I start?  Italian literature ; more Where should I start? German and Austrian literature Where should I start? Russian literature Where should I start? Irish literature I’m terribly unknowledgeable about—Japanese literature Where should I start? Renaissance literature Where should I start? French literature for intermediate level Where should I start? French Medieval literature Where should I start? Victorian literature Where should I start? Contemporary literature Diving into the Arthurian legend Reading classics to children Children literature for adults (?) A bit of myth, a bit of fairy tale Short-length classics ; more here ; more here Short stories One last thing: books I don’t want to check out
POETRY First things first : a few favourites Second things second : a bunch of recs Where should I start? Poetry Quickly, the poets of happiness Learning French? Easy French poetry Lesbian French poetry Russian poetry : a few favourites Narrative poems ; much more Mystic poems Poems about separation Poems about love Poems about happiness Poems about exile Poems about poetry
DRAMA First things first : a few favourites
NON-FICTION First things first : a few favourites ; more recent On translation ; on poetry and music translation On literary analysis and adaptation On first-level literary analysis and French movements On biographies and diaries ; more here ; and more? On writing theory and another one On art history On reader-response theory On feminism (it’s old) On love, quite a bit Very lacking, but on female history On witches On Sufism Literary interviews Essays
YEARLY SUMMARY Best of 2019: all of it Best of 2018 : Prose Summary of 2018 Best of 2017 : Fiction Best of 2017 : Poetry Best of 2016 : Fiction Best of 2016 : Poetry 2016 Summer reading list 2015 - 2016 awaited releases Best of 2015 : Fiction Best of 2015 : Poetry
and click here for thematic lists
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I feel like there are people on here who would enjoy this <3
(Original tweet here)
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i bet those colors only shrimp can see suck major ass
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hard at work
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It occurs to me that there are people who weren’t on this website in 2012 and therefore never saw the magical gif that you can actually hear:
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It’s been over five years and that still impresses the hell out of me.
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Living Room. Watercolour painting from 2019.
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Felt like doing something picture book like.
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what is your eye color. what is your favorite color. what is the color that appears most frequently in your wardrobe. what color is your favorite blanket. what color is your water bottle.
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For verily, with hardship will be ease. Verily, with hardship will be ease.
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a brief primer for the hopeless days, part 2:
Rabindranath Tagore, Stray Birds (167) | Bertolt Brecht, ‘Motto’ | Anne Lamott, Bird by Bird  | Gregory Orr, Concerning the Book of the Body That Is the Beloved | Leonard Cohen, ‘Chelsea Hotel No. 2′
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Hylas and the Water Nymphs by Henrietta Rae (1909)
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when cats hold each other >>>>>>>
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