debilitating-force · 7 months
If you can’t afford a donation, a reblog always helps!
Also a weird tangent but I wouldn’t mind creating HeroForge models for someone if you’re interested in that as well. I’m tyk-tyk-tyk in the post above
EDIT: We’ve already reached our goal of 250, you guys are incredible!!! Any further donations will go towards medication and necessities. Thank you for helping <3
Hate hate hate e-begging, but the water is currently out and the electricity will be tomorrow. Our mail hasn't been getting delivered due to the mail office fucking us and we don't have money due to the bank fucking us. I have a much needed neurology appointment tomorrow, one I've been in need of for years at least, and I've been prescribed two new medicines.
My goal is 250$ just to keep the electric on at least but anything ANYTHING helps, and any extra money will pay for medicine and food and all that.
currently we're at 205$/250$. The paypal is under my mother's name.
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debilitating-force · 9 months
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The Deer of Stars, the youngest god, searches for something it does not have the words to describe.
first art of the new year
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debilitating-force · 1 year
me individually reviewing the lyrics for every single song on a character playlist nobody else will ever hear for an oc approximately 3 people know about
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debilitating-force · 1 year
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3rd Law | Mage
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debilitating-force · 1 year
we all have that one homie who volunteers to take first watch that they might contemplate the heavens in solitude
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debilitating-force · 1 year
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debilitating-force · 1 year
HeroForge might genuinely be taking over my life
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debilitating-force · 2 years
Five Nights at Freddy’s but I make it a medieval fantasy
While browsing for “It’s Been So Long” memes, I came across this banger, and a few comments, while memey, makes this sound like a really neat concept. So I made a bunch of HeroForge models based on this concept loosely. The large amounts of text is all flavor, and if you just want to click on the bold names and look at the cool models, you’re more than welcome to.
Beware of slight gore and mentions of death and child death, as well as poisoning. Also beware of ridiculous fantasy armor.
King Henry of the Fazbear Kingdom, a noble and well loved king. He had a young daughter, then princess, who would have grown to take over the kingdom when he died.
Sir William of Afton, Henry’s closest knight and friend. While he’s a very skilled knight, and the favorite at the king’s parties, Sir William has a dark history that has yet to be uncovered. He becomes easily jealous of the young squires he trains, and if any of them threaten to surpass him, he cuts them down in the heat of their first real battles. Leaving their corpses behind in their suits of armor, he reports to the king that the enemy slaughtered them brutally.
Princess Charlotte, when alive, was King Henry’s only heir. She was often carefree, but happy. One night, when riding alone on his horse, Sir William observed the princess separated from her guard. Jealous of the constant attention from her father, as well as the prospect that King Henry would be continuing his rule by bloodline, Sir William struck her down with no witnesses. He carried her body to his personal armory, hiding it in one of many suits of armor. He did not notice it’s sudden disappearance the next morning.
Sir Freddy was Sir William’s best student of them all, extremely skilled with the blade. Quickly surpassing William, he was marked for death the first battle against the enemy. Cut down from both angles, his corpse was left on the battlefield. Though just a squire when killed, Princess Charlotte knights her army post mortem.
Sir Bonnie was an excellent marksman, and could quickly dispose of important figures from miles away. He was on his way to being knighted after a certain battle, but felt his body fail him before he could land an important shot. Sir William had poisoned him, and hidden his body amongst the enemy’s after the deed was done. Princess Charlotte gave him a second chance.
Lady Chica, though not directly under Sir William’s watch, was one of his victims as well. She showed great skill in tending to the wounded, and after trying to heal Squire Bonnie when she saw him fall, Sir William killed her as to have no witnesses. Princess Charlotte resurrects her to help give the gift of life to their comrades.
Sir Foxy was incredibly agile, a dangerous foe to be on the end of. He showed surprising promise very quickly, and Sir William felt threatened by his quickly growing kill count. On horseback, he ran Squire Foxy into one of the enemy’s traps, finishing the job before he could even attempt to free himself. Princess Charlotte freed Foxy from his trap, and allows him another chance to get revenge on Sir William.
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debilitating-force · 2 years
A very short exercise I had written a while ago, about Bormot’s first interaction with fae.
Read it here
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debilitating-force · 2 years
Ended up just reusing an old theme, but here I am! 
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debilitating-force · 2 years
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Primal Beast and Great Tree brush experiments, also playing with appearances.
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debilitating-force · 2 years
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debilitating-force · 2 years
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debilitating-force · 2 years
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Wrow I actually post real art for once I actually used this piece to help break out of an art block, let’s hope I can keep it that way.
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