deathinthebag · 8 years
Wow your one self righteous little rodent. Those mean and evil fetus's keep maliciously attacking and violating those nice women's right to bodily autonomy.
All this hate I’ve been getting sure has opened my eyes, I now mindlessly agree. Any being a woman finds unworthy of life is nothing but lowly scum, to be discarded at the earliest convenience, life only has value if a woman directly grants it. Women themselves are holy and unquestionable, they are so holy that they should not be held responsible for there actions. How could they have known that sex leads to pregnancy, such a connection is completely unfeasible. I thank all the angry trolls, and messengers of feigned outrage, you have opened my eyes.
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deathinthebag · 8 years
how many times do i have to say this i literally do not care what your thoughts on abortion are, you don't get to use the holocaust as a "thought experiment". you do not get to use it as a comparison. because not everyone thinks what you typed up is horrible. there are still people who want all jews dead, and when you write something like that, it validates them, and is terrifying for a jewish person to read because so many people disguise antisemitism as a "thought experiment".
So the part where I say to dehumanize people is disgusting and wrong, validates some assholes? How exactly? You clearly don't have the intelligence to say anything productive, you must screech 'Muh Holocaust!', and complain about the mean goyim's nasty words. Your acting like a spoilt child, whining about your victim narrative. Seriously watch out that you don't drown in all those crocodile tears. 
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deathinthebag · 8 years
All this hate I’ve been getting sure has opened my eyes, I now mindlessly agree. Any being a woman finds unworthy of life is nothing but lowly scum, to be discarded at the earliest convenience, life only has value if a woman directly grants it. Women themselves are holy and unquestionable, they are so holy that they should not be held responsible for there actions. How could they have known that sex leads to pregnancy, such a connection is completely unfeasible. I thank all the angry trolls, and messengers of feigned outrage, you have opened my eyes.
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deathinthebag · 8 years
you are using the dehumanization and torture and murder of my people as a comparison. real human beings, who were murdered in horrible and violent ways, because they were jewish. 6 million people died. 6 million people were starved and beaten and tortured and treated as less than fucking dirt and you think this is a good point to use in an argument. it’s not a “thought exercise”, it’s my daily fucking life.
I’m using ahistorical example of dehumanization that everyone excepts as terrible, to showthat it is wrong to dehumanize anyone. If you can calm down for just a moment,and just entertain the idea that unborn children are living beings worthprotecting. Use empathy instead of dehumanizing them like the Nazi’s did toyour people. I’m not torturing you or mistreating you I’m simply asking thatyou entertain a different perspective for a moment.
I am notsaying that Jews are literal fetus’s or that people who support pro-choice areliteral Nazi’s. I’m simply asking that people try and show some compassion foranother living being that deserves to live. I believe that killing anythingsimply because you view yourself as more significant is wrong, whether that bea Jew in Nazi Germany or an unborn child in an abortion clinic.
Gettingangry at me won’t change the past of the terrible things done to Jews, butfacing uncomfortable truths about the way our society views the unborn, couldsave countless future lives.
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deathinthebag · 8 years
Yep definitely no devaluing of human life going on here. If a simple thought exercise makes you immediately assume a literal comparison than really no amount of clear argument is going reach that thick skull of yours.
As a thought experiment lets pretend I’m a racial supremacist. Perhaps a Nazi, I don’t value Jewish life. In fact, if you ask me they have no soul, they’re just a big group of cells that look human. I think that although a Jew can be useful, should I not want that Jew around I should be allowed to kill that Jew without consequence. In fact, the mass slaughter of Jews should be allowed. They are nothing but parasites of Aryans.
Personally, I find this view to be disgusting and morally bankrupt. If this were to be allowed in society I would denounce it, and do everything in my power to stop it. Now replace the word Jew with fetus, and Nazi/Aryan with mother/women. That is why I’m anti- abortion, and find people with a “pro-choice” stance to be disgusting and morally bankrupt.
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deathinthebag · 8 years
This right to bodily autonomy could be used if the child was willingly violating it. They are not, they don't have the ability to choose, a women does. A living being with no choice in the matter is not violating your rights, to think so is completely ridiculous. A women does have a choice and therefore can act as a moral agent, and not killing something far more moral than killing something.
As a thought experiment lets pretend I’m a racial supremacist. Perhaps a Nazi, I don’t value Jewish life. In fact, if you ask me they have no soul, they’re just a big group of cells that look human. I think that although a Jew can be useful, should I not want that Jew around I should be allowed to kill that Jew without consequence. In fact, the mass slaughter of Jews should be allowed. They are nothing but parasites of Aryans.
Personally, I find this view to be disgusting and morally bankrupt. If this were to be allowed in society I would denounce it, and do everything in my power to stop it. Now replace the word Jew with fetus, and Nazi/Aryan with mother/women. That is why I’m anti- abortion, and find people with a “pro-choice” stance to be disgusting and morally bankrupt.
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deathinthebag · 8 years
Yes words are certainly the most immoral things of all. It's not a literal comparison but a mental exercise to contrast two groups of people whom dehumanize others in order to guiltlessly kill them.
As a thought experiment lets pretend I’m a racial supremacist. Perhaps a Nazi, I don’t value Jewish life. In fact, if you ask me they have no soul, they’re just a big group of cells that look human. I think that although a Jew can be useful, should I not want that Jew around I should be allowed to kill that Jew without consequence. In fact, the mass slaughter of Jews should be allowed. They are nothing but parasites of Aryans.
Personally, I find this view to be disgusting and morally bankrupt. If this were to be allowed in society I would denounce it, and do everything in my power to stop it. Now replace the word Jew with fetus, and Nazi/Aryan with mother/women. That is why I’m anti- abortion, and find people with a “pro-choice” stance to be disgusting and morally bankrupt.
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deathinthebag · 8 years
You can have your views on abortion, and that's fine, but you analogy about the Holocaust was terribly offensive to me, a Jewish person. Please delete that post. Thank you.
Offense can not given only taken. I never made any direct analogy to the holocaust. I only used views of racial supremacy to highlight how people of modern day pro-choice stance view unborn fetus's. Any connection to the holocaust was made in your head.
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deathinthebag · 8 years
I'd also like to call on my fellow Jews, no matter how much you hate the analogy - be kind, even to those who you fervently disagree with, or even those who hate you. The Torah states that being hateful and embarrassing someone is akin to murdering their soul. As for you @deathinthebag, please don't let the hate get to you.
I'll also add that I in no way meant to disparage the Jewish people the reason I used the Nazi view on Jewish people was, simply because its well known, and perhaps for just a little bit of shock value.
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deathinthebag · 8 years
just wanted to say that I understand your post was about the dangers of dehumanisation, not about comparing abortion to the horrors of the Holocaust. Personally, I feel that opposition to abortion fulfils the Jewish concept of "tikkun olam" (world repair), because as Frederica Mathewes-Green once said "no one wants an abortion as she wants a ice cream or a Porsche. She wants an abortion, as an animal caught in a trap wants to gnaw off it's leg".
It is nice to get a reply from someone with some lucidity sothanks for that. I will say that in the regards to your analogy, that apregnancy is rarely a death sentence. Just because you become pregnant doesn’tmean killing is your only option. If you don’t want the child adoption is anoption. It might be a bit more… I’ll say painful, but I know that childwould prefer to live, after all my father was that child.
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deathinthebag · 8 years
To sum myself up, I would say I believe that a human life has value in two parts. One is an inherent value in the moment. I can’t quite quantify it or completely explain it. I guess I’d say it is a metaphysical value I would attribute to all life. The second part is the value of life’s potential, the future of a life. That life’s ability to go through existence and experience, well, life. It’s ups, its down, happy moments, sad moments, and all the things in between. All politics aside I have to say I am against abortion because it kills this potential, stops it before it’s even given a real chance to start. For someone who is pro-choice I have to ask;
Do you think a women’s right to choose is more valuable than this potential?
If your answer is yes, then honestly there is no point in arguing with me. I’m not going to change my mind and you aren’t going to change yours. If you aren’t sure, then perhaps instead of arguing with me you should think on it yourself.
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deathinthebag · 8 years
hey i'd just like to say, as a jewish person - shut the fuck up, you disgusting piece of shit. how dare you.
Feel free to replace the example with black and white, if that makes you more comfortable. The point was not the ethnicity of the people, but to show the kinds of atrocities people can justify when they remove the humanity from other human beings.
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deathinthebag · 8 years
Control? I find that laughable, as if I gain any control. The fact of the matter is, no where is it written that anyone has the right to consequence free sex. When you participate in vaginal sex you risk pregnancy. You don’t have to like reality, but you have to respect other beings right to life, or face the consequences for violating it.
If a man gets a woman pregnant he has no ‘control’ over whether or not the child is kept, and if he doesn’t want it, he is still forced to pay child support for that child. He has no ‘control’ the moment he consents to have sex. I simply believe that women should be held to the same standard. If you conceive a child you should be expected to carry it to term. To believe otherwise would be to concede that women are less responsible than men. The most important rule for a moral principle is universality, ie; if I don’t think my life should only be given value by whether or not my mother wants me, then I shouldn’t hold the opposite over someone else, born or unborn.
I have no respect for a body that feels completely justified in killing another living being completely unprovoked. When you argue for pro-choice, what you are arguing is that women are irresponsible children who should be protected from the consequences of there actions. It’s funny how often, equality is used by childish people usually fighting for special privileges.
As a thought experiment lets pretend I’m a racial supremacist. Perhaps a Nazi, I don’t value Jewish life. In fact, if you ask me they have no soul, they’re just a big group of cells that look human. I think that although a Jew can be useful, should I not want that Jew around I should be allowed to kill that Jew without consequence. In fact, the mass slaughter of Jews should be allowed. They are nothing but parasites of Aryans.
Personally, I find this view to be disgusting and morally bankrupt. If this were to be allowed in society I would denounce it, and do everything in my power to stop it. Now replace the word Jew with fetus, and Nazi/Aryan with mother/women. That is why I’m anti- abortion, and find people with a “pro-choice” stance to be disgusting and morally bankrupt.
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deathinthebag · 8 years
When a parent doesn't supply a born child with everything it needs to live they are often sentenced with murder or at least criminal negligence. Men are sued for child support to pay for children they don't want, but should a women decided her unborn child would be an inconvenience to her life style she can kill it. A human life should be considered slightly more important than 9 months of discomfort. Realistically you could argue for a pragmatic need for abortion, but not a moral one.
As a thought experiment lets pretend I’m a racial supremacist. Perhaps a Nazi, I don’t value Jewish life. In fact, if you ask me they have no soul, they’re just a big group of cells that look human. I think that although a Jew can be useful, should I not want that Jew around I should be allowed to kill that Jew without consequence. In fact, the mass slaughter of Jews should be allowed. They are nothing but parasites of Aryans.
Personally, I find this view to be disgusting and morally bankrupt. If this were to be allowed in society I would denounce it, and do everything in my power to stop it. Now replace the word Jew with fetus, and Nazi/Aryan with mother/women. That is why I’m anti- abortion, and find people with a “pro-choice” stance to be disgusting and morally bankrupt.
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deathinthebag · 8 years
I hold the right to life as man's highest law. The comparison is meant show what kind of terrible things humans can justify when they deny any living things right to life. It is not meant as a one to one comparison.
As a thought experiment lets pretend I’m a racial supremacist. Perhaps a Nazi, I don’t value Jewish life. In fact, if you ask me they have no soul, they’re just a big group of cells that look human. I think that although a Jew can be useful, should I not want that Jew around I should be allowed to kill that Jew without consequence. In fact, the mass slaughter of Jews should be allowed. They are nothing but parasites of Aryans.
Personally, I find this view to be disgusting and morally bankrupt. If this were to be allowed in society I would denounce it, and do everything in my power to stop it. Now replace the word Jew with fetus, and Nazi/Aryan with mother/women. That is why I’m anti- abortion, and find people with a “pro-choice” stance to be disgusting and morally bankrupt.
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deathinthebag · 8 years
i literally do not fucking care what you think about abortion, stop using the murder of my family as a fucking comparison. i would normally try to be nice but i'm so tired of goyim bullshit. regardless of what you think of abortion, it is nowhere near the horror of the holocaust. fetuses are not separated from their families, forced to work until they get sick, then forced to work until they're physically incapable, then sent to a fucking gas chamber like an animal. shut the fuck up.
Apparently you do care as you messaged me. Maybe you should try asking yourself why you find the mass killing of one form of life perfectly acceptable, while the other completely terrible. I used Nazi ideology and the dehumanization of a group of people to showcase the doublethink used by people with pro-choice beliefs. I never said anything about the holocaust.
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deathinthebag · 8 years
I personally think an unborn child's right to life is more important than a mothers right to kill a child (aka bodily autonomy). A child, not taken care of, will die, and it is a crime for a parent to let a born child die from negligence. Why should an unborn child be denied humanity? It seems to me, in both cases ideologically corrupt people justified the mass killing of innocent human beings.
I don't think a human life should be given value based on whether or not another human being wants them or not.  
As a thought experiment lets pretend I’m a racial supremacist. Perhaps a Nazi, I don’t value Jewish life. In fact, if you ask me they have no soul, they’re just a big group of cells that look human. I think that although a Jew can be useful, should I not want that Jew around I should be allowed to kill that Jew without consequence. In fact, the mass slaughter of Jews should be allowed. They are nothing but parasites of Aryans.
Personally, I find this view to be disgusting and morally bankrupt. If this were to be allowed in society I would denounce it, and do everything in my power to stop it. Now replace the word Jew with fetus, and Nazi/Aryan with mother/women. That is why I’m anti- abortion, and find people with a “pro-choice” stance to be disgusting and morally bankrupt.
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