deathcallstome-blog · 7 years
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Eiza Gonzalez. Soho, Manhattan. 2017.
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deathcallstome-blog · 7 years
Hey guys sorry I haven't been on the last few days. Been sick. Still getting better but I'm going to try and be on tonight. HMU if you wanna plot or anything
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deathcallstome-blog · 7 years
He hadn’t been doing anything in particular to bide his time with. It was just a lack thereof that had him stick his nose into things he probably shouldn’t. Cause an affair here, introduce the joy of living a hedonistic lifestyle there.. so, it was basically what he always did. Titus did stop by church earlier today. The foundation was being built and he had already gotten the willies from watching it for twenty minutes. Then he kissed his husband hello, how’s it going, and goodbye before he departed to feed for the evening. 
Which, consequentally, led him here. His eyebrows were arched as he raised his hands, palms facing the woman to show that he hadn’t meant any harm. “I would but my camera’s busted,” he said with a cheeky smile on his face. That probably told another story, but he watched the stranger with careful intrest measured behind his eyes. “Can I ask what has you in a twist or do I also need a functioning camera for that too?”
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Narrowing her eyes at his clever response, Harper was all set on just ignoring him and carrying on her way until he continued talking. Well now. That wasn’t something she was expecting A come back of course but nothing like that. Clearly the stress from the day was getting to her if she was even considering even replying. 
“A functioning camera might help your cause but it’s not needed.” There was the kicker though. She didn’t have a reason to be in a bad mood or on edge. Well she did but nothing that would make today any worse than the others. In fact it should have been a better day. 
Except it wasn’t. “I’m in a twist because-” Because the itch right below her skin was growing and part of Harper was afraid she wouldn’t be able to control it. “I’m having a bad hair day, is’t it obvious?”
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deathcallstome-blog · 7 years
“I don’t doubt it, and maybe I would if that saying wasn’t so old,” he drawled back, voice flat and slightly irate. His attention was on the hyenas instead of the other woman. Carver had his tail perked and nose inched towards the stranger, and he was not in the mood for this. Not after the shit that happened with everything being turned upside down. The amount of people he had hurt was still worming its way into his goddamn bones. It just added another reason for him to throw himself into complete isolation, because then maybe he wouldn’t have injured people around him. 
Cooper flexed his fingers for a moment as he got lost in his own thoughts for that second. “Quit it,” he said in a low voice, directed to the hyena when the canine took a tentative step forward.
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Harper closed her eyes for a brief minute remember that this person hadn’t done anything to her and that her irritation wasn’t towards him personally. Just in general.  “Old but good. Why mess with it?”
She eyed the dogs wearily. She’d never had a problem with them before.  “Uh they’re not going to attack me are they?” Harper fought the urge to take a step back as the dog took one forward. Backing away wasn’t an option. Last thing she wanted was it to think she was afraid of it or something.
Any maybe her father’s voice echoed in her head. But that was clearly ignored.
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deathcallstome-blog · 7 years
It certainly shouldn’t haven taken so long for things to click into place but after the confusion from everything six months ago it really wasn’t that much of a surprise that it took a little longer than normal for a concussed person to put two and two together. There had been so many unanswered questions and a lot of mixed feels. Mostly anger. Mainly anger.
After a bit of exploring and experimenting that had left Harper more shaken then comfortable, she’d decided to play it off. Go on a trip after trip to get away instead of explain. There was a constant thrumming under her skin now. A tugging and yearning for her to try again. To get better. To learn the limitations and see how far it could be pushed.
Sometimes those thoughts shook her. Made her wonder who she even was anymore. It didn’t stop her from getting  moving away. It didn’t help her attitude or temper either. Today was one of those days where she just felt on edge. So maybe she was three  seconds away from cursing someone out and wanted nothing more than to give in and see what would happen. Those were the thoughts that scared her the most.
“Take a picture. It’ll last longer!”
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deathcallstome-blog · 7 years
Character Aesthetics; Siblings / Brother + Sister / Growing Up
“The greatest gift our parents ever gave us was each other”.
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deathcallstome-blog · 7 years
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Monumental Cemetery of Staglieno /2
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deathcallstome-blog · 7 years
Me: *violently taps Brother's head*
Brother: *grabs hand*
Brother: *glares*
Brother: No
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deathcallstome-blog · 7 years
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“The sea is emotion incarnate. It loves, hates, and weeps. It defies all attempts to capture it with words and rejects all shackles. No matter what you say about it, there is always that which you can't.”                           ― Christopher Paolini, Eragon
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deathcallstome-blog · 7 years
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Taryn Lucus 
“But if I hadn't fallen, I wouldn't have met you.”                                                             ― Becca Fitzpatrick, Hush, Hush
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deathcallstome-blog · 7 years
Hey guys! I’m here and I’m on. Hope y’all are having a great day/evening. If anyone wants to plot anything hmu
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deathcallstome-blog · 7 years
“Well, perhaps I could be convinced to help you unpack.” Kai replied with a sly grin. “I mean, it would only be the polite thing to do.”
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“Oh? And here I thought the free meal would help convince you. I’m sure I could come up with something else unless you wanted to name your price.” Harper grinned back. “I hear polite people are the best kinds of people.”
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deathcallstome-blog · 7 years
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like or reblog // © @bestidoI
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deathcallstome-blog · 7 years
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Jacob Parker Briggs
“I don't want you to have to handle it. That's the horror of my past. But you...you're the reality of my present. You're the proof I survived. The prize in the cereal box.”                                                                                              ― J. Kenner, Complete Me
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deathcallstome-blog · 7 years
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Eiza Gonzalez
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deathcallstome-blog · 7 years
Mathias nodded his head to show that he did in fact understand. He stretched out his limbs and went to the stranger’s side. At one point, he was going to have to shift back into his human form, but not until he got more free food. 
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Harper was more than a little surprised when the fox nodded. Maybe it wasn’t just a fox after all? She pushed that thought a side and gave the animal a more hesitant smile. “I guess just follow me then.” She turned and took a few step only to stop to see if the fox was following her before continuing back to her place.
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deathcallstome-blog · 7 years
It was indeed nice to him since he wasn’t filled with self loathing like usual, but he gave a neutral smile and nodded as he listened. “It might be effecting people at a different rate.” No, that didn’t feel right and he frowned as he spoke. “This might be an odd question, but what are you? What species, I mean.”
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“Species?” It seemed like such an odd question to ask. Of course she knew there were other species a side from human but she’d never really had to give it any thought until recently. For the first time since starting this conversation Harper found herself at a little bit of a loss and that’s when it clicked. That was the feeling she’d been missing. She’d grown used to feeling it everyday for the last handful of months. 
“I’m, you know what that’s a good question. I’m not entirely sure to be completely honest.” She frowned and looked down at her hands, wondering why today was so different from the others. “Is there something effecting everyone?”
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