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Hello! im DeathbringerDragon. 21. Artist. In the process of getting a liscense to become a tattoo artist. *slaps top of head* this idiot can fit so many mental illnesses. Loves pokemon, lmk, anime, LoZ, and more. Some day I'll have enough motivation to actually make comics for my characters.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
deathbringerdragon · 20 hours ago
pepper tries to woo peach…..bonus episode
highlights include peach’s “….anyway” and pepper looking to me for moral support.
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deathbringerdragon · 3 days ago
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let me dream
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deathbringerdragon · 3 days ago
Astroactivist (shrike lost parents)
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some art of these fools with tragic past
Kier belongs to: @zeen-o
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deathbringerdragon · 3 days ago
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another skeleton to add to the pile 😮‍💨
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deathbringerdragon · 5 days ago
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Part 1&2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 & 6 Sorry it takes me so long to draw comics, here are the next pages! Title inspired by the FnF Silly Billy mod happy halloween everybody
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deathbringerdragon · 6 days ago
NASA released the clearest pictures yet of our neighbours in the solar system
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Oh and of course us
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Honourable mention
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deathbringerdragon · 6 days ago
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deathbringerdragon · 6 days ago
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deathbringerdragon · 6 days ago
The Entirety of Tumblr from Tumblr has been Chucked in to the ocean! You're all wet now.
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deathbringerdragon · 8 days ago
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They (me) are proud parents of their (my) son.
Also I KNOW that is technically not a crown is just for symbolism LET ME HAVE MY BOY WITH A FUSION OF HIS PARENTS HEADWEAR
Shadowpeach Bio Parent AU (PREV/FIRST /
Next part is coming on March 10th. 1PM ET
look at my cutie patooie all grown up. It's gonna be Mayhem in Heaven everyday from now on.
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deathbringerdragon · 8 days ago
[video by tommcgovern27. original caption: this one’s going out to anyone living in a studio apartment rn]
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deathbringerdragon · 9 days ago
steel. he made steel
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deathbringerdragon · 9 days ago
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The ultimate crush or whatever💅
Let Shadow be stupi. He unironically says I m t h e c o o l e s t, he’s just a little weirdo/silly
Sonic’s into it but also endlessly confused by the whole ordeal
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deathbringerdragon · 9 days ago
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in hindsight it almost looks like i can put Emmet in Lethal Company
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deathbringerdragon · 9 days ago
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Stoat in his winter coat, Kodiak, Alaska
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deathbringerdragon · 9 days ago
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Here’s pages 98-107 for Clown Curse 🏃 🎊 🪑 Have fun!
Previous / All Pages
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deathbringerdragon · 9 days ago
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The pictures above are WIPs that are just examples of what members of the species CAN look like. But they dont have to have this waists or long thin fingers.
Long and thin/spindly arms Are common, but not the rule.
This species doesnt have a name yet. Tbh I made it two days ago then have been too busy to think or work on it since. So if anyone has suggestions lemme know!
So now onto the lore.
they've got 4 arms, 2 legs. Haven't decided if they've got a spider abdomen or not.
Their legs are digitigrade because why not. Real spider legs got 3 joints anyways. And the feet are spider paws like the pic I sent in general.
They have a 3rd set of arm like limbs above their hips. That pair of limbs is much shorter than the arms, and dont have fingers, just normal spider paws, like their feet. They sorta look like the pedipalps spiders have. (The arm like limbs next to a spider's head)
That set of limbs is specifically for handling their webs.
I've decided that their spinnerets aren't on the rear like with real spiders.
1: I dont wanna deal with "lmao they make webs from their butts!"
And 2: it wouldn't be practical for them to have their webs come from the back end, since they are bipedal and thus can't easily reach the back like normal spiders can.
Their webs either are gonna be secreted from special glands in their mouth, *or* are gonna come from the spot on the front of their torso that would be the "belly button" of most other races.
Its not a hole btw either. Its a flat circle or oval area on their stomach that they pull silk off of. Its a normal spinneret. It just looks different.
They've also got chelicerae on their face like spiders.
And various amounts of eyes.
Some have 8. Others only have 4. Just like real spiders. It just depends.
But they always have one pair of main eyes that are normal looking for humanoid races. And then one to three smaller pairs of eyes that can be "eye" shaped, or circular.
Also when it comes to how im gonna actually design these guys, its gonna be very Hollow Knight-esc in terms of proportions.
The females are larger than the males, and much stronger. They're also generally less colorful.
While the males are smaller and weaker, but Faster. And generally very colorful compared to the females.
The two pairs of arms on females are thick and generally the same length as eachother, with the pair of limbs above their hips thats for handling their silk, being generally longer than for the males.
And the males arms are slimmer, with longer hands. And their upper set of arms are visibly longer than the lower set, and the limbs above their hips for handling their silk are generally much smaller than they are for females.
If I decide this species has spider abdomens as well, then the males would have colorful patterns and sometimes even "flaps" or "plates" on the sides that can unfold/expand to show off even More colors and patterns. (Think like a peacock jumping spider)
The males always would have more striking colors and patterns than the females, even if the colors are just basic browns blacks and grays.
While the female would have much more drab colors. Doesn't mean they can't be colorful. But it just means they're generally colorful than the males. Think, like birds.
Im also thinking the whole race is actually a group of 3 subspecies.
Haven't figured out names for them yet tho (considering i literally came up with the concept of this race as I was falling asleep)
But the main defining feature of the subspecies is their sizes and colors.
9.5-8 feet is the largest subspecies. And their colors are *generally* more drab. Browns, blacks, grays. With *some* having more "colorful" colors mixed in on occasion. But the colors are still much duller than it would be for the other two subspecies.
These guys are also as a whole much stronger and bulkier than the other two sub species, a
(These guys would most resemble tarantulas and other large and bulky spider species)
7-5 feet is the middle sized subrace. These guys are the most common of the race as a whole.
Their colors are a bit more diverse than the larger subspecies. Ranging from blacks browns and grays, to whites, rich blood browns, deep greens and blues, soft yellows and oranges, sometimes purple hues, and occasionally red mixed in. But still not so colorful that they stand out amongst nature.
They also can have a striking, brightly colored pattern somewhere on them while the red of their body is drab colors.
Think similar to a black widow.
These guys aren't necessarily bulky or lithe. They can lean more toward either or.
(Think like your middle sized Spicer species. Not small but not big either. Some can be lithe and fast while others are more compact and bulky)
They also have the largest difference in size between males and females of the race
4-3 feet is the smallest species.
Jumping spiders. They're jumping spiders.
They're the smallest subspecies of the race, and while the weakest, they're also the fastest, and Very agile.
They also have the least difference in size between males and females. Often with the males simply just being more lanky and lithe compared to the bulkier females, rather than actually being smaller
All of them have bright colors on them. They generally have a base color, black or white, with bright and colorful patterns on top.
Generally the females are darker colors, while the males are lighter colors.
The females have a smaller proportion of bright colors on their bodies than the males do. And said colors tend to be deeper and darker shades.
Meanwhile the males have a higher proportion of bright colors covering their bodies, and always have very striking and brightly colored patterns on them.
All of them can interbreed with eachother.
Its just that due to size differences, it can be a bit tricky. And also due to said differences in size and physical characteristics, any children are subject to being a wide range of sizes and physical characteristics as well depending on the differences of their parents.
Like.. for example different dog breeds crossing.
Any dog breed can cross with another since they're the same species. But due to physical characteristics there's gonna be some wildly different features in the kids.
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