deartwice · 7 years
when they’re jealous • jeongyeon
scenario. when they’re jealous (series) feat. jeongyeon pairing. twice x you (girl x girl)
It felt like it had been forever since Jeongyeon set up a nice, not too formal but not too casual date night out for the both of you. She’d been incredibly busy the past few months promoting their new album, so when she told you (almost out of the blue) that she set up a dinner date for the two of you at a new, hip restaurant that opened up, you were pleasantly surprised.
“So how did you find out about this place again?”
You asked your girlfriend that sat across from you as you glanced around the restaurant. It was a bit late at night (”So we won’t be bothered on our date!” Jeongyeon had told you with a smile, quite proud that she was so prepared.), so there were only  a few other customers eating around them, but the ambiance was undeniably nice.
“A coordi-unnie told me about it a few days ago! This place just opened, but she said the food is really, really good! Let me show you!” Jeongyeon replied excitedly, her eyes lighting up the way they always did whenever she thought about food. You giggled slightly, hiding it behind a hand as she enthusiastically pulled out her phone and began looking something up.
“See, look at this~” Jeongyeon showed you her phone, an image of a particularly delicious looking steak dish.
“Oh! It does look pretty good,” you commented. “And it looks like it’s rated really high for such a new place!”
“Everyone spoke really highly of it. I knew that I wanted to try it out with my jagi first before anyone else,” Jeongyeon spoke the last part cutely, batting her eyelashes in slight exaggeration.
You laughed, already used to Jeongyeon’s random acts of cuteness. It wasn’t too long after you both officially started dating that you found out that despite her strong personality and seemingly tough exterior, she was very surprisingly quite the romantic and had a knack for cute, cheesy lines to express affection whenever she became excited enough.
Your eyes scanned the menu, biting at your lower lip in thought. “That steak looks really good, but... I think I’m going to go for their seafood pasta. It looks like they put lots of yummy things in it...”
“Hello!” The waiter appeared with a smile. “Are you ready to order?”
After giving the waiter your orders, the two of you were able to catch up on each others’ lives... or rather, you updated her on your life while Jeongyeon listened intently. Another thing that you learned and loved about Jeongyeon, even before the two of you began dating, was that it was always so easy to talk to her about anything. Jeongyeon was a very good listener.
“It’s only with you,” was what she said one time when you told her, and you can still remember the genuine look in her eyes. “I like watching you and listening to you talk. Honestly, I could probably listen to you talk the whole day...” You could also remember the way her cheeks reddened at her confession.
From time to time, you’d catch the way she’d be watching you intently during a conversation, and each time, it made your heart flutter.
Time always seemed to go by too fast whenever you were with Jeongyeon, and mixed with the fact that there weren’t too many customers, it wasn’t long until the food was ready. Almost instantly, the savory and seasoned smell of delicious food hit your senses, and judging from the way Jeongyeon perked up eagerly at the sight of the food, you both realized just how hungry you both really were.
“Here’s your steak, and here’s your seafood pasta. Please enjoy!”
“Thank you so much!” you exclaimed as she set down the plate in front of you. The sight of the plump seafood and creamy sauce made your mouth water. You reached for your silverware, ready to all but shovel the pasta into your mouth. “Wah, it looks so yummy! I can’t wait to try it!”
You looked at Jeongyeon, but your excitement faltered at the look on her face.
“What’s wrong?” you asked.
Jeongyeon was staring down at her nicely plated steak wordlessly, her lips quirked sideways in an unsure fashion. She was uncharacteristically silent, especially at a restaurant and especially with a plate of food in front of her. She seemed to be bothered by something, deep in her thoughts.
“Jagi, are you okay...?” you asked again, starting to become worried.
“I’m fine... It’s just...” Jeongyeon trailed off, her eyes travelling from her steak, to your plate, before locking eyes with you. “It’s just that your seafood pasta looks really good compared to what I got...”
You nearly laughed out loud, but if you were honest, it was such a Jeongyeon reason that you weren’t surprised that she’d be jealous of the food that you ordered.
“Here, we can just share! There’s more than enough for the both of us,” you offered, reaching for an extra plate.
Almost immediately, Jeongyeon brightened once more, her eyes forming into crescents as she smiled widely and cutely at you. “Omo, really?! You are the best girlfriend in the whole world!” she gushed.
You smiled, shaking your head as you began preparing her a plate of pasta. “Anything for you. Honestly, I could watch you eat all day...” You teased her, laughing once more at the embarrassed shouts that followed afterwards.
a/n: and hereeee!~ is the jeongyeon one that i’ve also finished. c: momo and sana are currently the next ones up in the list! i’m not sure when i’ll have those done but i’ll try my best ;w; hope everyone is staying warm this holiday season!
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deartwice · 7 years
when they’re jealous • nayeon
scenario. when they’re jealous (series) feat. nayeon pairing. twice x you (girl x girl)
For what seemed like the millionth time that day, Im Nayeon let out a sharp sigh. It was small and rushed, nearly unnoticeable to everyone else, but you knew your girlfriend well enough to know that it was a tell-tale sign of her notorious short fuse reaching it’s end.
As the arm that she linked with yours shuffled once more in an annoyed manner, all you could really do was smile and pretend that you didn’t notice; after all, it was your friend’s celebration party for landing their first movie role, and it would be rude to ruin the atmosphere.
“I’m really happy for you, Sohyun,” you commented genuinely at the brown-haired bubbly girl in front of you. Sohyun was a great friend of yours, and you knew how hard she worked to try and achieve her dreams of being an actress. “I can’t believe you’re finally going to be on the big screen!”
“A lot of it is because of you, you know,” Sohyun giggled.
You could feel Nayeon’s grip on your arm tighten as you blinked, thoroughly confused by her words. “Because of me?” you repeated.
Sohyun nodded enthusiastically, the charming eye-smile that she was known for spreading widely across her face. “Mmhm! Of course! Those late nights after a long day of acting classes, there were times I felt like giving up... but you were always so encouraging. You really made me feel like I could do it!” She giggled again, playfully reaching forward and nudging your shoulder.
You didn’t notice it then, but the glare that Nayeon had sent her the moment she touched you would’ve been enough to melt (at least) ten blocks of ice. What you did notice, however, was that Nayeon’s grip had tightened even more, enough to make you wince. “O-oh? I’m really glad I could help then,” you replied with a light laugh, trying to alleviate the unhappy aura that was radiating from Nayeon’s direction. “Anything for a friend!”
“You’re really lucky to have someone like her, Nayeon-sshi,” Sohyun commented, that smile still on her face.
“Oh... thanks. I know,” Nayeon replied, in a sharp tone that you knew very well.
You could feel your cheeks warming up at the situation and the compliment, and you only hoped that the short, tense silence that fell between the three of you afterwards wasn’t too awkward. Either she hadn’t noticed or chose to ignore it, Sohyun thanked you two for coming with a smile before bowing politely and moving on to the next group of guests.
Nayeon watched her back as she walked away, that familiar scowl forming on her face as she did so. Though most of the time the scowl was unintentional towards people she didn’t know very well, you’d grown to be able to identify when she actually didn’t exactly favor someone over time.
“Did you really have to be that way?” you asked with a small sigh.
“Of course!”
And there was the explosion you’d been waiting for.
“I can’t believe she had the nerve to flirt with you right in front of my very eyes! Who does she think she is?” Nayeon ranted and walked ahead of you, slipping her arm from yours and moving them as she spoke. She suddenly stopped and spun on her heels, her long, honey brown hair whirling and smelling faintly of the flower perfume you bought her for her birthday last year.
“And you!” Her eyes narrowed, pointing an accusatory finger at you.
“Me?” You blinked, surprised.
“Yes, you!”
“Why are you upset at me? What did I do?”
And though she was obviously trying to be serious, it was hard to hold back a smile at how cute she was when she got like this. Even though you’d never purposely want to make her jealous, you had to admit that it meant a lot to you to know that she still felt so strongly about you.
Since her schedule was always so busy and you had your own studies to worry about, it was difficult at times to truly express how much you meant to each other in the ways that you both wanted to.
“Don’t think I didn’t catch on to what was happening,” she huffed.
Nayeon folded her arms across her chest, bottom lip jutting outwards slightly in a dissatisfied, almost childlike pout that nearly made you giggle. “You loved the attention she was giving you! She was talking about how you’d always talk to her so late at night and things like that... You guys must talk a lot! Behind my back!”
You sighed quietly, ignoring the fiery look in her eyes, as you brought your hands to her arms and slowly began unfolding them from their crossed position over her chest. Nayeon watched, allowing you to do so as you ran your hands down to her wrists, interlacing your fingers with hers.
“My silly Nayeonie,” A smile spread across your face as it always did whenever you said her name.
Your interlocked hands swayed back and forth slightly, your fingers brushing softly over hers as you spoke. “We talk, yes, but not in the ways that you’re suggesting. She’s a good friend... but nothing more. So there’s nothing to be jealous about, okay?” Your words were honest, and though she still seemed a little indignant, her silence told you that she was giving in.
“The only attention that I want is yours.”
Your eyes locked with hers and you couldn’t help but let out a small laugh at the way her cheeks were beginning to glow a light scarlet. As you leaned in forwards, you could feel her tremble slightly at how close your faces were, and you couldn’t help but smile widely.
“And if I’m honest... I think I’m the lucky one to have you.”
“I... you...” Nayeon was suddenly stuttering, her cheeks glowing, as her fiery demeanor from before fizzled out to an almost childlike shyness.
She looked down, her long eyelashes fluttering against the milkiness of her skin. “...aish, you’re so cheesy sometimes, you know that?” she muttered, though something in her voice told you that she enjoyed hearing those kind of things just as much as you did.
“Only for my Nayeonie...” You tried as hard as you could to make it sound cute, laughing at the displeased noise she made afterwards and the way her cheeks began to flush even more. “...by the way, you’re cute when you’re jealous!”
“Aishh, stop it already!~”
a/n: ta-da! posting my very first story, now that i have time!~ hehe ;w; i’ll probably be going in order by age, and so far i only have nayeon and jeongyeon done! hopefully since it’s the holidays i’ll be able to get through the rest of the girls too ;w; and hopefully it was too bad ahhhhsdfksfldsglfd;;;
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