dearestdahlia · 4 months
threatening to kill you as a love confession
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dearestdahlia · 2 years
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dearestdahlia · 2 years
tumblr isn’t social media, it’s an interactive diary <3
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dearestdahlia · 2 years
imagine how funny it would be to go to public school in gotham
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dearestdahlia · 2 years
I think one of the best things about the new batman movie is that rather than go the route of past adaptations where bruce is just this lone savior figure who stands apart in this sea of terrible heartless criminals, it makes it a point to show him as someone with deep roots within gotham and for whom the city’s degradation and the acts of cruelty that go on within it are deeply felt. it shows him as someone who has been the victim of incredible violence, as someone who is still carrying and processing that trauma (while also taking the time to explore his positions of privilege and how that privilege comes into play here) as someone who is able to empathize with other victims of similar trauma and who ultimately comes to understand that perpetuating a continuing cycle of violence is getting all of them nowhere. it takes a look at both the characters of bruce wayne and batman and gives us a hero who is able to look at a devastated city filled with devastated people and decide they’re all worth trying to save. this is a movie that says, “hurt people hurt people, but sometimes, hurt people can help each other too” and I think that’s brilliant.   
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dearestdahlia · 2 years
me, writing: this sentence is way too long. I need to condense it in a way that makes it grammatically correct while still preserving the original meaning I’m trying to convey
the devil on my shoulder: or, you can add five more commas, a semi colon, three em dashes, fifty more words, and it’ll all come together in a way that’s technically grammatically correct but completely incomprehensible to anyone who reads it, even yourself!
me, writing faster: you’re a genius
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dearestdahlia · 2 years
This is your daily reminder to not be ashamed of making your life easy for yourself.
Cut your food into small pieces, make the font size 30 on your e book, use straws to drink, get a pen that’s comfortable to hold, take more naps, walk slowly, eat another cookie, buy velcro shoes, re-watch the part you couldn’t understand the first time, write things on your hands so you don’t forget it… whatever you want and/or need
Don’t let anyone tell you how you should be doing things. We don’t need to prove each other anything
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dearestdahlia · 2 years
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gotham gays + elements
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dearestdahlia · 2 years
You’ve heard of one shots, now get ready for none shots! It’s when you think of an idea for a fic and then don’t write it
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dearestdahlia · 2 years
"I don't like Turning Red because it's about a cringy 13 year old girl", Buddy, literally everyone was cringy at the age of 13.
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dearestdahlia · 2 years
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yeah can we get assistance in the greeting card aisle. this guy's been trying to pick out a card for 45 minutes
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dearestdahlia · 2 years
Bruce be trying to piece together Riddler's games like:
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Art credit: Sean.filart
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dearestdahlia · 2 years
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Robert Pattinson as Bruce Wayne in THE BATMAN
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dearestdahlia · 2 years
I heard ppl talking shit about Turning Red, that it “unlike Encanto, didn’t do a good job of explaining about the family/generational trauma”. Well LET ME EXPLAIN THIS IN ASIAN AMERICAN’S PERSPECTIVE.
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As East Asian, I cried like a bitch in this scene. This three images were the perfect representation of how Asian family deals with trauma. If you don’t know, seeking counseling/therapy is basically frown upon in Asian culture. It doesn’t matter what it is, ppl will think you are a looney.
(Btw, in Korea when you go to a therapist THIS SHIT IS NOT PRIVATE. this will be on you PERMANENT RECORD as if you are some kind of fucking criminal. If you seek out therapy, EVEN A BLOODY SCHOOL COUNSELOR DURING MIDDLE SCHOOL, this will jeopardize you getting a jJOB/CAREER. Because no company will hire you!!!). I suffer from Long term stress disorder and my doctors recommended that i see a therapist. on my first therapy session, during ride back home, my mother flat out told me that she didn’t believe in therapy. and told me that EVERYONE HAS A BURDEN TO CARRY AND WE DO IT IN SILENCE AND STEADFASTNESS.
Sounds harsh right? But to the older generation, this is honorable act. to bare, and suffer for the family is something to be honored.
No matter how destructive it can be……
Many older generation Asian/parents carry this. they bare all the weight and don’t tell a soul the suffering they had to endure. 
So what happens WHEN they can’t bare it longer?
chances are, the oldest child of the family plays therapist. 
because the parents (ESPECIALLY THE MOTHER) has no one to lean on regarding such matter. They rather take their trauma to their graves then tell non-family members or a worst a STRANGER (therapist)
I am the oldest child of my family, I was my mother’s supporter, helper, her confidant and listener. I comforted her and listened to all the horrid, heart breaking trauma she suffered. She was also the oldest child of her family and she bared all the weight of the family. the difference between my mother and i, is that i grew up in west. i was told that speaking out my feeling/mental health is critical and important. and i seek out help when i wasn’t okay. meanwhile generations had taught my mother that seeking therapy is shameful.
so, us, the kids, who learned of emotional support and health, leads our parents out from the trauma.
just like how Mei is doing in this scene.
so yeah, this movie doesn’t tell trauma like Encanto. but that’s the point, every nation/generation have different way to deal with trauma. and turning red perfectly represented how west born/raised Asian kids deals with family trauma. 
This movie isn’t encanto, it’s turning Red. And I think that’s beautiful on its own.
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dearestdahlia · 2 years
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THE BATMAN (2022) dir. Matt Reeves
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dearestdahlia · 2 years
Bruce be trying to piece together Riddler's games like:
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dearestdahlia · 2 years
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todays mood
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