dear-spencer · 2 months
doing this cause I’m bored
50 notes - I’ll tell you one person who is going to be in chapter 23 of RIAPC (won’t happen after it’s posted)
100 notes - I’ll post a few sentences from chapter 23 (also won’t happen after it’s posted)
1000 notes - I’ll confirm if there will be MCD in the fic (but not who, that would spoil the fun)
2000 notes - I’ll post a new WIP fic
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dear-spencer · 1 year
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Shaved Ice the Sheep
After my last con, I needed a quick little palette cleanser personal project - I love making things for other people, but sometimes you need to make something for yourself! I decided that what I wanted was a little friend to sit up on top of the Color Machine, and the sheep from the logo design felt like a perfect choice. She’s accompanied by dye bottles and a couple little balls of wool, and has a magnet in her base to help her stay steady up on top.
This was a personal piece and is not for sale, but my commissions are currently open and I’d love to talk ideas with anyone who wants to add a felted friend to their world!
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dear-spencer · 2 years
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whatchya doin down there on the floor?
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dear-spencer · 2 years
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👁️ ✨
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dear-spencer · 2 years
Dear Spencer,
You've given me my name, "Baba".
I've had a lot of names in my life; Wil, Wilbur, President Soot, That crazy guy, Ghostbur. But out of all of them, Baba is my favourite.
Spence, you've given my life meaning in a way that I had forgotten. When I had your big brother, Fundy, I swore to myself I'd never forget the sense of wonder that holding his little body gave me. Over time, that memory dwindled, until it was completely muddied by other things. But you, little chick, have reminded me.
I'm honoured to be your baba, and I cannot wait to watch you grow and earn your own names.
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dear-spencer · 2 years
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whatever was left, that was ours for a while.
sunrise - louise glück
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dear-spencer · 2 years
dear spencer
it's mamá, after dropping your dad off at the airport. these past few days with him have been incredible, warm, and full of love. I've been looking forward to the feeling of his lips again all month, and now that I've kissed them again, I remember just how electric they were, how much I love him.
he's a gentleman to me, and I hope I can teach you to be just as chivalrous to everyone around you. he doesn't mind taking things slow, doesn't need to be in charge of everything we do to be satisfied. he is mi media naranja, my other half.
spencer, when you fall in love, please never settle for less. you can experience heartbreak, and things can hurt, but never stay in love when it hurts you. you are worthy of being appreciated, you are worthy of respect, you are worthy of unconditional love.
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dear-spencer · 2 years
it's called your voice, and you can use it to say things like "uhuh" and "eeeuuuughgh"
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dear-spencer · 2 years
ure not cringe ignore my malewife-dom
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dear-spencer · 2 years
O Lady Death
we finally meet o lady death the queen of ends of final breath
we finally meet we're family, too your son is handsome (in my eyes) your grandson looks like you
we finally meet and i know it's rude to query things of your mother-in-law at that first meeting- oh so dreary!
we finally meet and i must ask for baby spencer could you give him a long life? would you be his ethereal defender?
we finally meet and you must know i've seen so much and i love this boy more than anything and your son does too, as such
we finally meet i've heard wonderful things i'm so grateful to be your family though i know the weight it brings
we finally meet and i know you have your obligations so i suppose i'll discard my request if prayers won't work for nations
we finally meet so i'll only ask as an in-law who tires of death, for you to love baby spencer soot and to take care of him when he expires
we finally meet o lady of after-living thank you for the so-fars and for spencer, please keep giving
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dear-spencer · 2 years
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o7 to l'manburg
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dear-spencer · 2 years
Reminding everyone again of Batman’s Aff His Nut by Robert Florence—the most poem ever.
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dear-spencer · 2 years
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haley heynderickx, jo / arthur kearns via @obsob / minnie bruce pratt, the fact of the garden 
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dear-spencer · 2 years
“I met a traveller from an antique land, Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand, Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown, And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command, Tell that its sculptor well those passions read Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things, The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed; And on the pedestal, these words appear: My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away.” “
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dear-spencer · 2 years
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Jimmy Santiago Baca, I Am Offering This Poem
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dear-spencer · 2 years
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dear-spencer · 2 years
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it’s quiet here at night
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