The Enforcer
73 posts
Dean Riley. 33. Stock Broker.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
deanriley · 4 years ago
text || dean
frankie: can i do the tattooing? please? i already own a tattoo gun.
frankie: there's a bar in brooklyn like 2 blocks away from mine, meet you there?
dean: maybe if you ask nicely.
dean: yeah sure that sounds good, just send me the address and I'll meet you there.
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deanriley · 4 years ago
And @bensonzach
Send me a “👀 + a question” and my muse has to answer honestly!
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deanriley · 4 years ago
The gym was a place that Owen frequented quit often. For him, there was something that was relaxing about working out. It was a way for him to get a lot of stress of long shifts at the hospital out of him and he just liked being active, the feeling he got when he was done with a good work out. Never once did he have any troubles at the gym, it was the same one he went to whenever he decided to workout. So as he sat down on the weight machine, he didn’t notice the man that was in front of him shouting. It wasn’t until the movement of the two bodies that caught his attention and he looked up at the two men, wondering what the hell was even going on. Owen was just about to lean down and grab his phone from the floor to ask what happened when the man in front of him started to sign. It always took him by surprise when people signed to him, especially ones that could hear. Sign language wasn’t all that widely known by many people, which Owen had quite a few opinions on if he was being honest. Something he thought should be taught in schools. With a smile on his lips, Owen brought his own hands up. “It’s okay. I don’t even know what happened.” Owen admitted with a slight look on his face. “If I had to guess, he was saying something to me?” From what he could gathered, it seemed likely. “Thank you for stepping in. Means a lot.” Owen signed a bit slow for the other, not for sure how much he knew or how easily he would be able to follow along with what Owen was signing. 
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Normally one to make eye contact in conversations Dean really had to concentrate and made sure he was focused in the mans hands. He knew the man was most likely signing slower for him and he appreciated that as he was mostly keeping up. He nodded before siging “He was saying you used something he was using. But I saw him, and he was no where near it before.” He shook his head and added, “he’s just -“ his hands halted for a moment as he realised he didn’t know the sign for the word he wanted, his brain started racing until it clicked and instead he spelt it out in sign, “E-N-T-I-T-L-E-D” he was going to have to thank Gus. He was definitely a great teacher, and this was the first time Dean had really had a conversation like this not in a classroom. “But it was no problem. I’m Dean by the way.”
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deanriley · 4 years ago
He didn’t know what to say when Dean called him ‘the best’. He surely wasn’t, but hearing something like that… it tightened his chest and his confidence both boosted tenfold and shriveled up on the ground. Because hearing such high praise when he had only taught for a year, and from someone so accomplished… he shifted in his seat, shaking his head. “I don’t make it easy. I’m just touched when people say nice shit, alright? And it’s my first year and I never expected to have students who… care, or want to do nice things for me. I dunno.” He felt like he sounded stupid. Instead he perked up at Dean’s comment about his neighbor. “Really? That’s amazing! You’ll be fine- why would you be scared? If you ever forget a word, you can finger-spell it. But I think you’ve got the general idea of how conversation signs work. You’ve worked really hard.” He smiled softly. “Well, you tell them that, because I barely got the okay for the first class.” He sighed. “They don’t even hire interpreters for the lectures. Half the time, I just volunteer. Otherwise our Deaf students wouldn’t be able to understand. It’s bullshit.” He shook his head, looking down at the big box of cookies, closing it once Dean took a few. “…Coffee?” He asked suddenly, standing up.
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“Riiight,” he drew the word out and nodded along, “of course you don’t make it easy.” He smiled at the encouraging words, he knew this was his teacher who would most likely always support him, but knowing he was more of a friend it seemed to mean just a little bit more when Gus said that. “It’s stupid they don’t, I mean how do you expect people to learn if they can’t even fully comprehend? Is there job as a college not to teach people? Sorry, I don’t mean to trash talk your work place.” He smiled, “oh god yes please, just black.”
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deanriley · 4 years ago
Honestly, listening to Dean hum-and-haw over the thrift shop they’d just entered brought a broad smile to Paris’ face. Their differences were always obvious, but especially as soon as they entered somewhere like this together. While Paris expelled an excited gasp at the bedazzled pink top, Dean looked as though he could cry from exasperation at any moment. “I mean, maybe not as a whole outfit, but statement pieces are important, Dean!” She plucked the top from the hanger and held it up - it was obviously for a little girl, but fabric was fabric. “Like, one of your boring suits with this as a pocket square, maybe poking out of your sleeves a little? That’s cute.” But she put it back, begrudgingly. “I’m getting you something, so give me colors that I’m allowed to explore. And you can’t say black, gray, navy blue, or beige.”
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He scowled in confusion, “statement pieces? Why do my clothes need to talk? I can talk my self.” The confusion even laced his voice before he looked at her and raised his eyebrows at the material she had picked up. “If you aren’t going to take this seriously then you may as well just go.” He huffed, before a smile broke over his face, laughing at his own childish behaviour. “But those are all the best colours! Okay okay, how about green, or orange. But not like neon colours but darker.”
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deanriley · 4 years ago
He could not believe this was happening, he groaned as they walked into a clothing store and he knew for a fact his sister was about to make him try on countless outfits. Dean knew he shouldn’t complain, after all he’s the one who invited her yet he found himself groaning as they walked past some racks of clothing. “Come on Paris, this is ridiculous you don’t think I’d actually wear any of this do you?” He looked down at a shirt on a stand and pinched the pink sparkly fabric with a look of disgust, before looking up at the younger sibling. “I’d rather die to be honest with you.”
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deanriley · 4 years ago
text || dean
frankie: want me to write that down for you, d?
frankie: oi, just getting started, don't wipe me off like that.
dean: we can just tattoo it to my arm. Call it good.
dean: thats more like it. where am I meeting you?
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deanriley · 4 years ago
“Don’t go getting any ideas. I need to stop telling people how embarrassed I get from sappy shit. They end up doing it on purpose to watch me go red. But it was very sweet.” He mumbled, looking through his fingers at Dean as the other gave his shoulder a soft squeeze. He shot him a small, shy smile and picked up his own coffee, leaving the box of cookies on the table. “Take however many you want, please. I live alone with limited space and I don’t need the extra cookies tempting me.” Gus teased, sitting back in his chair a bit. He picked one of the oatmeal raisin ones up for himself, bending it until it snapped into two and taking a small bite. He tried not to think too much about being called ‘the best professor there’. That was high praise and imposter syndrome was creeping in quick. “How’re you doing, anyways? You won’t be my student forever, you know. Won’t see you in deep concentration every Tuesday. Until I convince them to let me do an ASL 2, anyways.” He added with a laugh.
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“Ideas? Who me? I think you got the wrong guy.” Dean joked while maintaining a mostly straight face with just the edges of his mouth upturned. “I think you make it too easy for them though.” He flashed a proper smile at the offer of more cookies and grabbed a few more, who was he to say no if Gus insisted. It would be rude really...he nodded as he swallowed some cookie and gave a small shrug, “I’m good. Just been working a lot”, he ran a hand throuigh his hair with a sigh, he was tired from work. “Oh and practicing, I think I’m ready to try talking to my neighbour. I’m just a little scared.” He admitted to the other man thinking about how he’d been taking the lessons, but still hadn’t initiated the conversation. “I’m sure you’ll convince them. Like I said earlier, you’re the best.”
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deanriley · 4 years ago
What type of music are you into?
“Mainly rock, metal and punk to be honest. I like music that uses real instruments. So bands like The Amity Afflcition, The Color Morale, Bring Me The Horizon, All Time Low and Daugherty.”
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deanriley · 4 years ago
when was the last time you felt butterflies?
“I’ve never had one land on me before, still chasing that high. I had a lady bug once though if that counts?”
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deanriley · 4 years ago
what’s something you’re really good at?
“I feel like math is a cop out answer. But I’m pretty good at skating. I’ve been playing hockey since I was about twelve.”
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deanriley · 4 years ago
5 of your favorite smells
“The smell after it rains, pine trees, freshly mown grass, toothpaste and bacon cooking.”
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deanriley · 4 years ago
inbox me 5 things yew wanna know bout me
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deanriley · 4 years ago
text || dean
frankie: nope, bits go after you've bought me a drink at least, i gotta be drunk as hell to not laugh when i see a tiny penis.
frankie: oof. wanna go out for a pint, mate?
dean: bits. after. drinks. better save that for later
dean: just one? you slowing down on me?
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deanriley · 4 years ago
The gym was definitely one of Deans happy places. Working an office job with long hours he often found it hard to unwind or let go. Going to the gym for an hour or two gave him the perfect way to release steam. He was finishing up a set of bicep curls when he spotted a large man looking angry. He put the weights down and watched curiously as the man started raising his voice at someone who had sat down on a piece of equipment. The man wasn’t even looking at the one shouting and Dean had a funny feeling he knew why. He’d been studying sign language to talk with his neighbour and felt confident enough to know what was happening. He walked over and stood directly in front of the man yelling. “Hey, why don’t you back the fuck up man? Calm down.” He stared the man down who started questioning who he thought he was and grabbed Deans, Dean pushed him off as two employees came over to remove the man. He turned to the man on the equipment and waved before gingerly signing, ‘sorry about him. He’s an asshole. Are you okay?’ Hoping he got the signs right he smiled at the other man.
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deanriley · 4 years ago
Looking down at his own coffee he smirked, “I think this is my fourth, but I don’t have the weather to blame.” He shrugged, “I like to think you get use to it.” He chuckled before bumping against her shoulder slightly. “You’re not going to ask for my jacket too are you? I quite like it. You can have my scarf if you want though.”
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“I swear… this is my third cup of coffee. No matter how long I’ve been here, I miss California in the winters. It’s been ten years and I still can’t get used to the cold.” Jamie shivered just a bit while holding onto the cup of coffee with both hands. Even with gloves on, she was hoping it would warm up her hands. “How do you even deal with this? I can’t count how many layers I have on right now.” @codstarters​
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deanriley · 4 years ago
Dean smiled at the professor he now considered a friend and placed a hand on his shoulder and briefly squeezed before pulling it back, “that’s great Gus. Of course they did something for you; you’re the best professor there.” He gave a deep chuckle, “maybe one or two, but they are your gift I can’t take them all.” He said purposely limiting himself since he knew otherwise he’d eat all of the cookies.
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“So… my students surprised me today- I didn’t even realize it, but I’ve been teaching English Lit for exactly one year at Columbia. I don’t know how they found out, but they threw this little party with cookies and they signed a big card, and they each wrote a stanza to a very… long-winded and sappy appreciation poem- knowing I hate poetry, and I hate sap. Those assholes did it on purpose and I love them for it. But um, you know. I just never imagined… uh. Well. Now I have a lot of cookies, if you want some. I don’t think I could ever eat this many in my lifetime.” 
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