It's been a minute. 
Hey @SalParadise it's been a minute (maybe a bit more like 2 years). I was thinking about you and our adventures. I gave up on the writing so I turned to videography. I made this for us :)
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Just saw @SalParadise in New York- he turned out fine just like I thought. Sal was with a new girl and a new friend. He was going somewhere and waved to me from the car window as he drove off. He said Good Bye, Dean
Goodbye Sal, the joyrides were fun ;)
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Here we go again
@SalParadise 's novel has been published, but he wants to travel again- so that's what we're doing. To Mexico city we go.
Edit: I met this new girl in Mexico and we want to get married quickly, so we're leaving Mexico and going to New York to get married ASAP. Sal's gotten very sick, but he'll be right. He had a fever when I left him but YOLO. Cya Sal and Mexico!
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After leaving Denver, getting stuck in a ditch on our way to Chicago and a minor car accident we finally made it to Chicago.
@SalParadise it's going to be a good night
Edit: We're now leaving Chicago and are going to head back to New York City.
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Sal's gone
Sal left me in Denver. I asked him for a bite of his sandwich and he said no. Then he left.
Edit: I'm going back to San Fransisco now there's no more Sal to travel with. I'll be living with Camille.
Edit 2: Sal came and visited me in San Fransisco. We're back together again and I can ditch Camille and get back to life on the road.
Edit 3: We've hitched to Denver and just stole a Cadillac to get us to Chicago in 17 hours. Let's hope the car's alright LOL
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Do you think it's wrong?
Do you think it's wrong if I asked Marylou (my girlfriend) to wait around for me while I go to back to San Fran for my wife Camille? I'm going back to San Fransisco and I want to see Camille again but Marylou didn't like that. Let me know what you think.
Edit: I got back with Camille
Edit 2: Never mind, I'm leaving San Fransisco and going back to Denver (with Sal) because I stole a car and now I'm in trouble
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On our way to Cali 
Having another road trip away from Virginia (and that weirdo Old Bull Lee).
We're stopping in at New Orleans but the big stop is California :)
With @MaryLou and @salparadise
Edit: Telling scary stories to pass time. @Marylou has some good ones, @SalParadise nearly cried LOL
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this lunatic Old Bull Lee from Virginia is trying to tell Sal to leave me "because I'm too crazy". (Lee is a drug addict. This is coming from a drug addict-why should we listen to you)
@SalParadise don't leave, Old Lee is crazy himself
Ps. Lee, I'm crazy in the good way ;)
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"Let's do it like old times"
Trip to Virginia (we might crash at Sal's family's place)- Let's do this. With @Marylou @SalParadise. @CarloMarx left me back in Chicago
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Photo Credit: Some random at the Gas Station
Edit: Met a new friend @EdDunkel44 after being in Virginia for a while. He showed up at Sal's brother's house.
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Just stopping by 
In NYC for a bit, no luck in Denver with my dad.
Edit: Goodbye New York, it's been a good 3 days
Edit 2: @SalParadise I found your letter. I'm coming back to New York- Let's travel again like the old times just like you said. See you soon, Sal
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Back in Denver looking for my dad. He's the one on the left. Goodbye Chicago, hello Dad
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Hello central city, Chicago
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Leaving New York
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Some random photo booth pic @ 34th Street Greyhound station . One last photo before I leave Sal (middle) and my first fling in NY and going back to Chicago with Carlo (left) and a fresh suit. I'll meet you @SalParadise in the West.
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Boys night out 
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My friend Sal Paradise (red shirt) who's going to teach me how to write. Met him back in Paterson, NJ (on my way to new york) and been living with him. In New York 2nite with @CarloMarx and @SalParadise. Carlo's a sick poet who's also gonna help me learn to write (photo credit to @CarloMarx).
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Looking for help
I wanna be a writer, someone come help me. I want to be a real intellect, one of the greats. Going to be based in New York for my parking lot job, but lets do something real.
P.S. My new 16 year old girlfriend @Marylou and I need someone to bunk with, my Camille left me and she went back to Denver
P.P.S Camille also set the cops after me after a fight so I'm gonna lay low for a while
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Let's party tn 
Just got out of jail (for now), party at our flat tonight @ Spanish Harlem.
with my wife @Camille
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