deaflepuff · 2 months
what are the mods pronouns? :0
I'm assuming this is in relation to me, the person who created this blog - they/them, they/she.
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deaflepuff · 3 months
I haven't been on here in forever.
I'm mostly on instagram, Tiktok and Facebook.
Life Update:
Graduated from my Bachelors of Art in Child and Youth Care Counselling
Currently working in the school, supporting Deaf and Hard of Hearing children.
Partaking in Taekwondo, I'm on 'level 3' aka yellow belt! All of this includes: Sparring, self-defence (Hapkido), board breaking, taegeuk, and more!
I joined an inclusive choir which is so fun! I love being able to sing (and sign) the songs we have!
There's so many other things but I'm happy to answer or continue connection on my Instagram :)
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deaflepuff · 3 years
Teehee maybe it is time for all you idiots to get off of tumblr once and for all. The world will be a better place without you
What a kind message we got here.
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deaflepuff · 3 years
Life Update
Hi All,
I know I have not been active here as often as I used to... I think tumblr is slowly fading as other social media platforms take over.
I wanted to say if you still want to stay connected I have twitter and instagram you can still follow.
I have been quite busy this past little while. I have been pursuing my bachelor’s degree in Child and Youth Care! This has been a chaotic time especially with these increase case numbers. Half the time its in-person, other times classes are online. 
I truly enjoy this program, the cohort, the instructors and the content I am learning. The access side of things are going well for the most part. As a DeafBlind person, I personally prefer in-person as I can request different communication needs (ASL-close vision signing-Tactile sign language) when needed. Of course all protocols in place. Though while online it’s challenging to see a screen and a small (even though enlarged) box to view interpreters for hours at a time.
I’ve also been seeking treatment for my mental illness which has been extra challenging as I have been navigating school, work, leisure activites and the such. It is what it is I guess. Having to fight the system for access needs, rearrange life schedule just to fit the systems (with no negotiation of flexability on their end). Though grateful I am able to obtain the treatment.
I have been preparing for my piano examinations which is stressful yet very enjoyable!
Thats all I got for a life update.
Though, I been contemplating if I should do youtube videos again and if so... what content should I put up...
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deaflepuff · 3 years
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deaflepuff · 3 years
i wish i could pause life and lay in bed for 3 months and just catch my fucking breath
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deaflepuff · 3 years
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Artist unknown
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deaflepuff · 3 years
The struggle of being disabled?
As much as I love my DeafBlind identity... I am struggling hardcore with internalized ableism. Especially within my profession, to-be-profession and upcoming academic year.
It awful to have to balance myself within multiple worlds to comply, to please, to show I am a hardworker... when I have to hide who I truly am.
Having my cane with me is part of who I am as a DeafBlind person. I can go along with my everyday with hearing aids, yet for some reason I feel such fear/shame? with my blind cane.
I use magnification, enlarge text, screen inversion to assist with my visual needs. Why can I not do the same when bringing my guide cane.
I am looking forward to this upcoming school year to complete my Bachelors but terrified of what my cohort, instructors, placement people, will think all because of my cane.
I have been in the position where I would go to work and the employers would instantly shut me down, decreasing my hours or task duties all due to having a tool that can assist me. I am so much more than just my assistive devices, mobility aids. 
I have also experienced attending my classes and being excluded due to communication barriers or lack of patience with my peers. All because I have interpreters or require some guidance support to walk from point A to B. 
Yet, I am a huge advocate for communication access, DeafBlind awareness/acceptance, disability advocacy work, LGBT advocacy work. I decorate my tools and show pride when I can. Now to figure out how to gerenalize this...
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deaflepuff · 3 years
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My new hearing aids! Phonak Naida (black BTE) with neon green earmoulds. I didn’t realize it matches the colours of the PHONAK colour scheme! 
One benefit of having black BTE ... can change up the earmoulds to any and all colours! 
I love having the ability to listen to music and only the music on the train, busy street, noisy enviornments. 
New Hearing Aids!
So I just got my new Phonak Naida hearing aids and WOW!! What a difference!
Previously I owned some (pedatric - because hello! colour!) hearing aids and I guess their system vs adult hearing aids sound quality is quite different.
My new (adult) Phonak Hearing Aids are… incredible. I can actually listen to music while on the train, without background noise interferring. According to my family, when I call them through my hearing aids (bluetooth) it’s clear for them to understand.
Now to get used to all these new sounds, again. The pain. How do hearing people do it, every single day?! I’m so grateful I know sign language.
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deaflepuff · 3 years
New Hearing Aids!
So I just got my new Phonak Naida hearing aids and WOW!! What a difference!
Previously I owned some (pedatric - because hello! colour!) hearing aids and I guess their system vs adult hearing aids sound quality is quite different.
My new (adult) Phonak Hearing Aids are... incredible. I can actually listen to music while on the train, without background noise interferring. According to my family, when I call them through my hearing aids (bluetooth) it’s clear for them to understand.
Now to get used to all these new sounds, again. The pain. How do hearing people do it, every single day?! I’m so grateful I know sign language.
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deaflepuff · 3 years
A fun way to get yourself to do chores when you have adhd is to simulate a sense of panic by setting horrible deadlines that fit into other things that you’re doing.
For example, you set up a kettle of water to boil for your tea. Quick! Wipe down the whole counter before it’s done boiling, for the love of god you’re running out of time! Wipe it down! The water is almost boiling.
The water is boiling and your counter is clean. Now set your timer for your tea for three minutes and of my god there’s cups in your room! Quick! Get all the cups from everywhere in the house! Run! You’ve only got three minutes! Get all the dishes into the kitchen!
Oh would you look at that. You got all the dishes in the sink and now your tea is ready. Nice. Now you can chill with your tea.
I’ve found that little stuff like that helps me. Forcing myself into unexpected last minute deadlines. It fills up empty space and my house is a little bit cleaner.
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deaflepuff · 3 years
New Hearing Aids - soon!
Having old hearing aids that aren’t functional any more means an upgrade!
I can’t wait to get my Phonak hearing aids so soon.
Sadly, the BTE part won’t be colour (black) but at least I can decorate my earmoulds into rainbow if wished.
Why must these little tiny things be so damn expensive?!
Anyone experience with these rechargaeable style??
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deaflepuff · 4 years
Indigenous Autistic perspective!
My friend asked me to ask for Autistic Indigenous perspective. We thank you for your time in answering (if want to) questions or even sharing this post to get insight. I will also pass along your insight (Anon with just answer) to them.
I have a question specifically for autistic Indigenous people; For background information, my wife and I are both Indigenous. We both have white passing privilege but our parents, siblings, and relatives do not. Our child is Indigenous as well and autistic.
1.) How does being autistic and Indigenous affect your identity? I know you can be both, but would like to hear perspectives. 
2.) Specifically, how do Indigenous autistic people in Canada and the USA come to terms with how we handle trauma with humor? A lot of our cultural healing is done through humor and sarcasm. 
3.) What would have made your experience as an Indigenous autistic person easier while maintaining community and family relationships without the pressure of forced socialization? Community plays a major role in Indigenous culture. We would like to attend events such as community gatherings (once covid is over) without overwhelming our child. 
 4.) Should we also be capitalizing Autism? (Sorry if this offends anyone, I am not sure how to best use language) Should we say Autistic Indigenous person, or vice versa? 
5.) How can we help our family members understand that our sons diagnosis is valid, and that doctors aren’t just labeling? (This idea doesn’t come from ableism rather than a major distrust in medical systems due to systemic racism) 
6.) are there ways to avoid sensory overload when it comes to powwows and other cultural events that may be loud, with lots of people, and high energy? My wife is a Women’s Traditional dancer and she really would like our son to do his traditional dances as we believe it would be a positive experience for our sensory seeker, but the loudness of the drums and the excitement is sometimes too much for him to handle. How do we manage his needs while making sure he experiences important cultural aspects of his upbringing, while avoiding making him mask? 
7.) does anyone have ideas on how to make sensory friendly regalia?
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deaflepuff · 4 years
Today, my therapist was talking about how the smallest bits of self-care — even making yourself a mug of warm tea — are a way of recognizing your own worth, and how meaningful they are when you really dislike yourself. “After all,” she said, “I don’t know about you, but I don’t often make tea for people I hate.”
And that really hit me, especially because I’m an acts-of-service kind of person and tea is one of my go-to ways to show people that I’m thinking about them, care about them, and hope their day could be a little better. So maybe when I make tea for myself, I’m saying that to myself, too, that I’m thinking of my own needs, caring for myself, and trying to make my day a little better. 
And that’s really important to me because a lot of days I struggle to do basic things to keep myself going and just feel like I’m self-destructive, only ever making things worse… but most days I still manage to make myself a mug of tea or two. And it’s good to know that that matters. 
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deaflepuff · 4 years
Checking In...
I hope you are all doing okay.
Any highlights happening for you this new year?
I am sending love and support.
If you’d like to keep in touch with me, I can provide my other social medias :) 
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deaflepuff · 4 years
When ur like: “this show is very good.  In fact, it is too good.  I want something I can watch with 30% brain and this is a minimum 60% brain show.”
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deaflepuff · 4 years
i hate when managers pretend they don’t understand how the real world works because they’re in a corporate setting yet if you removed them from that corporate setting and contextualized the situation they would realize how fucked it was.
like lmao one time I got hit by a car so i had to last minute call out from work at walmart, and i get there the next day, i looked fucked up as hell, and they’re like “so whyd you call out last minute without checking with us first? it’s a major warning gotta say”
and i’m like “well, as the call out said, i got hit by a car and was in the hospital. because you know. i was hit by a car and as you can see bones are broken on me and i am very scratched up and bruised.”
and they get the fucking most ridiculous look on their face like they’re broken or something and theyre like “will it happen again?”
and i’m like “will i get hit by a car again? I don’t know. Didn’t think I would this time either”
like they’re acting like they don’t understand what getting hit by a car is because their bullshit training doesn’t account for it lmao… as if they aren’t human enough to understand what getting hit by a car is
it’s so fucking annoying.
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