deadspeed-blog · 8 years
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Innocent Disney Princesses Reveal Their Dark Sides [via MyModernMet]
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deadspeed-blog · 8 years
Some cry with tears; others with thoughts.
Octavio Paz
original: “Unos lloran con lágrimas; otros con pensamientos.”
(via wordsnquotes)
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deadspeed-blog · 8 years
It still hurts sometimes, because I loved you so much and it didn’t work out.
A.M.// (via tullipsink)
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deadspeed-blog · 8 years
Just because I’m not with you right now, doesn’t mean you’re not with me, right now.
wordsbyt (via wnq-writers)
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deadspeed-blog · 8 years
I’m actually extremely grateful that some things didn’t work out the way I once wanted them to.
Anonymous (via wnq-anonymous)
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deadspeed-blog · 8 years
Never beg for love. Never beg someone to love you back or be with you when you want to. Never beg for someone’s time, commitment, affection and attention. Never beg someone to stay with you when you need him the most. Because in the first place, if he loves you that much, he won’t leave you and let go of your hand. He will never let you beg for his presence and love because he will give it to you with open arms. Don’t beg, it’s demeaning and degrading. Remember, if you have to beg, he’s not worth it. No one is worth begging for.
baekebyan (via wnq-writers)
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deadspeed-blog · 8 years
If she came to you, you’d fill her cup. You’d fill it up, even if it left you bone dry. And that’s how you know.
missbee83 (via wnq-writers)
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deadspeed-blog · 8 years
And when we kissed, it seemed as if the world itself had ceased to exist.
fabuliz (via wnq-writers)
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deadspeed-blog · 8 years
But I don’t want small talk. Text me, and without saying hello, tell me why you got so angry at your sister this morning. Tell me why you have a scar shaped like Europe on the left side of your neck. Send me paragraphs about the time you spent at your grandmother’s house that one summer. Call me when I’m half asleep and tell me why you believe in God. Tell me about the first time you saw your dad cry. Go on for hours about things that may not seem important because I promise that I’ll be hanging on to every word you say. Tell me everything. I don’t want someone who just talks about the weather.
(via tullipsink)
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deadspeed-blog · 8 years
"We hate the mud after praying for rain.. Somethings aren't hard to explain"
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deadspeed-blog · 8 years
I miss everything. I miss talking to her, hearing about her day. I miss her voice all gravelly and smoky, I miss hearing her laugh, I miss getting her letters, writing her letters. I miss her eyes, and the smell of her hair, and the way her breath tasted. I fucking miss everything. I miss knowing she was around, because it helped me to know that she was around, someone like her existed. I guess most of all, I miss knowing I would see her again. I always thought I’d see her again.
(via tullipsink)
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deadspeed-blog · 8 years
"The more they explain.. The prettier the lie they frame.."
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deadspeed-blog · 8 years
Don’t underestimate the power of another human being to lift you to the highest heaven, or cast you to the lowest hell.
Bruce Adler (via wordsnquotes)
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deadspeed-blog · 8 years
We don’t even ask for happiness, just a little less pain.
Charles Bukowski, “Letter to William Packard,” July 1985 (via wordsnquotes)
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deadspeed-blog · 8 years
You were always a difficult person to understand but never to love .
Kriti. G (via wnq-writers)
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deadspeed-blog · 8 years
A mistake repeated more than once is a decision.
Paulo Coelho (via wordsnquotes)
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deadspeed-blog · 8 years
I don’t just want your heart I want your flesh, your skin and blood and bones, your voice, your thoughts your pulse and most of all your fingerprints, everywhere.
Isobel Thrilling (via wordsnquotes)
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