deadpoolisabottom · 14 days
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the bestest goodest boi :”)
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deadpoolisabottom · 14 days
Pnf’s best character arc was buford going from ‘generic bully’ to ‘choatic weirdo’
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deadpoolisabottom · 14 days
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indonesian miku
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deadpoolisabottom · 1 month
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my piece for the TOA zine ^__^ !!
one of my favorite shows ever, and so happy to be able to contribute to a project celebrating the series !! <3
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deadpoolisabottom · 1 month
a quick step by step guide on what to do if you come back to your apartment and find yourself locked out because your front door is frozen shut
kick the bottom of the door for 10 minutes
text your landlord
remember your landlord is on vacation and also in her mid 50′s so it takes about 36 hours to receive a response
briefly wonder why the fuck you moved the canada
remember that college tuition is significantly cheaper here than in the united states 
look up and notice your cat is at the window, staring at you. he paws at the window lightly and meows. it’s devastating. his eyes are so big and imploring. decide that you have to get inside your apartment at all costs. not even god himself can stop you from feeding your cat his chicken wet food dinner. frida kahlo herself could descend from the heavens and ask “hey you wanna bang?” and you’d say “hell yeah but first let me open this door so i can feed my cat his dinner”
remember there is a starbucks 3 blocks down the street from you
enter. the barista gives you a weird look for entering a starbucks at 7pm on a tuesday
order a venti cup of hot water. you order in french because the barista just said “bonjour” instead of “bonjour, hi.” you have a strong american accent. you hit the r in merci a little too hard to compensate. you embarrass yourself.
exit the starbucks clutching the massive cup of hot water in your hands. it’s burning your fingers.
return. methodically pour the starbucks cup of water all over the the door frame. it begins moving a little but still wont open
back up
ensure your doc martens are properly gripping the sheet of ice covering the ground. many people have told you to stop wearing doc martens in the winter, despite your protests that theyre actually the ideal winter boot. also, you’re a lesbian and punk’s not dead
release a pterodactyl screech and sprint towards the door, slamming the full force of your pathetically tiny 5′2″ 110lb body into it
you dont know any of your neighbors so you dont care about maintaining your pride anyways
the door swings open
run up the stairs
open the actual door to your apartment and yell MOMMY’S HOME MY LITTLE BITCHASS BABY BOY DONT WORRY at your cat
cat flings his body to the ground and starts purring like he does every time you come home
write tumblr post
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deadpoolisabottom · 1 month
i want to live (all origins)
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deadpoolisabottom · 2 months
Situation where Clark has formed a tentative working relationship with Batman, but somewhere in that time, Batman acquired Robin and, naturally, didn't tell him.
Clark finds out about Robin's existence when a ten year old Dick Grayson in full Robin gear breaks into his apartment at two in the morning and shakes him awake because Batman's missing and Alfred's away and Bruce taught him that, in the case of emergency, Superman was one of the only people he could trust. Bruce just didn't think to tell Clark that he was, by all means, his son's emergency contact.
Clark: -wakes up to a small boy that he's never seen or heard of before in a cape and a mask with lenses that reflect light like a cat's perched on the edge of his bed in a pitch black room-
Dick, calmly: Hey, Batman's -- stop screaming -- Batman's missing. I need help.
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deadpoolisabottom · 2 months
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deadpoolisabottom · 3 months
Happy Birthday, Sonic!! 💙
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Happy Birthday, Sonic!! 💙
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deadpoolisabottom · 3 months
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I've accepted my fate
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deadpoolisabottom · 3 months
What Jedi say: Emotions lead down a dark path.
What Jedi mean: Calm your tits before you hurt somebody.
What Jedi say: The Force shall reveal the time for action.
What Jedi mean: Nah.
What Jedi say: I sense darkness in you.
What Jedi mean: Hey, asshole.
What Jedi say: The Force works in mysterious ways.
What Jedi mean: That’s the worst question I’ve ever heard.
What Jedi say: I will meditate on your words.
What Jedi mean: Go fuck yourself.
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deadpoolisabottom · 3 months
One time I was working as a waiter at a burger joint where the fries were tossed in salt and coriander and as I was bringing food over to the table for these two huge beefy guys one of them asks what the green stuff is so I go "it's coriander" and his friend goes very seriously "he can't have coriander" and I'm thinking shit ok maybe he's allergic and guy 1 starts pulling up his sleeve to show me something and I'm thinking shit shit shit he's probably breaking out in hives rn and it's my fault but he just shows me his arm and he has this huge cursive font tattoo that just says "I fucking hate coriander"
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deadpoolisabottom · 3 months
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tragedies at baby time
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deadpoolisabottom · 4 months
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Get in losers, we're having a TAZ renaissance!
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deadpoolisabottom · 5 months
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give it up for year 3
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deadpoolisabottom · 5 months
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deadpoolisabottom · 5 months
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I bet they’re so excited for this game
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