deadly himbo
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deadlyhimbo · 1 day ago
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deadlyhimbo · 2 days ago
Today in niche genres of joke that I can never get enough of and will probably still be secretly thinking about four years later
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deadlyhimbo · 3 days ago
y’all really recommend books like: title, there are gay characters, enemies to lovers, young adult, written by poc
not once do i ever see a summary
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deadlyhimbo · 6 days ago
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This NPR interview with with Angela Saini about how race science never really left the global scientific consciousness is super interesting! I’m gonna read her book!
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deadlyhimbo · 6 days ago
The really cool thing about hydrangeas is that they can be blue, pink, or purple based primarily on the pH of the soil. A free science experiment in every plant.
Omg this is so cool I didn’t know this! I wonder if I can do this experiment with students
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deadlyhimbo · 6 days ago
Gonna throw in my favorite Brandon Sanderson quote for emphasis here:
Because art is, and always has been, about what it does to us. To the one shaping it and the one experiencing it.
- from 'Yumi and the Nightmare Painter'
One of the things that a culture built around consumer-driven capitalism strips from us is the true value of art. It's not for making a product that's good enough to sell/market/present to consumers.
Art is just a way of being human -- of taking our feelings and needs and experiences and using them to shape the world around us in whatever way we can. The act of creation is so powerful and intrinsic to us that it's central to a bunch of core mythologies and even religions. It's so integral to being human that we find art in every known historical context, on every archeological site no matter now small or how old.
Art is what humans do. Let yourself make art, and try to do it without the judgment of whether it's "good enough" or the expectation of a specific product at the end (yes, this part is hard). Your life will be better and richer if you do this. And if you keep doing this, you'll get better at expressing yourself through art. And every time you make something, you will add a piece to the world that show you were here. Only you can do that.
Unpopular opinion but if you don't enjoy the process you should find a different thing to do.
And I think this is true in general but now I'm talking about it in the context of AI.
If you don't enjoy making art and only care about the end piece and how it'll look and how much traction it"lol get online then making art is not something for you, find something you enjoy from start to finish.
Same goes for writing: if you do not enjoy writing and rewriting and then some more and instead want AI to write for you, being a writer is not something you should pursue.
Sure, not every part of creative process is going to be equally enjoyable but you should get satisfaction from solving the problems along the way and you should get a sense of accomplishment on your way of "making the piece yours" and you should have a sense of ownership once you are done.
None of these things will come from typing in a prompt into chatGPT. And I am sad to see so many people are missing on the opportunity to experience the joy of making something with their own hands and brains.
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deadlyhimbo · 7 days ago
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deadlyhimbo · 7 days ago
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Prev tags get it.
I think this is one of the big failures of the activist left that we have to reckon with in the face of increasing right-wing radicalization.
Canceling as a first-line reaction; digging up old "problematic" content to prove that someone apparently progressive is secretly bad; "leopards ate my face" gleeful schadenfreude as a response to suffering -- all of these things create an environment where learning to do better is actively (often cruelly) discouraged.
We cannot make a better world without grace for those who err. It's not possible.
This is an interesting thing. Looks like testimonies of people who left the MAGA movement- how they got into it and why.
Leaving a cult is really hard, so I really respect the people who are speaking from this place.
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deadlyhimbo · 8 days ago
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deadlyhimbo · 8 days ago
Dehumanizing bigots is bad, not because I want to be nice to them, but because they are human beings and they serve as a reminder that anyone is capable of evil ideation and action. Violent bigots are not fundamentally different beings from you. They are human beings, who have developed a reactionary and destructive belief system due to their circumstances combined with their biases. In a different timeline, that could've been you. Anyone can be radicalized. Nobody is immune to propaganda, not even the person reading this.
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deadlyhimbo · 8 days ago
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The psychiatrist who wrote the criteria for narcissism just made an extremely important point about what’s wrong with diagnosing Trump with mental disorders
Dr. Allen Frances says in speculating about Trump’s mental health, we are doing a disservice to those who do suffer from mental illness. In a series of tweets, he explained why he doesn’t think Trump is a narcissist — and how harmful it can be for us to keep assuming that he is.
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deadlyhimbo · 8 days ago
when people pop off with some ass take like "why should I have to put my pronouns in my profile or signature or whatever, my name is Tom and I have short hair and am wearing an oxford shirt in my profile pic, figure it out" I always think
so do you just not talk to people from other countries for your job, ever?
like, some people don't, and you can follow the flowchart to a different part of the argument about why pushing back about pronouns is stupid, but I e-mail people in Singapore and Dubai and Japan and India every day. A lot of those people have names that are probably their local equivalent of "Tom," but I have never seen them before and I have no idea if that's a girl's name or a boy's name. They usually have profile pics too. I don't know how common short hair is for women or long hair is for men in their country. I don't know if that style of shirt is more common for men or more common for women. I'm not writing this from some homogenous whitebread oasis, either, I live in New York City, it's just simply not possible for me to know the common names in every language of every country where the people I need to work with, live.
just put your stupid pronouns in your signature, some exasperated project manager in Mumbai will one day appreciate it
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deadlyhimbo · 8 days ago
learning to steal is genuinely a vital life skill even if you rarely use it. you have to reprogram your relationship with the concept of owned resources by just taking something and walking off with it at least once. think of it like an inoculation. you just need to know you can do that so that your compass for navigating material resource negotiations has a north.
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deadlyhimbo · 8 days ago
I'm not gonna tell anybody how they ought to construct their identity, but if your whole thing is "not being a Normie", you have to recognise that adulthood ups the game. That affectation that made you the biggest freak in the room when you were fifteen is merely charmingly eccentric at thirty. You must be freakier.
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deadlyhimbo · 8 days ago
you know what gives me some hope in the midst of all the horrors? the fact that street dogs will come up to humans and ask for head skritches and belly rubs.
here's an animal that's never lived in a warm home, never had a human to call theirs, but they've met enough kind humans that they know they can ask us for kindness.
that's the thing to hold onto. enough of us are kind. not all. maybe not most. but enough.
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deadlyhimbo · 9 days ago
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is there a need for them to be standing THIS CLOSE to each other? i feel like i might be interrupting something. are they gonna make out or have sex in the ring? what am i missing
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deadlyhimbo · 9 days ago
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