dead-inside667 · 5 years
Dear friends of Tumblr,
Today at my school we had an assembly about internet predators and when I had said that most of my true friends are over the internet and they gave me a lecture about how “I don’t know who I’m talking to” blah blah. So please, if you aren’t a predator in any way, please reblog so i can prove a point.
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dead-inside667 · 5 years
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
hey! sorry ive been off this account for a bit, but i appreciate this, thank you <3
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dead-inside667 · 5 years
wow, a bastard showed up in your dms?
lmfao my mutual dm’d me saying that she wants me to change my pronouns back to she/her because she thinks i’m faking being trans and then when i said no she blocked me.
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dead-inside667 · 5 years
me, crying while reading fanfiction i wrote a year ago: why would the author make them fight!? theyre crying whyyyyy!?
also me: im the author... if i dont like it i can change it....
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dead-inside667 · 5 years
still has 29,729 words my dudes.
this may seem stalkerish but at this point ive been checking this fic everyday since november sooooo
me: *goes on Ao3 to check if Wifi Assist by WonderBoyz still has 10 chapters and 29,729 words*
Wifi Assist: *does*
me: *sadly closes out of tab and waits to check tomorrow*
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dead-inside667 · 5 years
dude! February 22!
Waiiit what day is your birthday (if you feel comfortable telling me) 💜
February 27!! 💗
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dead-inside667 · 5 years
me: *goes on Ao3 to check if Wifi Assist by WonderBoyz still has 10 chapters and 29,729 words*
Wifi Assist: *does*
me: *sadly closes out of tab and waits to check tomorrow*
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dead-inside667 · 5 years
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if you can read this, youre either a bottom or you know a bottom
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dead-inside667 · 5 years
i have new kid!!
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dead-inside667 · 5 years
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when ur dad is also virgil sanders
go check out @dead-inside667 's amazing cosplay!!!
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dead-inside667 · 5 years
i have new kid!!
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dead-inside667 · 5 years
The person I reblogged this from is awesome as fuck.
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dead-inside667 · 5 years
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*aggressively cosplays all of the sides really badly*
decided to go for messier hair this time
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dead-inside667 · 5 years
adhd mood when you’re working on something while listening to music but then a song starts that doesn’t fit the mood so you keep skipping songs until you get to that perfect one and then you continue on working, until that process repeats over and over again
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dead-inside667 · 5 years
Someone: *is talking*
Me: oh. I should be processing this right now. Huh.
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dead-inside667 · 5 years
ok so i was gonna take a shower but i ended up taking a bath and its midnight
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dead-inside667 · 5 years
decided to go for messier hair this time
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