Saying “You’re not gonna die a virgin— not on my watch” after mentioning a gay couple to another man is probably the least straight thing a man can say ever. I would not have been surprised if the scene cut to the two of them fucking at all. Just saying.
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Destiel AU, where when Sam assumes Dean and Cas are dating, so when Dean starts to lose his memories, Sam reminds Dean that him and Cas are dating, and Dean just rolls with it not knowing any better.
Or sam knows they're not dating but is so sick of the pining he decides to pull a prank to get back at them.
Either way, sam is laughing his ass off, dean flirting with Cas, and cas accidentally causing a state wide power outage
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hey taub quick question why are you practically sitting right in foreman's lap

there's a whole other half of the couch... you know that right
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Oh, no, no, no. I wanna be the guest star. ↳ 15.10 - THE HEROES' JOURNEY
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Dean: no no no I know two things: one, Bert and Ernie are gay and two, you’re not dying a virgin
Me, throwing popcorn at the tv: do it yourself you coward!!!
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Sometimes I remember that Dean and Cas would have little movie nights together just the two of them and I want to beat my skull in on the countertop because that’s such a darling detail that doesn’t add to the plot, it’s only purpose in being mentioned was to show how close they actually are outside of hunting
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Taking away dean winchester’s jewellery was homophobia
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randomly i will remember how obsessed with cas’ virginity & sex life dean was and i’m never less shocked that they genuinely tried to play it off as normal straight man behavior
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big fan of Cas getting pissed at angel tree topper decorations
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