Motion Graphics
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de1212jessieaso · 8 years ago
The process of making my animation was very fun and I enjoyed making it in AfterEffects and learning all the techniques for making a 2D animation. I feel I would use these techniques in the future because I like 2D  animation more than 3D animation and I particularly enjoyed drawing in Illustrator and transferring them into AfterEffects. Planning the script and storyboard was fun to do and I enjoyed thinking of how to show the life cycle of stars. I really like stars in general and I always loved learning about the constellations and how a star is made. So that was the reason why I chosen to do a star related question. I started making the storyboard first because I thought it would be easier to see the visuals first, then the writing afterwards. However this made me re-do my storyboard a lot of times to finally have my final storyboard and script. Therefore I figured writing the script first then making the storyboard would be a good decision in the end.  Then making the animatic was good to plan the final animation and where all the key frames will go and the timings for each of them were planned. Also what sounds I used for this animation was planned. I liked picking sounds for my animation to give it some life and to make it more realistic. This helps lots for making the final animation and where each scene would go. I eventually changed the beginning of my animation to show a star falling with the title on it, so that the audience could read it nicely without a busy background. All of Gary’s tutorials of how to use AfterEffects and Illustrator were really useful and I enjoyed learning about them. This helped with some parts of my animation like rigging my character with DUIK and using the effects in AfterEffects for some scenes, such as the black hole, the swirling paint and the explosion. I did some independent research on these effects and how to use them and also learnt how to use the graph editor with a Digital Tutors tutorial. 
I also enjoyed editing in Premiere with all the sounds and finding the right music for it. Overall this process of making a motion graphic animation with an idea that it was for commercial use was challenging and I feel I learnt a lot of techniques and the process of how to plan and process an animation for a company. I was challenged with having the mind set of how to distribute a clear and simple animation with thinking about the colour scheme and style I would like to portray and I am now more aware of how to achieve a stylistic and unique piece of work that I would hope to impress the companies I work for in the future.
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de1212jessieaso · 8 years ago
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My other part of my document with a small evaluation of my animation process.
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de1212jessieaso · 8 years ago
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My document explaining my process of making my animation.
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de1212jessieaso · 8 years ago
My final animation with sounds and music.
Music credited to Kevin MacLeod - Carefree
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de1212jessieaso · 8 years ago
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I rendered my final animation from After Effects and now working in Premiere placing the music and sound effects into the scene. I gained inspiration from the Royal Greenwich Observatory videos as they posted recent ones. One was about the star and I really like the crystal style of the stars and how the colours work really well. Also I paid attention to the music and I like how it complimented well with the piece. Hence I looked on youtube for a background track and found one by “Kevin MacLeod - Carefree” that gives my animation a friendly feel. 
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de1212jessieaso · 8 years ago
My last render to my animation, I made small changes and adjustments to each key frame in graph editor and made sure it ran smoothly.
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de1212jessieaso · 8 years ago
Second render with my changes to the feedback I got from Paul.
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de1212jessieaso · 8 years ago
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I got some feedback on my first render and I made some small changes to it. First sorted out the zoom in at the beginning to not zoom in too much into the character and have it slowly go into the scene. Then making the canvas larger and making the swirl more defined with another swirl and having it a bit blurry to suggest the smudges of the paint. Then adjusting the writing at parts to fit the screen and adjusting the tracking shot to be more smooth with a motion blur. Which made it look faster but has a nice tone to it. Finally placing broken parts to the explosion to create more drama. 
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de1212jessieaso · 8 years ago
First render of my animation.
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de1212jessieaso · 8 years ago
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I placed more scenes into the animation and adjusted them, using the graph editor and included some zooms out and the time countdown for the star. Also adjusted the colour correction to make it darker to highlight its at night.
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de1212jessieaso · 8 years ago
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I did some more work on the blach hole to make it look interesting and would suit the scene and also included the boy going into the hole.
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de1212jessieaso · 8 years ago
Found a better tutorial for a black hole effect that I can use for my animation!
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de1212jessieaso · 8 years ago
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I did some work on my animation scenes, with the pump and the explosion star. I used this technique to use point control to have a number countdown for the duration of the stars process which was a good element to the scene and also creating an explosion effect and the glow for the Neutron star.
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de1212jessieaso · 8 years ago
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Here, I completed making all my scenes for my animation in Illustrator and adjusted them to a style of using a chalk brush in the background. This gives a nice and rusty feel to the scenes and gives it more detail. 
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de1212jessieaso · 8 years ago
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This lesson I did more on my next scene and started animating it and used the graph editor for making the brush movements smooth and use a effect for the swirl in the paint mixing.
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de1212jessieaso · 8 years ago
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Adjusted the font of my title to be sans serif and to be more simple and appealing to the eye. Also toggled with the graph editor for the movement of the star and changed it to Bezier to be more smooth.
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de1212jessieaso · 8 years ago
I took some time to look at styles of people from this website to get a style for my aniamtion. I like some that use a rough texture in their drawings to create detail to certain objects. I think this would look nice in my animation and give a more pleasant look to my frames.
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