ddceng · 5 years
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hey,  long  time  no  talk,  i  know.  but  i  just  wanted  to  hop  on  here  to  inform  ya’ll  that  i’m  gonna  be  moving  my  threads  and  stuff  onto  discord  just  because  i’m  tired  of  tumblr  &  it’s  bs  at  the  moment  &  am  in  desperate  need  of  change  so  if  you’re  interested  in  writing  or  continuing  to  write  with  me,  give  this  a  like  &  i’ll  come  to  you  with  my  discord  info  !!
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ddceng · 5 years
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⧾ ⊹ * ﹆  HIS  EVENING  HAD  BEEN  GOING  WONDERFULLY  —  sure,  life  in  hell  wasn't  always  the  greatest  thing  in  the  world,  but  when  you  were  able  to  sit  in  on  some  various  methods  (  &  extremely  violent  ones  at  that  )  of  interrogating  rogue  demons,  your  day  got  a  bit  better.  even  more  so  when  you  were  allowed  to  PARTCIPATE,  which  is  exactly  what  nicholas  was  granted  permission  to  do  &  honestly  ?  he  was  finding  it  overly  entertaining,  feeling  the  other  demon  ready  to  crack  and  spill  their  truths  when  he  starts  to  feel  a  slight  pull  of  something  —  tugging  his  body  towards  a  direction  unknown  until  POOF,  he  was  no  longer  in  one  of  the  dungeons,  no  longer  surrounded  by  screams,  the  sounds  of  chains  rattling  against  metal  cages  &  all  other  things  dark  &  evil.  "who  the  FUCK  decided  to  summon  me  right  now  ??  of  all  fucking  times ??"  his  voice  booms  through  his  summoners apartment,  eyes  scanning  the  room  until  he  finally  lays  eyes  on  the  person  in  question.  though  the  second  he  does,  his  RAGE  turns  into  pure  confusion,  brows  knitting  together  as  he  shoots  a  judgemental  look  towards  her.  "do  you  even  know  what  the  fuck  you  just  did  ?"  there's  a  dark  chuckle  that  falls  from  nicholas'  lips  as  he  takes a  few  strides,  towering  over  her  frame  with  a  smirk.  "why  did  you  summon  me  ?  it  better  be  good  because  you're  making  me  miss  out  on  a  rather  FUN  night  of  work  elsewhere." ( @keycut​ )
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ddceng · 5 years
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nicholas’  tag  drop  !
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ddceng · 5 years
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hayden’s  tag  drop  !
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ddceng · 5 years
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⧾ ⊹ * ﹆  HIS  ENTIRE  BODY  IS  SHAKING  —  the  storm  that's  been  raging  on  for  hours  was  not  something  that  hayden  found  overly  pleasant.  he's  actually  terrified  of  them,  but  no  one  else  would  know  that  if  he  could  help  it.  sadly,  though  the  student  had  to  get  out  in  it,  forgetting  an  important  book  he  needed  in  order  to  finish  up  a  paper  that  was  due  within  the  next  few  days  ...  and  to  make  matters  WORSE,  the  rain  had  started  to  pour  at  an  alarming  rate  —  the  umbrella  in  hayden's  hand  doing  little  to  no  good.  he's  on  his  way  back  to  his  dorm  room  when  he  happens  to  spot  a  figure,  one  of  which  that  happened  to  be  JOGGING ...  in  this  kind  of  weather  ?!  there's  a  small  shake  of  hayden's  head  at  the  mere  thought,  but  to  each  their  own,  he  supposed.  it  wasn't  until  the  other  gets  closer  to  him  that  he  realizes  just  who  it  is,  heart  skipping  a  beat  beneath  his  ribcage.  "zheng!"  the  male  calls  out,  waving  the  other  towards  his  direction,  towards  the  warmth  (  &  dryness  )  of  his  dorm  that  sits  only  a  few  steps  away.  "why  on  earth  are  you  jogging  out  in  this ??"  hayden  asks,  brows  knitting  together  in  genuine  concern  as  his  eyes  slowly  start  to  wander  over  the  other's  frame,  seeing  how  zheng's  shirt  &  pants  were  CLINGING  to  him  —  hayden  couldn't  help  but  to  admire,  though  there  is  a  blush  that  creeps  along  the  surface  of  his  cheeks.  "you  can  um  ...  come  in  if  you'd  like  ?  just  until  the  rain  slows  down  ?" ( @lctata​ )
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ddceng · 5 years
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BAEKHYUN WAS CONSTANTLY reminded of the terror that happened in his life, there’s not a day that goes by that he doesn’t think of his teammates. the dull ache all over his body reminds him that he was lucky — that there was a second chance for him. he’s reminded of a dark past whenever he sees someone sip some alcohol, a time where he would have indulged as well, but he wasn’t that same person anymore. but, somehow he found haeil — or haeil found him and truly made this all the easier. he didn’t feel like he was such a bad guy after all. misguided, maybe, but not the bad guy. it was hard for him to accept gifts, let alone an extravagant vacation that his boyfriend had planned for him. nothing could prepare him for the sight that he saw when they stepped through the door. it was decorated to the nines, his eyes filling up with tears immediately as his hand grasps the others tightly. “ w-what is all of this? ” he asks, clearly shaken up by everything going on. eyes wide as they take in the sight of the room, how was this possible? “ d-did you do all of this? ” baek’s scared to let go and look closer at everything — what if it wasn’t real, what if this was just some sick dream that wasn’t going to come true. haeil’s words make him lean down and envelop him in a hug, kissing the top of his head as he sways the boy back and forth. “ I can’t believe you, ” he sniffles after speaking. “ I can’t believe you’re the most amazing boyfriend in the world, this is all so much. I can’t even — I can’t even express how much this means to me.”
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⧾ ⊹ * ﹆  THERE'S  SO  MUCH  OF  HAEIL  that  wishes  that  baekhyun  never  had  to  go  through  ANY  of  the  things  that  he  had  to  ...  however,  he  knows  that  life  doesn't  work  like  that  even  though  he  wishes  it  did  —  and  much  as  haeil's  heart  ACHES  for  his  lover,  there's  a  part  of  him  that  knows  that  had  those  things  not  happened,  they  probably  would  have  never  met  in  the  first  place  &  the  slight  selfishness  in  him  doesn't  want  to  give  baekhyun  up,  doesn't  want  to  even  think  about  the  possiblity  of  never  meeting  the  LOVE  of  his  life.  he  knows  that  the  other  carries  guilt  for  his  past,  knows  that  no  matter  what,  there's  always  going  to  be  things  that  remind  baek  of  the  things  that  happened  but  haeil  wouldn't  stop  until  he  did  everything  in  his  power  to  replace  those  memories  with  better,  happier  ones.  the  vacation  was  one  of  the  many  things  that  he'd  tried  to  give  baek  in  hopes  of  making  the  other  happy,  showing  him  that  he  DESERVES  all  of  this,  deserves  a  happy  life.  "just  a  little  something."  haeil  replies  with  a  tiny  shrug  of  his  shoulders,  grin  starting  to  pull on  the  edges  of  his  lips  as  he  speaks.  "i  did,  yes.  you  deserve  it,  babe.  this  and  so  much  more  —  but  i  can't  quite  reach  the  moon  to  give  it  to  you.  that  kind  of  technology  doesn't  exist  yet."  the  silver-haired  male  giggles,  taking  a  few  steps  forward  into  the  villa  as  he  gently  pulls  baekhyun  along  with  him.  however  he  can't  get  very  far  before  the  other's  arms  are  wrapped  around  him,  causing  haeil  to  lace  his  fingers  into  baek's  hair  with  a  sigh.  "babe."  he  starts,  his  own  eyes  starting  to  well  up  with  tears  as  he  tilts  his  head  up  to  look  at  baekhyun,  using  his  free  hand  to  cup  the  other's  cheek.  "i  did  this  for  you,  because  YOU  deserve  this.  because  you  deserve  to  just  be  happy,  to  know  that  you  can  be  ...  i  want  to  give  you  a  happy  life  because  it's  what  you've  given  me  since  the  day  i  met  you."  he  explains,  standing  on  his  tip-toes  to  place  a  kiss  to  the  other's  lips.
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ddceng · 5 years
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EVA IS LESS THAN IMPRESSED to say the least if she wanted to be around a group of men who thought they were tough shit, she’d go back to her job for the night and at least make some money from it. the stranger standing in front of her was less than impressive, with his whole script at how he was so much different than his friends, all it did was make her roll her eyes. “ bullshit. ” she scoffed as her arms wrap over her exposed chest, shaking her head a bit. “ you are who you associate yourself with, and since that seems to be the crowd that you hang around, it speaks volumes.” her voice is snippy, and once he reaches his hand out for her, she can’t help but do a once over. he fit the aesthetic of his friends, but was he really like them? she wasn’t sure. was she about to find out, maybe. “ eva. ” the raven-haired girl mumbles as she reaches her hand out to grab his, giving it a firm handshake before quickly returning to her previous stance. “ maybe they should learn to apologize instead of having someone cover their asses all the time. ” eva quips before flicking her hair off her shoulder, maybe she was being a bit harsh to this stranger who did just save her, but she didn’t care. 
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⧾ ⊹ * ﹆  THERE'S  A  PART  OF  HIM  that  wishes  that  he'd  never  met  his  group  of  friends  —  wished  they  hadn't  walked  into  the  tattoo  parlor  a  few  years  ago  because  maybe  then,  he  wouldn't  have  to  be  cleaning  up  after  them  time  &  time  again.  maybe  then,  he  wouldn't  be  TRAPPED  in  the  stuff  he  is  with  them.  "i  don't  have  a  choice  anymore.  if  i  did, i  wouldn't  'associate'  with  them  at  all."  xavier  explains,  leaving  everything  pretty  vague  because  it's  NOT  something  he  can  freely  talk  about  with  anyone  —  let  alone  a  stranger  he'd  just  met.  "you  don't  know  me,  nor  do  you  know  who  i  am  as  a  person.  my  friends  might  be  dickheads,  but  it  doesn't  mean  i  am."  his  words  are  stern,  but  not  harsh.  he's  heard  that  speach  before,  from  many  different  people,  he's  USED  to  it,  but  being  compared  to  them  always  seems  to  make  his  skin  crawl.  "you're  not  wrong.  they  should  just  stop  being  assholes,  but  some  people  don't  seem  to  give  a  shit  about  the  way  they  act  or  the  consequences  that  come  from  it."  he  says  with  a  small  sigh,  nodding  his  head  in  agreement.  "nor  do  some  people  learn,  so  it  seems."  xavier  continues,  raising  his  brow  in  the  general  direction  of  where  his  group  of  friends  went  with  a  roll  of  his  eyes.  "i  couldn't  tell  you  the  amount  of  times  i've  gotten  into  fights  with  their  dumbasses  over  stuff  like  this."
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ddceng · 5 years
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ARDEN HAD BEEN waiting for a text indicating what their plans were for that evening , expecting something along the lines of staying at home & watching movies . or club outing beginning & ending with designer drugs . it wasn’t that she was necessarily surprised when he mentioned other plans , but more so the lack of time she had to prepare . superficial maybe , but even vague instructions on how to dress gave her more than enough to look the part .  –  black dress barely slipped over her shoulders as she hears the doorbell , scrambling to find the rest of her belongings before turning the doorknob .   ‘   hi ,   ’   a smile graces her features almost immediately , painted digits playing with the fabric of her tailored gown . she’s about to speak again before her attention falls to the flowers placed before her . she’s told him before , a passing phrase maybe , but she had mentioned her favorite flowers the first time jun got them for her . a detail arden thought he would seemingly forget – knowing it had been been quite the opposite forces an unfaltering warmth within her chest .    ’   either you remembered , or you got really lucky on the way here .   ’   smile only widens as she speaks , taking the bouquet within her grasp only a moment later . a part of her wants to ask what exactly he had planned for the evening since this kind of outing wasn’t really common for the two of them . yes , they had their moments , but tonight just felt different . however rather than dwelling on it , she steps through the doorframe , free palm now pressed against his shoulder as she pushes herself up on her toes , slightly , reaching his height to place a soft kiss on his cheek .   ’   i’m guessing lucky ,   ’   it’s barely a whisper as she drops back to her height ( plus whatever her heels added to that number ) ,   ‘   also … you look decent .   ’   a very obvious understatement , especially considering she could find something much more fitting to describe exactly what she thought , but rather chose to bring up the wording from his texts ,   '   very decent .   ’
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⧾ ⊹ * ﹆  USUALLY,  HE  PREFERRED  TO  STAY  IN  whenever  possible,  avoiding  people  at  all  costs  because  he  just  didn't  want  to  have  to  deal  with  them  either  recognizing  him  or  just  their  general  stupidity ...  and  he  knows  he  could  have  done  this  in  a  less  PUBLIC  setting,  knows  he  could  have  just  asked  in  the  comfort  of  his  own  living  room.  but  he  wants  people  to  know,  wants  it  to  be  a  public  thing  just  so  that  everyone  knew  that  she  was  OFF  the  market.  which  is  why  he'd  planned  it  like  he  had,  making  sure  every  detail  was  perfect.  "miss  me  ?"  he  asks  with  a  smirk,  brow  raising  up  at  her  in  a  playful  manner  as  his  eyes  scan  over  the  dress  she'd  picked  out  for  the  evening.  he's  honestly  lost  in  some  kind  of  trance,  only  brought  back  to  reality  by  her  comment  about  the  flowers  —  a  chuckle  falling  from  his  lips  as  he  rolls  his  eyes  lightly.  "ever  think  about  the  possibility  that  it's  both  ?"  jungwoo  teases,  dimpled  smile  starting  to  pull  on  his  features  as  he  takes  a  small  step  towards  her,  arm  almost  instantly  wrapping  around  her  frame  as  she  starts  to  reach  upwards  towards  his  cheek.  "i'm  wounded,  arden.  you're  talking  to  someone  who's  got  excellet  memory.  i  just  pretend  to  be  a  dumbass  so  people  underestimate  me."  he  grins,  wiggling  his  brows  at  her  before  placing  a  finger  under  her  chin  to  keep  it  there  in  order  to  press  a  kiss  to  her  lips.  "i  know  i  do."  the  dark-haired  male  teases,  the  grin  never  leaving  his  features  as  he  speaks,  refusing  to  let  the  slight  grip  on  her  side  go  as  he  does.  "you  look  better  than  decent,  though."  his  words  are  softer  than  usual,  head  nodding  in  the  direction  of  the  flowers  that  are  currently  in  her  grasp.  "how  about  we  find  something  to  put  those  in  and  then  head  towards  the  resturant.  i'm  absolutely  starving."  there's  a  fake  pout  that  starts  to  form  on  jun's  features  as  he  speaks,  hunching  over  so  that  he's  eye  level  with  her.  "i  hope  you  have   a  vase,  because  if  not,  those  are  screwed."
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ddceng · 5 years
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IT’S ALWAYS BEEN her favorite holiday of sorts , the one time of year where they could be truly uninhibited & almost uncaring of what state they appeared in in public . more so , it gave her the opportunity to partake in acts that may not be so forgiving during other times of the year . cliche , yes , but considering for the better part of six - hundred years she’s forced a part of herself to be kept hidden, she would take any opportunity handed to her to do otherwise .   —   painted digits play with the worn pages of the book within her grasp , composure unfaltering as she hears the other speak ; consider it a practiced art of ignoring . one she’s managed to master over their prolonged period of partnership . & rather than offering verbal confirmation , she grants a soft hum before turning to the page – still not looking up . vi’s joked with him for the last couple of days that maybe some change would be good , that maybe their ’ costumes ’ should be just that … a costume . & before she even has the moment to think of her next non - response , a soft grip is pulling her attention upwards .   ‘   i like to keep you guessing , love .   ’   a smile graces her lips , yet only after the forced pout falls from her features . it takes her a moment to eye the entirety of his outfit , an evident laugh bubbling within her chest , only exacerbated by the playful question . her arm rises from her side , gripping onto the cuffs before her & pulling them down just enough to keep them out of her line of sight .   ’   they wouldn’t last five seconds .   ’   her grip loosens then , letting go of the handcuffs only a second later .   '   i’m not saying … you look terrible . but  –  you look better as something else . also the police officer thing is very overdone ; i never pictured you as someone so unoriginal .   ‘ 
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⧾ ⊹ * ﹆  HALLOWEEN  WAS  HIS  ABSOLUTE  FAVORITE  holiday  &  fall  was  kimoon's  favorite  season  in  general  —  meaning  that  the  fact  both  of  them  happened  at  the  same  exact  time  made  the  male  extremely  happy.  it  wasn't  always  like  that  for  him,  his  parents  banning  halloween  in  his  household  because  they  didn't  care  for  the  holiday.  but  after  he'd  gotten  old  enough  to  move  out,  he  was  able  to  explore  the  holiday  &  find  out  just  how  FUN  it  was.  and  since  then,  kimoon  had  been  able  to  spend  most  of  the  following  holidays  with  vi.  which  is  why  he'd  decided  to  switch  it  up  slightly  &  surprise  her  with  a  costume  that  he  hadn't  worn  before.  it  took  him  a  while  of  looking  back  on  photos  &  relying  on  his  memory  to  figure  out  what  he  had  worn  &  what  he  HADN'T.  a  police  officer's  uniform  was  not  something  he'd  ever  worn  for  multiple  different  reasons.  mostly  because  he  knew  just  how  hypocritical  it  would  be,  partly  because  it  was  BORING  in  comparison  to  the  one's  he'd  worn  over  the  years.  "how  many  decades  is  it  going  to  take  for  you  to  realize  that  i'm  used  to  you  ignoring  me  ?"  he  teases  with  a  grin,  brow  quirking  upwards  as  he  continues  to  advance  in  her  direction.  her  comment  about  the  cuffs  wasn't  FALSE,  he  knows  it  isn't.  the  cuffs  weren't  the  cheap  plastic  ones  that  usually  came  with  a  police  officers  costume,  no  —  he'd  gone  out  and  bought  a  more  heavy  duty  pair  but  that  didn't  mean  that  she  couldn't  very  easily  break  them  in  a  matter  of  seconds.  "they  would  if  i  TOLD  you  to  make  them  last,  we  both  know  that."  there's  a  smirk  that  starts  to  pull  on  the  vampires  lips  as  he  speaks.  "it  was  something  i  haven't  ever  done,  love.  besides,  maybe  i  wanted  to  see  what  you  thought  about  a  man  in  uniform."  the  male  continues,  gently  hooking  his  finger  under  her  chin  to  tilt  up  to  look  at  him  so  that  he  could  press  a  kiss  to  her  lips.  "both  of  us  are  EXTREMELY  original,  don't  act  like  that."
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ddceng · 5 years
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⧾ ⊹ * ﹆  NOEUL'S  NOSE  IS  STUCK  in  his  phone,  eyes  scanning  across  the  screen  at  a  mile  a  minute  as  the  other  asks  a  question.  the  male  is  quick  to  shove  his  phone  back  into  the  pocket  of  his  jeans,  brow  raising  as  he  watches  the  paper  being  shook  around.  "oh,  uh  —  i  can't  remember  if  i  do  or  not  ?  i  haven't  made  one  in  years."  he  chuckles,  placing  his  palm  out  in  hopes  of  obtaining  a  piece  of  paper.  "you're  talking  about  one  of  those  things  you  make  and  then  it  has  a  bunch  of  questions  that  you   play  a  game  with,  right  ?"  the  model  asks  with  a  slight  shrug  of  his  shoulders.  "worse  comes  to  worse,  we  can  always  google  it."
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“ do you remember how to fold these things because this, ” solstice shook a piece of paper wildly around, getting her frustrations out with the movement. “ clearly isn’t the way to make a paper pyramid. “ boredom had truly gotten the better of her and making a paper fortune teller seemed to be the best out. or at least, the most entertaining thing she could think of at the time.
↳ @ddceng​​​ liked this for a starter
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ddceng · 5 years
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⧾ ⊹ * ﹆  THERE'S  AN  AURA  THAT  SURROUNDS  THE  OTHER  —  one  that  jiseo  feels  is  no  where  near  as  'innocent'  as  oliver  would  like  it  to  ...  meaning  that  the  demon  is  well  aware  that  the  other  standing  beforehim  is  most  CERTAINLY  not  just  some  mere  human.  but  what  was  he  ?  that's  what  jiseo  couldn't  quite  place  his  finger  on.  he's  not  NEW  to  the  world  of  the  unknown,  but  there  were  so  many  different  types  of  demons,  witches  &  so  on  that  sometimes,  he  got  confused,  lost  even.  he  should  have  known  that  oliver  wouldn't  be  upfront  with  him,  nor  has  he  been  up  front  with  oliver  about  what  HE  himself  was  —  so  they  were  even  there.  but  the  little  bit  of  a  game  that  the  other  seems  to  want  to  play  with  jiseo's  mind  causes  him  to  roll  his  eyes,  leaning  his  frame  back  against  the  wooden  chair  with  a  chuckle.  "not  human,  that's  for  damn  sure."  it  comes  out  with  ease,  perfectly  manicured  brows  raising  in  the  air  as  he  waits  for  oliver  to  challenge  his  words.  "knew  that  from  the  moment  i  saw  you,  been  around  the  block  a  little  to  long  to  believe  in  simple  lies  like  'i'm  human'  anymore."  the  red-haired  demon  continues,  eyes  locked  on  the  others.  "if  i  had  to  make  a  guess,  i'd  say  you  are  what  i  am.  though  i  can't  be  quite  too  sure.  your  aura  is  different  than  mine  —  darker,  much  darker.  makes  it  a  little  difficult  to  place  a  finger  on  the  exact  answer."  he  chuckles,  reaching  for  a  few  fries  of  his  own.  "care  to  tell me,  oliver  ?  or  will  you  play  this  stupid,  childish  game  with  me  some  more  ?"
╰ 💀 ╮ open starter ; non-mutuals/mutuals friendly. m/f/nb. ‘you made it your mission to figure out what kind of creature oliver is. oliver, a self-proclaimed ‘human’, finds amusement in your keen interest (& makes a good use of ur wallet while he’s at it).’
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DROLL ASTONISHMENT PROVOKES THE MORN OF HIS ONCE EXPRESSIONLESS VISAGE,   the task of finding the difference between whether such were an ominous accusation or a mere observation coming from the latter seemingly too arduous for the ever so nescient youth.  lissome fingers chaperone the silver curtain of strands obscuring the flare of his enticing gaze which oliver soon shifts upon them   ,   a dim frisson of ANTAGONISM thrumming within as always   ,   whilst the formerly pushed back bangs slowly fall along his temples in unruly waves shortly after   —   what could’ve been deemed a subconscious act of picturesque ELEGANCE is overturned in less than a fragment of a s e c o n d   ,   wherein the faux human helps himself to their plate   ,   the voluptuous seam of his lips then curving round a mouthful of french fries he does not hesitate to pour into the roseate inferno of his throat.  a nonchalantly GRAND flick of the said palm prompts them to TRULY enlighten him   ,   for he is far more interested in the bearable melody of their voice rather than the reign of velvet silence victimized by his own raucous crunching   ;   ❝  MM.  what am i   ? ❞   (   A FRACTURED MONSTROSITY   ,   NAUGHT BUT A SHADOW OF DEMOLISHED HUMANITY.   )
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ddceng · 5 years
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⧾ ⊹ * ﹆  IT  WASN'T  THE  FIRST  TIME  HE'D  WITNESSED  THIS  —  though  with  each  time  he  does,  haeju  feels  his  own  sanity  slipping  into  oliver's  grasp  even  further,  no  grimace,  no  feeling  of  sickness  pooling  in  his  stomach.  sure,  he  felt  BAD,  but  he  has  no  idea  if  those  people  who  are  lying  lifeless  on  the  ground  were  good  or  HORRIBLE  people,  knows  nothing  about  them  to  even  begin  to  want  to  ask  questions.  "ollie..."  the  word  tumbles  from  the  pink-haired  males  lips  in  a  slightly  shaky  fashion,  eyes  wandering  all  over  the  scene  that's  displayed  before  him.  it  still  wasn't  EASY,  but  it  was  getting  easier  to  see,  he  no  longer  felt  guilt  for  not  being  there  to  question  oliver  —  to  perhaps  talk  the  other  into  rethinking.  though  he's  pretty  certain  that  wouldn't  do  ANY  good  whatsoever.  "there's  a  fine  line  that  hangs  between  them  both,  if  you  ask  me."  haeju  starts,  taking  a  few  steps  closer  to  oliver,  eyes  finally  landing  on  the  other  instead  of  being  glued  to  the  ground.  "no  one  is  completely  GOOD  —  nor  is  anyone  completely  EVIL,  or  at  least  so  i  think."  there's  a  shrug  that  falls  from  haeju's  shoulders  as  he  speaks,  fingers  reaching  out  to  smooth  out  the  material  of  oliver's  shirt.  "given  the  current  circumstances,  i  think  that's  a  pretty  loaded  question  ...  one  i'm  not  sure  if  you  actually  care  to  have  answered  or  not."
╰ 💀 ╮ open starter / tw: gore, murder.
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AN ENTANGLEMENT OF LIMBS so ruptured   ,   it must’ve taken quite a LINGERING shard of time to recognize such as torn corpses littered in a liquid carpeting of their spilled blood   ,   garnishes the ground. oliver feels no remorse   ,   his crestfallen gaze merely a deceitful facade of his heavenly features   —   after all  ,   he should at least ATTEMPT to provide the tense air of respect regarding the humans’ ghastly ends. right   ?   it   …  doesn’t last for far too long   ,   honestly. oliver just doesn’t GET IT   ;   this whole ‘ mourning ’ or ‘ having regrets ’ business. ❝  hey,  ❞ the molten vermillion dripping from the faux human’s own shredded lower lip spoils the gilded skin of his chin   ,   far heavier carmine drops soon racing along his jaw due to the widening curvature of his chapped mouth. a somehow cordial   ,   boyish grin then clashes against his morbid QUESTION   —   baritone rather mellifluous   ,   albeit the chiaroscuro of his visage exposes oliver’s sadistic hedonism as he grapples for the other’s attention. ❝ how can y o u tell the difference between good and evil ? ❞ he sounds like he truly wants to know the answer , though seems as if he’s asking for the sheer FUN of it. ❝ what is right  ? what is wrong ? ❞
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ddceng · 5 years
BOLD  what  applies  to  your  muse.
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small  towns.  big  cities.  six  thirty  curfews.  lights  that  take  the  place  of  stars.  blanket  nests.  light  through  the  blinds  as  a  wake  up  call.  found  family.  finding  a  single  star  in  the  middle  of  new  york  city.  window  shopping.  watching  something  terrible  and  enjoying  it.  growing  numb  to  the  sight  of  injustice.  wilted  flowers.  faded  caricatures.  bright,  bold  colors.
crickets  and  lightning  bugs.  car  engines  and  a  /  c  units.  a  phone  call  to  mom  /  dad.  laughing  with  friends.  jokes  that  are  so  bad  you  have  to  laugh.  the  clicking  of  computer  keys.  noise  canceling  headphones.  the  sound  of  silence.  muffled  music  from  another  room.  drumming  fingertips  on  a  table.  clicking  of  pens.  listening  to  a  clock  and  swearing  the  ticks  get  slower.  ringing  in  the  ears.  the  voice  of  someone  you  love.  pitch  shifted  songs.
being  held  close  during  a  long  night.  fleeting  reassurances.  holding  hands  when  you’re  scared.  brushing  fingers  through  strands  of  hair.  freshly  dried  clothes.  bruises  on  your  knuckles.  silk  and  satin.  your  favorite  pet’s  fur  or  feather.  wringing  your  hands  anxiously.  snuggies.  comforters  in  the  dead  of  winter.  nails  against  skin.  cold  metal.  leather  in  summer.
coffee  in  the  morning.  tea  in  the  evening.  bubblegum  that  lost  its  flavor.  alcohol  burning  the  back  of  your  throat.  homemade  cooking,  no  matter  what’s  made.  blood  in  your  mouth.  stale  air.  mint.  fresh  vegetables.  that  processed  taste  of  citrus  candy.  the  first  meal  you  cook  by  yourself  that  tastes  good.  foreign  sweets.  fast  food.  bittersweet.  sour.  spicy.  sweet.  bitter.  too much salt on fries.
morning  glories  and  honeysuckles.  freshly  cut  grass.  hot  chocolate  in  the  middle  of  winter.  nail  polish.  acetone.  hospital  rooms.  smoke  (  or  incense  ).  hair  spray.  your  favorite  shampoo  /  conditioner.  the  scent  of  home.  perfume.  cologne.  mint.  something  burning.  wet  dogs.  copper.  metal.  unemptied  ash  trays.  something  familiar  yet  different.
tagged  by:  my  babe  @infernoath  (  ily  !!!! ) tag,  you’re  it:  trcnscribe,   @lctata,   @grvitys,   @kimseokjvn,   @trivialcves,   @keycut,   @maidteuk​  &   whoever  else  would  like  to  do  this !!!!
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ddceng · 5 years
BOLD  what  applies  to  your  muse.
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laughter  loving.  sweet  smiles.  dressed  in  silk  and  satin.  flower  in  their  hair.  sees  the  world  as  a  runway.  unapologetically  sexual.  the sea  washing  their  ankles.  in  love  with  love.  stirrer  of  passion.  cunning  concealed  by  painted  lips.  secret  daggers.  doves.  revolution  in  their  kiss.  delighting  in  the  waves.  flirtatious  winks.  strolling  along  the  beach.  staring  wistfully  from  a  balcony.  this  is  how  to  be  a  heartbreaker.  wants  to  be  adored.  gets  turned  on  by  danger.
glitz  and  glamour.  art  galleries.  turning  the  volume  up.  being  made  of  gold.  neatly  organized  music  sheets.  notebooks  filled  with  poetry.  bathing  in  the  sunlight.  the  powerful  urge  to  create.  collecting  vinyl  records.  beautiful  cover  of  wonderwall.  playing  multiple  instruments.  tasting  like  sunshine.  healing  touch.  speaking  in  prophecies.  smile  mingled  with  wrath.  shunning  lies.  sporting  shades.  hanging  out  at  music  festivals  with  their  friends.  sleeps  naked.  arrow  to  the  heart.  paintbrushes.  probably  has  a  tinder  account.
armed  for  battle.  wants  to  raise  a  dog  with  their  significant  other.  soft  spot  for  children.  gives  piggyback  rides.  scarred  body.  blood  on  their  hands  and  face.  willing  to  fight  the  world  for  the  ones  they  love.  fights  against  injustice.  warm  hugs.  well  worn  combat  boots.  boxing  gloves.  bandages  wrapped  around  bruised  knuckles.  fist  raised  in  protest.  ignites  revolutions.  fear  is  a  prison.  more  sensitive  than  what  their  tough  shell  would  have  you  think.  exhausted.  damaged  goods.  force  to  be  reckoned  with.  red  roses.  curses  under  their  breath.
keen  sense  of  a  hunter.  freckles  like  constellations  on  their  skin.  piercing  eyes.  disheveled  braid.  moonlight  peeking  through  the  shadows.  the  calm  of  the  forest  at  night.  lying  on  the  grass  and  staring  at  the  stars.  mother  doe  and  her  fawn.  protecting  their  kin (?).  the  moon  shimmering  on  a  still  lake.  quiver  full  of  arrows  resting  against  the  bark  of  a  tree.  running  with  wolves.  bonding  while  circled  around  a  campfire.  not  being  much  of  a  people  person.  arrow  hitting  a  target.  popping  egos.  patience  on  3%.  touches  heaven  and  returns  howling.
discerning  gaze.  unreadable  face.  quiet  museums.  owl  perched  on  their  finger.  armor  that  intimidates.  eye  for  architecture.  plays  the  sims  for  the  sole  purpose  of  building  houses.  studied  the  blade  while  everyone  else  was  busy  getting  laid.  big  fan  of  logic.  loves  brain  teasers.  ancient  buildings.  sweaters  in  neutral  and  cool  colors.  hair  done  up.  can  kill  you  with  their  brain.  heads  to  the  library  often  to  research.  sharpened  pencils.  abs  that  can  cut  steel.  stoic  statues.  pottery  classes.
soil  covered  hands.  smile  that  can  bloom  flowers.  skin  loved  by  the  sun.  being  the  mom  friend.  can  lift  you  and  your  friends.  flowers  kept  in  the  pockets  of  overalls.  takes  pride  in  their  beautiful  garden.  speaks  to  their  plants.  leaves  rustling  in  the  wind.  stalks  of  wheat.  picking  fruit.  greenhouses.  heart  as  strong  as  a  mountain.  values  simplicity.  daisies  dotted  across  a  collarbone.  curls  crowned  with  flowers.  folded  pile  of  sweaters  in  warm  hues.  pulling  out  fresh  baked  bread  out  of  the  oven  and  the  smell  wafting  through  the  air.
drunk  shitposter.  on  their  sixth  glass  of  wine  before  you’ve  even  finished  your  second.  seductive  smirks.  untamed  curls.  rich  fabrics  on  dark  skin.  sleek  furred  panthers.  theater  masks.  stage  productions.  receiving  a  standing  ovation.  rose  caught  between  their  teeth.  being  the  baby  of  the  bunch.  wild  parties  that  last  from  sundown  to  sunup.  creeping  vines.  inspiring  loyalty.  grand  opera  houses.  masquerade  balls.  rolls  of  film.  shattered  chandeliers  with  broken  glass  scattered  across  the  wine  spilled  floor.  pouring  champagne  into  flutes.  lives  for  the  applause.
the  calloused  hands  of  someone  who  knows  labor.  sweaty  brow.  flame  burning  in  their  eyes.  inventive  mind.  broad  shoulders.  steampunk  goggles.  nuts  and  bolts  stored  away  in  little  boxes.  ashes.  striking  a  match.  blueprints  for  future  projects.  fixing  up  a  busted  up  car  and  giving  it  cool  upgrades.  wrestles  with  bitterness.  work  boots  have  seen  better  years.  wrinkled  plaid  shirts.  iron  melted  in  blazing  fire.  huge  jackets.  crafting  masterpieces.  greased  stained  overalls.  fascination  with  robotics.  pain  is  fuel.  stack  of  weaponry.  even  their  muscles  have  muscles.
resting  bitch  face.  dressed  to  the  nines.  cows  grazing  on  a  pasture.  cool  rain.  loving  and  hating  fiercely.  hand  clutching  a  string  of  pearls.  large  chandelier  with  glittering  crystals.  plays  the  sims  for  the  sole  purpose  of  killing  off  their  sims.  romance  to  realism.  pictures  of  the  sky  while  flying  on  a  plane.  files  that  under  fuck  it.  downs  glasses  of  wine  as  they  relax  with  a  scented  bubble  bath  and  netflix.  like  their  selfie  or  you’re  grounded.  knows  57  convenient  ways  to  murder  a  man.  dark  eyes  that  penetrate  your  soul.  marble  and  gold.
devil  -  may  -  care  smile.  always  up  to  date  on  the  latest  technology.  will  steal  your  french  fries.  does  it  for  the  vine.  shitposter.  puts  googly  eyes  on  everything.  meme  hoarder.  long  drives  on  the  highway.  ma  and  pop  diners.  spontaneous  road  trips.  folded  maps.  fingers  dancing  across  the  keyboard  of  a  laptop.  shooting  hoops  on  the  basketball  court.  chatting  up  strangers  as  you  all  journey  to  your  own  destinations.  goes  jogging  in  the  morning.  mixes  redbull  with  coffee.  menace  on  aprilfool’s.  hoodies  and  sneakers.
storm  with  skin.  colorful  coral  reefs.  waves  crashing  against  the  shore.  stroking  the  soft  fur  of  a  cat.  their  heart  pounding  as  their  horse’s  gentle  trot  speeds  into  a  gallop.  tousled  locks.  clothes  smeared  with  paint.  owns  several  sketchbooks  yet  always  yearns  to  own  more.  leather  jackets.  fondness  for  diy  projects.  handwriting  that  flows  across  the  page.  nimble  fingers  playing  the  strings  of  a  violin.  velvety  singing  voice  that  haunts  your  dreams.  mood  as  ever-changing  as  the  sea.  the  roar  of  a  motorcycle.  compass  with  a  spinning  arrow.
walking  home  alone  in  the  early  morning.  back  alleys.  drinking  alone  in  a  graveyard.  crippling  loneliness  hidden  by  sarcasm  and  cynicism.  crows  picking  a  carcass.  untended  dead  flowers.  the  black  sheep  of  the  family.  black  coffee.  money  can’t  buy  you  happiness.  murder  mystery  dinner  parties.  blood  on  your  shirt  collar.  dust  illuminated  by  sunlight.  classical  music.  dogs  are  better  than  people.  a  quiet  wrath.  shady  business  deals.  taking  what  you  are  owed.  paint  it  black.  seasonal  affective  disorder.  popping  the  suit  collar.  grey  rain  on  a  cityscape.
thunder  in  their  heart  soul.  running  on  coffee.  flash  of  lightning.  unnatural  charisma.  eloquence.  badass  in  a  nice  suit.  aficionado  of  history.  force  of  nature.  lennyface.  nightmare  filled  nights.  proud  arm  around  their  lover’s  waist.  high  -  rise  buildings.  planes  soaring  through  a  cloudless  sky.  technician  on  the  piano.  maintains  order.  strong  handshake.  juggling  multiple  events  on  their  busy  schedule  with  ease.  expensive  watch.
tagged  by: the loml @infernoath​ ! tag,  you’re  it:  @trcnscribe​,  @cactusrcse​,  @grvitys​,  @lctata​,  @kimseokjvn​,  @keycut​,  @bicvrious​  &  whoever  else  would  like  to  do  this  !
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ddceng · 5 years
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・゚✧ *:・゚changkyun x follow stages
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ddceng · 5 years
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゚✧ *:・゚jooheon x follow stages
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ddceng · 5 years
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꧁ multi-muse and verse, semi-selective, penned by avalon ꧂ 
♡ this for a random starter, ғᴏʟʟᴏᴡ for a friend and mutual, ↺ to support
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