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dcmerc-blog · 6 years ago
Essential SEO Tips That You Should Remember
Website flipping is becoming one of the most lucrative businesses on the internet today. There is no doubt that website flipping can be done professionally and it can result in some big profits, even if you begin with little or no investment. Eminent site owners that flip sites as a living make a five figure earning. However you can trade links with websites that are similar to yours by placing their link on your webpage and then having them place yours on theirs. This can be a good a source of traffic and a quality backlink. Have a budget, and a time line. Developing a website can quickly eat up more time and money than first anticipated - so make sure you map out a detailed agreement with your developer before you hand over any money. Get your developer to produce and commit to a project brief and a timeline for implementing it, including a definite "launch" date for the site. Make sure it includes all of the features you want your site to contain, and that there are regular reviews built in. Local Search. In the past year, Google has tried to increase the relevancy of its search results by giving the local guy a shot. Of course, big brands with millions of dollars in their marketing war chest have had an advantage in the search game. Think of it like television advertising. The brands with the big bucks can advertise on national network television during the Superbowl while the mom-and-pops have trouble even affording basic cable advertising. In the interest of searchers, Google has tried to level the playing field by placing a much bigger emphasis on local search. This gives the local business a chance to compete with his larger national competitor. affordable is an excellent long term strategy. This is based around targeting keyword phrases in everything you do. Targeting the right keyword phrases can help you rank highly on search engines and bring you a lot of traffic that doesn't cost anything.
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