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A Roleplaying Blog for Multifandom Verse'd!Kazuma Kiryu Warning: Adult Content containing but not limited to dark themes, sexual content, language, and blood. / WIP. Written by Mandee.
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dcjimadragcn · 2 years ago
Kiryu's stomach filled with nervous butterflies as Majima came close with the lipstick in question (it was a bright red shade that he'd seen on some women in passing, even hostesses!), but seeing as he'd already given in to allow this to happen, he simply had no choice but to bare it.
He could--he would--try it and then ... then that would be the end of it. He'd allow the make-up, allow the night out, and then he'd never step through this uncertain doorway again.
He just ... he needed to calm down--his stomach and his heart both.
The smooth, softness of the lipstick was weird, very different seeing as he wasn't used to anything being applied to his lips--unless it was for a medical purpose for cut or bruised lips--but it wasn't a ... bad feeling. It didn't hurt or anything like that. It was simply different.
When confronted with the mirror, however, he almost didn't want to see at first. It took a moment before he stared openly at the sight of his familiar tan lips flushed with bright, bold color.
It was ... pretty, and honestly, that was a bit of a shock to think, but it wasn't wrong. He had a surprisingly nice mouth even with the masculine planes of his face.
Wait--there was more--?? More movement from the other Yakuza had caught Kiryu's eye, and though he'd initially been nervous, the lipstick hadn't been bad, so perhaps whatever else Majima wanted to do would be easy to deal with ... ?
Now, he wasn't sure how much time had passed once Majima decided to speak up again, but it had felt like an age, even as his made-up gaze turned to look into the mirror that the other man was once more holding up to him--
Who--who was that--? It--
... Was that him? ... Looking like a woman--well, a short haired woman--in the face? How was this even possible?
Reaching out, Kiryu moved to take the mirror closer to himself to see. It was almost unbelievable. If he hadn't sat here and allowed this to happen, he wouldn't have thought that this was possible.
No, not Kiryu-chan ... not with this make-up on, but ... Kazumi-chan?
Kazumi-chan ... ?
"I-- ... ... this is ... this is really possible to look like this ... even for me? As ... as Kazumi-chan, I mean... I guess...?"
Tearing his gaze away from the mirror, he looked at Majima fully, all surprised, floored, and still a bit unsure.
"I really look good ... ?"
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he could tell the other was considering it by now, the thoughtful look gave it away, he wondered what kiryu could have possibly been thinking of, was he envisioning himself dressed up as a woman ? kiryu was quite a bit bigger than majima ... muscle wise, it would definitely be a challenge finding a dress that would fit, & suit his shape. majima was quite leanly muscled, his waist line was roughly the same size as a woman's ; he was just tall, so it did require he find a place that tendered to the more taller woman ... even then, finding dresses or feminine clothes were a bit of a struggle for him, he had to get adjustments made.
as kiryu gave in, majima smiled, opening the red lipstick, he came over to the other, & started to apply it upon his lips. the bright red definitely did suit kiryu better than him ... perhaps a bright red dress to match ? or maybe that would be a bit overkill for kiryu.
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❝ told ya it would suit ya, kiryu-chan, whaddya think ? ❞
lifting his compact mirror up, & showing kiryu his reflection, the red lipstick already made a whole lot of difference to his complexion, there was still more to do however before kiryu-chan became kazumi-chan. he reached out to one of his eye shadow palettes, wondering what colour would suit him, the really warm brown, & gold might suit him, it wouldn't clash too much with the lipstick either.
majima got his brush, & started to get some pigment of the brown onto it as he worked on kiryu's eyes, once that was applied, he put the tiniest bit of gold pigment onto his brush ... nothing too much, he really only needed the gold to act as a shimmer ... a nice contrast to the brown. now for the blush. a light peach tone would do just the trick as majima reached out to grab it, replacing his brush with a bigger one, he started to apply it ever so lightly to the other's face.
again, he got his compact mirror out to show the other the work he had done ; his face was now looking the part, maybe it would really help kiryu see how fun this could be. maybe the other would be shocked that he could even pull it off.
❝ figured ya wouldn't want it as flashy as i do my own, but whaddya think now ? still liking it ? lemme know if ya think any o' it don't suit ya. yer lookin' real gorgeous though, a downright heartbreaker, kiryu-chan ... or should i say, kazumi-chan. ~ ❞
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dcjimadragcn · 2 years ago
These days, Kiryu successfully ran his own family--the Kiryu Family, in fact--which was a group of upstanding men who weren't perfect (and neither was Kiryu, himself), but they were good men who were loyal and strived to be their best underneath his guidance. It was an honor, really, to be able to command so many people that trusted him with their lives and his life was in their hands as well, of course.
Today, however, he was on his lonesome while the boys did other things and perhaps that why he was being approached so casually, but there was something different here. The feeling was immediate, and as he looked up from his phone--sliding it away into his pocket, in fact--strong brows furrowed ever so slightly at the sight of the pin the other man wore in turn before his eyes settled on the man's face.
He ... wasn't someone that Kiryu was familiar with from his face alone, but the air about him was undeniable. Vaguely, he did remember something about a high ranking Tojo clan member betraying them--a man with an eyepatch who was ex-Tojo these days.
There couldn't be that many strong, eye-patch wearing individuals here--not at all from what Kiryu's seen over the years which would make sense when leaving the Tojo Clan meant leaving Kamurocho. Could he be ... him ? And yet, who was he, exactly ... ?
He was strong, definitely, and he was ... complimenting him ... ?
Kiryu couldn't help the flush that rose to his cheeks even as his serious expression remained--or attempted to, anyway. The dangerous, but attractive combination of this man did not help, either, but if someone from the Omi Alliance--or underneath them, rather--was approaching him, then this probably wasn't going to be a pleasant visit whatsoever.
It never was when the Dragon of Dojima was the conversation starter.
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"What do you want from me?"
kijin au starter. @dcjimadragcn
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❝ who do we have here ~ ? ❞
it had been sometime since he last stepped foot in kamurocho, now mostly residing in osaka, a kijin clan man, majima didn't have much of a reason to ever come to tokyo, but he was in the mood for exploring, & there wasn't anything holding him bound in sotenbori any more.
what a hunk of a man he had found ... he noticed the pin the other wore, he was one of the dojima. wait, he couldn't be ? could he ? majima started to spin his baseball bat around playfully at the thought of it, he was always good at catching dragons.
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❝ ya wouldn't happen to be the fabled dragon o' dojima ? i've heard so much 'bout him, legendary in these parts ... heard he's a right hunk o' a man, ya seem to match that image well. ❞
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dcjimadragcn · 2 years ago
seeing as haruka had fallen asleep earlier on in the day after spending the day getting together a cake for his birthday and hanging out with his Pokémon companions, kiryu left haruka in his neighbor's care--a sweet older woman--and took some time to wind down in a field among his Pokémon who are munching on Pokébeans while the yakuza himself is eating his third piece of cake in a small attempt to celebrate his birthday to some degree.
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dcjimadragcn · 2 years ago
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"happy birthday, kiryusan! i hope you have some time for some buttercream?"
he's got a white cake decorated with a winding dragon of blue and silver hues, with a mix of kanji and hiragana spelling out kiryusan!! otanjoubi omedetou!!
"i drew the dragon myself! please enjoy a piece for me?"
/ unprompted HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIRYU asks, accepting ALL WEEK!
Oh, Rei meant cake, right?
Well, good thing he has quite the appetite. On this day, the star has received tons of gifts (with the edible ones being sent away for testing, unfortunately) and honestly, it's all really nice of his fans (he's always floored when this happens), but to get something from someone he knew personally like Nishiki--or Reijiro, apparently--was so much better.
Of course, he did appreciate his fans, he really did!
"This is all for me?" Kiryu asked, peering at the other man after staring at the cake for a while because it was pretty impressive. "We can have some together, can't we?"
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dcjimadragcn · 2 years ago
"A little birdy tells me it was your birthday very recently." The tailor, as ever, offers a gentle and yet knowing smile; the lithe nature of his manicured fingers dropping from their poise near to his chin and instead fished within a pocket to produce a box, one offered to company nigh immediately. "I was hoping to pass you by soon enough to give you there - Lucky me; to finally do so." Inside? A rather beauteous set of damascus cufflinks, cut to the elegant shape of diamonds.
unprompted HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIRYU asks, accepting ALL WEEK!
With so much going on, Kiryu hadn't planned on celebrating his birthday--especially with how warm it was today--so to receive something from Vaux was actually pretty surprising.
In fact, the moment he had opened up the small box and spied what was inside, Kiryu's brows had shot towards his hairline in an instant.
Those--these things ... they were ... well, uh-- ... those things...? Damn. He couldn't say he didn't know what these little things were, but there was one fact that Kiryu understood: they looked expensive and ... Kiryu was not rich despite his steadily growing savings he had stashed away.
Looking up from the box, he closed it and stared at Vaux for a moment.
"I don't know if I--you ... Vaux--are you sure about this? It--this was expensive, wasn't it?" He couldn't really accept this--he couldn't. It--he wasn't worth that. No one needed to spend that sort of money on him.
Despite this, one thumb idly swiped along the smooth box in appreciation. This had to be one of the most expensive things he'd ever held in his hands. Damn. Nishiki wouldn't even believe it if he'd told him.
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dcjimadragcn · 2 years ago
Like this for (1) Birthday-themed ask from Birthday Boy!Kiryu!
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dcjimadragcn · 2 years ago
he approaches kiryu in his goromi outfit, adorned in partially revealing short dress and long black wig.
“ happy birthday, kiryu-chan. lemme celebrate by givin’ ya a treat ~. ”
he’s already intending to unzip the man’s pants.
/ unprompted HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIRYU asks, accepting all week!
Kiryu isn't sure where to look because he wasn't to take in everything all at once.
Goromi was a one-of-a-kind sort of woman, a sort of woman that did all sorts of things to Kiryu, and Majima knew that very well. It was likely that this was the reason that he'd showed up in his Goromi outfit on this very day, his birthday day.
The fact that her bombastic blonde had been switched out for a more elegant, long black wig was a different flavor of Goromi that he hadn't known he'd wanted until this EXACT moment.
Oh, he wanted to touch him.
Swallowing in an attempt to wet his dry throat, Kiryu's face was on fire in the face of his love, but he couldn't deny the fact that he was incredibly happy to be able to receive a gift like this.
"You ain't getting away after 'treating' me to this, Goro," Kiryu murmured, heat already having begun to stir within him the moment Majima's intentions were understood. "We can have a few more treats, hm? Since it's my birthday and I love you?"
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dcjimadragcn · 2 years ago
❝ happy birthday, kiryu-chan, i got somethin' fer ya. ❞
he reaches kiryu over a box, inside, kiryu would find a new sparkly red dress.
❝ let's have a gal's night out ~ ! ❞
/ unprompted HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIRYU asks, accepting all week!
To receive a gift from Majima on his birthday was a pleasant surprise, but honestly, Kiryu couldn't be sure as to what the older man could have gotten him that would be useful. He wasn't sure if Majima knew his tastes at all--or if he'd just gotten something that looked like Kiryu would use or wear for that matter.
Taking the box that was handed to him, Kiryu's first thought was that he was glad they were alone once he'd opened it after carefully dealing with the wrapping paper.
Ears turning pink the longer he stared, Kiryu nibbled at his lower lip a bit.
In all honesty, it was a beautiful dress, a passionate red which sparkled like it had been dotted with thousands of stars, but ... was he ready for something like this? He knew how he looked when dolled up in make-up thanks to Majima's expert hand, but thought of going out caused a nervous fluttering of butterflies to his erupt at his very core.
Looking back towards the other man, finally, he hoped his feelings didn't show plainly on his face as he mustered up a smile.
"It's beautiful, Majima-san, thank you," he replied, sounding fairly normal to his own ears. "Are we leaving, uh, now--right now?"
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dcjimadragcn · 2 years ago
It was the gentle swiping at his hair and the growl that caused him to look up in surprise.
Oh, a cat-- ah, didn't look like it liked him very much. It was a shame when you considered the fact that Kiryu was actually huge on animals--cats in particular, too--but he simply couldn't bring himself to care for one giving his profession on top of the fact that his apartment had been TORCHED once upon a time. Any pet at his home likely would not have survived.
"Oh--it's alright," Kiryu replied, a bit of a smile settling on his features. "She wouldn't be the first to want to hit me--'s usually how it goes when people take one look at me." Though women weren't included in that number actually. "She's beautiful though."
Taking the cue from the man, Kiryu proceeded to head back there as the other man began to speak only to be surprised yet again. Another cat? Though this 'Kumochan" apparently wasn't as feisty as Yurochan then?
When he returned, he caught Kiryu's attention as he allowed his shoulders to sag; in the back of his mind though, he couldn't help but feel bad for the more skittish Kumochan. Despite his wariness, he'd been pretty cute. That aside, the bed wasn't uncomfortable, and it was nice to finally give his feet a rest.
Blinking, he peered up at--Reijiro!--and cleared his throat.
"My name is Kazuma Kiryu, and my date of birth nineteen sixty-eight, June seventeenth. ... As for what brought me in, I-- I was just looking to get some treatment after being attacked. It was ... a fight for my life, really."
kumo's head peers around from behind a doorframe, hunched down low in fear of the stranger, but curiosity driving him to look, muscles tense and tail coiled, wrinkles all but smoothed. from above a yoru loafs on her pillowy perch, nostrils flared and sniffing the bloodied stranger with some manner of indifference. when he comes close enough she reaches out a paw to lazily swat at his hair and announce a half-hearted growl.
after locking the door, reijiro would take a moment to look out through the blinds of the front windows, having flipped his sign to reflect CLOSED before doing so. the man didn't have any stragglers following after him, and he would give the black cat a gentle chide, reaching up to scratch her ears, "yoruchan, be nice to our guest. i apologize for her behavior, she's just letting you know who's in charge." grabbing his clipboard and his stethoscope, he nods to the examination bed in the back room, "just sit there for me please, and don't mind kumochan, he's skittish around strangers."
it would be a few moments before reijiro went to see the man in the backroom, having straightened his lavender purple scrubs and quickly typing on his computer. he calls to the man from his front desk chair, "i apologize for the disorganization! i wasn't expecting anyone to stop by tonight, hence the critters." throughout the duration, kumochan would cautiously approach the man, sniffing with tail flicking behind and jumping at any movement he'd make. he'd get as far as just a couple feet from the man's shoes before skittering away, claws refusing to find purchase on the tiled floors before he zoomed out of the room upon reijiro's entrance.
"it's a pleasure to meet you, sir. i'm reijiro ito, owner and sole practitioner at this establishment. can you provide me your name and date of birth, please? what brings you in here to me today? you look like you've been put through the ringer."
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dcjimadragcn · 2 years ago
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Kiryu frowned even has his ears began to pinken; brown eyes stared unblinkingly at the other Yakuza for a moment before--
"Majima-san, how, exactly, did you come upon that conversation?"
Ah yes, getting to the bottom of that was much more important that discussing the details of his, ah, late night activities!
@dcjimadragcn said: “ … That wasn’t what I was implying at all, Majima-san.”
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❝ then, enlighten me, what were ya implyin' when ya say yer been 'round a few times ? ❞
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dcjimadragcn · 2 years ago
The cake in the window had caught his eye, causing him to pause on the sidewalk. Ah, today was a “special” day, wasn’t it?
Birthdays came around once a year. There were no exceptions to that rule, and once it passed, it passed. Kiryu, himself, had never been much for celebrating his birthday as some grand thing.
It was just that … the people who had made him into who he was at his core—his parents—they weren’t around and while he knew the reason why—he wished that he knew more about them, their lives, and if they’d even loved him.
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dcjimadragcn · 2 years ago
It was my boy’s birthday yesterday ( SO HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY KIRYU!! ; ; HAVE U SEEN HIS CAKE IN 8?? He got CAKE!! … and he ‘been around a few times’!! SERIOUSLY!!!! ;u; ) and I’m just gonna write up a birthday post for him anyway so anyone can respond / send things in this whole week if you like!
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dcjimadragcn · 2 years ago
“ an’ here I thought ya almost convinced me y’weren’t gay. ” straddles on kiryu’s lap.
he cups the man’s face with both of his palms, prolonging a stare; enamor glisten brown iris, before a devious smirk forms upon pale countenance.
“ ‘sides, we don’t need a month-long excuse to be gay n’ shit in public. fuck ‘em. if they don’t like me grabbin’ yer ass in a busy street, it ain’t my problem. ”
/ unprompted asks, always accepting ! @majidog
kiryu wasn't sure as to what to say to that, exactly, so he simply didn't say anything and instead, a visible flush was his answer--both in response to the comment and the fact that a very attractive Majima Goro was straddling his lap. damn . . . what a man.
his gaze softened when majima cupped his face, surprised, but the sensation of smooth, glove clad hands; this close, he couldn't look away, but he didn't want to, not when majima was staring at him so--well--with so much-- . . . so . . . much . . . !
god, had he ever noticed that look so clearly as he was noticing it now . . . ?
swallowing a little, kiryu couldn't deny that his heart skipped a bit at the sight of an all too familiar smirk settling on the older man's face; it was a smirk that the younger yakuza had honestly come to grow fond of, really.
warmth and fondness both have settled in kiryu's eyes at this point as he held the gaze directed at him, but in the next moment, muscled arms were coming to settle around majima's waist loosely, calloused hands idly playing with the edge of the other man's shirt that rested near his lower back.
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" . . . yeah, that's true. i'll try not to hold back so much when we're out, then. keep in mind that you might get yours grabbed back as revenge though, goro."
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dcjimadragcn · 2 years ago
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go get him boy!!
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dcjimadragcn · 2 years ago
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this game has gone a lot of places but i never expected kiryu to be recruited as a stripper
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dcjimadragcn · 2 years ago
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That one samurai cat picture that's probably been done dozens of times but it was fun to draw
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dcjimadragcn · 2 years ago
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
Once he’d said this . . . There would be no going back, but that was alright. He was in a relationship with an incredible man after all.
“H— . . . Happy Pride, everyone.” @majidog .
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