Welcome to my blog, which in recent times has become more a record of my photographic outings than a text based record of life. Scroll back in time for the life logging entries. I was a keen photographer back in the film days of my teens and twenties and have had an ongoing interest. Just recently I have got back into the hobby choosing to use Fujifilm cameras and shoot in the 23-84mm 'full frame' focal lengths. If you ask me what my photographic style or genre is I'd say a mix of architecture, street and urban landscapes. The Queens Award for Voluntary Services (The MBE for Volunteer Groups for Kop Kill Climb)
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Fun today, first time, recently, I have printed any of my photos on photo paper and framed them. Also took delivery of the VILTROX 28mm AF 'pancake' lens, finally the X-M1 is pocketable with a decent lens on it. Love the sliding lens cover instead of lens cap.
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Further top my post about an extra £220+ a year going to Thames Water I can show you this. Check your bills, are you seeing the same.
We are not on a meter, there has only ever been the two of us here, our usage habits haven't changed yet we are now paying DOUBLE what we were 5 years ago.
Using the Bank of Englands inflation calculator we should be paying £392.68, but we're paying £239.29 more than that.
Either Thames Water were undercharging us in 2021-2022 or they are over charging us now, which is it, incompetence or a monopoly driving excessive profit?
The shareholders in a private business are there to both take a dividend (profit) when times are good but also to put investment back IN when they are bad. Too many are just taking and I can't see any good in the condition of the countries water supply and waste over the last five years.
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Jake your love for the songs of my youth has me in tears, memories pouring out of my eyes, music for my old ears.
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Following eighteen months immersing myself in digital photography with decent cameras, not that my iPhone was a bad photographic device, I've reached a point where I feel the need for a gallery.
This isn't so much for you rather than for me, although you are welcome to browse. Now I can constantly review, add and remove my work as I progress on the journey of discovering what I like to and what I'm good at photographing.
If you want to have a look it's here: https://davidbanes.photos/
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I try to avoid posting about political issues but I do wish more politicians would be brave enough to speak out as Holly Cairns did on Israel recently. To my friends from that part of the world or with heritage from either side, I feel your pain, on both sides.
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I took the opportunity to get a few photos of the High Street at West Wycombe whilst it was car free this morning!
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Cookham Weir. The first in a series of black and white 30 second video clips.
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