Constantly daydreaming about Harry Styles :):Masterlist
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daydreaminharry · 3 years ago
Divorced Harry and Y/N
Famous Harry and Y/n
“Daddy!!!” your two children, Theo and Ezra, yell while running up to their dad, entering his home, with you following close behind
“Hi my babies, I’ve missed you so much”, Harry says while welcoming them into his embrace, pecking kisses all over their faces.
“Missed you so much too daddy” Ezra chirps
“No! I missed daddy more” Theo promptly says, shoving his litter brother out of the way
“Okay guys, break it up, no fighting” you butt in, avoiding a fight from bursting out. “Give mommy a kiss before I leave”, you say crouching down to their level. They both quickly give you a kiss on the cheek, before running off into the living to go play.
“Y/N, it’s good to see you, looking as hot as ever. Have you been working out, your ass looks great” you ex-husband tells you, with that famous smirk of his.
Rolling your eyes, you start to make your way out of his house. “Oh shut up you perv”.
“Oh c’mon darling, we both know you love the attention”
“You know-“ you start, turning back around, “how would, oh darn what’s her name her name again, god I keep forgetting” you say with fake pity
“Sydney,” Harry utters
“Oh right Sydney!”, you mockingly rejoice, “how would Sydney feel, if she knew that her very own boyfriend was checking out other women, hmm?”
“Doesn’t count”
Stepping closer, faces merely inches apart, “and why’s that ?”
“Simple. Your the mother of my kids, the first love of my life, got a great ass, and she’s got nothing on you, and you know for a fact that I would take you back anytime that you ask ”
“You had your chance, and I’ve got a boyfriend”
“Yeah darling, I’ve seen paparazzi photos. Got quiet a charity case on your hands. It’s quite pathetic. Bet he doesn’t even fuck your properly”
“Like you were any good” you state , knowing damn well he’s probably the only person to have ever given you a proper orgasm. 
Grabbing your chin and tilting your face up, “Oh sweetheart”, he says condescendingly, “we both know I had you in tears.”
“I’m an oscar nominated actress , I was acting” you lie through your teeth, shoving his arm away from you
“Say whatever that helps you sleep at night darling”. Forcing you against a wall, he leans down to your ear , causing your breathing to get heavier, and whispers “but how would that boyfriend of yours feel when he notices how needy and pathetic you get every time I’m around.”
“Oh fuck off I’m leaving” you snapped, shoving him away from you, and storming out of the house, making your way to your car
“feel free to come by anytime you need a good fuck y/n” he shouts while laughing from the door.
Flipping him off, you enter your car, heart pounding in your chest. Driving off, you can’t help but replay the conversation in your head a thousand times.
AN: hope you liked it :) got this idea in the middle of the night, so it’s kinda short. Any ideas,requests, feedback, and comments are welcomed !
Also, I’m really bad at coming up with titles for blurbs, so any ideas please don’t be afraid to share and drop it my inbox !
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daydreaminharry · 3 years ago
Divorced Harry and Y/N
Famous Harry and Y/n
“Daddy!!!” your two children, Theo and Ezra, yell while running up to their dad, entering his home, with you following close behind
“Hi my babies, I’ve missed you so much”, Harry says while welcoming them into his embrace, pecking kisses all over their faces.
“Missed you so much too daddy” Ezra chirps
“No! I missed daddy more” Theo promptly says, shoving his litter brother out of the way
“Okay guys, break it up, no fighting” you butt in, avoiding a fight from bursting out. “Give mommy a kiss before I leave”, you say crouching down to their level. They both quickly give you a kiss on the cheek, before running off into the living to go play.
“Y/N, it’s good to see you, looking as hot as ever. Have you been working out, your ass looks great” you ex-husband tells you, with that famous smirk of his.
Rolling your eyes, you start to make your way out of his house. “Oh shut up you perv”.
“Oh c’mon darling, we both know you love the attention”
“You know-“ you start, turning back around, “how would, oh darn what’s her name her name again, god I keep forgetting” you say with fake pity
“Sydney,” Harry utters
“Oh right Sydney!”, you mockingly rejoice, “how would Sydney feel, if she knew that her very own boyfriend was checking out other women, hmm?”
“Doesn’t count”
Stepping closer, faces merely inches apart, “and why’s that ?”
“Simple. Your the mother of my kids, the first love of my life, got a great ass, and she’s got nothing on you, and you know for a fact that I would take you back anytime that you ask ”
“You had your chance, and I’ve got a boyfriend”
“Yeah darling, I’ve seen paparazzi photos. Got quiet a charity case on your hands. It’s quite pathetic. Bet he doesn’t even fuck your properly”
“Like you were any good” you state , knowing damn well he’s probably the only person to have ever given you a proper orgasm. 
Grabbing your chin and tilting your face up, “Oh sweetheart”, he says condescendingly, “we both know I had you in tears.”
“I’m an oscar nominated actress , I was acting” you lie through your teeth, shoving his arm away from you
“Say whatever that helps you sleep at night darling”. Forcing you against a wall, he leans down to your ear , causing your breathing to get heavier, and whispers “but how would that boyfriend of yours feel when he notices how needy and pathetic you get every time I’m around.”
“Oh fuck off I’m leaving” you snapped, shoving him away from you, and storming out of the house, making your way to your car
“feel free to come by anytime you need a good fuck y/n” he shouts while laughing from the door.
Flipping him off, you enter your car, heart pounding in your chest. Driving off, you can’t help but replay the conversation in your head a thousand times.
AN: hope you liked it :) got this idea in the middle of the night, so it’s kinda short. Any ideas,requests, feedback, and comments are welcomed !
Also, I’m really bad at coming up with titles for blurbs, so any ideas please don’t be afraid to share and drop it my inbox !
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daydreaminharry · 3 years ago
what about a fic about subby reader feeling anxious and harry comforting her ?
AN: i know the request said subby reader but i decided to just write reader as being needy for comfort. so its not necessarily the reader being subby but you might could interrupt it that way i guess. anyways, hope you enjoy. please give me feedback, who ever requested this!!!!
This story contains: PURE FLUFF
{ husband!harry- no kids - soft!harry - any harry era }
word count: 968
You interrupt Harry's nightly reading by crawling into his lap and end up falling asleep from his soothing reading voice.
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Harry's in bed reading one of his many books before sleep like he does every night. Its something that helps his mind shut off from the madness of the world we currently live in. He has some lavender tea on his bedside table and his reading glasses propped on the bridge of his pointy nose.
You're downstairs in your office doing some work on your computer. You usually allowed Harry time to read alone before bed because you know how important his nightly reading truly is to him. Some nights its easy to let him be and not bother him and other nights its not so easy. Like tonight.
Trying to focus on your computer screen has become a struggle. Your heart rate has quickened for no reason at all and it feels like bricks are laid upon your chest. All this lets you know you're having anxiety. Why, you're unsure. Your anxiety tends to come in waves and random waves at that. So you never really know when you'll feel anxious or not.
You really try and stay put, not wanting to disturb your husband but eventually you can't take it anymore. You need comfort. The warm touch of Harry's cozy body. The smell of him to engulf your nose and the gentle touch he brings in times of uneasiness.
So you shut down your computer monitor and make your way up the stairs and to your bedroom. You notice a cool draft in your large house as you're walking, hitting the bare skin of your legs due to the shorts you're wearing. Then finally you make it to your bedroom door.
You slowly turn the knob of the bedroom door and instantly you're hit with the warm smell of Harry's lavender tea and the low hues of the room itself. Harry looks up from the pages of his book and smiles at your entrance. "You alright, m'love?" he questions softly.
Instead of replying back, you quietly make your way over to Harry's side of the bed and gently peel back the duvet, revealing his bare legs. (only in underwear and a t-shirt) Harry looks at you funny, wondering what in the world you're doing, but he's quick to get an answer when you hop up on the mattress and maneuver into his lap.
You pay no mind to the book in his hands and settle into his lap. Your legs bent by his sides as he's sat up against the headboard and your chest pressed against his. You lay your head on his shoulder and wrap your arms around his back, between him and his pillows. Harry's unsure of what to do or say honestly. Not that he's uncomfortable with your sudden neediness but more so confused as to what brought it on.
Knowing you owe him somewhat of an explanation, you mumble into the warm skin of his neck, "Was just feeling a bit anxious while working and needed your comfort s'all."
Harry signs sadly before asking in a whispered tone, "Want to go to sleep then or do you want me to finish my read and you lay like you are? Don't mind either way."
"Keep reading please. It's comforting to me. But can you read out loud and in your soft spoken voice that always puts me to sleep?" you answer tiredly. Just being in his hold has your eyes drooping and sleep threatening to take over.
"Course, m'love." Harry coos and settles back into the bed with your body kola bear hugging him. His arms are draped around your back and his chin rests on your shoulder. He pushes his glasses up some on his face and finds where he left off in his book. Then he begins reading again.
The words drip off his tongue like sweet honey. Each vowel sound that rolls off his tongue collects another z to add to your collection as your brain starts shutting down. You feel his hot, minty and lavender scented breath hit the skin on your shoulder. His steady heartbeat can be felt from his chest to yours and it washes away all the anxiety you once had.
Eventually Harry's eyes begin to burn as sleep craves dominance in his brain. The words on the paper pages start running together and that's when he knows its time to put his book away and go to sleep. As he's doing so, he realizes you're long gone into dreamland. Your once tight hold on his back has loosened and your body muscles have gone lax in his lap.
He smiles at the scene. Having his beautiful wife asleep in his lap, safe and peaceful is all he could ever want. Harry's not thinking about sex right now. He's not thinking about how you're sitting on his crotch and he's got a semi-hard tucked away in his boxers. All he's thinking about is how grateful he is he married you and how he's so lucky to have you called his wife.
Harry sets the book down on the bedside table along with his glasses and picks up the tea cup, bring it to his lips. He takes a few sips to finish the cup off and puts it back down before reaching for the lamp string to turn it off. Once the lamp that once lite up the room in a dull glow is off, Harry wraps his arms securely around your back and scoots down in the bed.
When he's basically laying flat, Harry pulls the heavy and warm duvet over your bodies and carefully turns on his side. Your body is still attached to his chest but just sideways now, facing each other. With you all safe and secure in his arms, Harry allows his eyes to flutter shut and he too falls into a well needed slumber.
tag list: @one-sweet-gubler // @harryscherrysugar // @evanjh // @harryhoney-bee // @lollypopsx // @harrycanyonmoonn // @elenagilbert01 // @bohogothic // @damnasstyles // @mrsstylesthings // @peaceandloverry // @softmullet // @meetmyblondemuffins // @thegirlnextdoorssister // @stanleystyles // @haarrrys // @michellekstyles // @wherethehellhaveyoubeenharry // @stallrry // @skyangel57 // @harry-is-my-little-spoon // @the-gardener-31 // @harryspumkinloveslonghairstyles // @gublerscherry // @yousunshine-youtemptress // @clairestylessss // @kissmyaxe140 // @goldenmelonsugar-hi // @kaitieskidmore1 // @florencepughily // @alienorknight
let me know if you'd like to be added on my tag list in my next post by telling me HERE (let me know if i forgot to add you)
Masterlist (regular smut, fluff & sicfics)
My Favorite Harry Styles Fics MASTERLIST
Harry Styles Series - One Shots & Blurbs Masterlist
Harry Styles blurbs, concepts, & short stories Masterlist- (short writing with little to no dialog)
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daydreaminharry · 3 years ago
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Divorce Harry and y/n
Jimmy Fallon
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daydreaminharry · 3 years ago
Ohhhh…exhibitionism….yaassss! A balcony or a dark alley in italy always makes me 💦 or maybe a canyon bonfire night with friends and you sneak off or everyone is napping around the fire…maybe there was mushrooms involved so you have slow sex right there. I’ll stop. I’m revealing myself.
NO WAIT WAIT AN ALLEY IN ITALY HOLD ON… U MAY BE ON TO SOMETHING!!! All of them are good suggestions but…
“Love to hear your pretty whines, but if y’don’t want to be caught…” his mouth ghosts your ear. “Suggest you quiet down.”
It was that suggestion that had you shuddering in his arms. Leg draped around his waist and your dress pushed up, his cock through his pants while he thrusts into your wet cunt over and over again. A bit tipsy with the both of you and incredibly in love, your first trip together and you ended up being fucked in the alley.
“Mm… or, you like that.” His tone was one of slight surprise but mostly lust, his mouth covering yours as he gives you a punishing kiss that leaves your lips wetter than before when he pulls back. “Is that right? You like the idea of being caught?” His growl had you caving, nodding against his head.
You’d never tried to explore this before, never knew it would be an option but when you met Harry you’d found a match in him. Your nails dug into his shoulders as you leaned your head back against the wall, the deep thrusts making you whimper each and every time. It felt so good being filled up to the brim, especially hearing the commotion not too far away. You just couldn’t help yourself.
You never expected, however, to actually be caught. Gasping as you look to the side and see a flushed pair of women around your age wide eyed. There was no hiding what you were doing. His attention turned to the left, looking where you were but he didn’t stop. Instead, he got the most sexy, lazy smirk you’d ever seen as he thrusted harder.
“H-Harry!” You choked out a moan as your body arched into him, making him hum in approval. “That’s right, baby. Say my name. Let them know who’s fuckin’ you good.” Lips smearing against your cheek as you cant look away, mumbling filth as you got exponentially more slick around him.
“Can’t believe s’Turning you on, my filthy girl. Like having people see you being fucked? Filled up by me? Makes you so fuckin’ wet, little pussy is dripping.” He panted. When you went to turn to look away, he stopped you. Pressing your face further against the wall as his speed increased.
“Nuh-uh. No. Love you this wet. Look at them… they’re watching you get the fuck they wish they could have. Can’t keep my hands off of you. Could walk away but they’re staring at you. Jealous.” He grinned wickedly against her cheek, kissing the heated skin. “Moan for me.” He cooed.
When you didn’t immediately follow, he thrust in deep. A startled moan left your mouth despite trying to keep quiet, unable to silence yourself. Harry, fuck, fuck, cant… all leaving your mouth as your fingers tangled in his hair and tugged. A noise you never heard left his own, and you were a wreck.
“You’re gonna cum? What a dirty, dirty little slut. Only for me. Let them watch… but know you’re only gonna cum f’me. Know they’re gonna go home and rub themselves to the thought of this. Of us. And only you get to feel my cock. Get my cum.” He snarled, turning back to smirk at the women as his pace quickened. “Go on. Let them see.”
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daydreaminharry · 3 years ago
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y/n dosing off under the DUVET during break (mv sneak peak special)
(a little fluffy blurb coming your way my loves)
“…we should probably try out the pink scarf- ”
“Harry! psstpspst, hey, follow me…”
The sun was a little too warm today, beams jumping from the shiny gates of the Buckingham Palace, where Harry was currently shooting a music video for his new song, DUVET. People were excited for the new mv, not only because it meant new music was coming sooner than later now, but more because of a special appearance in the video. After a lot of persistent from Harry and his team, y/n had agreed to appear in Harry’s new music video for a song which detailed their little tender moments, that took place in the soft covers of their London bedroom. It was a peak into the cute life Harry and y/n had carefully woven in their love-nest, which they kept tucked under their duvet, safe and away from prying eyes. Harry was busy discussing his costume for the next shot with Harris, when Lambert interrupted them in a hushed voice, and asked him to follow, which left Harry confused.
“Everything okay? weren’t you with y/n?” Wasn’t he supposed to help y/n through her next costume change? Is everything okay?
“…everything’s fine H, just follow me, there’s something you gotta see”
Harry usually got nervous when it came to his y/n, and her safety because he knew she suffered from anxiety. He always tried to keep things as homely and comfortable for her as possible, he even brought a knitted throw her mum had made for their home for the video so she’d have something to comfort her. He made sure she was never caught in any situation that made her feel uncomfortable. His mind was racing with fear and panic as he quietly followed Lambert out of the tent as they made their way to the bed setup. His breathing was picking up from the fear of seeing y/n hurt, or passed out from an anxiety attack. Whenever Harry fussed over her, y/n always said “…you’re such a pessimist sometimes” , to which he always responded with “…just worry about m’pet a lot”, which made her smother him with slobbery kisses all over his giggling face.
Despite all the worry, the sight he was met with when they approached the bed made his heart squeal, jump out of his chest, and land straight into the same duvet that y/n was under, dozing off in the warm sun like a cute little puppy. He cooed at her from where he was standing, soft cheek smushed into the pillow as the warm breeze ruffled her soft curls. Gosh, she was so precious to him, his angel. He looked at Lambert, who watched him looking at her with a smile, before leaning forward and pressing a feathery kiss to her warm cheek, whispering “m’bunny” into her ear as he brushed some stray hair which were falling onto her eyes. Maybe for someone else it might have been unprofessional, but to Harry, watching his exhausted little baby crash on their cute little set, under a dozen blankets literally made his heart grow ten sizes, making him want to pick her up and snuggle the fuck out of her, and never let go.
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daydreaminharry · 3 years ago
Divorced Harry and Y/N
Famous Harry and Y/n
“Daddy!!!” your two children, Theo and Ezra, yell while running up to their dad, entering his home, with you following close behind
“Hi my babies, I’ve missed you so much”, Harry says while welcoming them into his embrace, pecking kisses all over their faces.
“Missed you so much too daddy” Ezra chirps
“No! I missed daddy more” Theo promptly says, shoving his litter brother out of the way
“Okay guys, break it up, no fighting” you butt in, avoiding a fight from bursting out. “Give mommy a kiss before I leave”, you say crouching down to their level. They both quickly give you a kiss on the cheek, before running off into the living to go play.
“Y/N, it’s good to see you, looking as hot as ever. Have you been working out, your ass looks great” you ex-husband tells you, with that famous smirk of his.
Rolling your eyes, you start to make your way out of his house. “Oh shut up you perv”.
“Oh c’mon darling, we both know you love the attention”
“You know-“ you start, turning back around, “how would, oh darn what’s her name her name again, god I keep forgetting” you say with fake pity
“Sydney,” Harry utters
“Oh right Sydney!”, you mockingly rejoice, “how would Sydney feel, if she knew that her very own boyfriend was checking out other women, hmm?”
“Doesn’t count”
Stepping closer, faces merely inches apart, “and why’s that ?”
“Simple. Your the mother of my kids, the first love of my life, got a great ass, and she’s got nothing on you, and you know for a fact that I would take you back anytime that you ask ”
“You had your chance, and I’ve got a boyfriend”
“Yeah darling, I’ve seen paparazzi photos. Got quiet a charity case on your hands. It’s quite pathetic. Bet he doesn’t even fuck your properly”
“Like you were any good” you state , knowing damn well he’s probably the only person to have ever given you a proper orgasm. 
Grabbing your chin and tilting your face up, “Oh sweetheart”, he says condescendingly, “we both know I had you in tears.”
“I’m an oscar nominated actress , I was acting” you lie through your teeth, shoving his arm away from you
“Say whatever that helps you sleep at night darling”. Forcing you against a wall, he leans down to your ear , causing your breathing to get heavier, and whispers “but how would that boyfriend of yours feel when he notices how needy and pathetic you get every time I’m around.”
“Oh fuck off I’m leaving” you snapped, shoving him away from you, and storming out of the house, making your way to your car
“feel free to come by anytime you need a good fuck y/n” he shouts while laughing from the door.
Flipping him off, you enter your car, heart pounding in your chest. Driving off, you can’t help but replay the conversation in your head a thousand times.
AN: hope you liked it :) got this idea in the middle of the night, so it’s kinda short. Any ideas,requests, feedback, and comments are welcomed !
Also, I’m really bad at coming up with titles for blurbs, so any ideas please don’t be afraid to share and drop it my inbox !
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daydreaminharry · 3 years ago
Divorced Harry and Y/N
Famous Harry and Y/n
“Daddy!!!” your two children, Theo and Ezra, yell while running up to their dad, entering his home, with you following close behind
“Hi my babies, I’ve missed you so much”, Harry says while welcoming them into his embrace, pecking kisses all over their faces.
“Missed you so much too daddy” Ezra chirps
“No! I missed daddy more” Theo promptly says, shoving his litter brother out of the way
“Okay guys, break it up, no fighting” you butt in, avoiding a fight from bursting out. “Give mommy a kiss before I leave”, you say crouching down to their level. They both quickly give you a kiss on the cheek, before running off into the living to go play.
“Y/N, it’s good to see you, looking as hot as ever. Have you been working out, your ass looks great” you ex-husband tells you, with that famous smirk of his.
Rolling your eyes, you start to make your way out of his house. “Oh shut up you perv”.
“Oh c’mon darling, we both know you love the attention”
“You know-“ you start, turning back around, “how would, oh darn what’s her name her name again, god I keep forgetting” you say with fake pity
“Sydney,” Harry utters
“Oh right Sydney!”, you mockingly rejoice, “how would Sydney feel, if she knew that her very own boyfriend was checking out other women, hmm?”
“Doesn’t count”
Stepping closer, faces merely inches apart, “and why’s that ?”
“Simple. Your the mother of my kids, the first love of my life, got a great ass, and she’s got nothing on you, and you know for a fact that I would take you back anytime that you ask ”
“You had your chance, and I’ve got a boyfriend”
“Yeah darling, I’ve seen paparazzi photos. Got quiet a charity case on your hands. It’s quite pathetic. Bet he doesn’t even fuck your properly”
“Like you were any good” you state , knowing damn well he’s probably the only person to have ever given you a proper orgasm. 
Grabbing your chin and tilting your face up, “Oh sweetheart”, he says condescendingly, “we both know I had you in tears.”
“I’m an oscar nominated actress , I was acting” you lie through your teeth, shoving his arm away from you
“Say whatever that helps you sleep at night darling”. Forcing you against a wall, he leans down to your ear , causing your breathing to get heavier, and whispers “but how would that boyfriend of yours feel when he notices how needy and pathetic you get every time I’m around.”
“Oh fuck off I’m leaving” you snapped, shoving him away from you, and storming out of the house, making your way to your car
“feel free to come by anytime you need a good fuck y/n” he shouts while laughing from the door.
Flipping him off, you enter your car, heart pounding in your chest. Driving off, you can’t help but replay the conversation in your head a thousand times.
AN: hope you liked it :) got this idea in the middle of the night, so it’s kinda short. Any ideas,requests, feedback, and comments are welcomed !
Also, I’m really bad at coming up with titles for blurbs, so any ideas please don’t be afraid to share and drop it my inbox !
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daydreaminharry · 3 years ago
Divorced Harry and Y/N
Famous Harry and Y/n
“Daddy!!!” your two children, Theo and Ezra, yell while running up to their dad, entering his home, with you following close behind
“Hi my babies, I’ve missed you so much”, Harry says while welcoming them into his embrace, pecking kisses all over their faces.
“Missed you so much too daddy” Ezra chirps
“No! I missed daddy more” Theo promptly says, shoving his litter brother out of the way
“Okay guys, break it up, no fighting” you butt in, avoiding a fight from bursting out. “Give mommy a kiss before I leave”, you say crouching down to their level. They both quickly give you a kiss on the cheek, before running off into the living to go play.
“Y/N, it’s good to see you, looking as hot as ever. Have you been working out, your ass looks great” you ex-husband tells you, with that famous smirk of his.
Rolling your eyes, you start to make your way out of his house. “Oh shut up you perv”.
“Oh c’mon darling, we both know you love the attention”
“You know-“ you start, turning back around, “how would, oh darn what’s her name her name again, god I keep forgetting” you say with fake pity
“Sydney,” Harry utters
“Oh right Sydney!”, you mockingly rejoice, “how would Sydney feel, if she knew that her very own boyfriend was checking out other women, hmm?”
“Doesn’t count”
Stepping closer, faces merely inches apart, “and why’s that ?”
“Simple. Your the mother of my kids, the first love of my life, got a great ass, and she’s got nothing on you, and you know for a fact that I would take you back anytime that you ask ”
“You had your chance, and I’ve got a boyfriend”
“Yeah darling, I’ve seen paparazzi photos. Got quiet a charity case on your hands. It’s quite pathetic. Bet he doesn’t even fuck your properly”
“Like you were any good” you state , knowing damn well he’s probably the only person to have ever given you a proper orgasm. 
Grabbing your chin and tilting your face up, “Oh sweetheart”, he says condescendingly, “we both know I had you in tears.”
“I’m an oscar nominated actress , I was acting” you lie through your teeth, shoving his arm away from you
“Say whatever that helps you sleep at night darling”. Forcing you against a wall, he leans down to your ear , causing your breathing to get heavier, and whispers “but how would that boyfriend of yours feel when he notices how needy and pathetic you get every time I’m around.”
“Oh fuck off I’m leaving” you snapped, shoving him away from you, and storming out of the house, making your way to your car
“feel free to come by anytime you need a good fuck y/n” he shouts while laughing from the door.
Flipping him off, you enter your car, heart pounding in your chest. Driving off, you can’t help but replay the conversation in your head a thousand times.
AN: hope you liked it :) got this idea in the middle of the night, so it’s kinda short. Any ideas,requests, feedback, and comments are welcomed !
Also, I’m really bad at coming up with titles for blurbs, so any ideas please don’t be afraid to share and drop it my inbox !
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daydreaminharry · 3 years ago
Jimmy Fallon
“Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome the very talented and charming Y/N L/N”
As you hear your que, you enter the stage, making your way over to Jimmy Fallon while smiling and waving to the audience, and start to sit comfortably on the chair. Being the highest paid actress and model, you were currently at the top of your career, and at Fallon to promote your new movie and talk about other projects.
“It is so great to see you, you look fantastic tonight, welcome to the show” Jimmy beamed .
“It's a pleasure to be here, thank you so much,” you grinned
So before we get into anything”-grabbing two paddles from underneath his desk- “I want to play a quick game of ‘Never Have I Ever.”
“Yeah, sure, that sounds fun,” you said as Jimmy handed your paddle to you.
Bringing out a stack of cards, Jimmy reads “ never have I ever dated a coworker.”
“I have a rule” - you exclaim as you turn your paddle to ‘I have never”, “things would just get too complicated and weird, and then you would have to spend months together pretending everything normal, and it just makes everything awkward” you explain.
“Really never!” Jimmy questions. “If I was in the same room as Robert Pattison, I would jump his bones that instant,” Jimmy jokes
“Yep, never have” you giggled, “Plus” -shrugging your shoulder - “I’m too good for him anyways”, you joked getting a loud laughter from Jimmy and the rest of the studio in response.
Clearing out his throat and pulling out the next card, a small laugh leaves Jimmy has he reads “never have I ever admitted to be in love with Harry Styles after getting your wisdom teeth removed”
“Oh my god” you gasped, “This is not happening right now”, you said while covering your face.
“Your mother was very kind to email me a video of a 16 year old y/n post wisdom teeth removal surge. Take a look” Jimmy chuckled while pointing to the screen
You were currently backseat on your way home after your wisdom teeth removal surgery, pumped full of drugs, making you feel loopy and saying whatever came to your mind.
“Mommmm” you sobbed, “where’s Harry”
“Who's Harry sweetheart” your mom asked behind the camera
“Harry Styles…who else would I be talking about”
“Harry is probably in London, he has other things to do honey” your mom laughed, which caused you to cry even more.
“Well he should be here…because he’s the love of my life” you stated matter of factly. “See, he’s even the wallpaper on my phone,” you said while showing your phone to the camera, “look he’s the pretties person ever, looks like a freaking prince”
“Oh wow sweetheart, that’s definitely true love right their” your mom laughs
“I know right! He literally owns my heart”
Oh if thats the case, , he should definitely be here then, I’ll give him a call ” your mom jokes, ending the video.
Present Day
“Oh my god my mother is not allowed near a camera ever again!” you laugh, embarrassed that everyone just saw that video. “In my defense, I was 16, and who didn’t like Harry Styles back in 2014”
“Well I’m a 40 year old man, and I’ve got to admit that I would drop everything for Harry Styles” Jimmy jokes, making you laugh in return.
A fews days after your interview aired, you received a text message from an unknown number.
So I’m the love of your life eh?
Knowing that you should probably not respond, your curiosity got the better of
Um, who is this?
Well if I’m quoting this correctly,
I’m “the prettiest person ever”. Some
Might say i look like a “freaking prince”
omg , I’m going to kill myself
Hi Harry. I’m so embarrassed
right now
Don’t be darling. I am quite
flattered. We should meet up
We totally should.
How about coffee?
Breaking News: Sing of the Times Singer Harry Styles and Y/N L/N fuel dating rumors after LA outing
On this new roundup of new celebrities couples, Y/N L/N and Harry Styles we’re seen together yesterday morning in LA. The two decided to keep it casual while grabbing coffee . The both of them seemed to being getting along well as Y/N couldn’t get a smile off her face. Could have Y/N’s admission of being in love with Harry Styes caused him to contact her?
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254 notes · View notes
daydreaminharry · 3 years ago
Jimmy Fallon
“Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome the very talented and charming Y/N L/N”
As you hear your que, you enter the stage, making your way over to Jimmy Fallon while smiling and waving to the audience, and start to sit comfortably on the chair. Being the highest paid actress and model, you were currently at the top of your career, and at Fallon to promote your new movie and talk about other projects.
“It is so great to see you, you look fantastic tonight, welcome to the show” Jimmy beamed .
“It's a pleasure to be here, thank you so much,” you grinned
So before we get into anything”-grabbing two paddles from underneath his desk- “I want to play a quick game of ‘Never Have I Ever.”
“Yeah, sure, that sounds fun,” you said as Jimmy handed your paddle to you.
Bringing out a stack of cards, Jimmy reads “ never have I ever dated a coworker.”
“I have a rule” - you exclaim as you turn your paddle to ‘I have never”, “things would just get too complicated and weird, and then you would have to spend months together pretending everything normal, and it just makes everything awkward” you explain.
“Really never!” Jimmy questions. “If I was in the same room as Robert Pattison, I would jump his bones that instant,” Jimmy jokes
“Yep, never have” you giggled, “Plus” -shrugging your shoulder - “I’m too good for him anyways”, you joked getting a loud laughter from Jimmy and the rest of the studio in response.
Clearing out his throat and pulling out the next card, a small laugh leaves Jimmy has he reads “never have I ever admitted to be in love with Harry Styles after getting your wisdom teeth removed”
“Oh my god” you gasped, “This is not happening right now”, you said while covering your face.
“Your mother was very kind to email me a video of a 16 year old y/n post wisdom teeth removal surge. Take a look” Jimmy chuckled while pointing to the screen
You were currently backseat on your way home after your wisdom teeth removal surgery, pumped full of drugs, making you feel loopy and saying whatever came to your mind.
“Mommmm” you sobbed, “where’s Harry”
“Who's Harry sweetheart” your mom asked behind the camera
“Harry Styles…who else would I be talking about”
“Harry is probably in London, he has other things to do honey” your mom laughed, which caused you to cry even more.
“Well he should be here…because he’s the love of my life” you stated matter of factly. “See, he’s even the wallpaper on my phone,” you said while showing your phone to the camera, “look he’s the pretties person ever, looks like a freaking prince”
“Oh wow sweetheart, that’s definitely true love right their” your mom laughs
“I know right! He literally owns my heart”
Oh if thats the case, , he should definitely be here then, I’ll give him a call ” your mom jokes, ending the video.
Present Day
“Oh my god my mother is not allowed near a camera ever again!” you laugh, embarrassed that everyone just saw that video. “In my defense, I was 16, and who didn’t like Harry Styles back in 2014”
“Well I’m a 40 year old man, and I’ve got to admit that I would drop everything for Harry Styles” Jimmy jokes, making you laugh in return.
A fews days after your interview aired, you received a text message from an unknown number.
So I’m the love of your life eh?
Knowing that you should probably not respond, your curiosity got the better of
Um, who is this?
Well if I’m quoting this correctly,
I’m “the prettiest person ever”. Some
Might say i look like a “freaking prince”
omg , I’m going to kill myself
Hi Harry. I’m so embarrassed
right now
Don’t be darling. I am quite
flattered. We should meet up
We totally should.
How about coffee?
Breaking News: Sing of the Times Singer Harry Styles and Y/N L/N fuel dating rumors after LA outing
On this new roundup of new celebrities couples, Y/N L/N and Harry Styles we’re seen together yesterday morning in LA. The two decided to keep it casual while grabbing coffee in LA. The both of them seemed to being getting along well as Y/N couldn’t get a smile off her face. Could have Y/N’s admission of being in love with Harry Styes caused him to contact her?
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254 notes · View notes
daydreaminharry · 3 years ago
Jimmy Fallon
“Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome the very talented and charming Y/N L/N”
As you hear your que, you enter the stage, making your way over to Jimmy Fallon while smiling and waving to the audience, and start to sit comfortably on the chair. Being the highest paid actress and model, you were currently at the top of your career, and at Fallon to promote your new movie and talk about other projects.
“It is so great to see you, you look fantastic tonight, welcome to the show” Jimmy beamed .
“It's a pleasure to be here, thank you so much,” you grinned
So before we get into anything”-grabbing two paddles from underneath his desk- “I want to play a quick game of ‘Never Have I Ever.”
“Yeah, sure, that sounds fun,” you said as Jimmy handed your paddle to you.
Bringing out a stack of cards, Jimmy reads “ never have I ever dated a coworker.”
“I have a rule” - you exclaim as you turn your paddle to ‘I have never”, “things would just get too complicated and weird, and then you would have to spend months together pretending everything normal, and it just makes everything awkward” you explain.
“Really never!” Jimmy questions. “If I was in the same room as Robert Pattison, I would jump his bones that instant,” Jimmy jokes
“Yep, never have” you giggled, “Plus” -shrugging your shoulder - “I’m too good for him anyways”, you joked getting a loud laughter from Jimmy and the rest of the studio in response.
Clearing out his throat and pulling out the next card, a small laugh leaves Jimmy has he reads “never have I ever admitted to be in love with Harry Styles after getting your wisdom teeth removed”
“Oh my god” you gasped, “This is not happening right now”, you said while covering your face.
“Your mother was very kind to email me a video of a 16 year old y/n post wisdom teeth removal surge. Take a look” Jimmy chuckled while pointing to the screen
You were currently backseat on your way home after your wisdom teeth removal surgery, pumped full of drugs, making you feel loopy and saying whatever came to your mind.
“Mommmm” you sobbed, “where’s Harry”
“Who's Harry sweetheart” your mom asked behind the camera
“Harry Styles…who else would I be talking about”
“Harry is probably in London, he has other things to do honey” your mom laughed, which caused you to cry even more.
“Well he should be here…because he’s the love of my life” you stated matter of factly. “See, he’s even the wallpaper on my phone,” you said while showing your phone to the camera, “look he’s the pretties person ever, looks like a freaking prince”
“Oh wow sweetheart, that’s definitely true love right their” your mom laughs
“I know right! He literally owns my heart”
Oh if thats the case, , he should definitely be here then, I’ll give him a call ” your mom jokes, ending the video.
Present Day
“Oh my god my mother is not allowed near a camera ever again!” you laugh, embarrassed that everyone just saw that video. “In my defense, I was 16, and who didn’t like Harry Styles back in 2014”
“Well I’m a 40 year old man, and I’ve got to admit that I would drop everything for Harry Styles” Jimmy jokes, making you laugh in return.
A fews days after your interview aired, you received a text message from an unknown number.
So I’m the love of your life eh?
Knowing that you should probably not respond, your curiosity got the better of
Um, who is this?
Well if I’m quoting this correctly,
I’m “the prettiest person ever”. Some
Might say i look like a “freaking prince”
omg , I’m going to kill myself
Hi Harry. I’m so embarrassed
right now
Don’t be darling. I am quite
flattered. We should meet up
We totally should.
How about coffee?
Breaking News: Sing of the Times Singer Harry Styles and Y/N L/N fuel dating rumors after LA outing
On this new roundup of new celebrities couples, Y/N L/N and Harry Styles we’re seen together yesterday morning in LA. The two decided to keep it casual while grabbing coffee . The both of them seemed to being getting along well as Y/N couldn’t get a smile off her face. Could have Y/N’s admission of being in love with Harry Styes caused him to contact her?
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254 notes · View notes