everything will be alright
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allison/micky // 23 // usa // she/they // icon by bananagreste // was cottagehowell
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daydreamhowell · 3 hours ago
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daydreamhowell · 3 hours ago
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he came back from the eye doctor ready to serve CUNT!!!
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daydreamhowell · 3 hours ago
and obviously you find yourself thinking oh i do wish i could get severed to do this one thing. would you actually maybe not. but you do wish you didn't have to undergo medical procedures you do wish you didn't have to do the things that give you anxiety you do wish you didn't have to do tedious tasks that barely even require you to be present for them. it's tempting. that's why the premise works. but the premise is also that somebody has to do it. somebody has to go to the dentist and somebody has to get on that plane and somebody has to write those thank you notes. just like somebody has to clean the house and somebody has to harvest the food you eat and somebody has to make the clothes you wear. you can't eliminate inconvenience you can only delegate it. you can't eliminate suffering you can only delegate it. and always the easiest way to live with this is to see that somebody as less than. less than you less than people. and if that somebody has to wear your body to do it well maybe it's not all that different. they're not a person. you are. it's capitalism all the way down baby
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daydreamhowell · 15 hours ago
head just won best picture
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daydreamhowell · 15 hours ago
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civic duty
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daydreamhowell · 16 hours ago
me in five years when i still don’t have my life together:
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daydreamhowell · 18 hours ago
your own. personal. spongebob.
someone who can't breathe air.
someone who's square.
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daydreamhowell · 18 hours ago
Ever since I was a little girl I knew I wanted to be a bit of a little boy too
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daydreamhowell · 22 hours ago
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daydreamhowell · 1 day ago
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thhis polll is nuts to me bc in 2020 during the portland wildfires and the pre vaccine era of the pandemic, i tried to sign up for a "mutual aid n95 giveaway" list, via my twitter account, and they banned me for having an anime girl pfp (it was rakka from haibane renmei) and having a locked account (i had a job and was closeted). i messaged them like "is there any way i can appeal this?" and they said "no" because apparently my anime girl icon and locked account meant i was either "fash or a creep or both." anyway they approved my roommates so they both got n95s but didn't share them with me. because i had an anime girl icon on twitter and didn't want my boss to find out i was trans.
anyway you all are going to get people killed (mostly trans women, bc we all know who suffers the most from pedojacketing). fuck off if you voted either of the top two options
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daydreamhowell · 1 day ago
Something I don't think we talk enough about in discussions surrounding AI is the loss of perseverance.
I have a friend who works in education and he told me about how he was working with a small group of HS students to develop a new school sports chant. This was a very daunting task for the group, in large part because many had learning disabilities related to reading and writing, so coming up with a catchy, hard-hitting, probably rhyming, poetry-esque piece of collaborative writing felt like something outside of their skill range. But it wasn't! I knew that, he knew that, and he worked damn hard to convince the kids of that too. Even if the end result was terrible (by someone else's standards), we knew they had it in them to complete the piece and feel super proud of their creation.
Fast-forward a few days and he reports back that yes they have a chant now... but it's 99% AI. It was made by Chat-GPT. Once the kids realized they could just ask the bot to do the hard thing for them - and do it "better" than they (supposedly) ever could - that's the only route they were willing to take. It was either use Chat-GPT or don't do it at all. And I was just so devastated to hear this because Jesus Christ, struggling is important. Of course most 14-18 year olds aren't going to see the merit of that, let alone understand why that process (attempting something new and challenging) is more valuable than the end result (a "good" chant), but as adults we all have a responsibility to coach them through that messy process. Except that's become damn near impossible with an Instantly Do The Thing app in everyone's pocket. Yes, AI is fucking awful because of plagiarism and misinformation and the environmental impact, but it's also keeping people - particularly young people - from developing perseverance. It's not just important that you learn to write your own stuff because of intellectual agency, but because writing is hard and it's crucial that you learn how to persevere through doing hard things.
Write a shitty poem. Write an essay where half the textual 'evidence' doesn't track. Write an awkward as fuck email with an equally embarrassing typo. Every time you do you're not just developing that particular skill, you're also learning that you did something badly and the world didn't end. You can get through things! You can get through challenging things! Not everything in life has to be perfect but you know what? You'll only improve at the challenging stuff if you do a whole lot of it badly first. The ability to say, "I didn't think I could do that but I did it anyway. It's not great, but I did it," is SO IMPORTANT for developing confidence across the board, not just in these specific tasks.
Idk I'm just really worried about kids having to grow up in a world where (for a variety of reasons beyond just AI) they're not given the chance to struggle through new and challenging things like we used to.
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daydreamhowell · 1 day ago
Not buying anything for one (1) day is basically fucking meaningless because the American consumer isn't really a political force that can be levied in this way. Sure, the consumer economy exists and can be shown to have noticeable dents in certain industries on certain holidays (Candy suppliers on Halloween for instance), the Stock Market is a confidence game built on speculation, and is resistant to these kinds of boycotts.
What really matters is the Business Economy. Bulk orders of material, rents collected on occupied office buildings and warehouses, profit generated by surplus labor value. This is the heavy-hitter stuff. If every single shipment of say, concrete, or perhaps printer paper, got delayed for even a day, it would be chaos. If entire sectors of industry went on strike simultaneously, wall street would begin collapsing.
Amazon does not make money from you, the consumer, purchasing things, Amazon makes money from businesses using it as a supply depot, and from Amazon Web Services collecting fractions of a cent on such an unbelievable amount of web traffic that it adds up to billions of dollars.
You want a boycott that lasts? You want a boycott that hurts? Organize your fucking workplace. Sabotage your shipping and receiving department. "Accidentally" destroy crates of product. You have more power than you realize.
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daydreamhowell · 1 day ago
like people are just going to keep saying “theyre only queer because they want to be/because it gets them off/because they think it’s fun/because they saw a queer person and thought it sounded like a good idea/etc. theyre gonna keep saying it
and we are going to have to stop desperately scrambling to say noooo, they have to be like that, they have no choice, they wouldn’t be like this if they didnt have to. we HAVE to stop falling all over ourselves assuring straight people and transphobes that we hate being us as much as they hate us being us, that we are suffering and that’s why we deserve this decadence and deviancy. we HAVE to start saying “yeah ok and?”
being queer is a delight. deviant sex makes people really happy. being genderfucky is joyful. queerness CAN actually be an option you can choose, and that doesn’t make it worth less than if you only picked it with a gun to your head, because it is a good option and there are good reasons to pick it.
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daydreamhowell · 1 day ago
i remember when i was a child internet safety was like "if you even hint at the country you live in, you're gonna get kidnapped and murdered", and nowadays it is encouraged or even necessary to give corporations every single personal detail if you want to use anything because if they can't sell your information they cry so hard they throw up
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daydreamhowell · 1 day ago
I've said this before but every basic feminism 101 women's empowerment event I've ever been to has been all about telling women and girls that it's okay to speak up for ourselves, it's okay to take up space, it's okay to be strong and fast and loud and hungry and sexy and smart and good at things without feeling shame, but apparently, with the way some people talk, the second a trans woman does any of these things it's evidence of "male socialization" and needs to be called out and "corrected." like, even if this were the case, which it isn't, I think it's patently insane to believe "it looks like these women don't have as much crushing shame from a lifetime of experiencing misogyny as most other women" (<- a claim that, from my experience, is simply not true about trans women) and then follow it up with "I must Fix This by teaching them to shut up and be ashamed" instead of, like, idk "good for them, I wish this type of liberation for all other women as well."
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daydreamhowell · 1 day ago
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daydreamhowell · 1 day ago
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