daydreamerdragon · 7 years
Just the thought of you makes me want to smile
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daydreamerdragon · 7 years
I'm the kind of girlfriend that is so proud of everything you do, basically like a proud mom
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daydreamerdragon · 7 years
Sometimes I just want to say that you are mine but you are not cause you are yours I can't call you mine that's so selfish
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daydreamerdragon · 7 years
I’m not used to being loved. I wouldn’t know what to do.
F. Scott Fitzgerald (via help-n-quotes)
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daydreamerdragon · 7 years
I'm a clingy ass bitch sorry can't help it, I kinda need attention all the time
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daydreamerdragon · 7 years
It was different with you, I fell harder than ever.
Alice Leigh, writing prompt #65: write a ten-word-story (via wnq-writers)
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daydreamerdragon · 7 years
Be straight up with the ones you want. Tell them what you’re feeling, when you’re feeling, how you’re feeling.
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daydreamerdragon · 7 years
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daydreamerdragon · 7 years
When girls say “Listen, bitch” to another girl they’re likely friends, when they say “Listen, sweetie” they are definitely not friends. (source)
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daydreamerdragon · 7 years
Celebrities in 2016 died heroes. Celebrities in 2017 lived to see themselves become villains. / cr
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daydreamerdragon · 7 years
Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time. -Thomas Edison
Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time. -Thomas Edison
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daydreamerdragon · 7 years
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C'mon duck help me
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daydreamerdragon · 7 years
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daydreamerdragon · 7 years
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daydreamerdragon · 7 years
Wtf is sephora
It sounds scary
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daydreamerdragon · 7 years
“but why do we need to teach or mention asexuality in health class”
well my guy, maybe so asexual teens dont think something’s wrong w them ???
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daydreamerdragon · 7 years
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