daybreakthechains · 4 years
Ryuji Mementos Tidbits
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•ryuji likes to sing in the monabus! he'll yodel or do little songs but, he's a musical one. (mona and haru join in with his singing!)
•seems to crave soda and chips/salty food a lot
•calls his muscles 'guns'
•thinks about using his persona in class a lot and perfecting moves
•watches tv to get info but gets irritated by all the commercials
•invites joker to go shopping (yusuke will express interest in wanting to come as well)
•"hey mona, are you ticklish?"
•"you gotta have nerves of steel to sleep in here" (to ann, when she wakes up from dozing off)
•likes model guns
•ryuji likes roasted sweet potatoes
•sleeps through most of his classes
•somewhat into cycling
•wants to explore the real underground shibuya
•not huge on school trips
•wants a license
•seems to be a bit frightened of ghosts
•eats uncooked ramen
•reads manga and gets a new one weekly
•invites his friends to get beef bowls
•akechi: what say we go on the offensive?
ryuji: lEt'S gO oN tHe OfFenSiVe!
•ryuji gets sweaty in his thief outfit
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daybreakthechains · 4 years
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daybreakthechains · 4 years
presenting the headcanon
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daybreakthechains · 4 years
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a yusuke from last month
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daybreakthechains · 4 years
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Persona 5 [74/??]
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daybreakthechains · 4 years
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“Today is a rather bonkin’ day.”
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daybreakthechains · 4 years
send me a character and i’ll list:
favorite thing about them
least favorite thing about them
favorite line
random headcanon
unpopular opinion
song i associate with them
favorite picture of them
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daybreakthechains · 4 years
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Persona 5 [110/??]
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daybreakthechains · 4 years
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daybreakthechains · 4 years
New things I have picked up about Ann thanks to Mementos conversations in the 3rd semester:
•she eats sweets daily (God Ann, I feel you on a spiritual level)
•sometimes, she has nightmares that the shadows are chasing her
•she likes okonomiyaki! (this is a savory japanese pancake with cabbage and it is DELICIOUS)
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•people ask her to say things in english since she's lived overseas and she HATES it.
•ann likes to go clothing shopping in kichijoji!
•sometimes when bakeries have sales, she'll go and impulse buy everything dgfgfjk
•akechi: "i don't wanna hear about pancakes for a long long time."
ann: hey! leave the pancakes out of this. :D
•she has an overseas friend that she talks to, and her friend is described as having a "straightforward attitude", which ann finds "refreshing".
•ann still keeps in touch with shiho and according to ann herself, they can easily talk for 3 hours.
•she enjoys ramen every now and then (although sweets are still her first love)
•ann takes good care of herself ("don't worry! staying healthy is a big part of being a model")
•she's willing to let yusuke paint her now fr! (just not naked.)
•ann's relatives come to visit japan sometimes and they love the food!!
•according to ann, ryuji has actually always been into skull designs.
•ann has good tips for going to sleep (apparently it helps if your room and your bed are different temperatures)
•she likes to browse souvenir shops in asakusa!
•ann gets bothered when foreign movie subtitles leave things out or take too much liberty in translation.
•ann uses bath bombs!
•she thinks joker would be a good cook (hehehe scramble foreshadowing?? scramble foreshadowing ma'am?)
•ann also thinks that joker would be an action movie star since he's so good with the grappling hook.
•she thinks kick boxing sounds cool! (you all know what that means now im having ann learn kick boxing as self defense YEAH)
•ann LOVES the ferris wheel at theme parks and goes on it. every. single. time.
•she likes having tea with her cake as well as coffee!
•ann likes rhythm games
•she thinks parks are kind of scary at night (me too ann, me too)
•one of ann's model senpais boulders and she is curious about the sport-
•ann can do the splits! (she needs to hold onto something for balance, though)
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daybreakthechains · 4 years
Things about Ann Takamaki that I have learned from base P5 Mementos conversations-
•ann loves smoothies, especially blueberry flavor
•she gets annoyed when ryuji sings in the monabus
•sometimes she dozes off in the monabus because it's warm and the seats are soft and ann gets cozy and sleepy...
•ann likes chai latte w/soymilk and is also fond of tea and coffee, but she doesn't really like soda (she WILL drink soda if she has no other choice, though)
•she and haru made up a cheer for the team together ("t-h-i-e-v-e-s, the phantom thieves are the BEST! goooooOOOOO, PHANTOM THIEVES!")
•ann is very easily distracted while studying and tends to end up playing games instead -
•"mona what do you usually drink? milk?"
•she thinks that mementos feels very lonely
•ann thinks the stuff at the school store is mediocre
•she also thinks akechi is the kind of guy who "always drinks mineral water"- XD
•"she's crazy. reliable, but crazy." (ann, speaking of futaba)
•makoto: "we're not gonna hit a train, are we??"
ann: "hahahaha of course not! ..hands on the wheel, joker."
•ann likes watching tv shopping although she gets tempted to buy everything-
•is very supportive of yusuke starting a new hobby
•"these tunnels are so echoey!"
•"suddenly, a train!!!! hehehe just kidding-" c:
•ann likes to watch dramas
•♪we can steal it, yes we can! gooooOOOO phantom thieves!! ♪
•ann gets a little scared by the whispers of mementos
•mona: "sometimes you can hear crying here-"
•has no filter when she's tired
•"hmm i wonder where these train tracks go..."
•ryuji: "my ass itches."
ann: WHY am i still here. just to suffer?
•"they say that men look more attractive while driving-"
•makoto: hm. perhaps i should buy a punching bag.
ann: hhhh, or, or perhaps you should not? ovo;
•she would like to have a fridge in the monabus
•ann seems to have flowers but she always forgets to water them, so they shrivel up :')
•she wants to know if futaba's goggles have night vision.
•"mona how do your headlights work? how does this car run??"
•"winners don't eat wild mushrooms!"
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daybreakthechains · 4 years
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I haven’t animated for a while so...
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daybreakthechains · 4 years
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ann-imal crossing
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daybreakthechains · 4 years
It is Wednesday, my dudes.
Yusuke time!!!!
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because he has a weak stomach, yusuke often gets sick during flu season and when he tries food that doesn't agree with him.
loves studio ghibli.
doesn't understand memes. at all. ryuji will send him them to him at all unholy hours of the night and he'll just lay there in confusion.
because his persona is proficient with ice, yusuke is more resistant to the cold and heat makes him sleepy.
in the metaverse, yusuke is basically like frozone and can create ice paths and stuff!
dirty jokes make him uncomfortable and he tends to get flustered, especially if he says something that's then twisted into an innuendo.
yusuke doesn't care for most modern music, he finds it grating.
has that unsettling icy anger. unlike ryuji, who tends to explode, yusuke tends to give people he's angry with cold looks and abrupt replies. please do not provoke him when he's upset, yusuke is actually extremely dangerous when seriously angered and will not hesitate to scream at you.
despite being the youngest second year, he's the most mature of the bunch and the voice of reason. unfortunately, because yusuke can get impulsive when he's excited about things, he doesn't always help much when the team wants to be chaotic.
yusuke actually likes sweets a lot! (this is based off a lot of his best gifts in royal being desserts like matcha pudding & cake) not as much as ann, though. her love is second to none.
futaba is basically his platonic soulmate. they love each other to bits and fight like a married couple and watch dumb cartoons and yusuke criticizes everything -
the fact that a lot of people think he's weird makes yusuke a lot sadder than he lets on. he's got a lot of deep seated anger issues he hasn't dealt with (and quite frankly doesn't even really know how).
extremely touch starved! he's not used to affectionate contact and he'll get a little startled sometimes if hugged out of nowhere but he really really likes hugs and cuddling once people start showing him affection. he is kind of clingy.
gets rather incoherent late at night. he'll get super introspective and ask questions that make folk's head hurt and then get told to go sleep.
yusuke sunburns easily, so he tries to stay covered up at the beach with a hoodie or a hat (or both) to avoid getting burnt.
a very quiet sleeper. and he gets very grumpy if he's roused while he's trying to rest, please let him sleep.
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daybreakthechains · 4 years
Alright I'm in the mood to talk about Ryuji (It's Sakamoto Saturday my dudes- aaaaAAAA), so here are some personal hcs I have for him.
💀 he loves dinosaurs! the pt got him a pair of dino slippers and he hit the ceiling. he also adores dragons.
💀 in terms of cartoons and games, ryuji likes sonic, pokemon, dbz, naruto, ninja turtles, yakuza & featherman! (he actually has a featherman mask in scramble, so that's where that hc comes from) he never passes on a round of mario kart, either (he's super competitive so may god have mercy on your soul)
💀 ryuji gets attracted to people very quickly looks-wise? currently he thinks ann, haru, hifumi, shiho and mika are all cute (although after akira told him the shit mika pulled he dropped that faster than a ROCK). whether or not he'd actually pursue them though, is a different story.
💀 ryuji has dyslexia and because of this he has a really hard time reading english because a lot of the letters look similar- he also has mild adhd and it's hard for him to focus on things if he doesn't find them interesting.
💀 being the oldest of the second years, ryuji is basically the big bro chaotic enabler of the group.
💀 he's a lot more sensitive than he lets on but he doesn't like to admit it because his dad viewed it as "weak" and "girly" to cry (although thankfully after he makes friends he knows he can trust he gets comfortable in his sensitivity again). additionally, besides ann, ryuji is the most emotionally intelligent on the team and is excellent at reading people and situations (he also hates fake people because of this cuz they're not hard for him to pick out but they lead other people on.)
💀 ryuji doesn't like 'girly' things at all (finger nail polish, make up, dresses, etc) and will vehemently resist to participating in anything of the sort.
💀 he's a very light sleeper due to growing up in an abusive household and it's extremely easy to rouse him when he's dozing off (careful though, he might get to swinging if you spook him).
💀 ryuji...doesn't do horror movies. they give him night terrors.
💀 can and will go toe to toe with literally anybody IRL but is a little scared of haru in the metaverse (he knows she won't hurt him... probably. but her sadistic tendencies freak him the hell out.)
💀 ryuji isn't really fond of vegetables and avoids eating them if he can, ESPECIALLY mushrooms. he thinks they're slimy & gross and he doesn't understand how yusuke likes them so much. he's not crazy about sweets, either. my boy is all about meat, junk food; and soda.
💀 he can't dance. at all. he tries though, bless his heart.
💀 ryuji is undoubtedly a dog person! cats are okay, but he has a very soft spot for puppies.
💀 after the kamoshida arc, ryuji gets really protective of mishima and looks out for him to make sure he's okay. ryuji's got extremely high paternal instincts so he just goes papa bear around younger people.
💀 he's taller than his ma! when he's excited he'll pick her up and spin her around-
💀 as skull, ryuji's teeth actually get sharper and he exudes a slight magnetic field due to captain kidd having an affinity for electricity. tends to shock his teammates on accident occasionally. (although in akechi's case.. it's not accidental. oops.)
💀 entp (extroverted, intuition, thinking, perceiving), he thinks with his head a little more than ann does, but for the most part ryuji follows his heart.
💀 he's not fond of rain because the change in atmospheric pressure sometimes makes his leg hurt and it's harder to walk (sometimes he actually has to have support because he's in so much pain. it's bad).
💀 post-game, he starts letting his hair go back to black!
💀 becomes a sports coach when he grows up; he wants to be a good influence to younger athletes. (it's kind of taking back his bad experience with kamoshida, in a way)
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daybreakthechains · 4 years
Send some hearts to tell my muse how yours feels about them.
❤️: Wants or is in a romantic relationship with them.
💛: Loves them platonically.
💚: Is a little jealous of them.
💙: Feels pretty indifferent towards them.
💜: Finds them sexually attractive.
💖: Finds them aesthetically attractive.
💗: Finds them romantically attractive.
💞: Feels attracted to them, but can’t work out if it’s platonic, sexual, or romantic attraction they’re feeling.
💝: Looks up to them as a role model.
💓: Is intimidated by them, but wants to be friends with them.
💔: Hates their guts.
💘: Doesn’t really like them, but doesn’t flat-out hate them either.
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daybreakthechains · 4 years
Give my muse some food
Send “🍙+ a food item” to see how they’ll react to being given food!
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