dayanatrbl · 4 months
Today I decided to take on the challenge of making a prototype camera using plasticine. The idea is to make something unique that will combine the functions of an old Polaroid camera with modern technology. What if a photograph could be not only a static image, but also a playback moment?
My prototype would feature a QR code that could be scanned to view an additional ten-second video associated with the photo. This opens up the possibility for interactive stories that live around each shot, making memories even more vivid and memorable. I hope I was able to make this clear in the prototype.
The process of creating this prototype was not only fun, but also an interesting exercise in design thinking. After all, it's not just modeling an object, but exploring possibilities, innovations, and ways to improve existing solutions (it was thinking about improvements that led to the final result). In the end, my prototype may become not only a project mockup, but also a source of inspiration for creating new products and services that will help improve our lives.
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dayanatrbl · 4 months
This whole week was about prototyping, but unfortunately (and then happily), I wasn't enthusiastic and didn't really want to start the task early, so in this post I'm going to talk about how to create a friend and survive a little burnout.
Meet Yonk (little ducky) and his friends who came to his birthday party. My classmates and I had a great distraction and enjoyed creating these mini friends.
And here are my summaries:
Molding with plasticine can be an effective way to combat burnout and stress (which was our condition after midterms and graduate work). First, it's a process that allows you to take your mind off your daily worries and problems, immerse yourself in the creative process, and savor the moment.
In addition, molding from plasticine stimulates creative thinking and imagination, which helps to get out of stagnation and find new ideas and solutions (that's how we decided to add our food friends). This process can also improve mood and well-being, as creative activities stimulate the production of endorphins - the happy hormones, which we felt for ourselves, as we walked around super happy afterward.
Finally, molding from plasticine can be a form of meditation and a moment of self-soothing. When working with plasticine, we were able to focus on the sensations and movements of our hands, forgetting about all the problems and worries.
I think this is the effect Ms. Ainur was expecting when she created the course in which we created with our hands! Thank you for this opportunity 💅🏻
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dayanatrbl · 4 months
This assignment that I had been waiting for so long was finally upon us. "50 Shades of Gray" or "draw 50 sketches with a groupmate" - at first glance it seemed like a challenge to my creativity and ability to go beyond the ordinary. And the grade was a secondary motivation. The task was to draw chairs, and it turned out to be a fascinating endeavor. I had to make an effort to incorporate all the textures, colors and concepts I know and create something new. It's amazing how our brains can be inspired and rise to such a creative challenge. In fact, I believe I rose to the challenge and it was not only a test of my skills but also an opportunity for me to push my creative boundaries. Each of the 50 sketches was like a different story, opening up new horizons of creativity in front of me. I went into the details of each chair, bringing my ideas and vision to life in them. It was a real challenge to my imagination and I gladly accepted it. As I painted, I experienced total immersion in the world of shapes and textures, genuinely enjoying every moment of creation. Often I had to experiment with colors and shapes, and each time I discovered something new. This experience taught me to value the process of creativity as much as the outcome. Ultimately, the assignment was not only a test of my drawing skills, but also an opportunity to expand my artistic repertoire and learn more about my creative potential.
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dayanatrbl · 6 months
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Once you’ve met someone, you never really forget them.          It just takes a while for your memories to return.
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dayanatrbl · 6 months
How quickly the time has flown by that we're already halfway through this course, right? I've learned a lot of things and had a great practice! I've learned valuable tools and I'm starting to gain skills for solving complex problems and thinking creatively about different challenges. I realized that at the heart of the Design Thinking methodology is the ability to see problems from the user's perspective, not just the technical aspects. And that's why it's so valuable, because without the user, projects don't make sense, right? As a result, I'm gradually learning to apply Design Thinking in business, because it inherently allows you to solve complex problems more effectively, to develop products and services that really meet the expectations of customers. I want to keep practicing it, it's only getting better, although I realize that there is no limit to perfection, but the main thing is not to overdo it :)))
By the way, on vacation I tried to train for the midterm exam and trained my sharpness and came up with different variations of the simplest things! Now I'm interested in taking this exam myself!
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dayanatrbl · 6 months
The fourth week was the most interesting and sweetest week in my opinion! Creating a prototype of a game, and any game you want to make yourself, was a fun task! What immediately came to mind was that I recently bought a console with retro games to have fun with my brother on vacation, and the game we played most often was space racing, in which you had to avoid getting into black holes, unfortunately, I don't know the name of the game because it was written in Japanese, but it gave me the idea to make everything cuter, more specifically with kittens (there is a logic here, really, Japanese people love cute things and (!) kittens), so the game would be interesting not only because of the sense of nostalgia, but also because of the cute design! There were a few problems during the prototyping process, like the spaceship not moving if you made it out of a sponge, or a thin piece of cardboard, or the ribbons not sticking to the staples from the stapler, but trying to solve these problems was the most fun part, as all the neural connections were strained to figure out how to overcome the problem. The prototype stage was the most interesting and fun, plus I was able to make a clear and accessible prototype of the project, which was the ultimate goal!
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dayanatrbl · 6 months
Week three and the second assignment! What did we have to do this time? Collage! We had to imagine a person and his problem and try to solve it, and most importantly to connect it with our little character. And what came to my mind this time? I am a true aerophobe, flying is torture for me, so I knew that since 1979 the duration and strength of turbulence has increased by 55%! And what does that mean? It means that airplanes wear out much faster and the likelihood of an airplane crash increases. So I decided to start from this problem and found out that maintenance scheduler is responsible for looking after all parts of the aircraft, and they have a problem - there is no device that can analyze the condition of the aircraft completely and at the same time show calculations that would make it easier for them to replace parts of the aircraft, and that's why it became the main character of my collage. This is how I became familiar with the Define stage, which helps us understand the problem and develop practical, meaningful solutions. I think I did a little better this time than last time, but can I do better? Are there ways to improve my performance? These are questions that I want to not only find the answer to, but also make a reality if the answer is positive (it is)!
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dayanatrbl · 6 months
Week 2 or a bit of a failure?
We received our first assignment and the week started with defending it! The assignment was to find a problem that anyone, anytime, could face and solve it with an imaginary device. You'd think, wow, come up with anything yourself and build it the way you want, but thanks to typical thinking (I don't know what to call it otherwise), nothing goes further than existing devices with a couple of changes... And why did I start with this if the problems started with figuring out the problems :)))))) Problems like anxiety or stress seemed too boring and I wanted to choose something smaller but personal, so I had to go through all my problems and I got to the personal one, apologizing... But this is really hard stuff, right? It's hard for me to apologize, I am admitting it! But unfortunately, my decision turned out to be boring in my own opinion, which was actually a bit of a failure for me. Plus, I misunderstood the assignment a bit and wrote a lot of text in my poster and didn't even name my device! BUT! You learn from mistakes and it's okay, so the next assignment will be better! That's how I got acquainted with the first step - empathise, which means understanding the needs of users, that is, understanding the world of the user. And if we gonna talk about good things, I remembered that there are different comfort jewelry for different people, so I added three jewelry options for the most tactile-triggered people (like me). Now I'm wondering if I can think of all aspects of the design to make it fit everyone?
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dayanatrbl · 6 months
Hi everyone, my name is Dayana, yeah-yeah, in Russian my name is spelled with the letter Й, not the diphthong Я :) And I consider myself quite a creative person who tries to give meaning to every little thing in a project! And these are not empty words (I swear), but confirmed by my art teachers and the course I took on brand management. That's why I was curious and interested in starting the Master Design Thinking course. I always thought that when creating something ideas flow in a chaotic order and after all the processes of generation some kind of a whole picture comes out, and I didn't realize that for all this there are actually separate steps that essentially structure the whole process of idea generation. So far nothing is really clear to me, but I'm intrigued :)
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It became especially interesting after some of Ainur's examples, about the toilet bowl (a message to the future), which embodied a place of calm during quarantine, or the bee honeycomb as a personification of environmental problems. And the best part is that everything is handmade! How? A million thoughts immediately popped into my head about what the sample assignments might be, what I could do, what aesthetics I would do it in? And most importantly, will I be able to do something worthwhile and prove to myself that creativity in this way is really my forte?
From the mistakes in practice: I don't listen to Rihanna that often, I should have named Taylor Swift songs... since I'm 22 this year, I'm putting a track that I'm going to rock out to this year!
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